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The article present results of economic efficiency evaluation of storage technology for electricity from coal power plants in large-scale chemical batteries. The benefits of using a chemical lithium-ion battery in a public power plant based on hard coal were determined on the basis of data for 2018 concerning the mining process. The analysis included the potential effects of using a 400 MWh battery to optimize the operation of 350 MW power units in a coal power plant. The research team estimated financial benefits resulting from the reduction of peak loads and the work of individual power units in the optimal load range. The calculations included benefits resulting from the reduction of fuel consumption (coal and heavy fuel oil – mazout) as well as from the reduction of expenses on CO2 emission allowances.

The evaluation of the economic efficiency was enabled by a model created to calculate the NPV and IRR ratios. The research also included a sensitivity analysis which took identified risk factors associated with changes in the calculation assumptions adopted in the analysis into account. The evaluation showed that the use of large-scale chemical batteries to optimize the operation of power units of the subject coal power plant is profitable. A conducted sensitivity analysis of the economic efficiency showed that the efficiency of the battery and the costs of its construction have the greatest impact on the economic efficiency of the technology of producing electricity in a coal power plant with the use of a chemical battery. Other variables affecting the result of economic efficiency are the factors related to battery durability and fuels: battery life cycle, prices of fuels, prices of CO2 emission allowances and decrease of the battery capacity during its lifetime.

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Piotr Krawczyk
Anna Śliwińska
Mariusz Ćwięczek
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This paper discusses the issue of just transition and presents the general directions of Poland’s energy transition until 2040. The just transition plays an important role in the process of Poland’s green energy transition and not without reason – it is the first pillar of Poland’s Energy Policy until 2040. Therefore, the paper attempts to discuss the legal, economic and social aspects of the planned changes. The next part of the paper describes the just transition from the level of the European Union. It points out what challenges member states are facing and what actions they will have to take to meet the transition requirements set by the European goal of climate neutrality by 2050. Particular attention was paid to the activities of the European Commission, which is particularly involved in the process of transforming the European Union’s energy mix. This issue is extremely important for our country as it is going to be the major beneficiary of the EU transition fund.
The penultimate section discusses research performed from 15 to 20 February 2022 on a group of 120 people living in different regions of Poland. The respondents answered a series of questions about general aspects of the energy transition, a just transition as well as the risks resulting from following the European Union’s climate and energy trends. Based on the answers provided, pie charts and bar graphs have been produced in order to make the analysis of the issues discussed clear and understandable. The whole study was concluded with a summary.
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Bartosz Wojciech Brożyński

  1. Department of Logistics, University of Szczecin Institute of Management, Poland
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The main objective of this paper is (і) to determinate the energy sector as an important part of the resource economy in conditions of increasing epidemiological risks, and (іі) to present the potential of crisis management instruments to influence and strengthen the energy sector in Ukraine. This study uses expert assessments and monographic methods (for the assessment of crisis-management instruments) graphical methods Practical measures aimed at improving and reshaping the energy sector in Ukraine are defined by means of synthesis and economic analysis; statistical and interstate comparisons are used to analyze the Spanish experience of anti-crisis management measures in the post-COVID energy sector.
The study of the world electricity distribution issue shows its direct connection with the energy production source, including renewable energy use, which increased under the impact of COVID-19. The analysis of developed crisis-management systems provides the basis to propose measures to improve and reshape the energy sector in Ukraine. Thus, the results section represents findings to strengthen the energy sector, supporting crisis-management-system development in Ukraine.
The study is a part of a research cycle on energy-sector development, its management and financing. The proposed measures to improve and reshape the energy sector in Ukraine can be applied to specific energy-sector projects, the optimization of investments in the energy sector, as well as being used for the modeling of complex crisis-management systems of various spheres of the economy.
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Iuliia Gernego
Olena Liakhova
Mykhailo Dyba

  1. Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine
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This paper discusses the impact of the European Green Deal policy on the clean energy transformation in the European Union, focusing on the generation of electricity reaching a significant milestone for the EU in 2020 – renewable energy sources for the first time in history surpassing combined fossil fuels in the generation of electrical energy. This achievement, although partially influenced by the exceptional circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and the electricity demand shock, is primarily an effect of the Clean Energy for all Europeans Package implementing the European Green Deal strategy designed to position the EU as a global leader in the green transformation, leading by example and turning climate challenges into a growth opportunity, and in doing so presenting an optimistic policy perspective for a global transformation towards a 100% renewable energy world, thus supporting mitigation of the global-warming threats by significantly cutting greenhouse-gas emissions. With the immediate effects of the 2018 recast Renewable Energy Directive (2018/2001/EU) and other related clean-energy policies under the umbrella of the European Green Deal, coal and lignite electric generation has fallen in 2020 by as much as 22% (87 TWh) and the nuclear generation has dropped by 11% (79 TWh), with natural gas to a much lesser extent, yet still noting an annual drop of 3%, while renewables grew, surpassing the combined fossil fuels electricity output in the whole of the EU. This is an impressive result confirmed in late 2021 and a hallmark of the European Green Deal initial success, the sustainability of which is yet to be assessed in the coming years, especially in view of the recent international situation of major destabilization. In this context, it should be added that although the newest 2022 Global Energy Review report by the IEA confirmed in 2021, the highest global CO 2emission level in history (following the post -pandemic economic rebound and also due to the gas-price crisis of late 2021 causing gas-to-coal shifts in electricity-mix, which in the EU, resulted in a 7% relative annual emissions increase), Europe’s emission level has remained in a diminishing trend following the European achievements of 2020, with an overall CO 2 emissions decrease of 2.4% in comparison with the level of 2019. Most likely, however, the 2021 gas-price crisis was only a mere prelude to a much more robust long- -term perturbation that will be expectedly due to the war in Ukraine and the necessary sanctions policy, especially impacting the energy market and probably further hampering the green-transition process jointly with other economic factors.
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Agnieszka Ewa Rządkowska

  1. Institute of International Studies, University of Wrocław, Poland
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This article presents the current and future situation of heat consumption in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The predicted growth of thermal loads until 2030 is shown in the example of Karaganda city. Therefore, the task of creating and implementing automated heat points into the system of heat-supply complexes of cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan is relevant. The article considers the concept of measurement and processing of information in district heating supply systems based on variable cycles of the interrogation of parameters of heat supply at the heat points. As a result of the conducted research, a microcontroller SMART-system for the implementation of rational modes of heat supply used in the process of obtaining and processing information on heat-consumption parameters and making control decisions regarding variable cycles of heat-supply-parameter interrogation at heat points was developed and implemented. The results of the study have been successfully tested on the facilities equipped with automated heat points.
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Authors and Affiliations

Indira Sagynganova
Alexey Kalinin
Karshiga Smagulova
Dmitriy Lissitsyn
Darmen Abulkhairov

  1. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan
  2. Karaganda Technical University, Kazakhstan
  3. S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Kazakhstan
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The energy strategy of Ukraine until 2035 forecasts that 12% of energy production will be from biomass. Currently, the share of biomass energy in the total structure of energy supplies in Ukraine is only 2%. After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the diversification of the energy sector became extremely important. Rising fuels prices, problems with the fuel supply and the availability of agricultural biomass make biofuels an attractive alternative to fossil fuels. Ukraine has the potential to develop the production and use of all types of biofuels: solid, liquid and gaseous. Currently, the existing capacity and feedstock potential of biofuel production in Ukraine have not been fully realized. The experience of leading countries in the field of biofuel production shows that at the basis of the governments’ growing commitment to developing the biofuel sector is a desire to diversify the energy supply, create new jobs, improve energy security and reduce carbon dioxide emissions and other gases that contribute to global warming. The aim of the study is to construct the theoretical and practical principles of the implementation of the strategy for biofuel production from agrobiomass in Ukraine. We came to the conclusion that the trigger for the development of the bioenergy industry is the adoption at the state level of the strategy for the production of biofuels from agrobiomass. The implementation of the strategy for biofuel production will help to increase the production and use of biofuels that will strengthen Ukraine’s energy sector, help to stabilize fuel prices and will have a positive impact on the economic development of the country.
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Natalia Pryshliak
Lyudmila Pronko
Kateryna Mazur
Yana Palamarenko

  1. Management and Law, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine
  2. Economy and Business, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine
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This paper proves that the trend of development of modern transport in the world is to maximize the level of providing the personal use of electric vehicles. This mechanism would also partially solve the environmental problems of mankind. To implement this idea, some global automakers have announced the decision of the full transition of production to electric vehicles. At the same time, for effective functioning of the electric-vehicle market, adequate infrastructure needs to be created. There is a positive trend in the annual growth of the charging-station network in developed countries, that characterizes the charging-station market as dynamic and promising, but mostly chaotic and imbalanced at the regional level.
The main hypothesis of the research is about the independence between the level of electric-vehicle market development and networks of charging stations. The object of the study is the Washington (USA) electric-vehicle market, as it is the market segment with the highest development characteristics.
To test the hypothesis, the authors provided a multifactor analysis of the local electric-vehicle market and the existing charging infrastructure. A comprehensive analysis of the electric-vehicle market and the charging-station network in Washington (USA) was performed, and the market characteristics were defined accordingly: the degree of electric-vehicle spread in the regional localities; the level of charging-station-network coverage and concentration; the ratio of electric vehicles to charging stations.
Authors identified the tendency of the state location to innovations connected with electric vehicles. Clusterization and recommendations according to the level of development of the electric-vehicle market aimed to balance and grow the total electric-vehicle market and connected infrastructure.
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Authors and Affiliations

Oleksandr Yakushev
Daniil Hulak
Oksana Zakharova
Yuliia Kovalenko
Oksana Yakusheva
Olesandr Chernyshov

  1. Social Security Department, Cherkasy State Technological University, Ukraine
  2. Department of Economics and Management, Cherkasy State Technological University, Ukraine
  3. Management and Financial & Economic Security Department, Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine
  4. Department of Management of Non-Productive Sphere, Donetsk State University of Management, Ukraine
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The smart-city concept refers to a city that uses information and communication technologies to increase the interactivity and efficiency of urban infrastructure and its components, as well as raising awareness among residents of, for example, such socially important issues as energy efficiency and decarbonization. The current priorities and strategic goals of cities and metropolitan areas include climate protection, the reduction of pollution caused by the use of means of transport and heat or energy sources. The development of technology and the evolving smart-city concept are in line with the more efficient use of resources, global demographic trends, and ongoing urbanization processes. This results from the evolving potential of cities that the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) have set in motion. A change in the way cities function is a part of the concept of sustainable development, which involves the thoughtful use of resources in such a way that they are sufficient to not only ensure the well-being of the present generation but to also meet the needs of the future. Particularly important is the principle of sustainable development, which involves the greatest possible synergy between people and the world around them. Therefore, the essence of the idea of sustainable development is the pursuit of the well-being of society while maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem. Studies carried out among inhabitants of cities show that according to their understanding of the smart-city concept, the technological element is as important as the fact that the city is resident-friendly, smartly managed, and well organized, and the entities needed are always in the right place and at the right time. The purpose of this study is to analyze the innovation potential of selected cities of a large metropolis in terms of the smart city concept and 4T capitals. The subject is related to the search by city authorities for new models and tools to shape sustainable development in order to improve their residents’ access to municipal services and amenities, as well as to increase their influence on the future of their cities in such difficult ongoing processes as decarbonization. The main objective of the study was to identify how the authorities of the selected cities incorporate smart-city and 4T-capital topics into local policies to achieve decarbonization goals. The study was based on surveys of residents and municipal employees and on an analysis of local documents and environmental data of pollutions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Kinelski

  1. Management, WSB University, Poland
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The analysis and assessment of the development of solar energy were carried out and it was noted that the production of solar electricity in the world has increased by more than 15% over the last year. In 2020 there are more than 37 countries with a total photovoltaic capacity of more than one GW, and the share of solar energy in total world electricity production was 8.15%. In the regional context, the largest production of electricity by solar energy sources is in Asia (at the expense of India and China) and North America (USA). The study assesses the main factors in the development of solar energy from the standpoint of environmental friendliness and stability of the electricity supply. The problem of the utilization of solar station equipment in the EU and the US is considered. According to the IPCC, IEA, Solar Power Europe, forecasting the development of solar energy in the world is considered. It is proved that the main factor in assessing the economic efficiency of solar energy production is a regional feature due to natural and climatic conditions (intensity of solar radiation). The use of solar generation is auxiliary for the operation of modern electrical networks as long as the efficiency of photovoltaic cells increases by at least 60–65%. Marginal costs of solar energy are minimal in those countries where active state support is provided. The competitiveness of solar energy is relatively low. However, from the standpoint of replacing energy fuel at a cost of USD 10 per 1 Gcal of solar energy saves 10–20 million tons of conventional fuel. Industrial production of solar electricity at modern solar power plants forms a price at the level of USD 250–450 for 1 MWh.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yevheniia Sribna
Viktor Koval
Piotr Olczak
Dmytro Bizonych
Dominika Matuszewska
Oleksandr Shtyrov

  1. National University of Water Management and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine
  2. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  3. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  4. Etalontechservice LLC, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  5. AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
  6. Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv
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The article analyzes and evaluates the development of renewable energy from the standpoint of state regulation and incentives. It is noted that the global production of renewable electricity has increased by 15% over the last year. The periods of introduction of the “green tariff” as an economic stimulus for the development of solar energy, which became the starting point for the development of alternative generation in different countries, are analyzed. The role of institutional factors in the development of renewable energy, such as the free issuance of licenses for electricity generation, stimulating the creation of specialized research areas, technology development and production of relevant equipment, was observed. The necessity of taking into account the regional peculiarity in the state stimulation of the development of renewable energy is proved. The economic efficiency of the state regulation of alternative energy in time measurement per conditional unit of alternative renewable energy stations was calculated, taking the coefficient of proportionality into account. Therefore, the calculation indicates the high effectiveness of government policy in regulating energy in terms of only short-term lag (α = 1.3) and the number of stations 80 percent of full saturation relative to the basic needs of energy consumption. A separate further stage in the development of renewable energy without the introduction and expansion of the “green tariff” has been identified. This approach was introduced in Poland, which ensured the country not only the inflow of foreign investment, but also the formation of free competition among investors.
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Authors and Affiliations

Viktor Koval
Yevheniia Sribna
Sylwester Kaczmarzewski
Alla Shapovalova
Viktor Stupnytskyi

  1. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  2. National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine
  3. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute Polish Akademy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  4. V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Ukraine
  5. Dubno Branch Higher Education Institution «Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine», Ukraine
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In the article, mathematical modeling methods are used to study the main trends and macroeconomic determinants of the electric car market development in 2011–2018 on the example of the US. The determinants include economic (GDP), socio-economic (household income), energy (electricity use), and environmental (СО2 emissions) factors. The authors justify the role of electric transport in strengthening national energy security due to the transition to renewable energy technologies and the reduction of fossil fuel use. Based on the constructed linear regression equations, a weak relationship has been revealed between the number of electric vehicles sold and the environmental factor, which can be explained by the small share of electric cars in the US market. The formed multifactor linear model showed a positive impact of both the country’s GDP growth and electricity consumption increase on the number of electric vehicles sold. However, the rise in household incomes negatively influences market development due to insufficient consumer awareness of the electric transport operation benefits, an underdeveloped network of electric vehicle charging stations, etc. Based on the obtained multifactor model, the authors have built optimistic, optimal and pessimistic scenarios for the US electric vehicle market deployment for the next five years. In order to implement the most favorable scenarios, recommendations for market development factors’ management have been made. The results of the study can be used to improve public policy in the US transport and energy sectors, as well as in other countries to optimize the fuel and energy balance, strengthen the energy independence of states by developing clean transport and adapting the model to national specifics.

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Authors and Affiliations

Iryna Sotnyk
Daniil Hulak
Oleksandr Yakushev
Oksana Yakusheva
Olha V. Prokopenko
Andrii Yevdokymov
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At present, it is said that Industry 4.0 is the fourth industrial revolution. Like the previous ones, it also has the ability to transform economies, jobs and societies. Our expectations are changing to the speed of obtaining answers to the questions asked. This is done by introducing new technologies and processes. This is an opportunity for Polish participants of local heat markets, or participants of the power or energy market. who are currently facing profound changes and investments forced, among others, by BAT conclusions. Such mega-processes as digitization, automation, artificial intelligence, IoT, machine learning are increasingly penetrating the world and business. More than 200 years have passed since the first industrial revolution, which was the use of the steam engine, and the requirements for testing the efficiency of enterprises have changed, which themselves are changing very quickly. The basic efficiency measures used in a given sector often result from the specifics of the sector and its degree of development on a macroeconomic scale. Therefore, it is worth placing the energy company in this environment and presenting its role to better match the instruments used. The above is also associated with increased reporting and the need to use additional evaluation measures, e.g. effectiveness of individual projects. It is therefore worth analyzing the available literature in this area, and the performance measures available and used in it, which will help in assessing the effectiveness of management, despite political and regulatory turmoil, and help us use the opportunities brought by the fourth industrial revolution.

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Grzegorz Kinelski
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The relevance of the subject of research is determined by the need to develop and subsequently implement a mathematical model and the corresponding structural scheme of the convective heating surfaces of the TP-92 steam boiler. The purpose of this research work is to directly model the heat- -transfer system of the convective heating surfaces of this boiler, designed for effective use in real conditions. The basis of the methodological approach in the research work is a combination of methods of the system analysis of the key principles of constructing mathematical models of heat-transfer systems of modern steam boilers with an experimental study of the prospects for creating a mathematical model of a heat-transfer system of the convective heating surfaces of a TP-92 steam boiler. In the course of the study, the results were obtained and presented in the form of a mathematical model of a convective heat-transfer system. It allows for making effective mathematical calculations of the main operating modes of the TP-92 steam boiler and calculating the dependences of the temperature and thermal modes of its operation on the change of incoming parameters of the used heat carriers, changes in the heating surface area and the relative flow rate of the heat carriers over the time of their use. The results obtained in the study, including the conclusions formulated on their basis, are of significant practical importance for the designers of steam boilers. The results also are useful for maintenance personnel, whose immediate responsibilities include determining the real possibilities of improving the convective heat-transfer system, based on the known parameters of the temperature of the coolant at the entrance to the system and at the exit from it.
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Authors and Affiliations

Taras Kravets
Igor Galyanchuk
Oksana Yurasova
Andrii Kapustianskyi
Kateryna Romanova

  1. Department of Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
  2. Thermal Mechanical Department, JSC “Tekhenergo”, Ukraine
  3. Department of Heat Engineering, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
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Solar photovoltaic (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP) systems are the present worldwide trends in utilizing solar energy for electricity generation. Solar energy produced from photovoltaic cells (PV) is considered the main common technology used due to its low capital cost; however, the relatively low efficiency of PV cells has spotlighted development and research on thermal engine applications using concentrated solar power. The efficiency of concentrated solar power is greater than that of PV and considering the solar potential for Sudan. Therefore, this study has been performed in an attempt to draw attention to the utilization of CSP in Sudan since the share of CSP is insignificant in comparison with PV, besides the suitability of CSP applications to Sudan’s hot climate and the high solar energy resource, the study presents a design model of 1 MW parabolic trough collectors (PTC) using the Rankine cycle with thermal energy storage (TES) in Sudan, by adopting reference values of the Gurgaon PTC power plant in India. The design of a 1 MW Concentrated Solar thermal power plant using parabolic trough collectors (PTC) and thermal energy storage is proposed. The simulation was performed for a site receiving an annual direct normal irradiance (DNI) of 1915 kWh/m2, near Khartoum. The results showed that the plant can produce between nearly 0.6 to 1 MWh during the year, and around 0.9 MWh when it encompasses thermal energy storage with an average thermal efficiency of 24%. These results of the PTC Power plant encourage further investigation and the development of CSP technologies for electricity generation in Sudan.
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Authors and Affiliations

Abdelkareem Abdallah Abdelkareem Jebreel
Hamad Mohamed Ali Hamad

  1. Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
  2. University of Khartoum, Sudan
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The potential of wind energy in Ukraine is examined in this article. Possibilities of its use are analyzed, an analytical assessment of the potential for its use is performed, and prospects for the use of energy resources for the development of the wind energy market is substantiated. Reasons are provided for the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy, which should be combined into the following components.
The natural resource potential of Ukraine for the development of wind energy is analyzed. It has been confirmed that the wind energy potential of different territories of Ukraine is characterized by average annual wind speeds at the level of 7.0–8.5 m/s (on the continent – at heights of about 100 m, in water areas – about 50 m), which allows using megawatt-class wind turbines with annual coefficients of capacity utilization at the level of 0.3–0.4, which is quite efficient. The specific energy potential of wind energy in Ukraine is established, according to which, the territories of the country were grouped. It has been specified that the best places for locating wind power plants are areas with strong and constant winds, which can be found on the coast of the seas and in mountainous areas.
The situation with the production of energy resources in Ukraine is analyzed based on wind sources and means before the war. The advantages of wind energy development based on the improvement of legislative framework and promoting production of equipment for the operation of wind power plants in Ukraine are proven. The reasons for the potential of the wind energy market are stated and the main consumers of wind energy in Ukraine are outlined. The development of wind energy is considered as a method for energy independence of the national economy of Ukraine.
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Authors and Affiliations

Nataliia Antoniuk
Maryna Baldzhy
Oksana Perkhach

  1. Department of Philosophy, Economics and Management of Education, Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Rivne, Ukraine
  2. Department of Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Odessa National Maritime University, Ukraine
  3. Department of Administrative and Financial Management, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
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The relevance of this research work is due to the fact that farms and other farms are located at a considerable distance from sources of centralized power supply. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce autonomous generators as the main units that ensure the uninterrupted functioning of energy systems. The purpose of this research work is to analyze the features of the functioning of an autonomous constant voltage generator, as well as to determine the basic physical laws that are of fundamental importance in its operation. The basis of the methodological approach in this scientific study is a combination of methods of system analysis with an analytical study of the general principles of operation of such devices, which are of fundamental importance from the point of view of ensuring the proper level of operational reliability. The main results obtained in this research work should be considered the definition of equations for calculating the instantaneous values of the three-phase excitation current, as well as the peak value of the three-phase excitation current of an autonomous constant voltage generator. The results obtained in the course of this scientific research and the conclusions formulated on their basis are of fundamental importance for developers of modern technological systems, including autonomous constant voltage generators, as well as for employees of technological services of modern industrial enterprises, whose professional responsibility includes the practical operation of such devices to solve a complex of technical tasks facing these enterprises.
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Authors and Affiliations

Orken Ordatayev

  1. Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Kazakhstan
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The purpose of this research work is to study the issues of the protection of 6–10 kV lines and access ways overvoltage in the electrical networks of modern enterprises of high-energy intensity, as well as the search for real technical opportunities to improve the protection of power lines directly in conditions of their operation. The methodology of this scientific research is based on a combination of methods of system analysis of the principles of the functioning of electric networks of energy-intensive enterprises with an analytical study of the fundamental aspects of ensuring the protection of 6 to 10 kV lines and access ways from overvoltage. The results of the conducted scientific research indicate the relevance of the issues of ensuring the protection of lines and electrical networks of energy-intensive enterprises from overvoltage and the need to develop special technical devices to ensure the proper level of such protection in real conditions. The results and conclusions of this research work are of significant importance for developers and designers of electric networks of enterprises with increased energy capacity, as well as for employees of various power supply systems who, by their occupation, face the tasks of servicing electric networks, which include lines and access ways with specified operating voltage parameters and ensuring the proper level of safety and practical use of these electric networks of energy-intensive enterprises.
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Authors and Affiliations

Viktor I. Dmitrichenko
Zhubanyshbay S. Abdimuratov
Irina V. Kazanina
Nagym T. Omirzakov
Yerkebulan N. Zhagyparov

  1. Department of Power Supply and Renewable Energy Sources, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeev, Republic of Kazakhstan
  2. Department of Electric Power Systems, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeev, Republic of Kazakhstan
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This article presents some results of work on the selection of the most promising types of lamps for various objects in industry, in commercial and residential buildings. It is shown that the use of a particular type of lamp depends on the conditions of a particular country (the cost of credit resources, the availability of different types of lamps on the market, and government incentives or restrictions), as well as on the conditions of the specific object (cost of lamps, duration of operation during the day, tariffs for energy resources, the cost of equipment and its installation (dismantling, utilization), the cost of replacing the equipment after leaving it, the term of service of various types of lamps). It is also necessary to consider the possible risks of changes in tariffs and the cost of money.
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Authors and Affiliations

Volodymyr Mamalyga

  1. National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine
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The generalization of the European experience in waste management in the context of the directives, decisions and regulations adopted in the last decade in the European Union, as well as the state of the organizational, economic and regulatory framework for solving the waste problem in Ukraine, reveals a systemic lag in the implementation of new conceptual, methodological and practical approaches to the formation of an appropriate state policy.
The dynamics of handling certain types of waste in Ukraine have been analyzed. Features of disposal and waste management in Ukraine have been identified. A comparative assessment of the dynamics of waste generation in European countries and Ukraine per capita has been carried out, a block model of the financing system for the waste management sector in Ukraine has been formed and the directions of effective waste management in Ukraine have been determined. Furthermore, priority policy measures for waste management and secondary resource use in Ukraine have been formulated.
A set of obstacles on the method of efficient waste management in Ukraine has been prioritized. In the context of the formation of an efficient waste-management strategy, it has been advised to structure its three components of the subsystem: receipts (sources of formation) of funds, their accumulation and costs (expenses). This structuring indicates the presence of a number of flows of funds, each of which is largely autonomous but together they create a complementary system. Improvements to the legislative framework have been suggested. In particular, it is recommended to devote more resources to reorienting the existing economic model, which will create new business projects and will increase the flow of investment into the country.
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Authors and Affiliations

Grygorii Kaletnik
Natalia Pryshliak
Michael Khvesyk
Julia Khvesyk

  1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine
  2. National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine, Ukraine
  3. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
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This article is devoted to an analytical review of the situation in the energy sector of Ukraine, taking into account constructive changes in the connection of the Ukrainian energy system to ENTSO-E and the destructive situation caused by industrial infrastructure failures and economic renewal. It focuses on Ukraine in the context of the principles of decentralization in the direction of significantly increasing the net cost of microgeneration, decarbonization and the transition to “green” energy. The national resource potential of energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies is systematized and the applied recommendations are provided to support state and local trends in energy sector development, namely energy storage projects, distributed generation and microgeneration based on Net Energy Metering to support small projects that solve energy problems. Included are institutional proposals for the establishment of the Agency for Decarbonization in Ukraine for the “green” transition, with broad powers of communication and the ability to make decisions on reducing carbon emissions in all areas. The possibility and expediency of using the concept of innovation is considered both from the global point of view of Ukrainian industry (with the potential prospect of using Ukraine’s industrial and logistics infrastructure as a mega-industrial park for the EU) and in the local sense of national energy, including improvements to the EU’s energy balance. It has been proven that the use of the nearshoring mechanism in Ukrainian industry in general, and in the energy sector in particular, can improve Europe’s energy balance, which has deteriorated over the past five years. Thus, the negative trend of the EU energy balance in thousands of tons of oil equivalent and in percentage terms was demonstrated. To improve the situation, the forecast of energy prices for individual EU countries was calculated taking into account Ukraine’s integration into the European energy system. The analysis and calculations revealed a potentially possible level of price reductions in some EU countries up to 20%. Recommendations are for improving energy-management efficiency at the regional level in particular, ensuring transparency in the development of renewable energy sources, using significant national potential of biofuels and increasing natural gas production, developing a business model of gas distribution center in Western Ukraine, which will be part of national gas distribution system and the European energy market.
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Authors and Affiliations

Oksana Borodina
Hanna Bratus
Viktoriia Udovychenko
Sylwester Kaczmarzewski
Valentyna Kostrychenko
Viktor Koval

  1. Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  2. Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine
  3. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
  4. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute Polish Akademy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  5. National University of Water and Environment Engineering, Ukraine
  6. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
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The objective of the European Green Deal is to change Europe into the world’s first climate- -neutral continent by 2050. Therefore, European countries are developing technological solutions to increase the production of energy from renewable sources of energy. In order to universally implement energy production from renewable energy sources, it is necessary to solve the problem of energy storage. The authors discussed the issue of energy storage and renewable energy sources, reviewing applied thermal and mechanical energy storage solutions. They referred to the energy sector in Poland which is based mainly on mining activities. The method that was used in this paper is a review of thermal and mechanical energy storage solutions. In industrial practice, various solutions on energy storage are developed around the world. The authors reviewed those solutions and described the ones which currently function in practice. Hence, the authors presented the good practices of energy storage technology. Additionally, the authors conducted an analysis of statistical data on the energy sector in Poland. The authors presented data on prime energy production in Poland in 2004–2019. They described how the data has changed over time. Subsequently, they presented and interpreted data on renewable energy sources in Poland. They also showed the situation of Poland compared to other European countries in the context of the share of renewables in the final gross energy consumption.
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Authors and Affiliations

Artur Dyczko
Paweł Kamiński
Kinga Stceuła
Dariusz Prostański
Michał Kopacz
Daniel Kowol

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  2. Faculty of Mining and Geoengineering, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
  3. Przedsiębiorstwo Budowy Szybów SA, Tarnowskie Góry, Poland
  4. KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, Gliwice, Poland
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Hydrogen as a raw material finds its main use and application on the Polish market in the chemical industry. Its potential applications for the production of energy in fuel cell systems or as a fuel for automobiles are widely analyzed and commented upon ever more frequently. At present, hydrogen is produced worldwide mainly from natural gas, using the SMR technology or via the electrolysis of water. Countries with high levels of coal resources are exceptional in that respect, as there the production of hydrogen is increasingly based on gasification processes. China is such an example. There some 68% of hydrogen is generated from coal. The paper discusses the economic efficiency of hydrogen production technologies employing lignite gasification, comparing it with steam reforming of natural gas technology (SMR). In present Polish conditions, this technology seems to be the most probable alternative for natural gas substitution.

For the purpose of evaluating the economic efficiency, a model has been developed, in which a sensitivity analysis has been carried out. An example of the technological process of energy-chemical processing of lignite has been presented, based on the gasification process rooted in disperse systems, characteristics of the fuel has been discussed, as well as carbon dioxide emission issues. Subsequently, the assumed methodology of economic assessment has been described in detail, together with its key assumptions. Successively, based on the method of discounted cash flows, the unit of hydrogen generation has been determined, which was followed by a detailed sensitivity analysis, taking the main risk factors connected with lignite/coal and natural gas price relations, as well as the price of carbon credits (allowances for emission of CO2) into account.

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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Kopacz
Radosław Kapłan
Krzysztof Kwaśniewski
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The rapid surge of global oil prices, on account of the pent-up demand after COVID-19 and the Russian-Ukraine war, has significantly contributed to the cost-push inflation as well as twin deficits, predominantly in developing economies. Motivated by the intention to curb the inflation, governments of several oil-dependent economies have rolled out fiscal measures to provide immediate relief to households through subsidizing the fuel component of the consumption basket. This paper provides a case study of Pakistan, wherein the effectiveness of untargeted gasoline and diesel subsidies has been gauged against alternative direct disbursement mechanisms. The analysis reveals that under the price-control based indirect subsidy disbursement mechanism, only 11% of the total domestic subsidies were directed to the poorest 40% of the households, whereas approximately 55% of the total subsidies were allocated to the 20% of the most liquid household segment. The case study analyzes the performance of alternative direct subsidy disbursement mechanisms which transpires into the potential fiscal savings of PKR 74.63 billion, while providing coverage to 40% of the lowest household segment. The study also evaluates the implication of the pass-through of the true prices on the national consumption of gasoline and diesel in the short-term, which reveals the sharp reduction of petroleum consumption in the total bill from 37% to 23%, thereby providing substantial relief to the current account balance. The finding provides key insights for economies to institutionalize the necessary social protection system and progressively transit to the direct subsidy disbursement mechanism while striving to contain the cost-push-based inflation triggered through the rapid movement of global oil prices.
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Authors and Affiliations

Talha Khalid

  1. Policy and Planning, Central Power Purchasing Agency, Pakistan
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The poor energy situation in most African countries manifests itself in very low access to energy and high energy poverty. To address these problems, and drive towards achieving universal energy access, African nations have, in recent time, directed attention to governance issues in energy resource development through building relevant institutions, strengthening legal frameworks, designing policies, ensuring cooperation, and harnessing investments. The concern for a governance approach to energy development is partly due to the submission that the core reason for poor energy delivery is ineffective energy governance. This study is based on Southern Africa and intends to examine the current energy access situation and explore the existing energy governance initiatives. The study used three measures of energy access (national, rural and urban) and energy consumption in order to examine the existing energy situation. The governance actions were examined by looking at national energy policies, energy partnerships (private sector, development partners), and sub-regional power pools. The study observes that the generally poor energy situation in Africa is evident in the Southern African countries. Governance actions are found to be multisource and multilevel. While these actions confirm the seriousness of the stakeholders in addressing the poor energy situation; results have been minimal. Thus, there is a need for more vigorous efforts in implementing the energy policies, engaging the private sector and creating productive cooperation among energy delivery stakeholders.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yekeen Adeeyo Sanusi
Chukwudi Bernhard Ohadugha
Valda Itunu Martins
Sheriffdeen Akande Olaide

  1. Urban and Regional Planning, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria
  2. Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria

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