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The article aims at presenting the philosophy and model of the development vehicle to be understood as a new concept and tool to investigate and program local and regional development processes. The practical issues covered by the article include the identification and discovery of development vehicles, the elements of which can be observed in Polish metropolitan areas and agglomerations.

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Andrzej Klasik
Florian Kuźnik
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This paper aims to characterize and interpret the trends in reserves, resources, and mine production of diatomite in the Czech Republic in last two decades. With more than 2.4 million tonnes of total reserves, 1.6 million tonnes of exploitable (recoverable) reserves, and average annual production of 35 kt, diatomite is not one of the key industrial minerals of the Czech Republic, which ranks among the top 10 European producers. Historical diatomite deposits were situated within the Cheb Basin, where the Holocene Hájek diatomite deposit was abandoned in 1955 because of the establishment of the Soos National Natural Monument. The group of Tertiary diatomite deposits situated in the Central Bohemian Upland ceased extraction when the last deposit (Kučlín) was abandoned in 1966 after depletion of reserves. The last group of diatomite deposits is located within the Southern Bohemian basins, where the last productive deposit, Borovany-Ledenice, is situated. Miocene diatomites are extracted by open pit mining there. Production of crude diatomite varied from 0 to 83 kt, with an average of 35 kt, between 1999 and 2018 according to stockpiles. Raw diatomite is classified into two groups according to the chemical-technological properties. Better-quality diatomite (SiO2 ≥ 72%, Al2O3 ≤ 15%, Fe2O3 < 2.4%, bulk density 450 kg/m3, loss on ignition < 8%) is processed for filtration in the food industry (brewery, wine, and raw fruit juices). Material with lower quality is used in combination with bentonite to prepare cat litter products.

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Jan Zahradník
Jakub Jirásek
Jiří Zahradník
Martin Sivek
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This paper presents the results of the floristic investigation conducted - during two vegetation seasons 2000 and 2001 - on selected spoil heaps, the remnants of zinc and lead smelting works that existed in Ruda Śląska until the 1930's. A list of all recorded species was made. Every species was characterized with respect to its abundance in specified sites of the spoil heaps, the relative participation in the range of the geographicalhistorical groups as well as in ecological groups. The following characteristics were taken into account: life forms according to Raunkiaer classification, Grime CSR strategies and selected ecological indicator values (light, temperature, moisture, reaction and nitrogen content). A total of 166 species of vascular plants occur the surveyed spoil heaps. These belong to 45 different families. The most numerous is the Asreraceae family. The native species make approximately 85% of the flora. The spoil heaps are dominated by ruderal and meadow species, while the forest species are less abundant. Hemicryptophytes are the dominant group. Therophytes and phanerophytes are less abundant. These results may suggest that the sites be quite stabilized. The analysis of the ecological indicator values of the flora shows that the spoil heaps differ in terms of the species content (only 38% flora in common) and their floras demonstrate very close ecological requirements. The spoil heaps are the best habitat for the species which prefer full light and significant warmth though most of them do not stand too dry substrate conditions. The species show a wide range of requirements in respect to the nitrogen content and pH of the substrate. Grasses are the main component of the plant cover; these seem to be pioneer and very expansive species. The most abundant are Festuca ovina, Agrostis capillaris, Agrosris gigantea, Calamagrostis epigeios and Arrhenatherum elarius.
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Aleksandra Mańczyk
Adam Rostański
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The main objective of the paper is to show original theological emphasis on Peter the Apostle. Chapter 21 is considered to be a later addition to the Gospel of John. It is necessary to pay a special attention to related issues of editorial text. Despite its seemingly simple structure John 21: 15-19 poses other challenges. One of them is a puzzling variation of terminology. It is therefore necessary to draw attention to possible variants of critical-literary assessment of the biblical text. In John 21: 15-19 Peter is presented as a shepherd. This par-ticular mission is given to him by the Risen Jesus. The flock, which he has to feed, remains Jesus’ property. John 21:18-19 associated the ministry of Peter with his martyrdom. The entire passage has an ecumenical significance. The delegation of pastoral authority can be treated as a one-off event. The historical context of John 21 indicates the unifying character of the ministry of Peter the Apostle. Proper reading of the text can facilitate dialogue on the nature of the primacy of the Bishop of Rome.

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Ks. Marek Karczewski
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The break-up of the former Yugoslavia resulted in the establishment of seven states with manifestly different citizenship regimes. Relating the politics of citizenship to the dominant nation-building pro-jects, this paper argues that in the post-Yugoslav countries in which nation-building projects are con-solidated (Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia) citizenship regimes converge around ethnic inclusiveness, while in those where nation building is contested (Macedonia and Montenegro) territorial rather than ethnic attachments are articulated in citizenship policies. In the case of Kosovo, and to a certain degree Bosnia and Herzegovina, policies emphasise territory due to international involvement in the shaping of their citizenship regimes. Even though all of these states have adopted ius sanguinis as the main mechanism of citizenship attribution at birth, the different approaches to naturalisation and dual citi-zenship indicate that the politics of citizenship are inextricably linked to the questions of nation building and statehood. To explore these issues, the paper first outlines the main traits of citizenship policies in contested and consolidated states. It proceeds by looking at different naturalisation requirements in the two groups of states. It argues that extension to ethnic kin occurs only in countries in which statehood and nation building are consolidated, where it serves to project an image of national unity. In states that are challenged by several competing nation-building projects, citizenship attribution through ethnic kinship is impossible due to lack of internal unity. The paper also analyses approaches to dual citizen-ship, identifying patterns of openness and restrictiveness. By doing so, it links the politics of citizenship to the interaction of foreign policy mechanisms in post-Yugoslav countries and identifies the points where these regimes overlap or conflict with each other.

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Jelena Džankić
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Robotic total stations are a group of surveying instruments that can be used to measure moving prisms. These devices can generate significant errors during kinematic surveys. This is due to the different speeds of the total station’s measurement subsystems, which results in the observations of the point location being performed in different places of the space. Total stations which are several years old may generate errors of up to a few dozen centimeters. More modern designs, with much lower delays of the mechanical and electronic subsystems, theoretically allow to significantly reduce the values of the errors. This study involved the performance of kinematic tests on the modern robotic total station Leica MS50 in order to determine the values of measurement errors, and also to define the possibility of using them for the above-mentioned applications.

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G. Lenda
A. Uznański
M. Strach
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The paper presents the experimental research and numerical simulations of reinforced concrete beams under torsional load. In the experimental tests Digital Image Correlation System (DIC System) Q-450 were used. DIC is a non-contact full-field image analysis method, based on grey value digital images that can determine displacements and strains of an object under load. Numerical simulations of the investigated beams were performed by using the ATENA 3D – Studio program. Creation of numerical models of reinforced concrete elements under torsion was complicated due to difficulties in modelling of real boundary conditions of these elements. The experimental research using DIC can be extremely useful in creating correct numerical models of investigated elements. High accuracy and a wide spectrum of results obtained from experimental tests allow for the modification of the boundary conditions assumed in the numerical model, so that these conditions correspond to the real fixing of the element during the tests.

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B. Turoń
D. Ziaja
L. Buda-Ożóg
B. Miller

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