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An analysis of the effect of feed foaming on the efficiency of sunflower oil encapsulation on selected product properties is presented in the paper. Experiments were carried out in a pilot-plant concurrent spray dryer using the gas-admixing technique. The analysis of the product properties showed that the application of foaming makes it possible to control final product properties, e.g. apparent density, bulk density, distribution of particle diameters, etc. at a high efficiency of sunflower oil encapsulation.

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Artur Lewandowski
Marcin Czyżewski
Ireneusz Zbiciński
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In this article the structural and mechanical properties of grain refinement of Cu-Sn alloys with tin content of 10%, 15% and 20% using the KOBO method have been presented. The direct extrusion by KOBO (name from the combination of the first two letters of the names of its inventors – A. Korbel and W. Bochniak) method employs, during the course of the whole process, a phenomenon of permanent change of strain travel, realized by a periodical, two-sided, plastic metal torsion. Moreover the aim of this work was to study corrosion resistance. The microstructure investigations were performed using an optical microscope Olimpus GX71, a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). The mechanical properties were determined with INSTRON 4505/5500 machine. Corrosion tests were performed using «Autolab» set – potentiostat/galvanostat from EcoChemie B.V. with GPES software ver. 4.9. The obtained results showed possibility of KOBO deformation of Cu-Sn casting alloys. KOBO processing contributed to the refinement of grains and improved mechanical properties of the alloys. The addition of tin significantly improved the hardness. Meanwhile, with the increase of tin content the tensile strength and yield strength of alloys decrease gradually. Ductility is controlled by eutectoid composition and especially δ phase, because they initiate nucleation of void at the particle/matrix interface. No significant differences in the corrosion resistance between cast and KOBO processed materials were found.

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J. Sobota
K. Rodak
M. Nowak
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Leon Król (1842 -1927) was born at Rogalin near Kórnik to the family of the manor administrator of Count Raczyński and was educated to become a saddler and harness-maker in Kórnik, Poznan, and Łowicz. In 1863, Leon joined Leon Young’s insurgent detachment. After the defeat suff ered by Brdów on 29 May, he subsequently came under the command of Alojzy Seyfried, Ludwik Oborski, and Edmund Taczanowski. He fought in the battles of Babsk (17 May), Niewiesz (23 May), Sędziejowice (26 August; it was here that he rendered outstanding services), and Kruszyna (29 August), where Taczanowski’s detachment was finally smashed. He then participated in insurgent gendarmerie actions at Łask and Szadek, and in the battle of Jeżew on 5 December 1863. Having returned to his family area, he was subsequently punitively conscripted into the Prussian army, served in several campaigns, and finally settled at Kórnik. After Poland regained independence in 1918, Leon Król was promoted to the rank of a lieutenant, received a uniform as a military veteran, and participated in the production of one of the first Polish historical fi lms. Many of his descendants still live in Kórnik today. The text of his unfi nished memories of 1863, written in 1911, has survived in the Kórnik Library in the form of a typescript copy, and was edited by Stanisława Andrejewska.

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Leon Król
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Characterization of angular leaf spot (ALS) disease of beans caused by Pseudocercospora griseola (Sacc.) Crous & Braun along with its occurrence was investigated using 118 isolates obtained from beans grown in greenhouses in the western Black Sea region of Turkey. Incidences of ALS disease ranged between 77–100% and 82–100% for summer and autumn sown bean cultivations while the disease severity was in the ranges of 66–82% and 74–86% for the same periods, respectively. All of the 118 isolates of P. griseola yielded 500–560 bp PCR products from ITS1 and ITS4 primers, while 45 isolates yielded 200–250 bp products from actin genes primer and 5 isolates yielded 300–350 bp from calmodulin primer. The form of the Turkish isolates of P. griseola was determined as f. griseola since ITS sequences of 118 isolates of P. griseola showed between 98–100% similarity to the isolates of P. griseola f. griseola deposited in GenBank and our isolates took place on the same branch on the phylogenetic tree formed by the representative isolates in GenBank. The actin sequences did not give a clear differentiation for the forms of P. griseola. The phylogenetic trees generated by ITS1, ITS2 and actin genes formed similar branches. Each had two main clade and similar sub clades.
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1. Abadio A.K.R., Lima S.S., Santana M.F., Salamao T.M.F., Sartorato A., Mizubuti E.S.G., Araujo E.F., Queiroz de M.V. 2012. Genetic diversity analysis of isolates of the fungal bean pathogen Pseudocercospora griseola from central and southern Brazil. Genetics and Molecular Research 11 (2): 1272–1279. DOI: 10.4238/2012.May.14.1
2. Bora T., Karaca İ. 1970. Kültür Bitkilerinde Hastalığın ve Zararın Olçülmesi. [Measurement of Disease and Damage in Cultivated Plants]. Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture Auxiliary Textbook, No. 167. (in Turkish).
3. Canpolat S., Maden S. 2017. Determination of the inoculum sources of angular leaf spot disease caused by Pseudocercospora griseola, on common beans. Plant Protection Bulletin 57 (1): 39–47 (in Turkish with English abstract). DOI: 10.16955/bitkorb.299016, ISSN 0406-3597
4. Canpolat S., Maden S. 2020. Reactions of some common bean cultivars grown in Turkey against some isolates of angular leaf spot disease, caused by Pseudocercospora griseola. Plant Protection Bulletin 60 (2): 45–54. (in Turkish with English abstract). DOI: 10.16955/bitkorb.630968
5. Chilagane L.A., Nchimbi-Msolla S., Kusolwa P.M., Porch T.G., Diaz L.M.S., Tryphone G.M. 2016. Characterization of the common bean host and Pseudocercospora griseola, the causative agent of angular leaf spot disease in Tanzania. African Journal of Plant Science 10 (11): 238–245. DOI:
6. Crous P.W., Lienbenberg M.M., Braun U., Groenewald J.Z. 2006. Re-evaluating the taxonomic status of Phaeoisariopsis griseola, the causal agent of angular leaf spot of bean. Studies in Mycology 55 (1): 163–173. DOI: 10.3114/sim.55.1.163
7. Ddamulira G., Mukankusi C.M., Ochwo-Ssemakula M., Edema R., Sseruwagi P., Gepts P.L. 2014. Distribution and variability of Pseudocercospora griseola in Uganda. Journal of Agricultural Science 6 (6): 16–29. DOI: 10.5539/jas.v6n6p16
8. Nay M.M., Souza T.L.P.O., Gonçalves-Vidigal M.C., Raatz B., Mukankusi C.M., Gonçalves-Vidigal M.C., Abreu A.F.B., Melo L.C., Pastor-Corrales M.A. 2019. A review of angular leaf spot resistance in common bean. Crop Science 59: 1376–1391. DOI: 10.2135/cropsci2018.09.0596
9. Sartorato A. 2004. Pathogenic variability and genetic diversity of Phaeoisariopsis griseola isolates from two counties in the State of Goias, Brazil. Journal of Phytopathology 152: 385–390.
10. Schoonhoven A., Pastor-Corrales M.A. 1987. Standard system for the evaluation of bean germplasm. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, CIAT Apartado Areo 6713 Cali, Colombia, p.56.
11. Tamura K., Stecher G., Peterson D., Filipski A., Kumar S. 2013. MEGA 6: Molecular evolutionary genetics analysis version 6.0. Molecular Biology and Evolution 30 (12): 2725.
12. Townsend G.K., Heuberger J.W. 1943. Methods for estimating losses caused by diseases in fungicide experiments. Plant Disease Report 27: 340–343.
13. Viguiliouk E., Mejia S.B., Kendall C.W., Sievenpiper J.L. 2017. Can pulses play a role in improving cardiometabolic health. Evidence from systematic reviews and meta‐analyses. Annuals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1392 (1): 43.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sirel Canpolat
Salih Maden

  1. Department of Phytopathology, Ankara Plant Protection Central Research Institute, Ankara, Turkey
  2. Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey
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The aim of this study was to determine the influence of reclamation on selected soil water properties in soils developed from lignite fly ash, deposited as a dry landfill, twenty years after forest reclamation was initiated. Five soil profiles, classified as technogenic soils (Technosols) within the fly ash disposal site of the Adamów (central Poland) power plant, were selected for this study. Disturbed and undisturbed samples (V=100 cm3) were collected from depths of 5–15 cm and 30–60 in each soil profile. The following physical properties were determined: particle size distribution, particle density, bulk density, soil moisture, hygroscopic water content, and the soil-water potential. Readily available water (RAW; difference of water content at pF=2.0 and at pF=3.7) and total available water (TAW; difference of water content at pF=2.0 and at pF=4.2) were calculated based on soil moisture tension (pF) values. The following chemical properties were determined: soil reaction, total organic carbon, total nitrogen content, carbonate content. Statistical analyses were conducted using the GenStat 18 statistical software package. The soils under study were characterized by very low bulk density, high total porosity, high field water capacity and maximum hygroscopicity. The RAW/TAW ratio values indicate very effective water retention in the soils, thereby ensuring a satisfactory water supply to the plants. However, statistical analysis did not show any clear trends in variability of any determined properties. The small differences in observed outcomes probably resulted from the original variability of the fly ash deposited on the studied landfill. Obtained results show the strong similarity of fly ash derived soils and Andosols in respect of physical and soil-water properties
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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Kaczmarek
Agnieszka Mocek-Płóciniak
Piotr Gajewski
Łukasz Mendyk
Jan Bocianowski

  1. Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poznań, Poland
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The paper presents an assessment of the mycological air quality in classrooms of school buildings located in Lesser Poland. In 10 schools, 5 sampling points were designated: 4 indoors and 1 as an "outdoor background". A 6-stage Andersen impactor was used to collect fungal aerosol samples. During sampling, dust measurements were made (using the DustTrak II dust meter) as well as temperature and relative humidity. The predominant genera of fungi were determined by the MALDI-TOF MS method. The results indicated no statistically significant differences in indoor air fungal concentrations among the tested locations (p>0.05). The highest concentrations were observed in large classrooms (max. 2,678 CFU∙m-3), however, these differences were not statistically significant across different types of school rooms (Kruskal-Wallis test: p>0.05). All rooms exhibited similar levels of fungal aerosol contamination. Relative air humidity had a significant influence on the number of microorganisms. The most frequently isolated fungi belonged to Cladosporium, Penicillium, and Aspergillus genera. Fungal aerosol concentrations in the tested classrooms did not exceed proposed limit values for this type of indoor environment. The results suggest that natural ventilation in classrooms is insufficient to ensure adequate microbiological quality of indoor air.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Frączek
Karol Bulski
Maria Chmiel

  1. Department of Microbiology and Biomonitoring, Faculty of Agriculture and Economics,Hugo Kołłątaj University of Agriculture, Krakow, Poland
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Beamforming training (BT) is considered as an essential process to accomplish the communications in the millimeter wave (mmWave) band, i.e., 30 ~ 300 GHz. This process aims to find out the best transmit/receive antenna beams to compensate the impairments of the mmWave channel and successfully establish the mmWave link. Typically, the mmWave BT process is highly-time consuming affecting the overall throughput and energy consumption of the mmWave link establishment. In this paper, a machine learning (ML) approach, specifically reinforcement learning (RL), is utilized for enabling the mmWave BT process by modeling it as a multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem with the aim of maximizing the long-term throughput of the constructed mmWave link. Based on this formulation, MAB algorithms such as upper confidence bound (UCB), Thompson sampling (TS), epsilon-greedy (e-greedy), are utilized to address the problem and accomplish the mmWave BT process. Numerical simulations confirm the superior performance of the proposed MAB approach over the existing mmWave BT techniques.
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Ehab Mahmoud Mohamed
1 2

  1. Electrical Engineering Dept., College of Engineering, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Wadi Aldwaser 11991, Saudi Arabia
  2. Electrical Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering Aswan University, Aswan 81542, Egypt
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In the vast archives and libraries of the world, countless historical documents are tucked away, often difficult to access. Thankfully, the digitization process has made it easier to view these invaluable records. However, simply digitizing them is not enough – the real challenge lies in making them searchable and computer-readable. Many of these documents were handwritten, which means they need to undergo handwriting recognition. The first step in this process is to divide the document into lines. This article introduces a solution to this problem using tensor voting. The algorithm starts by conducting voting on the binary image itself. Then, using the local maxima found in the resulting tensor field, the lines of text are precisely tracked and labeled. To ensure its effectiveness, the algorithm’s performance was tested on the data-set delivered by the organizers of the ICDAR 2009 competition and evaluated using the criteria from this contest.
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Tomasz Babczyński
Roman Ptak

  1. Department of Computer Engineering, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland
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The work presents doping characteristics and properties of high Si−doped InGaAs epilayers lattice−matched to InP grown by low pressure metal−organic vapour phase epitaxy. Silane and disilane were used as dopant sources. The main task of investigations was to obtain heavily doped InGaAs epilayers suitable for usage as plasmon−confinement layers in the construction of mid−infrared InAlAs/InGaAs/InP quantum−cascade lasers (QCLs). It requires the doping concentration of 1×1019 cm–3 and 1×1020 cm–3 for lasers working at 9 μm and 5 μm, respectively. The electron concentration increases linearly with the ratio of gas−phase molar fraction of the dopant to III group sources (IV/III). The highest electron concentrations suitable for InGaAs plasmon−contact layers of QCL was achieved only for disilane. We also observed a slight influence of the ratio of gas−phase molar fraction of V to III group sources (V/III) on the doping efficiency. Structural measurements using high−resolution X−ray diffraction revealed a distinct influence of the doping concentration on InGaAs composition what caused a lattice mismatch in the range of –240 ÷ –780 ppm for the samples doped by silane and disilane. It has to be taken into account during the growth of InGaAs contact layers to avoid internal stresses in QCL epitaxial structures.

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Authors and Affiliations

B. Ściana
M. Badura
W. Dawidowski
K. Bielak
D. Radziewicz
D. Pucicki
A. Szyszka
K. Żelazna
M. Tłaczała
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Total toxicity of two types of mineral oil (from Zakum and Kuwait) was determined with respect to hydrobionts of the Antarctic ecosystem. Crustacean — Euphausia superba proved to be sensitive to hydrocarbon pollution of the sea environment (LC50 x 48 h-1 = 7.62 ppm). Fish — Notothenia rossi marmorata showed much lower sensitivity.

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Włodzimierz Ogrodowczyk

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