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Anaerobic digestion (AD) converts organic matter and biomass waste into biogas, making it an environmentally friendly technology to improve energy resources for a wide range of applications. Jerusalem artichoke straw (JAS) has an enriched content of cellulose and exhibits a high potential for methane production. AD-based production of methane can eff ectively utilize waste JAS. This study investigated the AD performance of JAS to explore the enhancement of methane yields by employing a Box-Behnken experimental design (BBD) of response surface methodology (RSM). The overall goal was to identify the optimal levels of pretreatment factors, including HCl concentration, pretreatment time, and pretreatment temperature, for producing optimal biomethane yields from JAS. The highest value of methane production achieved was 256.33 mL g-1VS by using an optimal concentration of HCl as 0.25 M, a pretreatment time of 10 h, and a pretreatment temperature of 25°C. These results inform the future application of JAS in enhanced methane production.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yan Meng
Yi Li
Laisheng Chen
Rui Han

  1. Qinghai Key Laboratory of Vegetable Genetics and Physiology, Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Qinghai University, Xining, Qinghai 810016, China
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Groundwater resources are typically affected by both global climate factors and anthropogenic activities. This influence is most apparent in arid and semi-arid climates of the Saharan desert. With rising temperatures and minimal precipitation, climate variability in these regions has a particularly significant and systemic impact on the chemical composition of shallow aquifer water. In this regard, our study aims to evaluate the climatic effects on groundwater in Saharan environments, using the Ouargla basin as a prime example. Water samples taken from 45 observation piezometers in our selected study area in February and June 2021 were used to assess the overall impact of inter-annual climate variations on salinity within this shallow groundwater basin. The obtained results show that groundwater located in the first three meters of shallow aquifer depth is directly influenced by surface climate. This pattern holds true for both observed seasonal periods. Stratification indices within the saturated zone were found to be positive, indicating an increase in groundwater salinity at lower depths and negative in shallower depths. This suggests a direct climate influence on this groundwater. These findings can be used to enhance sustainable development strategies in such environments, notably by quantifying salt accumulation and efficiently managing salinity exchange between saturated and vadose horizons.
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Authors and Affiliations

Medjani Fethi
Zahi Faouzi
Djidel Mohamed
Labar Sofiane
Hamilton Cynthia Mei-Ling

  1. Laboratory of Geology of the Sahara, University Kasdi Merbah Ouargla, Algeria
  2. Laboratory of Geological Engineering, University of Jijel, Algeria
  3. Department of Geography and Territorial Planning, Houari Boumediene University of Science and Technology, Algeria
  4. Environmental Geochemist & Educator., Bakersfield, CA United States
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The aim of the research was to determine the factors defining the growth and development of Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens upon petroleum contamination. The top layer of clay soil contaminated with petroleum products resulting from an oil pipeline failure was collected for the tests. The control was the same type of uncontaminated soil with the addition of, under laboratory conditions, tissue paper. The research was conducted in two stages. The first concerned the germination process and seedlings parameters (Petri dishes). The germination energy ( GE) and the germination capacity ( GC) of seeds were determined. The seedling’s development was also evaluated based on ‘WinRhizo PRO 2009’ software. Then, in the second stage, pot tests were carried out, where the growth and development of species in the first year after sowing were temporarily measured. The parameters studied were the number, height, green and dry masses of the plants.
A Gompertz regression model describing seed species germination and number species as time dependent dynamic was applied. The data were analysed statistically using variance analysis (ANOVA) and the PCA (principal component analysis) method. The results of our study indicated that admixture of petroleum into the soil does not seriously affect the development dynamics of Lolium perenne seedlings. The diesel oil contamination mostly affects the germination of the Trifolium repens by a statistically significant increase of the maximum value of germination and increasing the maximum growth rate.
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Authors and Affiliations

Bogumiła Pawluśkiewicz
Ilona Małuszyńska
Marcin Małuszyński
Piotr Dąbrowski
Tomasz Gnatowski

  1. Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Institute of Environmental Engineering, ul. Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Water Center, Warsaw, Poland

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