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Dyes and pigments are important organic pollutants of the water environment. Dyes may be removed from wastewater by using one of the most efficient methods for wastewater treatment-adsorption onto porous (natural and waste) minerals or organogenie substances. Feasibility of using smectite-clay, co-occurring in brown coal deposits, for removal of direct dyes was investigated. The Freundlich linear regression model was better in modeling of sorption direct dyes onto smectite-clay; it yielded better fit of the theoretical isotherm to the experimental data. The electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonds were shown to play the most important role in adsorption of direct dyes onto smectite-clay.
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Joanna Kyzioł-Komosińska
Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
Marcin Jarzyna
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O odpadach, paliwach i stanie powietrza mówi prof. dr hab. inż. Czesława Rosik-Dulewska z Instytutu Podstaw Inżynierii Środowiska PAN i Katedry Ochrony Powierzchni Ziemi Uniwersytetu Opolskiego.

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Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
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Odpady organiczne stanowią znaczny procent tego, co trafia na składowiska.plastiki Nie powinno tak być. Podobnie jak plastiki czy metale bioodpady to cenny surowiec wtórny.
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Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
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W artykule przybliżono charakterystykę frakcji nadsitowej wytwarzanych w regionalnych instalacjach przetwarzania odpadów komunalnych. W lipcu 2013 roku wprowadzono zmiany do ustawy o czystości i porządku w gminie, które wdrożyły w Polsce nowy model gospodarki odpadami komunalnymi oparty na mechaniczno-biologicznym ich przetwarzaniu. Podstawowym elementem tego systemu są sortownie odpadów komunalnych, które są obecnie źródłem wytwarzania frakcji nadsitowej posiadającej własności paliwowe. Dla potrzeb rozpoznania jej właściwości autorzy artykułu przeprowadzili badania własne koncentrujące się na rozpoznaniu podstawowych własności energetycznych frakcji nadsitowej w poszczególnych sezonach roku wraz z rozróżnieniem rodzajów zabudowy. Przeprowadzono badania składu morfologicznego dla potrzeb określenia koncentracji frakcji energetycznych. Przeanalizowano stabilność jakościową strumienia frakcji nadsitowej pod względem możliwości energetycznego zagospodarowania w instalacjach termicznego przekształcania odpadów. Badania składu morfologicznego wykazały podwyższoną koncentrację frakcji energetycznych (papier, tworzywa sztuczne, tekstylia) w stosunku do zmieszanych odpadów komunalnych. Jednocześnie badania własności energetycznych wskazują na podwyższoną standaryzację energetyczną tej frakcji w rozkładzie czasowym (pory roku) oraz rozkładzie przestrzennym (zróżnicowany rodzaj zabudowy). Badania wykazały, że wartość opałowa w zbadanych próbkach zawiera się w przedziale 18,1–23,5 MJ/kg, gdzie wartość średnia wynosi 21,5 MJ/kg. Udział popiołu zawiera się natomiast w przedziale 11,8–24,1%, a udział części palnych 67,6–77,5%. Dobre własności paliwowe oraz standaryzacja jakościowa strumienia wskazują na możliwość stosowania rozwojowych technologii zgazowania odpadów zgodnie z nowymi przepisami dyrektywy IED (Dyrektywa 2010). Technologia zgazowania, produkcja syngazu i jego spalanie w silnikach tłokowych małej mocy stanowią obecnie interesującą alternatywę dla klasycznych instalacji termicznego przekształcania odpadów opartych na technologii spalania wpisując się w rozwój instalacji RIPOK i potrzebę wdrażania gospodarki w obiegu zamkniętym.

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Authors and Affiliations

Arkadiusz Primus
Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
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W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe uwarunkowania prawne i ekonomiczne dla możliwości rozwoju i wdrożeń instalacji zgazowania odpadów, produkcji energii elektrycznej i cieplnej w kogeneracji w układach małej mocy opartych na silnikach tłokowych. Wprowadzone w 2010 r. dyrektywą IED (Dyrektywa… 2010) nowe przepisy dotyczące technologii zgazowania odpadów wraz z implementacją do prawa krajowego w 2014 r. ustawą o odpadach (Ustawa… 2014) umożliwiły ich rozwój jako technik wysokosprawnych energetycznie oraz niskoemisyjnych. Stanowią one obecnie interesującą alternatywę dla klasycznych instalacji termicznego przekształcania odpadów opartych na technologii spalania. Kluczowym zagadnieniem dla rozwoju technologii zgazowania jest czystość wytwarzanego syngazu w ujęciu prawnym i technologicznym w szczególności w przypadku jego spalania w silnikach tłokowych. Z uwagi na brak spójnych przepisów dotyczących emisji zanieczyszczeń ze spalania syngazu w silnikach tłokowych zaproponowano możliwości ich interpretacji. W artykule przedstawiono również podstawowe uwarunkowania ekonomiczne i rynkowe w odniesieniu do krajowego modelu gospodarki odpadami. Wprowadzenie modelu gospodarki odpadami opartego na mechaniczno- biologicznym przetwarzaniu odpadów oraz zakazu składowania odpadów na właściwościach paliwowych wygenerowało problem oraz wzrost kosztów ich zagospodarowania. Konsekwencją jest możliwy wzrost rentowności instalacji zgazowania odpadów i produkcji energii w układach kogeneracyjnych małej mocy. Ponadto wskazano i opisano możliwe dostępne źródła przychodów dla takich wdrożeń w skali lokalnej.
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Authors and Affiliations

Arkadiusz Primus
Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
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Despite many technological possibilities, proper sanitation of sludge creates problems to their natural use. Thus, new solutions are still being looked for. Liming is one of the methods for sludge sanitation, however, rather expensive one. Seeking the substitute of high calcium content and non-toxic for environment has led to investigations on the application of mineral wastes - ashes from semi-dry sulfur removal from flue gases in the "Opole" power plant for sludge sanitation purposes. Ash was mixed with sludge in various proportions. After 3 days, the microbiological exams of the mixtures were carried out. The investigation data proved the performed sanitation effective and confirmed microbiological usability of the sludge for a natural use. The total contents of heavy metals and their distribution between particular fractions were determined in the sludge mixtures with mineral waste and in reference samples (i.e. sludge and mineral waste). No significant changes of metals proportion bound with biogenie fractions (fractions I- II) after addition of the mineral wastes to sludge were observed. Cadmium, zinc and partially chrome are bound with the iron and manganese oxides fraction (fraction III) which is sensitive to the redox potential changes. No significant change of contents was observed with the increase in a contribution of sludge or mineral waste. In all samples of the organic fraction (fraction IV) chrome and copper are bound in the highest amounts, and in the residue fraction (fraction V) cadmium, nickel and lead are bound, mainly. The investigation has showed that addition of optional proportions of sludge and mineral wastes mixtures into soil did not result in increase in heavy metals hazard. The investigation of the metals speciation in sludge and their mixtures with the mineral wastes showed similar metals distribution in individual fractions. The most hazardous elements for soil, water and plants such as lead, chrome, nickel, cadmium and zinc are bound in slightly soluble fractions and thus are hardly available to the ecosystem.
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Authors and Affiliations

Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
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Organic waste accounts for a significant percentage of what gets dumped into landfills, but that should not be the case. Like plastics or metals, biowaste represents a valuable secondary raw material.
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Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
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We discuss waste, fuels, and air quality with Prof. Czesława Rosik-Dulewska from the PAS Institute of Environmental Engineering and the Department of Land Protection at the University of Opole.

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Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
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Soils that have been exposed to flood waters can be heavily polluted by inorganic and organic compounds. They are mainly compounds which appear in dissolved or suspended form flowing together with heavily laden floodwater, as well as compounds created as a result of reactions in the soil profile, mostly due to anaerobic transformation of organic matter. Heavy metals brought with flood waters are absorbed by the soil and also washed out from flood sediments by precipitation when the flood recedes. This paper presents the results of research on the effects of fertilization with ash from incineration or pyrolysis of biomass on the migration process of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cd, Mn) in the arable layer of soil. It has been shown that the metals in the flood sediment migrate actively in the soil profile what leads to the enrichment of the soils, also in the case of the soil fertilization with biomass ash.
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Authors and Affiliations

Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
Tomasz Ciesielczuk
Katarzyna Kochanowska
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In this study the current legal and market conditions of waste management in Poland are analyzed. The main legal basis for changes in the national municipal waste management system and their impact on the market situation in the last few years have been determined. Additionally, the important function of the selective collection and the key role of the separation of raw material fractions in waste sorting plants constituting the basis for the operation of Regional Municipal Waste Processing (RMWP) plants was underlined. Furthermore, the possibilities of developing electricity production technology in low and medium power modules using waste gasification techniques were emphasized. The stream of plastic mixture from municipal waste sorting was identified as problematic in the context of effective material recovery. Tests were conducted on the morphology of this waste stream from two sorting plants. In line with the literature data and as part of the analytical work, the properties of the plastic waste stream designated for recycling and the energy properties of the post-recycling plastic mixture were estimated. Tests results showed that the calorific value of this mixture reached 31.8 MJ/kg, whereas, ash and chlorine content equaled 2.7% and 1.1% of dry mass, respectively. These parameters indicate that the mixture as a high-calorific fuel component may be a valuable addition to refuse-derived fuel (RDF) produced from the over-sieve fraction of municipal waste. Concurrently, as a result of the development of waste gasification technologies with a high share of electricity production in low-medium power range plants, it is possible to integrate them with plastic recycling and RMWP plants in the Polish national waste management system.

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Authors and Affiliations

Arkadiusz Primus
Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
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The goal of the presented research works is to prove the following thesis: Does the process of contaminants reduction and effiuent application for arable land fertilization justify the treatment method of waste water from a yeast production facility in soil and plant environment. In order to achieve the above mentioned goal, basically the dynamics of physical and chemical properties change observed for waters, soils and plants irrigated with wastewater from yeast factory has been studied for many years. Part I presented the problems characteristics of production as well as water and wastewater management in the yeast factory, principles and technological effectiveness of the treatment of process wastewater from yeast production in soil - plant environment and impact of irrigation with wastewater on water purity. The research proved that very high biological treatment indices are achieved on the Silesian Yeast Factory fields where process wastewater is utilized i.e. concentration reduction for: BOD5 - 99.3% and COD - 99.7%, - for eutrophic compounds: N,0,.1 - 98.83%, P - 96.25% and K - 99.18%. The obtained percentage of concentration reduction is higher than the standards assumed in the water supply and wastewater discharge consent issued to the factory. The drainage water from the fields irrigated with yeast effluent is of I, II and III class of purity.
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Authors and Affiliations

Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
Ryszard Błaszków
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The goal of the presented research works was to prove the following thesis: Does the process of contaminants reduction and effluent application for arable land fertilization justify the treatment method of waste water from yeast production facility in soil and plant environment? In order to achieve the above mentioned goal, basically the dynamics of physical and chemical properties change observed for waters, soils and plants irrigated with wastewater from yeast factory has been studied for many years. Part II presents the problems connected with the impact of irrigation with wastewater from yeast factory on soil physical and chemical properties and on the quantity and quality of arable plants yield. Soils irrigated with process effluent from yeast factory show overfertilization with potassium. Also reduction of the organic carbon ratio to nitrogen is observed due to redundancy of potassium and deficit of organic carbon. Activities aimed at preventing reduction of organic substance consist in: straw, beet leaves and other solid organic waste ploughing. In industrial - grain crops rotation applied in the fields used for agricultural utilization of wastewater carried out in the research years of 1993-1997, an increase of yields (average for grain - by 13% and for root beet by 0.5-10.7%) was recorded. It was higher than in the case of yields produced on yeast production facility fields not irrigated with effluent and yields obtained by individual farmers from fields intensively treated only with mineral fertilizers. In comparison to the literature data the impact of irrigation with yeast effluent, the grain yields of winter wheat, spring barley and winter rape show slightly increased percentage contents of proteins, nitrogen, and potassium, whereas the contents of calcium and magnesium were smaller.
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Authors and Affiliations

Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
Ryszard Błaszków
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The goal of the study was to determine the risk posed to soil, groundwater and plants by the application of sewage sludge from a mechanical-biological wastewater treatment plant of nominal capacity of 46 000 m3/d. as fertilizer. Soil samples were collected from an agricultural and vegetable production farm. The leaching experiment was carried out in PCV lizymeters (with percolation water outlet). With respect to the chemistry and biology, the analyzed sludge meets the standards set up for sludge used for agricultural purposes. After 8, 16 and 24 weeks of simulated leaching with atmospheric precipitation, the lecheate from lizymeters showed changes in pH (increasing tendency), electrolytic conductivity (decreasing tendency) as well as slightly lowering content of heavy metals. Heavy metal speciation in sewage sludge showed that they occur in forms of compounds sparingly releasable to the soil solution (fractions III, IV, V). The analysis of sequential chemical extraction carried out in soil with applied sewage sludge, after 24 weeks treatment with simulated atmospheric precipitation doses showed similar heavy metal occurrence tendency as in the case of pure sludge. The total heavy metal content in fractions I-III amounted from 18,6% for Cr to 44,8% for Zn. The remaining content of heavy metals was basically bound with fraction V, which is completely unavailable for plants.
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Authors and Affiliations

Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
Mirosław Mikszta
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The research aim was to determine the long-term impact of the mine waste stored at the coal waste dump Hałda Ruda on the content of heavy metals in the bottom sediments of the Bytomka River. It is a watercourse flowing along this coal waste dump and has been under its influence for over fifty years. The research also attempted to determine the seasonality of changes (2 years) and mobility of selected elements.

The article presents total contents of Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd and Pb in the bottom sediments collected from the Bytomka River. It also focuses on the distribution of these elements in particular geochemical fractions determined with the Tessier's sequential chemical extraction procedure. Total element contents were determined with an EDPXRF (Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence) technique. The extractants of particular Tessier's fractions were determined quantitatively with an ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) spectrometer. The research results show that the stored waste significantly influences the contents of heavy metals in the Bytomka River bottom sediments. The lowest concentration of heavy metals was observed at the B1 spot (above the dump), while the highest one was measured at the B3 spot (below the dump).

Sequential chemical extraction of the bottom sediments indicates that the Zn content in the ion-exchange and carbonate fractions diminished within a year. Nevertheless, Zn bound to Fe and Mn oxides acted in the opposite way. Mn, Zn and Pb are the most dangerous elements from the viewpoint of environmental hazards, as their total concentrations were high. Moreover, their high contents were observed in the most mobile (ion-exchange and carbonate) fractions. Extremely toxic Cd was bound to the oxide fraction to the largest extent. Cu was mainly bound to the organic fraction while environmentally hazardous Cr was bound to the residual fraction.

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Authors and Affiliations

Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
Magdalena Jabłońska-Czapla
Sebastian Szopa
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The introduction highlights the technologies of converting the chemical energy of biomass and municipal waste into various forms of final energy (electricity, heat, cooling, new fuels) as important in the pursuit of a low-carbon economy, especially for energy and transport sector. The work continues to focus mainly on gasification as a process of energy valorization of the initial form of biomass or waste, which does not imply that other methods of biomass energy use are not considered or used. Furthermore, the article presents a general technological flowchart of gasification with a gas purification process developed by Investeko S.A. in the framework of In addition, selected properties of the municipal waste residual fraction are described, which are of key importance when selecting the technology for its energy recovery. Significant quality parameters were identified, which have a significant impact on the production and quality of syngas, hydrogen production and electricity generation capacity in SOFC cells. On the basis of the research on the waste stream, a preliminary qualitative assessment was made in the context of the possibility of using the waste gasification technology, syngas production with a significant share of hydrogen and in combination with the technology of energy production in oxide-ceramic SOFC cells. The article presents configurations of energy systems with a fuel cell, with particular emphasis on oxide fuel cells and their integration with waste gasification process. An important part of the content of the article is also the environmental protection requirements for the proposed solution.
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Authors and Affiliations

Arkadiusz Primus
Tadeusz Chmielniak
Czesława Rosik-Dulewska

  2. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Power Engineering and Turbomachinery, Poland
  3. Institute of Environmental Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
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Deposits used as fertilizer bring to soil both biogens necessary for plant growth and other ingredients such as metals. including heavy metals. Knowledge of quantities and rate in which heavy metals are to be released to soil from granulates is important because of their toxic influence on plants (in the case of high metals concentration). This paper presents results of investigation of elution of Cu. Zn, Ni, Cd, Pb. and Cr from granulates prepared from municipal sewage sludge, hard coal ash and brown coal ash. Elution to water solution was carried out in static conditions with single-stage and tree-stage extraction. Heavy metal a component of sludge-ash granulates eluted in various quantities, i.e. from trace for cadmium to 9.26-9.53 mg/kg of d.m. for zinc. Among the soluble forms of metals the most mobile are (in decreasing sequence): Cu > Pb> Zn> Ni in granulates containing brown coal ash and Cu> Pb> Ni> Zn in granulates contain hard coal ash.
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Authors and Affiliations

Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
Katarzyna Głowala
Urszula Karwaczyńska
Jolanta Robak
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The aim of this paper is to present characteristics, toxicity and environmental behavior of nanoparticles (NPs) (silver, copper, gold, zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, iron oxide) that most frequently occur in consumer products. In addition, NPs are addressed as the new aquatic environmental pollutant of the 21st century. NPs are adsorbed onto particles in the aquatic systems (clay minerals, fulvic and humic acids), or they can adsorb environmental pollutants (heavy metal ions, organic compounds). Nanosilver (nAg) is released from consumer products into the aquatic environment. It can threaten aquatic organisms with high toxicity. Interestingly, copper nanoparticles (Cu-NPs) demonstrate higher toxicity to bacteria and aquatic microorganisms than those of nanosilver nAg. Their small size and reactivity can cause penetration into the tissues and interfere with the metabolic systems of living organisms and bacterial biogeochemical cycles. The behavior of NPs is not fully recognized. Nevertheless, it is known that NPs can agglomerate, bind with ions (chlorides, sulphates, phosphates) or organic compounds. They can also be bound or immobilized by slurry. The NPs behavior depends on process conditions, i.e. pH, ionic strength, temperature and presence of other chemical compounds. It is unknown how NPs behave in the aquatic environment. Therefore, the research on this problem should be carried out under different process conditions. As for the toxicity, it is important to understand where the differences in the research results come from. As NPs have an impact on not only aquatic organisms but also human health and life, it is necessary to recognize their toxic doses and know standards/regulations that determine the permissible concentrations of NPs in the environment.

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Authors and Affiliations

Iwona Krzyżewska
Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
Joanna Kyzioł-Komosińska
Justyna Czupioł
Patrycja Antoszczyszyn-Szpicka
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The problem of the migration of metal ions in the environment remains a current problem in light of the quality of obtained crops. The necessity of more and more frequent use of alternative sources of biogens in the form of waste substances, poses a threat of loading significant amounts of metals into the soil – including heavy metals harmful to human health and life. The article discusses a significant problem, namely the comparison of the results of the environmental impact of waste, obtained on the basis of legally authorized leaching tests (three-stage leaching test according to PN-EN 12457:2006), with results obtained from sequential chemical extraction (performed in 4-step chemical extraction developed and recommended in European Union countries by Communities Bureau of References – BCR). The study covered an investigation of industry fly ash from the combustion of lignite, in which Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb, Cr, Na, K, Li concentrations and loads were calculated. A mobility of analyzed elements was established on this basis. From heavy metals, the highest values in fraction I were noted for nickel and copper and zinc as well as nickel were noted for fraction IV . Peaking values of electrolytic conductivity in eluates was created by high concentrations of macroelements (Na and K). These tests confirm that the leaching tests used for their application in the natural environment indicate such concentrations at the highest levels that can be obtained at the first or second stage of sequential chemical extraction, and thus their proper full environmental impact is not known.

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Authors and Affiliations

Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
Urszula Karwaczyńska
Tomasz Ciesielczuk
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Currently, due to reduced water resources, there is a need to build reservoirs in Poland. Reservoirs perform important economic, natural and recreational functions in the environment, improve water balance and contribute to fl ood protection. In the construction of reservoirs, it is necessary to consider not only hydrological issues related to water quantity, but also its quality, silting, and many other factors. Therefore, the physiographic, hydrological, hydrochemical, and hydrogeological conditions of the projected reservoirs have to be taken into account to limit the potential negative eff ects of decisions to build them. In order to assess the suitability of eight projected small water retention reservoirs (to increase water resources in the Barycz River catchment in Lower Silesia and Greater Poland provinces, this article takes into account hydrological indicators (efficiency of the reservoir, operation time, dependence on the intensity of silting, and flood hazard indicator), water quality (phosphorus load and nitrogen load), hydrogeological conditions (type of geological substratum for the reservoir basin and filtration losses), and safety of the reservoir dam. To develop a theoretical model describing the regularities between the indicators, multivariate statistical techniques were used, including the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the Factor Analysis (FA). In order to assess the reservoirs, a synthetic indicator was developed to compare the reservoirs with each other in relation to the conditions. The Cluster Analysis (CA) was used for typological classification of homogeneous locations of projected small retention reservoirs. Own research procedure for identification of the most advantageous water reservoirs, with the use of multivariate statistical techniques, may be used as a tool supporting decision making in other facilities intended for implementation in provincial projects of small retention.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mirosław Wiatkowski
Barbara Wiatkowska
Łukasz Gruss
Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
Paweł Tomczyk
Dawid Chłopek

  1. Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Poland
  2. University of Opole, Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management, Poland
  3. Institute of Environmental Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences in Zabrze
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Many paper-related products are in daily use all over the world. Although paper is one of the most recycled materials in the European Union, no end-of-waste criteria have been defi ned. Typical paper and cardboard should be recycled, but paper materials with impurities, such as cooking oil, sand, or plastic, are much more problematic. In particular, paper contaminated with cooking oil or butter (e.g., pizza boxes) is diffi cult waste. Also baking parchment paper cannot be stored as waste paper after use. Composting could be a solution, but in many municipal solid waste collection systems, this waste types are collected with the mixed waste stream, what fi nally leads this material to landfi lling or incinerating processes. Parchment paper and pizza box cardboard contain a lot of cellulose and in landfi lls are a source of CO2 and CH4. Incineration of these materials also leads to CO2 emission. The aim of this study was to investigate the degradation of cooking-oil-contaminated paper in media with a low inorganic nitrogen content. Cardboard usually used for packaging purposes was used as pre-test material. Two types of paper usually used in the kitchen were used: pizza box cardboard and parchment paper highly contaminated with cooking oil. Two types of low inorganic nitrogen media were tested: mature municipal waste compost (MSWC) and leaf mold (LM). The decrease of mass of both paper sample types was correlated with process time. Both tested sample types: dry cellulose materials and paper with cooking oil added, were partly or completely decomposed after 6 weeks of bioprocessing in aerobic conditions without an additional dose of inorganic nitrogen. According to waste separation rules, wet paper or paper contaminated with cooking oil have to be stored with other wastes which are „not possible for further use”. This work show possibility to change these rules.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Ciesielczuk
Czesława Rosik-Dulewska

  1. Opole University, Poland
  2. Institute of Environmental Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Zabrze, Poland
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This work presents results of the release of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from granules composed of fly ashes, which are the product of hard and coal combustion and sewage sludge. 3 types of granulates by a weight ratio of ash to sludge 3:7 and 1: 1 were used. The research of PAH leaching was conducted within a simulated period of 24 months, with the examination of PAH washing out every three months. The highest amounts of PAH (297 - 330 μg/kg dw.) were obtained_from granulates containing 7 parts by weights of sewage sludge (3 times higher in comparison with the granulate containing ash and sludge in ratio of I: 1 ). The maximum PAH release from all the examined granulates took place in the 9th month of the research. Benzo(k)fluoranthene revealed the highest fraction (67.4-76.0%) of all examined compounds.
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Authors and Affiliations

Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
Urszula Karwaczyńska
Tomasz Ciesielczuk

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