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This article explores the methodological and practical aspects of the history of concepts. In central focus is Reinhart Koselleck’s theory of the principal shift in the meanings of basic concepts (Sattelzeit) and its implications.
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Monika Widzicka
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The work concerns an important in our times problem related to different areas as ecology, economy and proper use of energy resources: reduction of NOx by rebuming process. The main goal of the work was to develop the technology of NOx reduction during zone combustion of coal and mine gas with process optimal conditions determination in power boilers in aspect of environmental protection. In the work was presented: investigation of numeric model of zone combustion of coal and mine gas; aplied combustion research of the boiler OCG-64 produce on RAFAKO.
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Barbara Białecka
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A trial to determine the atmospheric precipitants and their role as the element of pollutants budget in transport of pollutants into water ecosystems has been presented. Total dawnfall method were used with sedimentary funnels of 0.28 m2 . The pH, conductivity, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, organic nitrogen, phosphates, organic carbon, chlorides, sulphates, calcium, magnesium and heavy metals (iron, zinc, lead and cadmium) were determined. The analysis results are similar to the results obtained at other sample points of Upper Silesia. The range of pollutant concentration changes indicate the objective factors for the analysis results dispersion. With the method apllied, only average values of concentration can be used for the evaluation of the chemical status of downfall waters and atmospheric air. The atmospheric precipitants thought underestimated are siginificant source for pollutants (nitrogen, phosphorus and heavy metals) introduced directly to the trophogenical zone of water ecosystem. In the case of the Kłodnica hydro-junction reservoirs, the loads of nitrogen and phosphorus from atmospheric precipitations are determined as "dangerous surface loading". The presence of considerable loads of magnesium in the precipitations indicates the possibility of chemical precipitation of polyphosphates from epilimnion zone, and are consequence the quicker transportation of phosphorus to the bottom sediments. It can activate the intra-reservoir enrichment process.
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Maciej Kostecki
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This study is the first comparison of the morphology of pollen grains in ten cultivars of three species of the Taxus,

Torreya nucifera and Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. drupacea genera. The material came from the Botanical

Garden of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. Each measurement sample consisted of 50 pollen

grains. In total, 750 pollen grains were analyzed. Light and electron scanning microscopy was used for the morphometric

observation and analysis of pollen grains. The pollen grains were inaperturate and classified as small

and medium-sized. They were prolate-spheroidal, subprolate to prolate in shape. The surface of the exine was

microverrucate-orbiculate, perforate in Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. drupacea, granulate-orbiculate, perforate

in all Taxus taxa and granulate-microverrucate-orbiculate, perforate in Torreya. The orbicules were rounded to

oval in surface view, and the size was considerably diversified. The pollen features were insufficient to distinguish

between individual Taxus members – only groups were identified. The values of the coefficient of variability of

three features (LA, SA and LA/SA) were significantly lower than the orbicule diameter. The pollen surface of all

Taxus specimens was similar, so it was not a good identification criterion. The pollen grains of the Taxus taxa

were smaller and had more orbicules than Cephalotaxus and Torreya. Palynological studies provided taxonomic

support for recognition of two different genera of the Cephalotaxaceae and Taxaceae families, which are closely


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Joanna Bykowska
Małgorzata Klimko
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In his article Author analyses two different approaches to Polish philosophy of the second half of the 19th century represented by Tadeusz Kroński and Andrzej Walicki.
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Ryszard Sitek
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The paper describes an experimental behaviour of the basalt fibre reinforced polymer composite by external strengthening to the concrete beams. The BFRP composite is wrapped at the bottom face of R.C beam as one layer, two layers, three layers and four layers. The different characteristics – are studied in – first crack load, ultimate load, tensile and compressive strain, cracks propagation, crack spacing and number of cracks etc. To – investigate, total of five beams size 100×160×1700 mm were cast. One beam is taken as control and others are strengthened with BFRP composite with layers. From this investigation, the first crack load is increased depending on the increment in layers from 6.79% to 47.98%. Similarly, the ultimate load carrying – capacity is increased from 5.66% to 20%. The crack’s spacing is also reduced with an increase in the number of layers.

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A. Chandran
M. Neelamegam
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Solar blind UV cameras are not theoretically supposed to be sensitive to solar light. However, there is practically always some sensitivity to solar light. This limited solar sensitivity can sometimes make it impossible to detect the weak emission of a corona target located on the solar background. Therefore, solar sensitivity is one of the crucial performance parameters of solar blind UV cameras. However, despite its importance, the problem of determining solar sensitivity of solar blind UV cameras has not been analysed and solved in the specialized literature, so far. This paper presents the concept (definition, measurement method, test equipment, interpretation of results) of measuring solar sensitivity of solar blind UV cameras.
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Krzysztof Chrzanowski
1 2
Bolesław Safiej

  1. Military University of Technology, Institute of Optoelectronics, 2 gen. Kaliskiego St., 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
  2. INFRAMET, Bugaj 29a, Koczargi Nowe, 05-082 Stare Babice, Poland
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This study investigated the details of the morphological and anatomical structure of the generative organs of the Subantarctic flowering plant, belonging to the family Caryophyllaceae - Colobanthus apetalus (Labill.) Druce. The research material was collected in hostile natural conditions in Subantarctic regions, and also was grown in the incubators and the greenhouse of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland). C. apetalus forms tufts with soft and grassy leaves and small greenish flowers that are more obvious than in other Colobanthus species. C. apetalus forms open (chasmogamic) flowers in greenhouse cultivation. The flowers most often form five stamens with two microsporangia. Over a dozen pollen grains are formed in each microsporangium. Studies of the plant material originated from natural conditions conducted by means of a light microscope, have shown that the ovules of the analyzed representative of the genus Colobanthus are anatropous, crassinucellar, and the monosporic embryo sac develops according to the Polygonum type (the most common type in angiosperms). C. apetalus plants underwent a full development cycle in greenhouse cultivation and produced fertile, perispermic seeds. During the C. apetalus growth in conditions at increased air humidity, the vivipary was also observed.
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Sylwia Milarska
Piotr Androsiuk
Irena Giełwanowska

  1. Department of Plant Physiology, Genetics and Biotechnology, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
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Ornithogenic tundra developing near large seabird colonies with its dense vegetation creates sites for foraging, hiding and breeding of herbivores. Grazing, trampling and faeces deposition are considered as the most important ways that vertebrate herbivores influence the plants. Excrement deposition level informs us on the intensity of grazing i.e. foraging ground attractiveness. We have compared vertebrate herbivores’ faeces deposition (biomass) in the vicinity of big colonies of piscivorous (kittiwake Rissa tridactyla and Brünnich’s guillemot Uria lomvia) and planktivorous (little auk Alle alle) seabirds and the control area was in Hornsund, SW Spitsbergen. Much higher level of faeces deposition was recorded nearby seabird colonies as compared to the control area. These finding points out that vertebrate herbivores concentrate and feed more intensively on rich ornithogenic pastures. Number of herbivores and their faeces deposition level recorded nearby planktivorous seabird colony were greater as compared to those found nearby the colony of piscivores. The highest number of geese (Branta bernicla and Anser brachyrhynchus) and of their faeces biomass were found near the colony of planktivorous little auk, where distinct gradient in faeces deposition level along the colony-seashore axis was recorded. Reindeers Rangifer tarandus were observed in considerable numbers near the little auk colony, and were not recorded at all near cliff-nesting sites of kittiwakes and guillemots. Total deposition of excrements produced by geese was generally higher if compared to reindeers.

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Dariusz Jakubas
Katarzyna Zmudczyńska
Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas
Lech Stempniewicz
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Digital image correlation (DIC) is a powerful full-field displacement measurement technique that has been used in various studies. The first step in the DIC is to create a random speckle pattern, where the spraying method is usually employed. However, creating an optimal pattern and modification in the spraying method is not convenient. Furthermore, the size of speckles which is not so small in spraying method, limits the minimum size of the field of study. In the present research, a convenient novel technique was introduced and investigated to generate a practical kind of speckle pattern with small speckles for evaluating smaller fields of view using nanoparticles. The pattern was created by spreading a mixture of different black and white nanoparticles. To this end, the black graphene oxide particles were mixed with white nanoparticles of titanium oxide, zirconium oxide and silicon to obtain three mixtures. Displacement tests show that the mixture of graphene and titanium provides the best DIC performance. More granularly, graphene and titanium were mixed at three different ratios to find the optimal combination. Subsequently, the accuracy of the new patterning method was analyzed via tensile testing and the results were compared against those of conventional method with various subset sizes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Milad Zolfipour Aghdam
Naser Soltani
Hadi Nobakhti

  1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Collegeof Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran
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Flooding in the northern part of The Netherlands has caused serious economic threats to densely populated areas. Therefore a project has been carried out in a pilot area to assess the retention of water in two river basins as a way to reduce flooding. The physically-based groundwater and sur-face water model SIMGRO was used to model the hydrology of the basins. The model was calibrated using discharges and groundwater levels. Scenarios of measures to assess the possibility of retaining water in the basin were then defined and tested. The first measure was the retention of higher dis-charges using culverts or gates in the upstream part of the basin. The second measure was to make the streams shallower and thereby, increase flood plain storage. The last measure was flood water storage in a designated area in the downstream part of one basin. The analysis indicates that holding water in the upstream parts of the basins proved to be feasible and can result in significant reductions of peak flows.

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Erik P. Querner
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The essay aims to analyse Dostoevsky’s artistic and literary strategies in relation to A Writer’s Diary and the short story A Gentle Spirit. The intention is to demonstrate how Dostoevsky’s artistic processes as a writer and as a publicist are combining, starting from crime news to reveal to the reader, through the path into the abysses of the human soul, the representation of the author's conception.
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Gloria Politi

  1. Università del Salento, Italia

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