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O tym, jak fascynującym elementem przyrody są rzeki, a także o nowatorskim podejściu organizacji kongresu IAHR opowiada prof. Paweł M. Rowiński, wiceprezes PAN i badacz z Instytutu Geofizyki PAN.

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Paweł M. Rowiński
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Żeby dowiedzieć się, co w przeszłości wpływało na wahania poziomu mórz, trzeba pojechać w góry – Alpy albo Tatry. One bowiem w dawnych epokach geologicznych były dnem oceanu.

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Andrzej Grabowski
Jolanta Iwańczuk
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Dziesiątki korytarzy. Tysiące schodów. Sale i salki. Gabinety i pracownie. Nisze, zakątki i zakamarki. Tutaj siebie można zgubić. Za to znaleźć taką ilość wiedzy, jakiej gdzie indziej próżno szukać. Pałac Staszica.

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Jakub Ostałowski
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The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (Bull.Pol. Ac.: Tech.) is published bimonthly by the Division IV Engineering Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, since the beginning of the existence of the PAS in 1952. The journal is peer‐reviewed and is published both in printed and electronic form. It is established for the publication of original high quality papers from multidisciplinary Engineering sciences with the following topics preferred: Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Control, Informatics and Robotics, Electronics, Telecommunication and Optoelectronics, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Thermodynamics, Material Science and Nanotechnology, Power Systems and Power Electronics.

Journal Metrics: JCR Impact Factor 2018: 1.361, 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.323, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2017: 0.319, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2017: 1.005, CiteScore 2017: 1.27, The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2017: 25 points.

Abbreviations/Acronym: Journal citation: Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech., ISO: Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci.-Tech. Sci., JCR Abbrev: B POL ACAD SCI-TECH Acronym in the Editorial System: BPASTS.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jakub Ostałowski
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The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (Bull.Pol. Ac.: Tech.) is published bimonthly by the Division IV Engineering Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, since the beginning of the existence of the PAS in 1952. The journal is peer‐reviewed and is published both in printed and electronic form. It is established for the publication of original high quality papers from multidisciplinary Engineering sciences with the following topics preferred: Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Control, Informatics and Robotics, Electronics, Telecommunication and Optoelectronics, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Thermodynamics, Material Science and Nanotechnology, Power Systems and Power Electronics.

Journal Metrics: JCR Impact Factor 2018: 1.361, 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.323, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2017: 0.319, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2017: 1.005, CiteScore 2017: 1.27, The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2017: 25 points.

Abbreviations/Acronym: Journal citation: Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech., ISO: Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci.-Tech. Sci., JCR Abbrev: B POL ACAD SCI-TECH Acronym in the Editorial System: BPASTS.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jakub Ostałowski
Keywords astrofizyka
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Atena. Jej domeną była sztuka i sprawiedliwa wojna. A także mądrość. Dziś wykorzysta ją, by badać gorący Wszechświat. W pracy pomoże jej zespół uczonej z Polski.

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Agata Różańska
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The article presents the results of preliminary tests obtained from the analysis of ash coming from the combustion of various types of waste in household furnaces. The aim of this work was to examine the infl uence of various types of waste burned in household furnaces on the elemental composition of the generated ash. As part of the research, analyses of ash generated from the incineration of mixed waste, plastics, wood, textiles, rubber waste and paper were made. The content of selected metal ions: Mn, Cu, Mo, Zn, Cd, Tl, Cr, Co, Ni, As, Sn, Sb, Pb, V was determined in the tested samples, according to PN-EN ISO 17294-2: 2016-11 standard. The highest concentrations of zinc were found in the large-sized waste, rubber and textile ash samples and highest concentrations of copper were found in the plastic and paper ash samples. The highest concentrations for elements such as copper, lead, cobalt and chromium were recorded for samples of rubber and large-sized waste containing e.g. varnished furniture boards. The obtained results showed that depending on the waste incinerated, the content of selected metals was signifi cantly diff erent, and the highest concentrations were noted for samples of large-sized waste, waste from segregated plastics and waste from rubbers.

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Joanna Poluszyńska

  1. Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials, Opole, Poland
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To find out what affected sea level fluctuations in the past, researchers have to turn to the mountains. In ancient geological epochs, today’s Alps and Tatras were actually once on the ocean floor.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jakub Ostałowski
Jacek Grabowski
Jolanta Iwańczuk
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The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (Bull.Pol. Ac.: Tech.) is published bimonthly by the Division IV Engineering Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, since the beginning of the existence of the PAS in 1952. The journal is peer‐reviewed and is published both in printed and electronic form. It is established for the publication of original high quality papers from multidisciplinary Engineering sciences with the following topics preferred: Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Control, Informatics and Robotics, Electronics, Telecommunication and Optoelectronics, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Thermodynamics, Material Science and Nanotechnology, Power Systems and Power Electronics.

Journal Metrics: JCR Impact Factor 2018: 1.361, 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.323, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2017: 0.319, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2017: 1.005, CiteScore 2017: 1.27, The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2017: 25 points.

Abbreviations/Acronym: Journal citation: Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech., ISO: Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci.-Tech. Sci., JCR Abbrev: B POL ACAD SCI-TECH Acronym in the Editorial System: BPASTS.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jakub Ostałowski
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Andrzej Grygoruk, head of the Biebrza National Park, talks about Biebrza’s natural treasures and the difficulties in protecting them.

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Andrzej Grygoruk
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Professor Paweł Rowiński, Vice-President of the PAS and a researcher at the PAS Institute of Geophysics, explains why rivers are such a fascinating subject of study and describes the innovative approach being taken to organizing the IAHR Congress in Poland.

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Paweł M. Rowiński
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The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (Bull.Pol. Ac.: Tech.) is published bimonthly by the Division IV Engineering Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, since the beginning of the existence of the PAS in 1952. The journal is peer‐reviewed and is published both in printed and electronic form. It is established for the publication of original high quality papers from multidisciplinary Engineering sciences with the following topics preferred: Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Control, Informatics and Robotics, Electronics, Telecommunication and Optoelectronics, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Thermodynamics, Material Science and Nanotechnology, Power Systems and Power Electronics.

Journal Metrics: JCR Impact Factor 2018: 1.361, 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.323, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2017: 0.319, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2017: 1.005, CiteScore 2017: 1.27, The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2017: 25 points.

Abbreviations/Acronym: Journal citation: Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech., ISO: Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci.-Tech. Sci., JCR Abbrev: B POL ACAD SCI-TECH Acronym in the Editorial System: BPASTS.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jakub Ostałowski
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Every day they stroke the sand to hear the stories of the Chodelka River Valley. And the stories are plentiful.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jakub Ostałowski
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To learn about fish of the Oligocene period, one must first travel to the Carpathian Mountains and slowly smash rocks.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jakub Ostałowski

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