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This article describes selected problems regarding the newest Polish maritime legislation that are concerned with Polish accession to the European Union. The author presents the most important normalizations and discusses some of them that are contained in the following legislation: on fisheries of February JO, 2004; on changes in the legislation regarding the maritime office of March 5, 2004; on changes in legislation on maritime safety of April 20, 2004; on marine equipment of April 20, 2004. Two amendments to the new Polish maritime code are also discussed, as well as changes to legislation on the Republic of Poland's marine areas and the maritime administration. The author also discusses the ratification of the London Convention of the 1990 OPRC. The author emphasizes the ambitiously adaptive character of the numerous changes made in Polish maritime law that bring it into compliance with European law. Since the Polish Academy of Sciences Commission on Maritime Law has published the twentieth volume of the Maritime Law journal, the author, who is also the chairman of the commission and the editor-in-chief of the journal, makes some remarks regarding the state of the studies of maritime law and the law of the sea in Poland.
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Mirosław H. Koziński
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Tekst jest wprowadzeniem do sekcji tematycznej poświęconej alternatywnym wizjom dobrego życia. Ma on na celu wskazanie miejsca i roli tego pojęcia w procesach, które charakteryzują współczesne społeczeństwa. Szczególnie podkreślono w artykule podatność pojęcia „dobre życie” na zawłaszczenie i stosowanie go w sposób manipulacyjny przez rynek i państwo, oraz na kulturowe znaczenia poszukiwania alternatyw dla tych zawężających społeczną wyobraźnię użyć. Ponadto, tekst zawiera przegląd wybranych teoretycznych ram stosowania pojęcia „dobre życie” w literaturze naukowej, który pozwala na lepsze powiązanie przedstawionych w sekcji tematycznej tekstów z kontekstem zwiększonego zainteresowania wartościami i moralnością w socjologii i antropologii.
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Anna Horolets

  1. Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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Artykuł prezentuje podstawy współczesnej teorii elit, znanej jako demokratyczny elityzm. Rozpoczyna się od zarysu dyskusji nad elitami w demokracjach w latach sześćdziesiątych i siedemdziesiątych ubiegłego wieku, dającej początki dzisiejszego ujęcia. Następnie zarysowane są zmiany makrospołeczne i makropolityczne w ostatnich dekadach, w tym zmiany w systemach partyjnych, związane silnie z globalizacją i określane ogólnym mianem „nowej polityki”. W zasadniczej części uwaga skupia się na twierdzeniach paradygmatu demokratycznego elityzmu, związanych z relacjami wewnątrz elit i koncepcją „konfiguracji elit” Johna Higleya, która stanowi ważne narzędzie analityczne i w istotny sposób wiąże się z cechami reżimów politycznych i efektywnością demokracji. W zakończeniu podkreślone jest ogólne przesłanie paradygmatu, nakazujące brać pod uwagę zmienne opisujące elity, w przeciwnym bowiem razie wyjaśnienia wynikające z badań będą ignorowały ważne determinanty i w efekcie będą niekompletne.

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Jacek Wasilewski
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Artykuł poświęcony jest analizie procesu formowania i przekształcania się polskich ruchów miejskich. Autor swoje wnioski wyprowadza na bazie projektu badawczego: „Miejskie ruchy społeczne w Polsce”, w ramach którego zrealizował 30 wywiadów pogłębionych z liderami i liderkami ruchów miejskich z różnych miast. W swojej analizie autor wskazuje na dwie fazy rozwoju polskich ruchów miejskich. Pierwszą formacyjną z lat 2007–2014 zorientowaną głównie na kwestię tzw. wynajdywania miejskości oraz drugą po 2014 roku, kiedy to krystalizuje się tożsamość ruchu społecznego i zaczyna on nabierać charakteru politycznego.

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Paweł Kubicki
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The main subject of research in this paper is glauconite with its useful parameters, which is the object of exploitation in the “Górka Lubartowska-Niedźwiada” deposit. The main glauconitic horizon (lower Eocene) is built by loamy fine-grained and medium greenish sands with marine fauna and fragments of amber (ca. 7 m thick). Thin lamins and pockets of silts containing phosphorites and also glauconitic sands with underlaying very thin quartz-glauconitic sands are found at the bottom of this layer. The glauconite deposit in “Górka Lubartowska-Niedźwiada” is an amount of ca. 30% by volume of the main glauconitic horizon. Glauconite of the 1M polytype (XRD) shows large granulometric and morphological differentiation (SEM-EDS). It frequently contains aggregations of euhedral or framboidal pyrite grains (RS), which is indicative of the euxinic nature of the formation environment of the rocks under study. The individual glauconite grains show distinct chemical variability, manifested in a lower share of Al2O3 and an increased content of MgO and CaO (EPMA, XRF). At the same time, a large share of K2O (above 8% by weight) allows it to be included in highly matured glauconite, thus it can be considered as a potential raw material for the production of mineral fertilizers. The association of glauconite with phosphates (SEM-EDS) and anatase inclusions in the grains of glauconite (RS) indirectly point to the contribution of the decomposing organic matter to the formation of grains of this mineral. The xylite fragments preserved in the sediment show a low degree of coalification, which is typical of soft lignite. This also shows that the transformation process was taking place under a relatively small overburden.

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Authors and Affiliations

Lucyna Natkaniec-Nowak
Adam Piestrzyński
Marian Wagner
Wiesław Heflik
Beata Naglik
Jan Paluch
Krzysztof Pałasz
Stanislava Milovská
Paweł Stach
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Marine structures are one of the most important industrial and military equipment in each country that should be protected against external forces. The main aim of this paper is a detailed investigation of the underwater explosion (UNDEX) and its effects on marine structures. For this purpose, the UNDEX structure was studied qualitatively and quantitatively using numerical methods. Then, the effects of blast waves on a marine structure reinforced by perpendicular blades were investigated. Finite element and finite volume schemes were used for discretization of the governing equations in the solid and fluid media, respectively. Also, for fluid-structure interaction (FSI), results of fluid and solid media were mapped to each other using the two-way FSI coupling methods. A comparison of numerical results with the empirical formula revealed that the trend of pressure-time curves was reasonable, approving the validity of the numerical method. Moreover, the numerical results indicated that detonation of 1 kg trinitrotoluene (TNT) creates a pressure wave with maximum amplitude of 24 MPa at a distance of 2 m. Also, it was found that the reinforcement blades can be used to improve the resistance of structures against explosive charges, which also results in the reduction of structures deformation.

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Authors and Affiliations

Arman Jafari Valdani
Armen Adamian

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
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The observation of trends in the demand for minerals is of fundamental importance in the long- -term assessment of prospects for economic development in Poland.
From among 148 minerals analyzed, 42 minerals are indicated as key minerals for the country’s economy, of which 22 were recognized as deficit minerals. These minerals have been the subject of this paper.
For each of these minerals the forecasts of demand by the years 2030, 2040 and 2050 have been made taking the current trends in domestic economy and premises for the development of industries that are main users of these minerals into account. The most promising prospects for growth of domestic demand – with at least a two-fold increase by 2050 – have been determined for manganese dioxide, metallic: magnesium, nickel, silicon, as well as talc and steatite, while an increase by at least 50% have been anticipated for metallic aluminum, tin, metallic manganese, and elemental phosphorus. For natural gas and crude oil growing tendencies have also been predicted, but only by 2030. On the other hand, the most probable decline in domestic demand by 2050 may be foreseen for iron ores and concentrates, bauxite, metallic tungsten, magnesite and magnesia, as well as for crude oil and natural gas, especially after 2040.
It seems inevitable that the deficit in the foreign trade of minerals will continue to deepen in the coming years. By 2030 this will mainly result from the growing importation of crude oil and natural gas, but beyond – by 2050 – further deepening in the trade deficit will be related to the growing importation of many metals as well as of some industrial minerals. After 2040, the negative trade balance can be mitigated by a possible decrease in foreign deliveries of hydrocarbons and iron ores and concentrates.
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Galos et al. 2020 – Galos, K., Burkowicz, A., Czerw, H., Figarska-Warchoł, B., Gałaś, A., Guzik, K., Kamyk, J., Kot- -Niewiadomska, A., Lewicka, E. and Szlugaj, J. 2020. Assessment of current and future demand of the domestic economy for mineral raw materials in the perspective of 2025, 2030. 2040 and 2050 (Ocena obecnego oraz przyszłego zapotrzebowania gospodarki krajowej na surowce w perspektywie 2025, 2030, 2040 i 2050 roku). Commissioned by the PIG-PIB (unpublished typescript in Polish).

Galos, K. and Lewicka, E. 2016. Assessment of importance of non-energy mineral raw materials for the domestic economy in the years 2005–2014 (Ocena znaczenia surowców mineralnych nieenergetycznych dla gospodarki krajowej w latach 2005–2014). Zeszyty Naukowe IGSMiE PAN 92, pp. 7–36 (in Polish).

Galos et al. 2021 – Galos, K., Lewicka, E., Burkowicz, A., Guzik, K., Kot-Niewiadomska, A., Kamyk, J. and Szlugaj, J. 2021. Approach to identification and classification of the key, strategic and critical minerals important for the mineral security of Poland. Resources Policy 70, pp. 101900–101913.

Galos, K. and Smakowski, T. 2014. Preliminary proposal of methodology of identification of key minerals for the Polish economy (Wstępna propozycja metodyki identyfikacji surowców kluczowych dla polskiej gospodarki). Zeszyty Naukowe IGSMiE PAN 88, pp. 59–79 (in Polish).

Galos, K. and Szamałek, K. 2011. Assessment of the non-energy minerals security of Poland (Ocena bezpieczeństwa surowcowego Polski w zakresie surowców nieenergetycznych). Zeszyty Naukowe IGSMiE PAN 81, pp. 37–58 (in Polish).

Kulczycka et al. 2016 – Kulczycka, J., Pietrzyk-Sokulska, E., Koneczna, R., Galos, K. and Lewicka, E. 2016. Key minerals for the Polish economy (Surowce kluczowe dla polskiej gospodarki) Kraków: MERRI PAS, 164 pp. (in Polish).

Lewicka, E. and Burkowicz, A. 2018. Assessing current state of coverage the mineral raw materials demand of the domestic economy (Ocena obecnego stanu pokrycia potrzeb surowcowych gospodarki krajowej). Przegląd Geologiczny 66(3), pp. 144–152 (in Polish).

Lewicka et al. 2021 – Lewicka, E., Guzik, K. and Galos, K. 2021. On the possibilities of critical raw materials production from the EU’s primary sources. Resources 10(5), pp. 50–71.

Ministry of Climate and Environment 2021. Mineral Policy of Poland. Project from 6 April 2021 (Polityka surowcowa państwa. Projekt z 6 kwietnia 2021 r.), Warszawa (in Polish).

Nieć et al. 2014 – Nieć, M., Galos, K. and Szamałek, K. 2014. Main challenges of mineral resources policy of Poland. Resources Policy 42, pp. 93–103.

Radwanek-Bąk, B. 2016. Designation of key raw materials for the Polish economy (Określenie surowców kluczowych dla polskiej gospodarki). Zeszyty Naukowe IGSMiE PAN 96, pp. 241–254 (in Polish).

Radwanek-Bąk et al. 2018 – Radwanek-Bąk, B., Galos, K. and Nieć, M. 2018. Key, strategic and critical minerals for the Polish economy (Surowce kluczowe, strategiczne i krytyczne dla polskiej gospodarki). Przegląd Geologiczny 66(3), pp. 153–159 (in Polish).

Smakowski et al. 2015 – Smakowski, T., Galos, K. and Lewicka, E. eds. 2015. Balance of the mineral economy of Poland and the world 2013 (Bilans gospodarki surowcami mineralnymi Polski i świata 2013). Warszawa: PIG-PIB, 1169 pp. (in Polish).

Statistics Poland (GUS). Statistics of the production and foreign trade (as well as selected data on consumption) of mineral raw materials in Poland in the years 2000–2018.

Szuflicki et al. 2021 – Szuflicki, M., Malon, A. and Tymiński, M. eds. 2021. Balance of mineral raw materials deposits in Poland as of 31 XII 2020 (Bilans zasobów złóż kopalin w Polsce wg stanu na 31 XII 2020 r.). Warszawa: PIG-PIB, 508 pp. (in Polish).
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Galos
Ewa Danuta Lewicka
Jarosław Kamyk
Jarosław Szlugaj
Hubert Czerw
Anna Burkowicz
Alicja Kot-Niewiadomska
Katarzyna Guzik

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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The environmental problems caused by the development and utilization of mineral resources have become important factors affecting ecological security. Guizhou is a Chinese province with relatively developed paleoweathered sedimentary bauxite deposits, abundant resource reserves, and a long history of mining. And, the demand for bauxite in Guizhou is expected to continue to grow. However, long-term or unreasonable resource development has produced a series of prominent environmental problems, such as the occupation and destruction of land resources and heavy metal pollution in soil and water bodies. Based on the existing research results in China and abroad, this paper analyzes the current situation, distribution characteristics, and development and utilization of bauxite resources in Guizhou to explain the corresponding environmental impacts. The results show that because of the many types and high concentrations of associated elements in bauxite and the high alkalinity, heavy metal components, and radioactive elements in red mud, the development and utilization of bauxite resources are associated with higher environmental risk. And more impact of bauxite mining on regional biodiversity, soil, air, surface water, and groundwater need to be evaluated. This paper also proposes coping strategies or countermeasures of environmental governance and control to achieve the green, sustainable and high-quality development of bauxite-related industries for meeting future environmental requirements.
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Authors and Affiliations

Xiaofu Chen
1 2
Xuexian Li
Pan Wu
1 3
Xuefang Zha
Yabin Liu
Tao Wei
Wenrui Ran

  1. College of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Guizhou University, China
  2. Natural Resources Survey and Planning Institute, Guiyang, China
  3. Key Laboratory of Karst Georesources and Environment, Ministry of Education, Guiyang, China
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This study analyses and compares the fertility behaviour and childbearing plans of Polish migrant fam-ilies in Ireland and those of their counterparts – families in Poland. The study has a comparative and explanatory character and applies both quantitative and qualitative methods. The analysis is based on the author’s own data collected from an online survey of Polish family units in Ireland in 2014 and compared with secondary data on families in Poland retrieved from the 2011 Gender and Generation Survey (GGS). My research reveals fertility postponement and fewer families with children among mi-grant families; nonetheless, migrant parents have more children than their counterparts in Poland. The results highlight the significance of socio-economic and institutional contexts. The study also reveals a dichotomisation of fertility strategies within the migrant population, with distinct differences in the number of children, transition age to parenthood, and further fertility intentions between migrants who became parents in Poland and those who did so after the move. The results also provide insights into the childbearing motivations and fertility patterns of recent Polish migrants and contribute to the dis-cussion of migrants’ fertility in general.

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Łukasz Klimek
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This work is an attempt to determine the scale of threats to the mineral security of Poland in the area of non-energy raw materials resulting from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In particular, it aims to identify those industries whose proper functioning may be threatened in the face of the limited supply of raw materials from three directions – Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. An element of the analysis was also the indication of possible alternative sources of the supply of these raw materials. For this purpose, the directions of imports to Poland of about 140 non-energy raw materials in 2011–2020 were analyzed. As a result, about thirty raw materials were selected, the supplies of which came from, among others, at least one of the three mentioned countries. To determine the raw materials for which the disruption of supplies may have the most serious impact on the functioning of the Polish economy, the following criteria were adopted: a minimum 20% share of these countries in covering the domestic demand in 2020, and a minimum value of these imports in 2020 of 20 million PLN. These threshold conditions were met by eight raw materials: iron ores and concentrates, carbon black, potash, aluminum, ferroalloys, nickel, ball clays and refractory clays, and synthetic corundum. Among these, the need to change the directions of supplies applies to the greatest extent to iron ores and concentrates, aluminum and nickel, while in the case of non-metallic raw materials, it applies most to ball clays and refractory clays and potassium salts. These are among the most important raw materials necessary for the proper functioning of the national economy, but their shortage or disruptions in the continuity of their supplies pose a real threat to the mineral security of Poland.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Danuta Lewicka
Anna Burkowicz
Hubert Czerw
Beata Figarska-Warchoł
Krzysztof Galos
Andrzej Gałaś
Katarzyna Guzik
Jarosław Kamyk
Alicja Kot-Niewiadomska
Jarosław Szlugaj

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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The hyperloop concept is not new, but for many years it was hard for engineers to believe that it could be economically and technically feasible. Nowadays some technical solutions, which could enable construction and operation of a guided transport system based on hyperloop concept, are much more imaginable. Therefore a number of start-up companies are working on comprehensive proposals and chosen technologies aiming at creating the fifth transport mode thanks to innovative concepts, new technologies, and chosen railway, air transport, and space technologies. As new transport mode is expected to offer transport with high speed nearly equal to the speed of sound its feasibility will strongly depend also on coherency between transport means and transport infrastructure in a scale of a future fifth transport mode continent-wide transport network. To meet this challenge railway and start-up companies work together in two streams – in the formal framework of the European standardisation to prepare future hyperloop related EN standards and in research and development projects. The scale of required wide technical coherency on one side and the diversification of products and existence of different developers/producers/contracting entities providing infrastructure and transport means and creating market on the other side contradict if appropriate rules are not set precisely early enough. Such rules in railway transport are based on interoperability concept supported by agreed stable essential requirements and defined in the Railway Interoperability Directive and Technical Specifications for Interoperability. Paper presents findings regarding poor applicability of the railway interoperability to the hyperloop type transport systems at their early stage of development as well as challenges and proposed approaches for the dedicated hyperloop coherency approach – the hyperoperability as it is being discussed in the framework of the Hypernex European project.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Kaczorek
Iwona Karasiewicz
Magdalena Kycko
Marek Pawlik
Krzysztof Polak
Wojciech Rzepka

  1. Railway Research Institute, Chłopickiego 50, 04-275 Warsaw, Poland

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