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On one hand, the development of medicine allows to prolong the life of patients who previously had no chance for survive, on the other hand, though, it condemns some of them and their loved ones to extreme suffering. Fear of suffering is the main reason for a possible wish for euthanasia. The research aimed at measuring the attitude towards euthanasia among doctors and nurses who come in professional contact with terminally ill patients or patients versus the medical personnel who do not come in such contact. The research included: age, profession and workplace as well as personal experience in providing care to the seriously ill. The Attitudes Towards Euthanasia Questionnaire by Głębocka and Gawor was used during the research. The method consists of three scales: Informational Support, Liberal Approach and Conservative Approach. Medical stuff taking care of terminally ill patients were less conservative in their opinions than the participants from the comparative group. The intergroup differences in terms of Liberal Approach towards Euthanasia Scale were not obtained. It turned out that the age fostered the conservative approach, and working at the intensive care units or taking care of an ill relative fostered the reduction of such approach. All the respondents approve the idea of providing the patients and their families with informational support. Working in intensive care units or taking care of terminally ill relatives seems to reduce conservative attitudes towards euthanasia because persons with such experience have personally faced the multifaceted emotional and physical costs of suffering.

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Anna Gawor
Alicja Głebocka
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The study makes an attempt to assess the impact of uncontrolled waste dumps on soil chemical and biochemical properties. Investigations were carried out on five waste disposal sites situated in the south-eastern outskirts or the city of Lublin. The samples of soils collected from the adjacent arabic land were used as reference material. In soils of four landfills, which were established relatively recently (lour to five years ago); several times higher activity of the examined enzymes (dehydrogcnascs, acid phosphatase, basic phosphatase, urcasc, protease) than in the soils from the adjacent cultivated land was determined. Opposite ti-ends were found in the case ofa waste dump established 20 years ago. The determined lack ofnegative influence or the examined waste dumps on the soil chemical and biochemical properties of the adjacent arabic land shows that the range or the contamination effect on the surrounding area was limited.
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Elżbieta Jolanta Bielińska
Agnieszka Mocek-Płóciniak
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Understanding the influence of iron impurity on the formation of the structure and the properties of hypereutectic aluminum-silicon alloys are important for achieving the required quality of castings, especially those obtained from secondary materials. In the present work, the influence of different iron contents (0.3, 1.1, and 2.0 wt.%) on the crystallization process, microstructure and mechanical properties of the Al-15% Si alloy was studied. It is shown that the presence of iron impurity in the Al-15% Si alloy leads to increasing the eutectic crystallization time from 6.2 to 7.6 s at increasing the iron content from 0.3 wt.% to 1.1 wt.%, changing the structure of the alloy eutectic in the solid state. The primary silicon and β-Al5SiFe phase coexist in the structure of the Al-15% Si alloys at a temperature below 575 °C in the range of iron concentrations from 0 to 2 wt.% in equilibrium conditions. In the experimental alloys structure, the primary crystals of the β-phase were metallographically detected only in the alloys containing 1.1 and 2 wt.% of iron impurity. Increase of the iron content up to 2 wt.% significantly reduces the mechanical properties of the Al-15% Si alloy due to the formation of large platelet-like inclusions of β-Al5SiFe phase.

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V. Deev
E. Prusov
O. Prikhodko
E. Ri
A. Kutsenko
S. Smetanyuk
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Centroblastic lymphoma (CBL) is the most common type of lymphoma in dogs and it usually responds well to chemotherapy. The aim of the study was to provide useful prognostic factors for dogs with CBL. Data regarding sex, breed, age, signalment, treatment and clinical course of the disease from 52 dogs diagnosed with centroblastic lymphoma (CBL) with cytology and immunocytochemistry were provisionally collected and related to the treatment outcome and survival. More than 80% of dogs were treated with chemotherapy and achieved complete remission in 80% of cases. Among the prognostic factors positively related to the overall survival time of dogs with CBL were: the application of chemotherapy, achieving a complete remission, application of at least one additional chemotherapeutic agent to the basic protocol, especially the administration of mitoxantrone and asparaginase. Moreover, mitotic count 14 or higher measured in cytological slides in the area of 2,37 mm2 have been linked to shorter overall survival in dogs with CBL.
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K. Kliczkowska-Klarowicz
D. Jagielski
M. Czopowicz
R. Sapierzyński

  1. Division of Pathology, Department of Pathology and Veterinary Diagnostics, Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Nowoursynowska 159c, 02-776 Warsaw
  2. Białobrzeska Veterinary Surgery in Warsaw, Poland
  3. Division of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Nowoursynowska 159c, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
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European beaver (Castor fiber), the largest rodent species inhabiting a wide area of Eurasia, feeds mainly on dry parts of plants, bark or wood. Such kind of nourishment needs to be properly digested in each part of the gastrointestinal tract. The time of stomach digestion, which directly influences all the following steps of the digestion process, is precisely controlled by the pylorus and its innervation. However, virtually no data is available on the organization of the enteric nervous system in most of the wild animal species, including beavers. On the other hand, a pecu- liar diet consumed by beavers, suggests that the arrangement of their stomach intramural nerve elements can be atypical. Therefore, the present study investigated the distribution and chemical coding of neurons and nerve fibers in the pylorus of the European beaver.

The experiment was performed on stomachs obtained from a group of 6 beavers caught in Northeastern region of Poland (due to beaver overpopulation). Pyloric wall tissue cryosections were double immunostained with a mixture of antibodies against pan-neuronal marker PGP 9.5 (to visualize enteric neurons) and ChAT (cholinergic marker), nNOS (nitrergic marker), SP, CGRP, Gal (peptidergic markers).

Confocal microscopy analysis revealed that the majority of enteric nerve cells were clustered forming submucosal and myenteric ganglia and all the studied substances were expressed (in various amounts) in these neurons.

We conclude, that the anatomical arrangement and chemical coding of intramural nerve elements in the beaver pylorus resemble those found in other mammalian species.

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M. Zalecki
K. Makowska
Z. Gizejewski
M. Klimczuk
A. Franke-Radowiecka
N. Kasica-Jarosz
W. Sienkiewicz
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The durability of roads is dependent on the proper screening of the variations in subsurface geological characteristics and conditions through geo-engineering investigations and good construction practices. In this study, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) technique was used to investigate the subsurface defects and potential failures along the substrate of Etioro-Akoko highway, Ondo State, southwestern Nigeria. Results of the inverse model resistivity sections generated for the two investigated traverses showed four distinct subsurface layers. The shallow clayey topsoil, weathered layer, and partially weathered/fractured bedrock have resistivity values ranging from 4–150 ohm-m, 10–325 ohm-m, and 205–800 ohm-m, with thickness values of 0–2 m, 0.5–12.5 m, and less than few meters to > 24 m, respectively. The fresh bedrock is characterised by resistivity generally in excess of 1000 ohm-m. The bedrock mirrored gently to rapidly oscillating bedrock troughs and relatively inclined deep penetrating multiple fractures: F1–F’1, F2–F’2 and F3–F’3, with floater in-between the first two fractures. These delineated subsurface characteristic features were envisaged as potential threats to the pavement of the highway. Pavement failures in the area could be attributed to the incompetent clayey sub-base/substrate materials and the imposed stresses on the low load-bearing fractured bedrock and deep weathered troughs by heavy traffics. Anticipatory construction designs that included the use of competent sub-base materials and bridges for the failed segments and fractured zones along the highway, respectively, were recommended.

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Adedibu Sunny Akingboye
Isaac Babatunde Osazuwa
Muraina Zaid Mohammed
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The genetic resistance of potato varieties can be utilized to lower the fungicide rates used for plant protection against late blight. The very resistant varieties can be protected with half the rate of fungicide without negative effect on efficiency of the con troi.
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Józefa Kapsa
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This article is a continuation of the topic of artificial water bodies in Ukraine, which was started in our previous publication in 2020. It was devoted to accounting and monitoring of ponds at the local and national levels. Reservoirs play important role in water supply for various sectors of the economy. For this reason, much more attention is paid to reservoirs by the State Agency of Water Resources of Ukraine (Ukr. Derzhavne ahentstvo vodnykh resursiv Ukrainy), the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine (Ukr. Ministerstvo ekolohii ta pryrodnykh resursiv Ukrainy), scientists and specialists. The main tasks of the article are: to establish patterns of territorial distribution of reservoirs in administrative regions and river basins districts; to identify the role of large and small reservoirs in the balance of river runoff regulation. There are 1054 reservoirs in Ukraine, so it can be considered a country rich in reservoirs. The volume of the cascade of six reservoirs on the Dnieper River and the Dniester Reservoir is 85%, other reservoirs – 15% of the total number. At the same time, there are 1047 other reservoirs (middle, small and very small), which provide for regional needs and which have their own patterns of distribution throughout the country. The main trend in their creation was water supply of industrial regions, in particular Kharkiv, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and others. About 28% of reservoirs are leased. These reservoirs also require clear accounting and monitoring at the national level, attention from water management and environmental organizations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Valentyn Khilchevskyi
Vasyl Grebin
Sergiy Dubniak
Myroslava Zabokrytska
Hanna Bolbot

  1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 64/13, Volodymyrska Street, Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine
  2. Institute of Hydrobiology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  3. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine
  4. Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
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In recent years, we can observe the development of the thermal diagnosis and operating control systems based on measuring techniques and mathematical modelling of processes improvement. Evaluation of the actual operating state is insufficient to make an optimal operating decisions. Thus, information about the influence of the operating parameters' deviations from the reference state on indicators describing energy consumption of the process (for example specific heat consumption or specific energy consumption) is also necessary. The paper presents methods for generation the information about the influence of the steam-water cycle operating parameters on specific heat consumption in a turbine's cycle. A mathematical model of steam-water cycle for a CHP (Cogeneration - also Combined Heat and Power) unit is being worked out. Methods for calculation of operating deviations with the application of correction curves and a mathematical model are described. Exemplary calculation results are presented.
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Henryk Rusinowski
Grzegorz Szapajko

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