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Multiple anthropogenic agents have turned Lake Maracaibo into a hypereutrophic environment. Heavy metals resulting from the steel and oil industry augment pollution in the lake. There is a lack of research on the ecotoxicological effect of heavy metals in protozoa. To evaluate the ecotoxicological effect of Cr3+, Cr6+, Cd2+, Pb2+ and Ni2+ on free-living ciliated protozoa and to identify suitable ciliated protozoa candidates for bioindicators of water quality; we estimated the lethal concentration for 50% of the protozoa population (LC50) in samples from two stations (S1: narrow of Maracaibo and S2: South of the lake) using ecotoxicological tests in the Sedgewick–Rafter chamber and Probit analysis. The general toxicity patterns obtained for S1 protozoa (Euplotes sp. and Oxytricha sp.) were Cr3+ > Cd2+ > Pb2+ > Cr6+ > Ni2+; and those corresponding to S2 (Coleps sp. and Chilodonella sp.) were Cr6+ > Cr3+ > Cd2+ > Pb2+ > Ni2+. We found statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in the LC50 of protozoa exposed to Cr3+, Cr6+, Ni2+ and Pb2+ when comparing the two sampling stations. The differences observed in toxicity patterns are probably the result of various kinds of protozoa adaptation, possibly induced by various sources, levels and incidents of exposure to heavy metals contamination of the protozoa studied and to the physicochemical conditions prevailing in the two selected stations. The levels of tolerance observed in the present study, allow us to infer that S2 ciliates are the most susceptible to the contaminants studied and can be used as possible microbiological indicators that provide early warning in studies of contamination by heavy metals in Lake Maracaibo.
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Authors and Affiliations

Fernando Luis Castro Echavez
Julio César Marín Leal

  1. University of La Guajira, Faculty of Engineering, Environmental Engineering Program, PICHIHÜEL Research group, km 5 vía a Maicao, 440002, Riohacha, Colombia
  2. University of Zulia, Faculty of Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (DISA), Maracaibo, Venezuela
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Municipal solid waste collection points (MSWCPs) are places where residents of municipalities can leave their waste free of charge. MSWCPs should operate in every municipality in Poland. The Geographic Information System (GIS) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) were used in conjunction as tools to determine potential locations of MSWCPs. Due to possible social conflicts related to the location of MSWCPs, three variants of buffer zones for a residential area were adopted. As a result of the spatial analysis carried out using the GIS software, 247 potential locations were identified in variant no. 1 (which accounted for 7.1% of commune area), 167 for variant no. 2 (6.3% of commune area), and 88 for variant no. 3 (3.8% of commune area). The most favourable locations for MSWCPs were determined using the AHP method with additional criteria for which weights were calculated as follows: the area of a designated plot (0.045), actual designation of a plot in the local spatial development plan (0.397), distance from the centre of the village (0.096) and the commune (0.231), and population density of a village (0.231). The highest weights (over 50%) in the AHP analysis were obtained for 12 locations in variant no. 3, two of which had an area over 3 ha. The adopted methodology enabled to identify quasi-optimal solutions for MSWCP locations in the analysed rural commune. This research has the potential to influence future waste management policies by assisting stakeholders in the MSWCP location.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mateusz Malinowski
Sylwia Guzdek
Agnieszka Petryk
Klaudia Tomaszek

  1. University of Agriculture in Cracow, Department of Bioprocesses Engineering, Energetics and Automatization, ul. Balicka 116b, 30-149 Kraków, Poland
  2. Cracow University of Economics, Department of Microeconomics, Kraków, Poland
  3. Cracow University of Economics, Department of Spatial Management, Kraków, Poland
  4. University of Agriculture in Cracow, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Agrophysics, Kraków, Poland
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This paper summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on the impact of energy-efficient development on promoting the national green brand. The primary purpose of the research is to provide an overview of the scientific background devoted to the relationship between the energy efficiency policy and the country’s green brand to identify the potential research gaps and highlight the prospects for particular research directions. The systematization of scientific publications presented in the Scopus database showed a rapid tendency for publication activity on the investigated theme from 2000 to 2020. However, there has remained a deficiency in investigating the role of energy efficiency policy in formulating the country’s green brand. Therefore, it is appropriate to screen out the relevant publications to detect the future research directions in boosting energy efficiency for strengthening Ukraine’s green brand. To obtain the objectives of this study, the paper is presented in the following logical sequence: determining the keywords to find the relevant publications; searching the publications; conducting the evaluation analysis by specific metrics; applying the bibliometric analysis for the investigation of keywords and their co-occurrence. The co-occurrence analysis was performed using the VOSviewer software tools. The study sample consists of 3090 publications indexed in the Scopus database. The study involved documents published from 2000 to 2020. The research identified the most productive authors, prestigious scientific journals, and the most contributing countries and institutions. The publications were clustered into five thematic groups, which indicate the main research directions. The authors specified the prosperous lines for future research.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yana Us
Tetyana Pimonenko
Oleksii Lyulyov

  1. Department of Marketing, Sumy State University, Ukraine
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This article is devoted to topical issues of gender equality in the energy sector. It is a retrospective analysis of the problem of gender equality over the past 50 years in various countries and sectors of the economy. The situation with the improvement of the gender balance in general is changing, but unevenly, which increases the relevance of attention to the gender factor in policy development, particularly in the energy sector. It has been established that in the energy sector, there remain so-called “glass walls” and “glass ceilings” for the development of women’s professional careers, which leads to horizontal and vertical segregation. The main barriers to gender balance in the energy sector are highlighted. The institutional conditions for ensuring gender equality in the energy sector have allowed for a more comprehensive view of the problem of gender occupational segregation. A number of institutional problems of gender equality in the energy sector are highlighted and characterized. These include: inconsistency of formal norms of gender equality and existing economic practices; lack of gender mainstreaming in energy policy making due to insufficient attention to social relations; the creation of additional tensions in industrial relations to ensure gender equality; unemployment of able-bodied women due to segregation in the labor market in the energy sector., Using a number of practical proposals for ensuring gender equality at the industrial and company levels, the authors propose a conceptual model of institutional support for gender equality in the energy sector. The implementation of these proposals would help eliminate gender imbalances in the energy sector and promote the development of energy companies on a sustainable basis.
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Authors and Affiliations

Olena Shatilova
Tetiana Sobolieva
Oleksandr Vostryakov

  1. Management, SHEE “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”, Kyiv, Ukraine
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In this article, in accordance with the results of calculations, the authors argue that at the end of 2019, the main problems of the vast majority of regions of Ukraine are low environmental and energy efficiency and insufficient environmental protection measures. The cluster analysis allowed us to identify common territorial groups in terms of their conditions of existence and to develop practical recommendations for priority measures of state management. The quality of clustering was checked using the silhouette measure indicator, which was used to justify the optimal number of regions, which proved to be five. Cluster І includes the Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhia regions. The gradual replacement of heavy industry with high-tech activities is inevitable. Cluster ІІІ includes the Volyn, Ternopil, Kherson, Khmelnytsky, Zhytomyr and Rivne regions. It is necessary to further develop the economy of the regions in compliance with environmental standards while taking into account the recommendations of the first cluster. Cluster IV consists of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. It is impossible to fully restore the economy of the eastern regions and its infrastructure in these conditions. Therefore, the task of public administration today is to ensure social standards of living and support the least protected segments of the population. Cluster V was built on the basis of Zakarpattia and Chernivtsi regions. The priority of state regulation should be the development of small and medium enterprises. Cluster II includes all other areas. Their economic growth must be transformed not only into the social sphere but also into technological re-equipment. The change of commodity orientation and the departure from raw material production in favor of technological is a necessary condition for maintaining the competitiveness of the economy in today’s globalization. Increasing the cost of environmental measures should be a priority.
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Authors and Affiliations

Nadiia Shmygol
Olga Galtsova
Kostiantyn Shaposhnykov
Saule Bazarbayeva

  1. «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic» National University, Ukraine
  2. Classic Private University, Ukraine
  3. State Scientific Institution “Institute for Modernization of the Content of Education” of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ukraine
  4. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan
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The evolution of the economy and the formation of Industry 4.0 lead to an increase in the importance of intangible assets and the digitization of all processes at energy enterprises. This involves the use of technologies such as the Internet of Things, Big Data, predictive analytics, cloud computing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, 3D printing, augmented reality etc. Of particular interest is the use of artificial intelligence in the energy sector, which opens up such prospects as increased safety in energy generation, increased energy efficiency, and balanced energy-generation processes. The peculiarity of this particular instrument of Industry 4.0 is that it combines the processes of digitalization and intellectualization in the enterprise and forms a new part of the intellectual capital of the enterprise. The implementation of artificial intelligence in the activities of energy companies requires consideration of the features and stages of implementation. For this purpose, a conceptual model of artificial intelligence implementation at energy enterprises has been formed, which contains: the formation of the implementation strategy; the design process; operation and assessment of artificial intelligence. The introduction of artificial intelligence is a large-scale and rather costly project; therefore, it is of interest to assess the effectiveness of using artificial intelligence in the activities of energy companies. Efficiency measurement is proposed in the following areas: assessment of economic, scientific and technical, social, marketing, resource, financial, environmental, regional, ethical and cultural effects as well as assessment of the types of risks associated with the introduction of artificial intelligence.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hanna Doroshuk

  1. Department of Menegement, Odessa Polytechnic State University, Ukraine
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The article aims to explore the determinants of the process of attracting financial resources for implementing renewable (alternative) energy development projects in Ukraine. The authors review and systematize the sources of funding and innovative financial instruments available for developing renewable energy sources (RES) in developing countries. Based on this, a pool of financial resources/RES development tools available for investment in Ukraine has been formed. It is proposed to build a model of the optimal structure of sources of financing renewable energy development projects. The research is founded on the forecasted schedule for increasing the share of RES in the national energy balance of Ukraine up until 2035. The limitations are connected with the lack of factual data on sources/instruments of funding in the field of RES. The model enables the prediction of the amount of funds that need to be allocated to finance renewable energy development projects, while optimizing the structure of their potential funding. The originality/value of the article lies firstly in the innovative application of the optimization model for forecasting the aggregate structure of funding sources in the energy sector; secondly, in the possibility of testing the model in practice and monitoring RES development projects in the territorial communities of the Carpathian region of Ukraine on the basis of the project-educational center for the development of innovations and investments in the region; thirdly, the proposed model can be used in the activities of state authorities and institutions of Ukraine for forming the policy of supporting alternative energy development projects.
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Authors and Affiliations

Svitlana O. Kropelnytska
Tetiana V. Mayorova

  1. Department of Finance ; Project and Educational Centre „Agents of Changes” PNU, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine
  2. Department of Corporate Finance and Controlling, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Ukraine
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This article is devoted to the worldwide development of renewable energy in connection to the development of the socio-economic system and employment transformations. It is emphasized that the use of renewable energy sources is growing extremely fast globally, and it is generating positive socio-economic effects such as creating jobs worldwide. It is noted that in contrast to the situation in the field of traditional energy, the number of vacancies in the field of renewable energy continues to grow; photovoltaic, bioenergy, hydropower and wind forms of renewable energy are powerful employers in the world economy. It is noted that the increase in the number of people employed in the field of renewable energy is a consequence of the decentralized nature of the sector, as a result of which, renewable energy technologies produce more vacancies per unit of investment compared to traditional electricity generation technologies. It has been emphasized that the further development of renewable energy depends on the volume of investment in the creation of production facilities, which contributes to the further creation of jobs. Furthermore, it has been determined that the problem of renewable energy staffing is also extremely relevant for Ukraine. It is noted that the current system of training for this energy sector does not meet the long-term requirements; the increase of energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy transform the qualification requirements for employees, which requires the transformation of approaches to the training and development of employees.
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Authors and Affiliations

Svitlana Kalinina
Olena Lyndiuk
Vasyl Savchenko
Valeriya Podunay
Svitlana Lanska
Eduard Savchenko

  1. Theoretical and Applied Economics Department, Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Ukraine
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The importance of increasing the level of renewable energy sources is connected with the fact that its share in the total volume of energy consumption is still insufficient. This is why this article focuses on the development of the motivation system aimed at the more active transition to renewable sources consumption in the balanced combination alongside the traditional sources. The research question is whether digital public goods (DPG) may be a mean to support “Affordable and Clean Energy’’ use. The theoretical approach to our research problem is stakeholder’s theory, while the concept applied to the motivation mechanism implementation is the United Nations Organization’s concept of sustainable development goals (SDG). The research design is as follows: study of the actual data of energy structure of the world economy; identification of the current instruments of renewable energy distribution; analysis of the DPG as a perspective form of the sustainable energy behavior introduced [AO1] in the digitalized environment; definition of the energy industry stakeholders; development of the architecture of energy consumption by DPG application to reach SDG “Affordable and Clean Energy”. The main findings of the study are that DPG has been found to be a relevant means for the motivation and support of sustainable energy behavior through the architecture of energy consumption, based on research and development, customer relationship management, corporate social responsibility – sustainable development, technical implementation, and the diversity of traditional and alternative sources of energy.
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Authors and Affiliations

Iryna Nyenno
Vyacheslav Truba
Iryna Lomachynska
Olena Mazur

  1. Management and Innovations, Odessa I.I Mechnikov National University, Ukraine
  2. Civil and Law Disciplines, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine
  3. Economics and Entrepreneurship, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine
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The introduction of energy conservation and resource conservation measures has a positive impact on the environment and is one of the components of sustainable development at the macro level. In turn, at the micro level, such measures lead to a systematic decrease in the production costs of companies and thereby expand their economic and financial security. This article is devoted to the development of methodological tools for modeling the environmental and economic effect of added value created in the energy service market. For this, the peculiarities and components of the energy service contract have been identified. It has been established that one of the indicators of the conclusion of such a contract is the indicator of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of measures in the structure of the added value of an energy service company. An analysis of existing models of added value created in the energy service market is carried out. A model of economic value added is taken as the basis for modeling the ecological and economic effect of added value created in the energy service market. The rationale is that such value-added is a modification of the economic profit indicator, which measures the financial result of a company, considering not only accounting costs but also the opportunity costs of invested capital for energy efficiency and environmental measures.
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Authors and Affiliations

Oleksandr Dluhopolskyi
Vasyl Brych
Olena Borysiak
Mykhailo Fedirko
Nataliya Dziubanovska
Nataliya Halysh

  1. West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine
  2. West Ukrainian National University, Ukraine
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In the contemporary world, natural gas is one of the focuses of hybrid wars and is used as a tool of international economic and political pressure to gain appropriate benefits. The long-term pressure of Russia on Ukraine using a combination of military, political, economic, information and energy tools is one of the most striking cases of applying natural gas as a weapon in a hybrid war. Exploring the case of Ukraine, the authors confirmed the hypothesis about the change in the impact of the prices of natural gas on the performance of its industrial consumers during a hybrid war. The study covered three industrial sectors that are major consumers of natural gas – the metallurgy, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The data of nine key companies of these industries for the period 2006–2019 were analyzed; this period was divided into two parts – before the hybrid war (2006–2013) and during it (2014–2019). The authors identified the heterogeneity of the influence of natural gas prices on the performance of different industrial enterprises. However, since the onset of the hybrid war, all of them have shown a reducing correlation of natural gas prices with all the analyzed performance indicators – operating profitability, material-output ratio, and labor productivity. The study managed to build reliable regression models that allow defining the prices of natural gas for the chemical industry and metallurgy, above which these industries in Ukraine become unprofitable. The defined critical levels have a practical implication since they can be tools for regulating natural gas prices for various industrial sectors.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anatoliy G. Goncharuk
Valeria Liashenko-Shcherbakova
Natalia Chaika

  1. Department of Management, International Humanitarian University, Ukraine
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This article is aimed at the scientific and methodological substantiation of conceptual provisions for the transformation of the national energy system of Ukraine through the formation of eco- -energy clusters. The article analyses international reports on the development of green energy in different countries. An analysis of the dynamics of energy consumption in Ukraine on the basis of renewable sources for 2007–2019 is performed. An algorithm for making a management decision on the transition to renewable energy sources is proposed. In order to transform the national energy system, a conceptual approach to the formation of an eco-energy cluster as an element of innovation infrastructure based on smart specialization is substantiated. It is proven that this structure should be in the form of the partnership of energy companies, business structures, research institutions, higher education institutions, institutions of logistics, energy and innovation infrastructure, and government agencies. This, in turn, will provide a synergistic effect (economic, environmental, social) by improving a number of existing legislations on alternative energy sources, which would increase the economic efficiency of their production, such as: the development of investment projects to attract additional investments in this industry; state guarantees to producers of “clean” energy for its purchase at fixed tariffs; ensuring the level of energy security of Ukraine through the modernization of the network of existing power plants to increase the level of their reliability and uninterrupted operation; the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the combustion of traditional fuels.
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Authors and Affiliations

Nataliia Trushkina
Alireza Pahlevanzade
Alborz Pahlevanzade
Yevgen Maslennikov

  1. Department of Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship Development, Institute of Industrial Economics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Ukraine
  2. Vice-Rector for International Relations, International Humanitarian University, Ukraine
  3. Department of International Law and Comparative Law, International Humanitarian University, Ukraine
  4. Department of Management and Innovations, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine
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Pellagra is a rare disease caused by niacin deficiency or a disruption of its metabolism. Its manifestations are dermatitis with pronounced photosensitivity, gastrointestinal symptoms, and neuropsychiatric ailments. Currently pellagra is developed in people who chronically abuse alcohol or are treated with medications from specific pharmacological groups (immunosuppressive and anti-tuberculosis drugs).
Although the root cause of the disease was established in the mid-twentieth century, a detailed explanation of the processes leading to the development of symptoms has not yet been proposed. They include complex abnormalities at the molecular, metabolic, and immunological levels. Diagnostics is based primarily on the clinical presentation of the disease, while auxiliary tests play secondary role. The low prevalence of the disease, meaning that physicians are unfamiliar with its re-cognition, often leads to delays in diagnosis and appropriate treatment. The therapy is causal and based on administering niacinamide. Failure to implement treatment in the early stages of the disease leads to the patient’s death.
The aim of this literature review is to summarize the current state of knowledge on the pathomechanisms of pellagra, highlighting the clinical implications, and key elements of diagnostic and therapeutic manage-ment that are important in the treatment of pellagra patients.
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Authors and Affiliations

Przemysław Hałubiec
Monika Leończyk
Filip Staszewski
Monika Łazarczyk
Andrzej Kazimierz Jaworek
Anna Wojas-Pelc

  1. Department of Dermatology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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With the steady increase in the incidence of breast cancer in women, treatment that includes not only tumor removal but also breast reconstruction is becoming a more relevant issue for oncologic and plastic surgeons. Mastectomy recently evolved as a form of primary prevention of hereditary breast cancer, commonly performed in combination with simultaneous reconstruction. A case of 44-year-old woman who underwent right mastectomy with adjuvant radiotherapy is presented. Due to the patient’s positivity for BRCA1 mutation and her wishes, a risk-reducing mastectomy with nipple-areola complex preservation and bilateral deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flap reconstruction were performed in one-stage. In selected cases this method appears to be the best possible procedure for simultaneous preventative and reconstructive management in patients with genetically determined breast cancer who have undergone mastectomy with radiotherapy.
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5. Nestle-Krämling C., Kühn T.: Role of Breast Surgery in BRCA Mutation Carriers. Breast Care. 2012; 7: 378–382. doi: 10.1159/000343717
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Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Ulatowski
Piotr Gierej
Maria Molska

  1. Department of Plastic Surgery, Medical Centre for Postgraduate Education, Professor W. Orlowski Memorial Hospital, 231st Czerniakowska Street, 00-416 Warsaw, Poland


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Background: To assess and compare mid-term outcomes and the quality of life (QoL) in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease (MVD) and moderate ischemic mitral regurgitation (IMR), treated with either coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG; group I) or CABG + mitral annulo-plasty (CABG+MA; group II) in 12-months follow-up after surgery.
Methods: We prospectively analyzed 74 patients (50.7% female, 66 [67–72] years) with at least moderate IMR, 3–24 weeks after myocardial infarction (MI). The effective regurgitation orifice (ERO) was used for a quantitative IMR assessment. To evaluate QoL we used a Short Form-36 (SF-36) questionnaire.
Results: Patients in group II spent more time in the hospital, expired more infection complications and received more often in-hospital complications requiring use amines and intra-aortic balloon pump as compared to those in group I. Analysis of SF-36 showed that all patients treated surgically notable improved their QoL during 12 months of follow-up.
Conclusions: We observed a significant improvement in QoL among patients with MVD in 12 months follow-up after surgery irrespective of treatment type.
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Authors and Affiliations

Radosław Piątkowski
Jakub Kucharz
Monika Gawałko
1 3 4
Monika Budnik
Katarzyna Wołosiewicz
Barbara Kozub
Janusz Kochanowski
Marcin Grabowski
Grzegorz Opolski

  1. 1st Department of Cardiology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
  2. Department of Uro-Oncology, Maria Skłodowska-Curie, National Research Institute of Oncology, Warsaw, Poland
  3. Department of Cardiology, Maastricht University Medical Centre and Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands
  4. Institute of Pharmacology, West German Heart and Vascular Centre, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
  5. 1st Department of Pediatrics, Bielanski Hospital, Warsaw, Poland
  6. Department of Ophthalmology, Medical Centre for Postgraduate Education, Warsaw, Poland
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White adipose tissue plays an important role in the catabolism of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). Two initial regulatory steps in BCAAs catabolism are catalyzed by branched chain aminotrans-ferase (BCAT) and branched chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase complex (BCKDH complex), respectively. It has been demonstrated that synthetic ligands for PPARγ receptors increased mRNA levels for enzymes involved in BCAAs catabolism. We hypothesized that feeding rats with diet rich in linoleic acid (LA), a natural PPARγ agonist modifies mRNA levels for enzymes catalyzing BCAAs degradation in adipose tissue. The current pilot study was aimed at the investigation of the effect of diet rich in LA on mRNA levels for BCATm, branched chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase (E1 component of the BCKDH), and mRNA levels for the regulatory enzymes of BCKDH complex, a specific kinase (BDK) and a specific phosphatase (PPM1K) in epididymal white adipose tissue (eWAT). Wistar male rats were fed with high unsaturated fat diet containing mainly linoleic acid (study group) or with the high saturated fat diet (control group). The relative mRNA levels were quantified by reverse transcription PCR. We have found that in rats fed diet rich in LA mRNA level for BCATm decreased, while mRNA amount for BDK increased. There was no difference between mRNA levels for BCKDH E1 and PPM1K. It is con-ceivable that changes in mRNA levels for enzymes involved in BCAAs metabolism in eWAT may lead to modification of BCAAs catabolic rate. Further studies are required to fully elucidate this issue.
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Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Knapik-Czajka
Justyna Bieleń
Monika Zajonz
Anna Gawędzka
Jagoda Drąg
Małgorzata Belczyk

  1. Department of Biochemical Analytics, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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Microvascular angina (MVA) is a condition characterized by the presence of angina-like chest pain, a positive response to exercise stress tests, and no significant stenosis of coronary arteries in coronary angiography, with absence of any other specific cardiac diseases. The etiology of this syndrome is still not known and it is probably multifactorial. Coronary microvascular dysfunction is proposed as the main pathophysiological mechanism in the development of MVA. Altered somatic and visceral pain perception and autonomic imbalance, in addition to myocardial ischemia, has been observed in subjects with MVA, involving dynamic variations in the vasomotor tone of coronary microcirculation with consequent tran-sient ischemic episodes. Other theories suggest that MVA may be a result of a chronic inflammatory state in the body that can negatively influence the endothelium or a local imbalance of factors regulating its function. This article presents the latest information about the epidemiology, diagnostics, etiopathogen-esis, prognosis, and treatment of patients with MVA.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Jarczewski
Aleksandra Jarczewska
Andrzej Boryczko
Adrian Poniatowski
Agata Furgała
Andrzej Surdacki
Krzysztof Gil

  1. Department of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Second Department of Cardiology, Institute of Cardiology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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There are only very few studies on the anatomy of the deep brachial artery — DBA (arteria profunda brachii), both regarding its course, branching pattern and contribution to the cubital rete. Most of the textbooks are based on data which remain unchanged for years. The aim of this article was to summarize the current knowledge on this vessel, based on the anatomical and clinical studies and other sources available including also own cadaveric study. We tried to present also some controversies regarded to the nomenclature of the branches of the DBA.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Przybycień
Michał Zarzecki
Agata Musiał
Paweł Depukat
Bartłomiej Kruszyna
Agata Mazurek
Julia Jaszczyńska
Kinga Glądys
Ewa Walocha
Ewa Mizia
Grzegorz Wysiadecki
Jerzy Walocha

  1. Department of Anatomy, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Department of Clinical Nursing, Institute of Nursing and Obstetrics, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  3. Department of Normal and Clinical Anatomy, Chair of Anatomy and Histology, Medical University of Łódź, Łódź, Poland
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Objectives: Accidental exposure to non-fire related carbon monoxide (CO) in young people is largely unquantified. Our aim was to estimate the possibility of exposure to CO and the awareness of intoxication in the population of students living in Kraków, one of the largest academic cities in Poland.
Methods: Anonymous questionnaires about CO poisoning were distributed among medical and non- medical students living in Kraków.
Results: 1081 questionnaires were collected — 16% of study participants knew a person who had been poisoned with carbon monoxide, 51.2% of students using a bathroom water heater believed that they had no risk of CO poisoning. Medical students gained significantly higher scores in the CO-poisoning knowl-edge test than non-medical ones.
Conclusions: There is still unsatisfactory awareness of CO poisoning among non-medical students in Kraków.
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1. Krzyżanowski M., Seroka W., Skotak K., Wojtyniak B.: Mortality and Hospital Admissions Due to Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Poland. Saf Fire Tech. 2014; 33 (1): 75–82.
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3. Świderska A., Sein Anand J.: Selected data concerning acute intoxications with xenobiotics in Poland in the year 2010. Przegl Lek. 2012; 69 (8): 409–414.
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12. Lehr E.: Carbon monoxide poisoning: a preventable environmental hazard. Am J Public Health Nations Health. 1970; 60 (2): 289–293.
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Authors and Affiliations

Iwona Popiołek
1 2
Lech Popiołek
Jakub Marchewka
4 5
Grzegorz Dębski
Justyna Bolech-Gruca
Małgorzata Szumińska
Piotr Hydzik
1 2

  1. University Hospital in Kraków, Kraków, Poland
  2. Department of Toxicology and Environmental Diseases, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  3. Private practice, Kraków, Poland
  4. Department of Physiotherapy, University of Physical Education, Kraków, Poland
  5. Department of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery, 5th Military Hospital, Kraków, Poland
  6. Radiology Department, 5th Military Hospital, Kraków, Poland
  7. Department of Endocrinology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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Background: The cause of the increased risk of hypertension in children born prematurely is still unclear. The aim of this study was to analyze the results of blood pressure monitoring and the levels of variety of kidney function markers at the 40–42 weeks postmenstrual age in children born prematurely and to compare them with the values obtained from full-term newborns. The analysis of the differences in the observed parameters could be used to assess the risk of developing hypertension in preterm infants in the following years of life.
Methodology: Prospective cohort study included 37 children born prematurely (<35 weeks of gesta-tion) and 20 full-term newborns. The 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement, serum cystatin C and thrombomodulin levels, urine Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) concentration, renal ultrasound and bioelectrical impedance were performed.
Results: Analysis of the blood pressure monitoring reveled lower values of diastolic (DBP) and mean blood pressure (MAP) in the preterm group (DBP: 47.69 ± 4.79 vs. 53.96 ± 5.3 mmHg; p <0.01; MAP 64 ± 6.7 vs. 68 ± 6 mmHg; p = 0.02), however the preterm children were significantly smaller at the time of evaluation. Moreover, the pulse pressure was significantly higher in the preterm group (44 ± 7.8 vs. 39.4 ± 5.7 mmHg; p = 0.017). In the preterm group serum cystatin C level was lower (1.397 ± 0.22 vs. 1.617 ± 0.22 mg/l; p <0.01) and NGAL urine concentration was higher (57 ± 84 vs. 15 ± 21 ng/ml; p = 0.04). There was substantial difference in body composition between groups - the total body water was lower in the preterm group (75.6 ± 13 vs. 82 ± 8%; p = 0.015).
Conclusion: At the predicted date of birth, preterm newborns show significant differences in blood pressure profile, body weight composition, and levels of cystatin C and NGAL compared to full-term babies.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maja Gilarska
Dagmara Wolińska
Przemko Kwinta

  1. Department of Pediatrics, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Department of Pediatrics, University Children Hospital, Kraków, Poland
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Background: Cardiovascular diseases are the first cause of death globally. Hypercholester-olemia is the most important factor responsible for atherosclerotic plaque formation and increasing cardiovascular risk. Reduction of LDL-C level is the most relevant goal for reduction of cardiovascular risk.
Aims: Real life adherence to guidelines concerning statin therapy in one center study population. Methods: We analyzed data collected in the Department of Internal Diseases from September 2019 to February 2020, obtained from 238 patients hospitalized in this time period. We assessed application of the new 2019 ESC/EAS Guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidaemias in daily clinical practice and compared effectiveness of LLT according to 2016 and 2019 guidelines.
Results: Only 1 in 5 patients with dyslipideamia achieve the 2019 ESC/EAS guideline-recommended levels of LDL-C with relation to their TCVR. We noticed that 20 of patients who did not achieve proper 2019 LDL level, meet the therapy targets established in year 2016. We observed that higher patient TCVR resulted in better compliance with guidelines and ordination of proper LLT. Most patients were on monotherapy with statins.
Conclusions: It could be beneficial to start treatment with double or even triple therapy especially in group with the highest LDL-C levels.
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Authors and Affiliations

Patrycja Cecha
Anna Chromik
Ilona Piotrowska
Michał Zabojszcz
Magdalena Dolecka-Ślusarczyk
Zbigniew Siudak

  1. Collegium Medicum, Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland

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