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The aim of the paper is to draw attention to risks and challenges faced by the national grid infrastructure both in the area of transmission and distribution. The study presents the characteristics of the network grid in the area of transmission and distribution. The threats concerning the transmission and distribution infrastructure were also discussed. Both the national transmission and the distribution grids are adapted to presently occurring typical conditions of the demand on electricity and to the execution of internal tasks in normal states, but they may pose a potential threat to the security of the energy supplies. In the context of the forecasted future growth of the electricity demand, the insufficient capacity of the National Power System in domestic sources and sources available through interconnections, the uneven distribution of sources and customers with the lack of adequate grid transmission capacity, the necessity to improve the quality and reliability of energy supply to end users and to intensively develop renewable energy sources, the current grid infrastructure in the area of transmission and distribution will be insufficient. It will be necessary to expand and modernize the 400 and 220 kV transmission grid, the 110 kV distribution grid, in large urban agglomerations in particular, the MV distribution grid in rural areas in particular, and to implement investments aimed at increasing the export and import capacities of the National Power System. The paper presents challenges faced by transmission and distribution system operators. They mainly concern the field of investments and the area related to the preparation and implementation of investments in the grid. These challenges result from national legislation which is inappropriate and imposes many legal and administrative barriers substantially limiting the speed and effectiveness of the investment process.
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Waldemar Dołęga
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The recent financial crisis has seen huge swings in corporate bond spreads. It is analyzed what quality VAR-based forecasts would have had prior and during the crisis period. Given that forecasts of the mean of interest rates or financial market prices are subject to large uncertainty independent of the class of models used, major emphasis is put on the quality of measures of forecast uncertainty. The VAR considered is based on a model first suggested in the literature in 2005. In a rolling window analysis, both the model’s forecasts and joint prediction bands are calculated making use of recently proposed methods. Besides a traditional analysis of the forecast quality, the performance of the proposed prediction bands is assessed. It is shown that the actual coverage of joint prediction bands is superior to the coverage of naïve prediction bands constructed pointwise.

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Anna Staszewska-Bystrova
Peter Winker
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The panorama of creative attitudes, the forms of expression and the techniques present in Polish graphic art around the year 1918 was very vast. The graphic artists dedicated to realistic mode of imaging, the visionaries as well as the innovators of the first avant-garde, searching for fresh means of expression in graphic arts worked next to one another. The artwork referring to the fights in the fronts of World War I, the illustrations of everyday prison camp existence, the portraits of the commanders as well as the privates of Legiony (Leopold Gottlieb’s file of lithographs, 1916) were created simultaneously to the works by Felix Jabłczyński (who experimented with various graphic techniques, but also referred the current political situation in his works) or the 1st file of lithographs, Bożki Słowiańskie [Slavic Idols] (1918), by Zofia Stryjeńska. Between 1917 and 1921, the artists of the first avant-garde (from Formiści and Bunt art groups) who practiced graphic arts continued their endeavours in searching for a new form, initiated several years earlier. In 1918, Władysław Skoczylas, the author of a woodcut Święty Boże (Wojna) [Holy God (War)] from 1916, a work which opened a new chapter in the history of Polish woodcut, moved permanently to Warsaw. Regaining of national independence and shaping the borders of the Second Repu blic was mirrored in symbolic lithographs by Felicjan S. Kowarski, dating around 1921. Around 1918, the explorations within graphic arts made by the artists from Krakow and Warsaw were enhanced by some new centres, up to then outermost realm of the map of art. One of such places was Toruń, where, in 1920, Konfrateria Toruńska [Toruń Confraternity] was established. Its members practiced artistic and functional graphic art as well. One of them, Felicjan S. Kowarski, founded Artistic-Graphic Workshop “Sztuka”. In 1919 in Poznań, the State School of Decorative Arts and Art Industry was established (with the graphic arts department); in 1920 on Bydgoszcz the State School of Art Industry (with Karol Mondral as its graphic arts instructor). In 1919, the Faculty of Fine Arts at Vilnius Batory University created the Studio of Applied Arts (with Decorations and Graphic Arts Studios). The same year, the Association of Polish Graphic Artists, functioning nationwide, was founded. The article signals the wealth of initiatives as well as the formal and ideological diversity of graphic works created around 1918, those referring to the war and independence issues as well as those aimed at perfecting the technique, the novelty of form, and those revealing certain style-genic aspirations. The author attempts to answer the question of the place of creative (and functional) graphic arts in the first years of the reborn Polish state and indicates which concepts (present around 1918) lay at the foundation of the unprecedented blossoming of graphic arts that occurred the Second Polish Republic.

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Katarzyna Kulpińska
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The integration of chaos theory and history has been an issue ofmany scientific discussions, but failed to produce any results. Author reexamines the discussions, mathematical features of the theory and claims that proposed ways of integration couldn't have been used practically. Author asks if such integration is possible and i fit can have any intrinsic value for advancement of historical knowledge. Proposed solution is to use chaos theory as a tool, which enables historians to analyze causal relations in the past.
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Maciej Gablankowski
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The paper presents the results of the numerical analyses for the steam turbine rotor, dedicated for the newly-designed 900 MW steam unit with supercritical steam parameters (650 °C, 30.0 MPa). Basing on the design calculations, an optimal design solution was determined. Review of the available literature on materials for turbine rotors with supercritical steam parameters was done. Then the start-ups of the turbine were simulated. Thermal and strength states were analyzed. As a result, an optimal start-up characteristic was obtained.

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Henryk Łukowicz
Andrzej Rusin
Marian Lipka
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We studied dynamic changes in anthropogenic bacterial communities at a summer−operated Czech research base (the Mendel Research Station) in the Antarctic during 2012 and 2013. We observed an increase in total numbers of detected bacteria between the beginning and the end of each stay in the Antarctic. In the first series of samples, bacteria of Bacillus sp. predominated. Surprisingly, high numbers of Gram−positive cocci and coli − forms were found (including opportunistic human pathogens), although the conditions for bacterial life were unfavourable (Antarctic winter). In the second series of samples, coliforms and Gram−positive cocci predominated. Dangerous human pathogens were also detected. Yersinia enterocolitica was identified as serotype O:9. Antibiotic susceptibility testing showed medium−to−high resistance rates to ampicillin, cefalotin, cefuroxime, amoxicillin−clavulanate and gentamicin in Enterobacteriaceae. 16S rRNA sequencing showed high rates of accordance between nucleotide sequences among the tested strains. Three conclusions were drawn: (1) Number of anthropogenic bacteria were able to survive the harsh conditions of the Antarctic winter (inside and outside the polar station). Under certain circumstances ( e.g. impaired immunity), the surviving bacteria might pose a health risk to the participants of future expeditions or to other visitors to the base. (2) The bacteria released into the outer environment might have impacts on local ecosystems. (3) New characteristics ( e.g. resistance to antibiotics) may be introduced into local bacterial communities.
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Kristian Brat
Ivo Sedlacek
Alena Sevcikova
Zdenek Merta
Kamil Laska
Pavel Sevcik
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The aim of this paper is a scientific reflection on the issue of Donbas identity, Donbas mythology and historical memory, and to examine how these categories works in contemporary Ukrainian literature. The analysed literary works, on the one hand, show the economic and mental breakdown of the region (Serhiy Zhadan), and on the other hand, they allow us to hope that thanks to the process of self-reflection, it is possible to construct an identity of the inhabitants of Donbas correlated with the Ukrainian national identity (Oleksiy Chupa). Contemporary Ukrainian literature also indicates efforts to create their own Donbas mythology, independent of Russian patterns, which may become part of the Ukrainian nation-building mythology (Lubov Yakymchuk).
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Albert Nowacki

  1. Lublin, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
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A buckling analysis of temperature-dependent embedded plates reinforced by single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) subjected to a magnetic field is investigated. The SWCNTs are distributed as uniform (UD) and three types of functionally graded nanotubes (FG), in which the material properties of the nano-composite plate are estimated based on the mixture rule. The surrounding temperature-dependent elastic medium is simulated as Pasternak foundation. Based on the orthotropic Mindlin plate theory, the governing equations are derived using Hamilton's principle. The buckling load of the structure is calculated based on an exact solution by the Navier method. The influences of elastic medium, magnetic field, temperature and distribution type, and volume fractions of SWCNT are shown on the buckling of the plate. Results indicate that CNT distribution close to the top and bottom are more efficient than that distributed near the mid-plane for increasing the stiffness of the plates.

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R. Kolahchi
M. Esmailpour
M. Safari
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The article presents the use of the Mamdani fuzzy reasoning model to develop a proposal of a system controlling partnering relations in construction projects. The system input variables include: current assessments of particular partnering relation parameters, the weights of these parameters’ impact on time, cost, quality and safety of implementation of construction projects, as well as the importance of these project assessment criteria for its manager. For each of the partnering relation parameters, the project’s manager will receive controlrecommendations. Moreover, the parameter to be improved first will be indicated. The article contains a calculation example of the system’s operations.

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E. Radziszewska-Zielina
B. Szewczyk
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This article is devoted to the worldwide development of renewable energy in connection to the development of the socio-economic system and employment transformations. It is emphasized that the use of renewable energy sources is growing extremely fast globally, and it is generating positive socio-economic effects such as creating jobs worldwide. It is noted that in contrast to the situation in the field of traditional energy, the number of vacancies in the field of renewable energy continues to grow; photovoltaic, bioenergy, hydropower and wind forms of renewable energy are powerful employers in the world economy. It is noted that the increase in the number of people employed in the field of renewable energy is a consequence of the decentralized nature of the sector, as a result of which, renewable energy technologies produce more vacancies per unit of investment compared to traditional electricity generation technologies. It has been emphasized that the further development of renewable energy depends on the volume of investment in the creation of production facilities, which contributes to the further creation of jobs. Furthermore, it has been determined that the problem of renewable energy staffing is also extremely relevant for Ukraine. It is noted that the current system of training for this energy sector does not meet the long-term requirements; the increase of energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy transform the qualification requirements for employees, which requires the transformation of approaches to the training and development of employees.
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Authors and Affiliations

Svitlana Kalinina
Olena Lyndiuk
Vasyl Savchenko
Valeriya Podunay
Svitlana Lanska
Eduard Savchenko

  1. Theoretical and Applied Economics Department, Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Ukraine
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The methods arc described for determinations of Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Ba, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, V and Sr in botanical, coal fly ash and soil samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS), and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (!CP-AES). Special attention has been paid to sample preparation, an important stage at which a sample is explored to contaminants. Results of the analysis of all samples arc discussed.
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Krystyna Srogi
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Nowadays, in addition to the thermodynamic properties of refrigerants, their impact on the environment is of high significance. Hence, it is important to use refrigerants with the lowest possible values of ozone depletion potential and global warming potential indices in refrigeration, organic Rankine cycle (ORC), air conditioning, and heat pump systems. Natural refrigerants are the most environmentally friendly; unfortunately, they have less favourable thermodynamic properties. Currently, low-pressure refrigerants from the FC (fluorocarbons, fluorine liquids) and HFE (hydrofluoroether) groups are increasingly used. This paper presents the most important properties and applications of selected refrigerants from these groups and also reviews the literature on their use.
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Małgorzata Sikora
Tadeusz Bohdal

  1. Koszalin University of Technology, Śniadeckich 2, 75-453 Koszalin, Poland
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The complex nature of the combustion process, which simultaneously obeys the laws of thermodynamics, heat transfer, aerodynamics and the chemical kinetics of oxidation reactions, makes numerical modelling very difficult and the experimental approach is currently playing a crucial role in their investigation. The modern highly developed theory of experimental design combines various analytical procedures that allow, with a minimum number of experiments, the obtaining of maximum information about the physical or technological processes under investigation, the properties of materials and phenomena. The ability to determine the influence of the main mode and design parameters on the geometrical characteristics of the flare is a prerequisite for effectively influencing the combustion process in order to intensify it. The present work is an introduction to the methods of planning and knowledge of multifactorial experiments, including: the preparation, conduct and processing of experimental results; mastering the methodology of experimental research; using the methods of mathematical statistics and regression analysis to plan experiments; developing the ability to analyze the object of study; correctly selecting the optimization parameter and the essential factors of the object of study; building an experiment planning matrix to obtain an adequate mathematical model of the object. The objective of this work is to propose an approach to study the effect of mode and design parameters, on the basic dimensions and shape of the gas flare, based on regression analysis of experimental data in the study of the performance of a flat flame burner.
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Ivan Antonov Petrov

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing and Thermal Engineering; Technical University of Sofia, Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy of Sliven, Bulgaria
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The photo-oxidability of lipids taken from 32 samples of krill from different dates of catch has been examined for photooxidation. Relations were indicated between the rate of accumulation of peroxides in the process of lipids, exposure and content of lipids in krill, its iodine value and amount number of carotenoids.

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Anna Kołakowska
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The GRACE-based model GGM02S is a global gravity model expressed in spherical harmonics. As the model is a global solution, a certain smoothing of the available gravity field information is unavoidable. For regional geoid determination the irregularities of residual gravity field should be included. The paper presents the global GRACE gravity field solution, regionally improved by adding a residual field, which is represented by radial base functions. The GRACE observations over the territory of Poland are analysed and a regionally improved GRACE geoid from this data is derived. This improved regional geoid is compared with the Polish quasigeoid and differences between the global and regionally improved GRACE GGM02S solutions are discussed. The study shows that the error of the official GRACE GGM02s solution was reduced by 50% due 10 regional refinement.
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Antoni Markus
Andrzej Borkowski
Wolfgang Keller
Magdalena Owczarek
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The construction contractor is concerned with reducing the cost of the project, including reducing unnecessary downtime. This is achieved when resources are fully utilized; this means the crews work continuously moving without interruption from one location to the other. However, any disturbance in the optimally scheduled workflow caused by random events is likely to result in delays, interruptions in the crews work, and productivity losses. There is therefore a need for scheduling methods that allow plans to be more resilient to disruptions and ensure a reduction in downtime and implementation costs. The authors put forward a proactive-reactive approach to the schedule risk management. Proposed method makes it possible to protect schedule deadlines from the impact of risk factors by allocating time buffers (proactive approach). It also takes into account the measures that managers take during execution in response to delays that occur, such as changing construction methods, employing extra resources, or working overtime (reactive approach). It combines both ideas and is based on project simulation technique. The merits of the proposed approach are illustrated by a case of a repetitive project to erect a number of buildings. The presented example proves that the proposed method enables the planner to estimate the scale of delays of processes’ start and consider the impact of measures to reduce duration of processes in particular locations taken in reaction to delays. Thus, it is possible to determine the optimal schedule, at which the costs of losses associated with delays and downtime are minimal.
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Piotr Jaskowski
Sławomir Biruk
Michał Krzeminski

  1. Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Nadbystrzyckastr. 40, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
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In the article, the authors presented the results of microbiological air quality studies in selected buildings with additional thermal insulation applied from the inside using a silicate and lime system, as well as the results of a survey study concerning the comfort of use of said buildings. The microbiological air quality studies, conducted in buildings immediately prior to and after the application of additional thermal insulation using silicate and lime sheets, demonstrated a significant decrease in the number of mould spores in interior spaces. This was also reflected in the results of a survey study. The survey study was conducted with users of public and commercial buildings and municipal housing buildings in Krakow. Thanks to the additional insulation applied from inside using the silicate and lime system, all of the utilitarian parameters of internal spaces had improved. The most significant changes concerned parameters like comfort of use, the aesthetic of the spaces and breathing comfort. According to experts, the silicate and lime system was also rated highly in terms of the analysed parameters.

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Authors and Affiliations

Elżbieta Radziszewska-Zielina
Piotr Czerski
Wojciech Grześkowiak
Patrycja Kwaśniewska-Sip

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