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Neither beautiful Italian marbles nor colorful Polish sandstones, not even hard Scandinavian granites are impervious to the "tooth of time." No matter kind of stone we carve statues of our beloved poets and leaders from, they can all expect to meet the same depressing end - unless we get to know the culprits and learn to put up a fight.
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Marek W. Lorenc
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Circumstances conducive to the emergence of a literary culture that allowed women to participate arose in Poland only as late as in the 1650s, following the appearance of two Frenchwomen on the Polish throne, namely Marie-Louise Gonzaga and Marie-Casimire.
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Joanna Partyka
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Rising public acceptance in Poland for women combining family and professional roles is not going hand-in-hand with a more widespread sharing of family duties at home- especially in childcare, a factor of key significance for the careers of women.
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Anna Titkow
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Why do women suffer from psychiatric disturbances, especially mood disorders, more frequently than men do? The answer seems to require a combination of biology, psychology, and sociology.
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Stanisław Pużyński
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The American GPS system has now become a popular utility, used in many domains of everyday life. However, new technology triggers new applications, and new applications require improved tools. It is now clear that GPS alone will not be able to satisfy all needs.
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Janusz B. Zieliński
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In the 1920s Polish female painters and sculptors made their mark on the artistic scene in Poland and in Europe. Now their accomplishments are being rediscovered.
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Joanna Sosnowska
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Nano-scale devices based on molecular machines could play a major role in the future of electronics, medicine and communications. Generating molecules with parts that can move like tiny "switches" is a step in the right direction.
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Bohdan Korybut-Daszkiewicz
Renata Bilewicz
Krzysztof Woźniak
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When we visit caves and admire their dripstone formations, most of us do not realize how many traces of the distant past might be found in the stalagmites and stalactites, as well as in the very sediments we are walking over.
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Teresa Madeyska

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Magdalena Lesińska

  1. Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, Poland
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The traditional view of dinosaurs as sluggish behemoths is now being increasingly supplanted by a picture of animals that were in fact vigorous and energetic. This revolution in our understanding is in part due to researchers scrutinizing the remains of these Mesozoic giants ... under the microscope.
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Karol Sabath
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Quantum computers excel at tasks where classical computers falter – explains Prof. Artur Ekert from the Mathematical Institute at Oxford University and the National University of Singapore.
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Artur Ekert

  1. the Mathematical Institute at Oxford University and the National University of Singapore
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While the Sun energy is one of the main factors that supports terrestrial life, solar eruptions can sometimes wreak great havoc on Earth. One of the centers working to observe and forecast space weather is the Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
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Iwona Stanisławska
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Poland in the European Organization for Nuclear Research: A remarkable story of cooperation, success, and future opportunities at CERN.
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Tadeusz Lesiak

  1. Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow
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Where should we look for renewable, environment-friendly sources of energy? The answer is simple: try to understand the term ,,green energy" literally.
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Emil Nalborczyk
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Discoveries by Polish and Swiss archaeologists in the Middle East are bringing us closer to the culture of the first megalith-builders from 5,000 years ago.
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Zuzanna Wygnańska
Tara Steimer-Herbet

  1. Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
  2. Laboratory of Prehistoric Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Geneva
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Poland has been seeing a clear trend towards increased social mobility in the first decade of the 21st century, a result which would indicate that barriers based on family origins are exerting a waning impact upon the life-paths of indMduals.
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Henryk Domański
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The telescopes at the Polish observatory in the heart of Chile’s Atacama Desert leverage its extraordinary location to observe the cosmos on an unprecedented scale.
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Grzegorz Pietrzyński

  1. Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Polish Academy of Sciences
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For 40 years, Polish researchers have been observing krill-dependent species and actively participating in the activities of the Scientific Committee of the CCAMLR.
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Małgorzata Korczak-Abshire

  1. Department of Antarctic BiologyInstitute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS in Warsaw

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