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The assessment of a rock’s behaviour around excavations and the effectiveness of its reinforcement in underground ore mines is dependent on the performance of the rock-bolt and rock-mass interaction, which can be estimated on the basis of appropriately designed measurements. Based on the background of various measurements solutions described in the literature, concerning rock bolt monitoring methods, the authors proposed a new, original device for mass measurements in mine conditions. After examining the advantages and disadvantages of existing constructions, the article presents the essence, principle of operation and method of measuring anchor load in an underground excavation with the a instrument, indicator WK-2/8. The prototype has been carefully researched and successfully tested in a full-scale laboratory environment. This instrument, also referred to as a load indicator or force pad, does not require electrical power and allows for relatively accurate (with a resolution of 10-14kN, up to about 90kN loading capacity) and a remote reading of the axle loading of the anchor (AGH patent) by any person present in the specified area. The device can be installed in mining excavations under loading conditions. The relatively low cost of a measuring instrument, practically used as an additional washer, as well as an easy assembly method, makes it universally applicable in mines where anchoring is used as a means of strengthening the rock.

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Waldemar Korzeniowski
Krzysztof Skrzypkowski
Łukasz Herezy
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Observations on the incidence, harmfulness and some elements of Cameraria ohridella control on white horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) were carried out in Wrocław, Poland, in 2001–2003. Three generations of the pest developed on A. hippocastanum. The leaf infestation by pest’s larvae increased systematically throughout the spring-summer season. Cultural control by removing the fallen leaves was suggested. Using this procedure, the abundance of the pest was considerably reduced, therefore, the percentage of the leaf damage was lower and the trees lost these leaves later in the season.

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Agnieszka Kukuła-Młynarczyk
Michał Hurej
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This paper describes a synthetic aperture radar system for tactical-level imagery intelligence installed on board an unmanned aerial vehicle. Selected results of its tests are provided. The system contains interchange-able S-band and Ku-band linear frequency-modulated, continuous wave radar sensors that were built within a frame of a research project named WATSAR, conducted by the Military University of Technology and WB Electronics S.A. One of several algorithms of radar image synthesis, implemented in the scope of the project, is described in this paper. The WATSAR system can create online and off-line radar images.

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Piotr Kaniewski
Wojciech Komorniczak
Czesław Leśnik
Jacek Cyrek
Waldemar Susek
Piotr Serafin
Michał Łabowski
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In this paper, we present a synthesis of the parameters of the fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and the reconstruction of the distributed strain affecting the grating, performed by means of its reflection spectrum. For this purpose, we applied the transition matrix method and the Nelder-Mead nonlinear optimization method. Reconstruction results of the strain profile carried out on the basis of a simulated reflection spectrum as well as measured reflection spectrum of the FBG indicate good agreement with the original strain profile; the profile reconstruction errors are within the single digit percentage range. We can conclude that the Nelder-Mead optimization method combined with the transition matrix method can be used for distributed sensing problems.

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Małgorzata Detka
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The article is devoted to an unpublished diary of Karol Firganek (1840 –1913), an insurgent. In 1863 Karol was a fresh employee of the Lviv stretch of the railway of Archduke Charles Louis. In the summer of 1863 Firganek joined the uprising in a detachment which entered Congress Poland from Galicia. On 15 July, he participated in the famous defence of the manor at Glanów, which he described in detail. He returned to the uprising in December. He fought in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains, where he was promoted to the rank of an officer. In May 1864 Karol Firganek was taken captive and was convicted, but was freed as an Austrian subject and returned to work on the railways, reaching the high position of an inspector. His diary was kept by his children living in Stanisławów (currently called Ivanofrankivsk, Ukraine) – initially his son Kazimierz, and then his daughter Jadwiga, who remained in the family house, while the rest of the family was displaced in 1946 in connection with the change of the borders of Poland and the USSR. In 1964 Bolesław Suszka, Karol’s granddaughter’s, Janina’s, husband, received the diary from Jadwiga during his trip to the USSR, and managed to illegally bring it to Poland. Copies of the diary are kept in the Kórnik library and in the Ossolineum library in Wrocław. The original copy belongs to Janina and Bolesław Suszek from Kórnik.

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Bolesław Suszka
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There are two Qur’an manuscripts in the collection of the Kórnik Library (Poland) – BK 1716 and BK 2676. The first one, dating from the 17th century, is rich in different types of scribal errors and serves as an interesting example of ways of amending them. The second one, dating from the 15th century, includes interesting illuminations and calligraphy. This paper is a detailed analysis of these manuscripts, including their covers, decorations and scribal errors.
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Filip A. Jakubowski

  1. Instytut Orientalistyki UAM
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The inevitability and successive implementation of the elements of the European Union (EU) energy policy and the freedom of achieving the goals left in this regard for the member states should translate into actions taking the specificity of local markets into account, in order to carry out liberalization processes in a harmonious manner. In 2016, the European Commission published a package of guidance documents “Clean Energy for All Europeans” in the perspective of 2030, also known as the Winter Package. The recommendations contained in some of the documents assume the continuation of integration of markets in the national and regional dimension, setting ambitious targets in the field of decarbonization, the increase of energy efficiency and the increase of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) share in the energy balance of EU countries. The short time to carry out a thorough reconstruction of the energy-generating sector forces to seek solutions that are in line with the European Community recommendations and, at the same time, do not constitute an excessive burden for the national economy and legal order. One of the activities is to use the potential of micro-networks of local communities striving for energy independence based on their own energy sources and to create regulations enabling the neighborly exchange of energy. This mechanism works in the form of pilot projects in many locations around the world (Sonnen Group; Power Ledger). The paper presents the concept of functional and analytical assumptions for an exemplary structure of neighboring prosumers along with the presentation of simulation results based on real generation and consumption profiles and the presentation of investment profitability indicators for the proposed functional model.

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Joanna Wróbel
Maciej Sołtysik
Radomir Rogus
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The article presents the results of research aimed at determining the catchment areas that pose a risk of nitrogen pollution of the waters of the Mała Panew river. The research was carried out in 13 permanent monitoring points located on the Mała Panew. The location of the points ensured the representativeness of the water quality results for parts of the catchment area with a homogeneous type of land use. Concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) and total nitrogen (TN) were determined in the samples taken. The content of (NO3-N) in the third quarter of the year and its relation to the value obtained for the first year quarter may be an indicator of the impact of agricultural activities on the quality of water in streams. In the case of agricultural catchments, the lowest concentrations of NO3-N and TN occur in the third quarter of the year and are significantly lower than in the first quarter of the year. The demonstrated seasonal variability of nitrate nitrogen concentrations in agriculturally used areas may be used to determine the type of pressure not allowing to achieve good water status in the surface water body. It was shown that the highest unit increments occurred in areas with a high proportion of forest.
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  1. Banasik, K., Wałęga, A., Węglarczyk, S. & Więzik B. (2017). Update of the methodology for calculating maximum flows and rainfall with a specific exceedance probability for controlled and uncontrolled catchments and identification of rainfall-runoff transformation models, Association of Polish Hydrologists, Warszawa 2017 (in Polish).
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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Steinhoff-Wrześniewska
Maria Strzelczyk
Marek Helis
Anna Paszkiewicz-Jasińska
Łukasz Gruss
Krzysztof Pulikowski
Witold Skorulski

  1. Institute of Technology and Life Science – National Research Institute
  2. Institute of Environmental Engineering, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences
  3. ART Strefa Witold Skorulski
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Sand molding casting has been widely used for a long time. But, one of its main drawbacks is that surface quality of the castings is not good enough for some applications. The purposes of this research were to investigate the effect of addition of sawdust ash of rubber wood (SARW) on molding sand properties and the surface quality of iron castings and to find an appropriate level of SARW with the appropriate properties of the iron castings. The molding sand compositions for making a sand mold consisted of the recycled molding sand, bentonite, water and SARW. The percentage levels of SARW were 0%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3% and 0.4%. The different proportions of molding sand samples were investigated for the molding sand properties including permeability, compression strength and hardness. The results showed that addition of SARW had an effect on the molding sand properties. The appropriate percentage proportion of molding sand was obtained at 95.8% recycled molding sand, 0.8% bentonite, 3% water and 0.4% SARW. There were statistically significant differences of mean surface roughness and hardness values of the iron castings made from molding sand samples without SARW addition and the appropriate percentage proportion of molding sand. In addition, the average surface roughness value of the iron castings made from the sand mold with the appropriate percentage proportion of molding sand was ~40% lower than those of the iron castings made from molding sand samples without SARW addition.
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R. Khuengpukheiw
S. Veerapadungphol
V. Kunla
C. Saikaew

  1. Department of Industrial Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002 Thailand
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Malignancies of the hematopoietic system frequently are associated with severe cytopenias requiring transfusions of blood components. Refusal of blood components by Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) produces challenges to treatment. In this report we describe the outcome of hematological malignancies of JW patients treated without transfusions. Altogether, eight JW, diagnosed 1994–2015, 6 (75%) females, the median age at diagnosis 40 years (range, 20–78), were included into the analysis. The diagnoses were: acute lymphoblastic leukemia (2, 25%), acute myeloid leukemia (2, 25%), non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (4, 50%). One patient died without treatment while the remaining 7 patients received treatment, including imatinib in 1 patient with BCR-ABL1+ acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Five (62.5%) patients received erythropoiesis stimulating agents. Median hemoglobin concentration at diagnosis was 8.7 g/dL (range, 6.3–13.1), and it decreased to 3.2 g/dL (range, 2.6–9.3) during first-line treatment. Median platelet count at diagnosis was 52 × 109/L (range, 15–392). All patients became thrombocytopenic upon treatment reaching median platelet count 8 × 109/L (range, 2–85). Five patients developed respiratory failure. Anemia contributed substantially to the death of 3 out of 6 patients (50%). One patient (17%) developed central nervous system bleeding in the course of thrombocytopenia. Objective response rate was 43%, with 29% complete remissions after first-line treatment. Despite the median overall survival of 15.3 months (95% CI, 0.2–52.2), all but one acute leukemia patients succumbed shortly after the diagnosis. To conclude, the outcome of JW treated because of hematological malignancies without blood transfusions is very dismal, nevertheless, selected patients can obtain complete remissions. Anemia contributes significantly to the death of JW.
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2. Wang Y., Gao A., Zhao H., et al.: Leukemia cell infiltration causes defective erythropoiesis partially through MIP-1alpha/CCL3. Leukemia. 2016; 30 (9): 1897–1908. doi: 10.1038/leu.2016.81.
3. Bohlius J., Bohlke K., Castelli R., et al.: Management of Cancer-Associated Anemia With Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents: ASCO/ASH Clinical Practice Guideline Update. J Clin Oncol. 2019; 37 (15): 1336–1351. doi: 10.1200/JCO.18.02142.
4. Schiffer C.A., Bohlke K., Delaney M., et al.: Platelet Transfusion for Patients With Cancer: American Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline Update. J Clin Oncol. 2018; 36 (3): 283–299. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2017.76.1734.
5. Drozd-Sokolowska J.E., Wiktor-Jedrzejczak W.: Factors determining the risk of severe (WHO grades 3 and 4) hemorrhage in hematologic patients. Transfus Apher Sci. 2011; 44: 129–134. doi: 10.1016/j. transci.2011.01.004.
6. Rodgers G.M., Gilreath J.A., Alwan L., et al.: Cancer- and Chemotherapy Induced Anemia. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. asp#anemia: NCCN; 2016.
7. Laszlo D., Agazzi A., Goldhirsch A., et al.: Tailored therapy of adult acute leukaemia in Jehovah’s Witnesses: unjustified reluctance to treat. Eur J Haematol. 2004; 72 (4): 264–267. doi: 10.1111/ j.0902-4441.2003.00211.x.
8. Chojnowski K., Janus A., Blizniewska K., Robak M., Trelinski J.: Long-lasting extreme anemia during the therapy of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a Jehovah’s Witness patient. Transfusion. 2016; 56 (10): 2438–2442. doi: 10.1111/trf.13703.
9. Mazza P., Palazzo G., Amurri B., Cervellera M., Rizzo C., Maggi A.: Acute leukemia in Jehovah’s Witnesses: a challenge for hematologists. Haematologica. 2000; 85: 1221–1222.
10. Brown N.M., Keck G., Ford P.A.: Acute myeloid leukemia in Jehovah Witnesses. Leuk Lymphoma. 2008; 49 (4): 817–820. doi: 10.1080/10428190801911670.
11. Cullis J.O., Duncombe A.S., Dudley J.M., Lumley H.S., Apperley J.F., Smith A.G.: Acute leukaemia in Jehovah’s Witnesses. Br J Haematol. 1998; 100 (4): 664–668. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2141.1998.00634.x.
12. Wilop S., Osieka R.: Antineoplastic chemotherapy in Jehovah’s Witness patients with acute myelogenous leukemia refusing blood products — a matched pair analysis. Hematology. 2018; 23 (6): 324–329. doi: 10.1080/10245332.2017.
13. Ford P.A., Grant S.J., Mick R., Keck G.: Autologous Stem-Cell Transplantation Without Hematopoietic Support for the Treatment of Hematologic Malignancies in Jehovah’s Witnesses. J Clin Oncol. 2015; 33 (15): 1674–1679. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2014.57.9912.
14. Agapidou A., Vakalopoulou S., Papadopoulou T., Chadjiaggelidou C., Garypidou V.: Successful Treatment of Severe Anemia using Erythropoietin in a Jehovah Witness with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Hematol Rep. 2014; 6 (4): 5600. doi: 10.4081/hr.2014.5600.
15. Yamamoto Y., Kawashima A., Kashiwagi E., Ogata K.: A Jehovah’s Witness with Acute Myeloid Leukemia Successfully Treated with an Epigenetic Drug, Azacitidine: A Clue for Development of Anti-AML Therapy Requiring Minimum Blood Transfusions. Case Rep Hematol. 2014; 2014: 141260. doi: 10.1155/2014/141260.
16. Garelius H., Grund S., Stockelberg D.: Induction with azacytidine followed by allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in a Jehovah’s Witness with acute monocytic leukemia. Clin Case Rep. 2015; 3 (5): 287–290. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.212.
17. Bareford D., Odeh B., Narayanan S., Wiltshire S.: Remission induction in a Jehovah’s witness patient with acute myeloid leukaemia using gemtuzumab ozogamicin. Transfus Med. 2005; 15 (5): 445–448. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3148.2005.00611.x.
18. Fujisawa S., Naito K., Matsuoka T., Kobayashi M.: Complete remission induced by gemtuzumab ozogamicin in a Jehovah’s Witness patient with acute myelogenous leukemia. Int J Hematol. 2007; 85 (5): 418–420. doi: 10.1532/IJH97.07018.
19. Donahue L.L., Shapira I., Shander A., Kolitz J., Allen S., Greenburg G.: Management of acute anemia in a Jehovah’s Witness patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia with polymerized bovine hemoglobin- based oxygen carrier: a case report and review of literature. Transfusion. 2010; 50 (7): 1561– 1567. doi: 10.1111/j.1537-2995.2010.02603.x.
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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Ewa Drozd-Sokołowska
Anna Waszczuk-Gajda
Jadwiga Dwilewicz-Trojaczek
Alicja Walesiak
Monika Krzyżanowska
Monika Paluszewska
Jolanta Wieczorek
Wiesław Wiktor-Jędrzejczak

  1. Department of Hematology, Transplantation and Internal Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
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Marek S. Szczerba
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The transformation processes that occur in the technical, informational, and economic spheres of the regions require the development of new conceptual approaches to the development of a full-fledged land use system based on an analysis of the problems of using underground real estate. Determination of the features of land use of underground real estate is based on a quantitative basis, which is built on a systematic, integrated approach. Indicators that determine the condition and use of underground real estate are of particular importance for the development of the approach. A method of estimating a generalized indicator of the use of underground real estate in the system of land use of regions based on an integrated approach, which includes the method of expert assessments by applying qualitative indicators characterizing the status and level of use of underground real estate, considering urban, spatial, investment and innovation legal and safety features is developed. The assessment results of the integrated indicator of underground real estate land use, as well as the results of the assessment by region, showed a low level of use of underground real estate in the land use system of the regions. It is determined that most of the lands in the regions have low levels of underground real estate use. Besides, there is a need to increase the use of underground real estate by developing appropriate methodological recommendations.

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Kostiantyn Meteshkin
Volodymyr Shipulin
Serhii Nesterenko
Serhii Kobzan
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In recent years, carbon fibres have been extensively used to strengthen concrete structures. In most cases, the lamination process is carried out using epoxy resin as matrix. In some cases, especially when strengthen structural elements made of weak concrete, it is possible to replace the epoxy resin with an inorganic, cement matrix, while at the same time maintaining a sufficient efficiency of strengthen understood as the percentage increase in the compressive strength of concrete samples due to the applied reinforcement in relation to the reference concrete. In these studies, elements of carbon fibres mats that are reinforced with a cement matrix were used as the starting product for fibre recovery. The laminate, which was used to reinforce concrete elements, was detached from the concrete surface and subjected to processing in order to obtain clean carbon fibre scraps without cement matrix. Then, the obtained carbon material, in shaped form, was used to strengthen self-compacting, high performance, fibre reinforced concrete (SCHPFRC). For comparative purposes, this concrete was also strengthened by carbon fibre mats (with one and three layers of CFRP). Each samples were tested in uniaxial compression test. The compressive strength of concrete reinforced with 1 and 3 layers of CFRP was higher by 37.9 and 96.3%, respectively, compared to the reference concrete. On the other hand, the compressive strength of concrete reinforced with 1 and 3 layers of carbon fibre scrapswas higher by 11.8 and 40.1%, respectively. Regardless of the reinforcement technique used, the composite elements showed a higher deformability limit in comparison plain concrete. The obtained results showed that it is possible to reuse carbon fibre to strengthen structural elements made of SCHPFRC effectively, using simple processing methods.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Ostrowski
Kazimierz Furtak

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Warszawska 24, 31-155 Cracow, Poland

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