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In the process of determining the content of impurities, including fossil fuels, crude oil, coke, pitch, plastics, glass, slag, rust, metals, and rock dust, in charcoal and wood briquettes via microscopic examination, the question of the use of ashes from the combustion of grill fuels (taking the scale of the new national sport into account, commonly referred to as „weekend grilling”) was raised. Another reason for addressing this issue was the question regarding the use of organic additives to acidified soil (mineral) fertilizers submitted by one of the clients of the bituminous coal and reservoir rocks analysis laboratory. In addition, the manufacturer of gardening soil has also expressed an interest in an unconventional deacidifying agent; the introduction of a new product with a unique ingredient is considered as a chance to stand out from the competition. A review of the literature shows that attempts to use ashes obtained from the biomass combustion in power boilers have been made. However, due to the biomass composition and additives and pollutants used in biomass for energy purposes, the production of such mixtures has been dropped. Based on the data from numerous samples of grill fuel, which meet the requirements regarding the content of impurities set out in the PN-EN 1860-2 standard, the question of the possible use of ash obtained from charcoal and wood briquette grilling as a component for use in the production of acidified soil (mineral) fertilizers was discussed. The article will present the amount of material obtained based on the statistical sales of barbecue fuels based on the experimentally calculated ash mass resulting from the combustion of 1 kg of starting material. In addition, a logistic proposal for obtaining ash from individual grill users will be developed. On the day of the submission of the present work, the results of the chemical analysis of charcoal and wood briquettes subjected to the gasification process have not yet been obtained. However, based on the microscopic analysis, it can be concluded that the content of impurities in the examined samples is highly unlikely to prevent the use of the mentioned ashes in agriculture.

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Zbigniew Jelonek
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This project aimed to isolate and characterize volcanic soil Actinobacteria from Deception Island, Antarctic. A total of twenty−four Actinobacteria strains were isolated using four different isolation media (Starch casein agar, R2 agar, Actinomycete isolation agar, Streptomyces agar) and characterized basing on 16S rRNA gene sequences. Tests for secondary metabolites were performed using well diffusion method to detect antimicrobial activities against eight different pathogens, namely Staphyloccocus aureus ATCC 33591, Bacillus megaterium , Enterobacter cloacae , Klebsiella oxytoca , S. enterica serotype Enteritidis, S. enterica serotype Paratyphi ATCC 9150, S. enterica serotype Typhimurium ATCC 14028 and Vibrio cholerae . Antimicrobial properties were detected against Salmonella paratyphi A and Salmonella typhimurium at the concentration of 0.3092±0.08 g/ml. The bioactive strains were identified as Gordonia terrae , Leifsonia soli and Terrabacter lapilli. Results from this study showed that the soil of Deception Island is likely a good source of isolation for Actinobacteria. The volcanic soil Actinobacteria are potentially rich source for discovery of antimicrobial compounds.
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Yoke−Kqueen Cheah
Learn−Han Lee
Cheng−Yun Catherine Chieng
Vui−Ling Clemente Michael Wong
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The preliminary stage of asphalt mixture production involves the drying and dedusting of coarse aggregates. The most common types of coarse aggregates used are limestone and basalt. In the process of drying and dedusting the dryer filter accumulates large quantities of waste in the form of mineral powder.

This paper introduces an investigation into limestone powder waste as a potential microfiller of polymer composites. Physical characteristics such as the granulation the of powder collected from the filter - in terms of the season of its collection and the type of input materials used - were analysed. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used for the investigation described within this paper. The obtained results were compared against those of other materials which can be used as polymer composites microfillers.

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M. Kępniak
P. Woyciechowski
W. Franus
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Acoustic source localization using distributed microphone array is a challenging task due to the influences of noise and reverberation. In this paper, acoustic source localization using kernel-based extreme learning machine in distributed microphone array is proposed. Specifically, the space of interest is divided into some labeled positions, and the candidate generalized cross correlation function in each node is treated as the feature mapped into the hidden nodes of extreme learning machine. During the training phase, by the implementation of kernel function, the output weights of the classifier are calculated and do not need to be tuned. After the kernel-based extreme learning machine (K-ELM) is well trained, the measured generalized cross correlation data are fed into the K-ELM classifier, and the output is the estimated acoustic source position. The proposed method needs less human intervention for both training and testing and it does not need to calibrate the node in advance. Simulation and real-world experimental results reveal that the proposed method has extremely fast training and testing speeds, and can obtain better localization performance than steered response power, K-nearest neighbor, and support vector machine methods.
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Rong Wang
Zhe Chen
Fuliang Yin

  1. School of Information and Communication Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116023, China
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Agricultural utilization of appropriately stabilized sewage sludge appears to be the most rational method of its utilization, even though there is no agreement among scientists as to the impact that these wastes can exert on the maintenance of the soil biological balance. That is why the objective of the performed field-laboratory experiments was to determine the developmental dynamics of selected groups of microorganisms in a grey-brown podzolic soil fertilized with acceptable and unacceptable doses of sewage sludge and farmyard manure. Numbers of six groups of microorganisms were determined at various dates associated with the development of spring barley (total bacterial number, number of actinomycetes, fungi, bacteria from the Azotobacter genus and Pseudomonas j/uorescens) as well as pathogenic bacteria from the Sa/111011ella genus. The selected groups of microorganisms were determined on selective media by the plate method. The obtained research results showed that, in the majority of cases, the applied levels of organic fertilization did not have a significant impact on the numbers of microorganisms in the soil. Therefore, it can be said that the application of both acceptable and unacceptable doses of sewage sludge in the form of fertilizers failed to disturb the biological balance of the examined soil. In addition, the results of the performed experiments indicated that the agricultural utilization of sewage sludge should be forestalled by a sanitation process (e.g. composting) in order to get rid of' pathogenic bacteria, especially bacteria from the Salmonella genus.
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Agnieszka Wolna-Maruwka
Aleksandra Sawicka
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The objective of the study was to determine the possibility of using organic soil under willow for wastewater purification of excess nitrate and phosphates, and to estimate the applicability of redox potential for the assessment oftransformation ofnitrogen compounds in the soil under study. The study showed the suitability of organic soil and willow for wastewater purification under the conditions of the ,,Hajdów" experimental object. Also, significant relationships were shown between redox potential and nitrogen transformation occurring in soil irrigated with wastewater after 2nd stage of treatment.
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Urszula Kotowska
Teresa Włodarczyk
Małgorzata Brzezińska
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Artykuł oparty jest na dokumentach przechowywanych w Archiwum Narodowym w Pradze, zespół „Ministerstvo financí”, a także w archiwach Czeskiego Banku Narodowego w Pradze i Państwowej Drukarni Papierów Wartościowych w Pradze. Uzupełnia informacje zawarte w katalogu polskich pieniędzy papierowych Czesława Miłczaka z 2005 roku. Porównanie sytuacji walutowej w Czechosłowacji i w Polsce po 1945 r. wykazuje wyraźne cechy wspólne. Okupacja niemiecka zdewastowała systemy pieniężne obu państw i nowe władze musiały stopniowo usuwać z obiegu pieniądz okupacyjny. Do obiegu wypuszczono najpierw bony tzw. serii 1944, wydrukowane w Moskwie. Gdy w Czechosłowacji podczas reformy monetarnej z 1 listopada 1945 roku wydano do obiegu znaki pieniężne, wydrukowane przez rząd emigracyjny w Wielkiej Brytanii, w Polsce banknoty wydrukowane podczas wojny w Stanach Zjednoczonych i Wielkiej Brytanii nie zostały emitowane. Rząd warszawski poszedł drogą tworzenia i emisji własnych banknotów, wydrukowanych w kraju (poza jednym nominałem, wydrukowanym w Czechosłowacji). W 1950 roku rząd w Warszawie postanowił przeprowadzić radykalną reformę pieniężną. Monety wykonano w Republice Czechosłowackiej (mennica Kremnica) i na Węgrzech (mennica Budapeszt). Banknoty wydrukowany w Polsce (2 zł, 5 zł), na Wegrzech (10 zł, 20 zł), a najwyższe i najbardziej skomplikowane nominały Czechosłowacji (50 zł, 100 zł a 500 zł) na papierze banknotowym dostarczonym przez polski rząd. Odmiennie niż w Czechosłowacji, nie wprowadzono w Polsce nominałów opartych na trzykrotności jednostki. Dostawy monet i banknotów z Węgier realizowano transportem kolejowym przez czechosłowackie terytorium, pod eskortą pracowników Państwowego Banku Czechoslowackiego i ochrona policyjną. Banknoty drukowane w Pradze przewożono również w konwojach kolejowych eskortowanych także przez przedstawicieli polskiej strony, którzy w Boguminie przejmowali odpowiedzialność za transport. Autorzy śledzą trasy i terminy poszczególnych transportów (przywóz papieru do Pragi, wywóz banknotów z Pragi, transporty do i z Budapesztu). Podczas realizacji reformy walutowej z 1 czerwca 1953 r. w Czechosłowacji wszelkie nowe znaki pieniężne przywieziono ze Związku Sowieckiego. Artykuł dopełnia dane o jednym z etapów rozwoju polskiej waluty i dostarcza materiału porównawczego dla badań powojennych przemian monetarnych w Europie Środkowej.

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Jiří Šouša
Jaroslav Šůla
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Wetlands play a significant role in agricultural landscape. They are the areas of exception-ally great natural values able to regulate water cycling in river catchments. In many cases they are the basic food source for bred animals.

Large areas of wetlands (c. 4 million ha) have been drained for agricultural purposes in Poland. Nevertheless, there are still numerous natural (or close to natural) wetlands, part of which is protected in nature reserves or national parks.

Having in mind the transformation of agriculture and the need of protecting water resources and natural environment, it is necessary to regulate the principles of utilisation and management of re-claimed wetlands. Water management should be adjusted to the type of an area and to environmental requirements. Regardless of the type and intensity of agricultural use of wetlands one has to aim at limiting rapid outflow of spring thaw and rainfall waters which means the reconstruction and increas-ing of natural retention capacity of the river catchment. It is necessary to provide an appropriate num-ber of water lifting facilities and their proper exploitation in land reclamation objects.

It is as well necessary to create appropriate organizational, legal and financial conditions stimu-lating actions to improve water balance and wetland protection.

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Waldemar Mioduszewski
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This paper presents a multidisciplinary model built across linguistics and selected research and hypotheses in the field of quantum physics and molecular biology. The conceptual link between the biological concept of protein sequencing and the anthropocentric assumptions concerning the operationalization of language rules will be discussed. The multidisciplinary model shows the link between the concept of sequencing language rules and constructing textemes.

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Anna Bajerowska

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