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The Pb(II)-resistant bacterium was isolated from heavy metal-contained soils and used as a biosorbentto remove Pb(II). The strain was identified as Enterobacter sp. based on the 16S rRNA sequence analysis. Theeffect of biosorption properties (pH value, Pb(II) concentration, bacterial concentration and temperature) onPb(II) was investigated by batch experiments. Results of FTIR and XPS showed that the biosorption process mainly involved some oxygen-containing groups (-OH and -COOH groups). The experimental results and equilibrium data were fitted by pseudo-second-order kinetic model and Langmuir model, respectively. The experimental biosorption isotherms fitted the Langmuir model, and the maximum biosorption capacity was 40.75 mg/g at 298 K. The calculated ΔGо and ΔHо were –4.06 and 14.91(kJ/mol), respectively, which indicated that biosorption process was spontaneous and endothermic. Results show that Enterobacter sp. will be an efficient biosorbent for Pb(II) removal.
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Authors and Affiliations

Lei Liu
1 2
Mengya Xia
Jianwen Hao
Haoxi Xu
Wencheng Song
2 3

  1. School of Environment and Chemical Engineering, Anhui Vocational and Technical College,Hefei, 230011, P.R. China
  2. Hefei Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, P. R. China
  3. Province Key Laboratory of Medical Physics and Technology, Institute of Health & Medical Technology,Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, 230031, P.R. China

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