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Koniki polskie są jedyną rodzimą i pierwotną rasą koni wywodzącą się bezpośrednio od dzikich tarpanów. Nadal są zagrożone wyginięciem. W Stacji Badawczej PAN w Popielnie prowadzone są badania nad ich hodowlą w celu zachowania rasy.

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Mamadou Bah
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Rising carbon dioxide emissions are driving climate change and there is growing pressure to find alternative energy sources. Co-combustion of waste with fuels is still occurring in some regions of the world, and it is important to know the compounds emitted from such combustion. This study investigated the emissions from the combustion of wood pellets with waste. The wood pellet was combusted with different additions of polyethylene terephthalate plastic and medium-density fiberboard (10 and 50%), in a low-power boiler (18W). Phenols, alkylphenols, phthalates, biomass burning markers, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emissions were determined. Gas chromatography coupled with a mass spectrometry detector was used to analyze these compounds after extraction and derivatization in the particulate matter and gas phase. The emissions of biomass burning markers and phthalates were the highest among all the compounds determined for MDF addition. The total emission of these compounds was 685 mg/h and 408 mg/h for 10% addition and 2401 mg/h and 337 mg/h for 50% addition, respectively. For the co-combustion of biomass with PET, PAHs and phenols had the highest emission; the emission was 197 mg/h and 114.5 mg/h for 10% addition and 268 mg/h and 200 mg/h for 50% addition, respectively. In our opinion, the obtained results are insufficient for the identification of source apportionment from household heating. After further study, tested compounds could be treated as markers for the identification of the fuel type combusted in households.
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Authors and Affiliations

Justyna Klyta
Katarzyna Janoszka
Marianna Czaplicka
Tomasz Rachwał
Katarzyna Jaworek

  1. Institute of Environmental Engineering PAS, Poland
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In our article the ordinary kriging interpolation method was used for a spatial presentation of PM2.5 concentrations. The data used in the research was obtained from the unique PM2.5 measuring system, based on low-cost optical sensors for PM2.5 concentration measurements, working on Wroclaw University of Science and Technology campus area. The data from this system was used as an input for the interpolations that were made for three different days characterized by the highest measured values of PM2.5 – 20.01.2019, 17.02.2019 and 30.03.2019. For each of the selected days, variants with the maximum and minimum PM2.5 values recorded on a given measurement day were presented. In the analyses performed, the ordinary kriging technique and cross-validation, was used as the interpolation and the validation method, respectively. Parameters determining the quality of performed interpolation were Mean Error, Mean Standardized Error, Root Mean Square Error, and Average Standard Error. As the main indicator of quality of interpolation RMSE parameter was used. Analysis of that parameter shows that the higher variability of the data used for interpolation affects its quality. The Root Mean Square Error parameter reached 0.64, 0.94 and 1.71 for the lowest concentrations variants characterized by low spatial variability, and 6.53, 7.51, 11.28 for the highest one, which were characterized by high spatial variability. The obtained results of the research with the use of GIS tools shows that the ordinary kriging method allowed for the correct spatial presentation of the PM2.5 concentration variability in areas not covered by the measurement system.
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Authors and Affiliations

Izabela Sówka
Marek Badura
Marcin Pawnuk
Piotr Szymański
Piotr Batog

  1. Wroclaw University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering
  2. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Management
  3. INSYSPOM, Wrocław
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The subflorescence and efflorescence phenomena are widely acknowledged as the major causes of permanent damage to fresco wall paintings. They are related to the occurrence of cycles of dry/wet conditions inside the walls. Therefore, it is essential to identify the presence of water on the decorated surfaces and inside the walls.

Nondestructive testing in industrial applications have confirmed that active infrared thermography with continuous timed images acquisition can improve the outcomes of thermal analysis aimed to moisture identification. In spite of that, in cultural heritage investigations these techniques have not been yet used extensively on a regular basis. This paper illustrates an application of these principles in order to evaluate the decay of fresco mural paintings in a medieval chapel located in North−West of Italy. One important feature of this study is the use of a robotic system called aIRview that can be utilized to automatically acquire and process thermal images. Multiple accurate thermal views of the inside walls of the building have been produced in a survey that lasted several days. Signal processing algorithms based on Fast Fourier Transform analysis have been applied to the acquired data in order to formulate trustworthy hypotheses about the deterioration mechanisms.

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G. Cadelano
P. Bison
A. Bortolin
G. Ferrarini
F. Peron
M. Girotto
M. Volinia
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The Polish primitive horse, or konik, Poland’s only domestic breed of horse, is the only breed descended directly from wild tarpans. The PAS Research Station in Popielno is working hard to preserve the konik, which remains threatened with extinction.

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Authors and Affiliations

Mamadou Bah
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The paper presents results from social research on the Polish business representatives potentially interested in using the floating buildings. The main purposes of the study were to assess the level of knowledge about floating buildings and diag-nose stimulants and inhibitors of their development in the hotel, catering, and water tourism industry.

Combining the quantitative and the qualitative methodology, research was conducted using an on-line survey (CAWI)and Focused Group Interviews (FGI). Both involved a non-probabilistic, purposive sampling to reach a specific subgroup of the industry: owners or employees of catering, hotel or water tourism companies having or considering having a floating building. The group included both new and long-standing companies using facilities on water or with direct and indirect access to the water.

The study identified stimulating and inhibitory factors broken down into internal (context-independent) and external (context-dependent) conditions. Results show that in Poland floating commercial buildings are a niche topic but also a de-velopable one. Although 71% of the respondents notice difficulties resulting from the insufficient infrastructure and 66.5% of them indicate the lack of legal regulations, they also see the potential of floating buildings: depending on the industry, from 90 to 95% respondents find them “definitely attractive” or “rather attractive”. The most common reason for rejecting floating development is the lack of attractive moorages in the area (43.5% answers).

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Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Piątek
Aleksandra A. Wycisk
Dariusz Parzych
Katarzyna Modrzejewska

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