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The operational mineral deposit reconnaissance tends to evaluate its parameters to conduct safe and profitable production. Particular deposit parameters, important from the point of mineral deposit management, are estimated on the basis of observations carried out by mining geological surveys. These observations usually involve sampling, drilling, laboratory analyses and others. The use of fuzzy description to assess the parameters of the mineral deposit was proposed in the paper. In the fuzzy characteristics, an imprecise descriptive description appeared in place of a particular numerical quantity. This approach was used to description of the ore deposit features (metal content, volume, and metal yield) by assigning them specific characteristic functions, whose distributions were based on basic statistical quantities. Characteristic functions can be used to prepare operational strategies for any configuration of required deposit parameters resulting from the production management needs. For this purpose, selected logical operators of fuzzy sets were used. In the next approach to fuzzy modeling, an opportunity to characterize the deposit in a subjective approach was indicated, where the assessment of the deposit parameters is based on rough, in some way, discretionary observation and evaluation. Such model construction enabled the overall assessment of the deposit from the point of view of any parameters. Through the implementation of appropriate inference rules, adequate fuzzy control planes were obtained, which may also be useful in the context of operational mine strategy planning.

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Mariusz Krzak
Paweł Panajew
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Szyby górnicze stanowią podstawowe znaczenie dla prawidłowego i bezpiecznego funkcjonowania kopalń podziemnych. W związku z tym ich obudowie stawia się wysokie wymagania, które okresowo weryfikowane są odpowiednimi badaniami oraz oceną jej stanu według obowiązujących norm i przepisów. Te z kolei obligują rzeczoznawców do stosowania coraz bardziej zaawansowanych metod pomiarowych, pozwalających w sposób precyzyjny określić rodzaj i wielkość uszkodzeń obudowy szybowej, co ma zasadniczy wpływ na ocenę jej stateczności. W artykule zostały przedstawione nowoczesne, a zarazem optymalne i kompleksowe metody badań obudowy szybów górniczych. Artykuł oprócz prezentacji metod badawczych, zawiera wiele wskazówek praktycznych, wpływających na poprawność wykonywanych badań, a tym samym na adekwatność wyników. W szczególności zostały omówione badania obudowy szybów metodami nieniszczącymi i niszczącymi, ocena makroskopowa obudowy oraz badania laboratoryjne próbek obudowy pobranych z obmurza szybu. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono również na nowoczesne badania deformacji obudowy, z wykorzystaniem skaningu laserowego w technologii 3D oraz metodę grawimetryczną, do określenia stanu górotworu za obudową szybu. Opisane metody badawcze stanowią podstawowy sposób sprawdzania stanu technicznego obudowy szybów górniczych, na podstawie których można stwierdzić, czy szyby mogą bezpiecznie funkcjonować, czy też ich obudowa wymaga naprawy. Prezentowane doświadczenia oparte są na wynikach badań wykonanych przez autora w wielu kopalniach węgla kamiennego podczas badań obudowy kilkudziesięciu szybów górniczych.

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Jerzy Stasica
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The paper presents a solution of the control system for fatigue test stand MZGS-100 PL, comprising the integrated Real-Time controller based on FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) technology with LabVIEW software. The described control system performs functions such as continuous regulation of speed induction motor, measuring strain of the lever machine and the test specimen, displacement of the polyharmonic vibrator, as well as the elimination of interferences, overload protection and emergency stop of the machine. The fatigue test stand also allows to set the pseudo-random history of energy parameter W(t).

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Wojciech Macek
Ewald Macha

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The world prefers to increase energy efficiency and use energy from renewable and alternative sources. Ukraine has chosen the same path. To form recommendations for improving state support schemes for the sustainable development of renewable energy, the authors conducted a thorough analysis of the state of renewable energy in Ukraine and its legislative support. The advantage of the study is the visual presentation of data. Thus, the authors presented and analyzed which energy sources Ukraine uses for its own needs, the essence of the Ukrainian energy balance and its state in 2019. The authors found that the development of renewable energy is one of the “Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine”, which are based on the world. The authors noted the objectives and indicators of the goal, assessed the value of the indicators and found that, even though the goal is one of the most important goals because it is in third place in the number of amendments to existing regulations, there is a lag in plans and more lag on some additional tasks. The authors systematized the legal basis for the functioning of renewable energy and revealed this process’ subject-object relations. The analysis showed that the improvement of state support schemes for the sustainable development of renewable energy should be based on European norms and standards but consider national specifics. The authors proposed and described the principles of improving state support for the sustainable development of renewable energy, which should be based on ensuring the balance of interests of the three main stakeholders of the renewable energy market: the state, energy consumers and investors.
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Olha Prokopenko
Anna Chechel
Iryna Sotnyk
Vitaliy Omelyanenko
4 3
Tetiana Kurbatova
Tetiana Nych

  1. International Humanitarian University, Odessa, Ukraine
  2. Donetsk State University of Management, Mariupol, Ukraine
  3. Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine
  4. Institute of Industrial Economics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  5. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
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Earth Pressure Balanced shields are currently the most utilized tunnelling machines throughout around the world. The possibility of using conditioning agents that change the mechanical and hydraulic behaviour of a soil, changing it into a plastic paste and thus permitting soil pressure applications at the tunnel face, is the key point to explain the increasing utilization of this technology. Despite its great importance, not much laboratory researches can be registered on soil conditioning, particularly for cohesionless soils. The conditioning criterion is usually defined on the basis of a trial-and-error procedure developed directly at the job sites. A test that is able to simulate the extraction of soil from the bulk chamber with the screw conveyor inclined upwards, as in real machines, can offer a quantitative indication of the conditioned soil behavior for EPB use. The characteristics of the device and the results obtained on many different types of soil are discussed in order to point out the great importance and quality of results that can be achieved using the proposed test device.

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Luca Borio
Daniele Peila
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Participants in a conversational exchange may express their viewpoints in a number of ways, or put more precisely, they use various ways of expressing their viewpoints. When employing phrases such as It is likely that ..., perhaps ..., actually ..., it is possible that..., and I think that ..., etc., speakers modify the meaning, or the illocutionary force, of the utterances they make. This feature, which has been called ‘modality’, is present, among others, in the genre of political interview and serves various functions. The present contribution offers an inquiry into the linguistic means that politicians utilize to modify their involvement in, or their detachment from, the proposition and in this way they alter the meaning of their statements.

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Jana Kozubíková Šandová
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Whilst the extant scholarship offers a detailed exploration of why return migrants enter self-employment or engage in business initiatives in general, we know relatively little about their involvement in transnational economic activities which connect the previous destination coun-try with the origin one and how they compare to other kinds of entrepreneurial venture in this vein. This article aims to understand these motivations by using insights from 50 semi-structured interviews conducted with traders of used cars imported in Romania, a mass phe-nomenon in the Central and Eastern European area and beyond. An important result of this research is that entrepreneurs have to consider a multitude of factors in multiple locations when entering the used-car business. The article also suggests that entrepreneurial motivations among used-car traders are not fixed but, rather, can and do change over time.
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Anatolie Coşciug

  1. “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania
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This paper explores the ways in which young people aged 12 to 18 who were born in Central and Eastern European EU countries but now live in the United Kingdom construct their future imaginaries in the context of Brexit. It reports on findings from a large-scale survey, focus groups and family case studies to bring an original perspective on young migrants’ plans for the future, including mobility and citizenship plans, and concerns over how Britain’s decision to leave the European Union might impact them. While most of the young people planned to stay in Britain for the immediate future, it was clear that Brexit had triggered changes to their long-term plans. These concerns were linked to uncertainties over access to education and the labour market for EU nationals post-Brexit, the precarity of their legal status and their overall concerns over an increase in racism and xenophobia. While our young research participants expressed a strong sense of European identity, their imaginaries rarely featured ‘going back’ to their country of birth and instead included narratives of moving on to more attractive, often unfamiliar, destinations. The reasons and dynamics behind these plans are discussed by drawing on theories of transnational belonging.

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Daniela Sime
Marta Moskal
Naomi Tyrrell
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The article summarises results of studies on litter concentrations on the Polish sea shore. Origin, mechanism of transport and source of litter are discussed. The main part of the data has been based on litter quality and quantity investigation in post-storm marine sediments. Data were collected in surface sediments since 2001 and in fossil washover fans dated 1988–2000 in different locations on the coast. Litter has been divided according to the material, use, size and origin. Analysis of litter quantity on beaches after storm surges showed an annual increase. The heavier surge, the more debris and mixed litter appear on the coast. A large increase in the amount of litter has been observed after the storm in 2009. The average amount of litter per 1 m2 has increased from 1.5 in 2001 to 17.5 in 2020. Among litter there is still a similar share of fishery and ship waste. The biggest growth was observed in waste of consumable origin. Plastic litter, including anthropogenic waste left on beaches, has increased to 80% in recent years. Most waste occurred on the coast adjacent to the Vistula River mouth.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Arkadiusz Łabuz

  1. Institute of Marine and Environmental Sciences, University of Szczecin, Mickiewicza St. 16, PL-70383 Szczecin, Poland
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The impact of caulking of goafs after mining exploitation of a hard coal seam with caving is expressed as the change in value of a a exploitation coefficient which, as defined, is the quotient of the maximum reduction in the surface height of a complete or incomplete trough to the thickness of the exploited seam. The basis for determining the value of the exploitation coefficient was geological and mining data combined with the results of the measurement of subsidence on the surface – measuring line 1222-1301 – of the Ruda mine. There, mining was carried out between 2005 and 2019, with a transverse longwall system and the caulking of goafs. The research team used two methods to determine the impact of the caulking applied in the goafs on the value of the exploitation coefficient. In the first method the goafs are filled evenly along the whole longwall, and in the second method unevenly and on a quarterly basis. The determination of the values of the exploitation coefficients for selected measuring points was preceded by the determination of the parameters of the Knothe-Budryk theory, which was further developed by J. Białek. The obtained dependencies are linear and the values of the correlation coefficients fall between –0.684 and –0.702, which should be considered satisfactory in terms of experimental data. It is possible to reduce the value of the exploitation coefficient by caulking the goafs by about 18%, when filling the goafs to 0.26% of the height of the active longwall.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Kowalski
Jan Białek
Tadeusz Rutkowski

  1. Central Mining Institute, 1 Gwarków Sq., 40-166 Katowice, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology, 2A Akademicka Str., 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  3. PGG S.A. KWK Ruda, Ruda Śląska, Poland

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