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The paper presents the dynamic model of an A-frame, which is a kind of an offshore crane with a portal construction. The rigid finite element method (RFEM) has been used in discretization of the flexible substructure. An application of optimisation methods to define the drive function course of the hoisting winch is presented. The goal of the optimisation is to ensure stabilization of the load’s position. In order to achieve appropriate numerical effectiveness, the optimisation problem has been solved for a simplified model of an A-frame. Comparison of numerical results obtained for different types of objective functions and types of drive functions is presented in the paper as well.

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Iwona Adamiec-Wójcik
Paweł Fałat
Andrzej Maczyński
Stanisław Wojciech
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Steel arch-rectangular support has a wide range of applications in Polish coal mines due to its asymmetrical shape. The frame has an arched outline on one side of the side wall, while on the opposite side it is rectangular. As a result, the support is ideal for securing set up room and recovery room. It can also be successfully used to secure three-way intersections of underground workings. To a large extent, however, the importance of these advantages is diminished by relatively low load-bearing parameters, resulting from a partially straight canopy, as well as the asymmetrical distribution of the load acting on the support in underground conditions. In order to ensure the proper and optimal operation of such frames, in addition to the standard requirements for roof supports, additional conditions must be met. The basic requirement is to support the end of the canopy on the corner of the excavation. This article presents examples of arch-rectangular supports, their applications as well as laboratory tests and strength analysis of the frames and its elements. These tests allowed the requirements regarding the construction of the frame, the selection of the support and the conditions of building in the excavation to be specified.

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Marek Rotkegel
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Research activities of Polish research groups in a period of 2015–2019 on reference frames and reference networks are reviewed and summarised in this paper. The summary contains the results concerning the implementation of latest resolutions on reference systems of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics and the International Union of Astronomy with special emphasis on the changes in the Astronomical Almanac of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw. It further presents the status of the implementation of the European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 (ETRS89) in Poland, monitoring the terrestrial reference frame, operational work of GNSS permanent IGS/EPN stations in Poland, operational work of the laser ranging station in Poland of the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS), active GNSS station network for the realization of ETRS89 in Poland, validation of recent ETRS89 realization, expressed in ETRF2000 in Poland, and maintenance of the vertical control in Poland (PL-KRON86-NH). Extensive research activities are observed in the field of maintenance and modernization of gravity control not only in Poland, but also in Sweden and in Denmark, as well as establishment of gravity control in Ireland based on absolute gravity survey. The magnetic control in Poland was also regularly maintained. The bibliography of the related works is given in references.

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Jan Krynski
Jerzy B. Rogowski
Tomasz Liwosz
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The article raised issues related to the design and execution of low-energy objects in Polish conditions. Based on the designed single-family house, adapted to the requirements of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management ("NF40" standard), the tools to assist investment decisions by investors were shown. An economic analysis and a multi-criteria analysis were performed using AHP method which had provided an answer to the question whether it is worthwhile to bear higher investment costs in order to adjust to the standards of energy-efficient buildings that fulfil a minimal energy consumption's requirements contained in Polish law. In addition, the variant of object that had optimal characteristics due to the different preferences of investors was indicated. This paper includes analysis and observations on the attempts to unify that part of the building sector, which so far is considered to be personalized, and objects in accordance with the corresponding idea are designed as "custom-made".

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K. Tomczak
O. Kinash
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This paper addresses the problem of tampering detection and discusses methods used for authenticity analysis of digital audio recordings. Presented approach is based on frame offset measurement in audio files compressed and decoded by using perceptual audio coding algorithms which employ modified discrete cosine transform. The minimum values of total number of active MDCT coefficients occur for frame shifts equal to multiplications of applied window length. Any modification of audio file, including cutting off or pasting a part of audio recording causes a disturbance within this regularity. In this study the algorithm based on checking frame offset previously described in the literature is expanded by using each of four types of analysis windows commonly applied in the majority of MDCT based encoders. To enhance the robustness of the method additional histogram analysis is performed by detecting the presence of small value spectral components. Moreover, computation of maximum values of nonzero spectral coefficients is employed, which creates a gating function for the results obtained based on previous algorithm. This solution radically minimizes a number of false detections of forgeries. The influence of compression algorithms' parameters on detection of forgeries is presented by applying AAC and Ogg Vorbis encoders as examples. The effectiveness of tampering detection algorithms proposed in this paper is tested on a predefined music database and compared graphically using ROC-like curves.

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Rafał Korycki
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Single-frame methods of determining the attitude of a nanosatellite are compared in this study. The methods selected for comparison are: Single Value Decomposition (SVD), q method, Quaternion ESTimator (QUEST), Fast Optimal Attitude Matrix (FOAM) − all solving optimally the Wahba’s problem, and the algebraic method using only two vector measurements. For proper comparison, two sensors are chosen for the vector observations on-board: magnetometer and Sun sensors. Covariance results obtained as a result of using those methods have a critical importance for a non-traditional attitude estimation approach; therefore, the variance calculations are also presented. The examined methods are compared with respect to their root mean square (RMS) error and variance results. Also, some recommendations are given.

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Demet Cilden Guler
Ece S. Conguroglu
Chingiz Hajiyev
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The summary of research activities concerning reference frames and reference networks performed in Poland in a period of 2011–2014 is presented. It contains the results of research on implementation of IUGG2011 and IAU2012 resolutions on reference systems, implementation of the ETRS89 in Poland, operational work of permanent IGS/ EUREF stations in Poland, operational work of ILRS laser ranging station in Poland, active GNSS station networks in Poland, maintenance of vertical control in Poland, maintenance and modernization of gravity control, and maintenance of magnetic control in Poland. The bibliography of the related works is given in references.
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Jaroslaw Bosy
Jan Krynski
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The paper presents the author’s non-linear FEM solution of an initially stressless deformed flat frame element, in which the nodes are situated along the axis of the bar initially straight. It has been assumed that each node may sustain arbitrary displacements and rotation. The solution takes into account the effect of shear, the geometrical non-linearity with large displacements (Green-Lagrange’s strain tensor) and moderate rotations (i.e. such ones which allow a linear-elastic behaviour of the material) and alternative small rotations when the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor is applied. This solution is based on [1], concerning beams without any initial bow imperfections. The convergence of the obtained results at different numbers of nodes and Gauss points in the element was tested basing on the example of circular arcs with a central angle of 120°÷180°. The analysis concerned elements with two, three, five, seven, nine and eleven nodes, for the same number of points of numerical integration and also with one more or less. Moreover, the effect of distributing the load on the convergence of the results was analyzed.

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J. Zamorowski
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The main source of spatial information on concentration and deposition of air pollutants in Poland is the continental scale EMEP model with 50 km x 50 km grid. The coarse resolution of the EMEP model may be insufficient for regional scale studies. A new proposal is the application of the national scale atmospheric transport model FRAME (Fine Resolution Atmospheric Multi-pollutant Exchange), originally developed for the United Kingdom. The model works with 5 km x 5 km spatial resolution and the air column is divided into 33 layers. FRAME was used here to assess the spatial patterns of yearly averaged air concentrations, and wet and dry deposition of sulphur and nitrogen compounds for the area of Poland. This study presents preliminary results of the modeling of the yearly average concentrations as well as dry and wet depositions of SO,, NO, and NH, for Poland. FRAME results were compared with available measurements from the monitoring sites and national deposition budget with the EMEP and IMGW estimates. The results show close agreement with the measured concentrations expressed by determination coefficient close to O. 7 for both SO, and NO . The dry and wet deposition budgets for FRAME are also in close agreement with the EMEP and GIOŚ estimates. The FRAME model, despite its relatively simple meteorological parameterizations, is well suited to calculate the spatial pattern of annual average concentration and yearly deposition of atmospheric pollutants which was earlier presented for the UK and was shown in this paper for Poland. The model can also be used to analyze the impact of individual point sources or different emission sectors on spatial pattern of air concentration and deposition as well as testing the changes in deposition resulting from future emissions reduction scenarios.
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Maciej Kryza
Marek Błaś
Anthony J. Dore
Mieczysław Sobik
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The acoustic effect of windows installed in a prefabricated wood frame façade was considered. Windows inserted into a lightweight wall modify its structural scheme. The research aimed to investigate the possible interaction of the façade’s main components and their actual contribution to the total sound insulation. The principal research question involved the prediction of the acoustic performance of the complete prefabricated panel from the performance of its basic elements, an opaque part and windows. As the frequency-dependent characteristics of the elements differ substantially, the use of single number values for prediction and accuracy was of particular interest. The study is based on laboratory measurements. Initially, two full-scale samples of an opaque wall and four windows were tested separately. Then, several variants of the façade consisting of various combinations of these elements were examined. The results of measurements were juxtaposed and compared with calculated values. The frequency-dependent experimental results were fairly consistent with calculations. The estimations based on single number quantities were also in good agreement with measurements. Thus, it may be concluded that the façade elements did not interact significantly, and the single number calculations give reliable results that can be used in practice.
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Jacek Nurzyński

  1. Building Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland
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Super-resolution image reconstruction utilizes two algorithms, where one is for single-frame image reconstruction, and the other is for multi-frame image reconstruction. Singleframe image reconstruction generally takes the first degradation and is followed by reconstruction, which essentially creates a problem of insufficient characterization. Multi-frame images provide additional information for image reconstruction relative to single frame images due to the slight differences between sequential frames. However, the existing super-resolution algorithm for multi-frame images do not take advantage of this key factor, either because of loose structure and complexity, or because the individual frames are restored poorly. This paper proposes a new SR reconstruction algorithm for images using Multi-grained Cascade Forest. Multi-frame image reconstruction is processed sequentially. Firstly, the image registration algorithm uses a convolutional neural network to register low-resolution image sequences, and then the images are reconstructed after registration by the Multi-grained Cascade Forest reconstruction algorithm. Finally, the reconstructed images are fused. The optimal algorithm is selected for each step to get the most out of the details and tightly connect the internal logic of each sequential step. This novel approach proposed in this paper, in which the depth of the cascade forest is procedurally generated for recovered images, rather than being a constant. After training each layer, the recovered image is automatically evaluated, and new layers are constructed for training until an optimal restored image is obtained. Experiments show that this method improves the quality of image reconstruction while preserving the details of the image.

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Authors and Affiliations

Yaming Wang
Zhikang Luo
Wenqing Huang
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Applying frame semantics, usage-based construction grammar, and quantitative corpus-based methodology, this article seeks to explore the nature of the extraposed construction with past participles complemented by that-clauses. To this end, the author extracts the occurrences of the It BE Ven that-construction from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), determines its structural, semantic, distributional, and discourse-functional features, and identifies verbs that are strongly associated with the construction in question. The study meaningfully contributes to a growing body of research on it-extraposition by conducting a qualitative and quantitative analysis of one of its variants, a grammatical pattern with past participles that has not been hitherto investigated in much detail from a quantitative corpus- based perspective.
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Jarosław Wiliński

  1. Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
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In this study, several variants create and choose of a local quasi-geoid model in Poland have been considered. All propositions have a source in European Gravimetric Geoid models – EGG2008 and EGG2015, which are purely gravimetric models of reference surface. In the course of this work, each model has been analyzed in various ways: without any corrections, by parallel shifting of residuals, by the 7-parameter conformal transformation and by fitting residuals by 4- and 5-parameter trigonometric polynomials. Eventual corrections were based on points of national GNSS/levelling networks (EUVN, EUVN_DA, POLREF, EUREF and ASG-EUPOS eccentric points). As a final result of this study, a comparison of the accuracy of selected models has been carried out by RMSE statistics and maps showing spatial distribution of residuals and histograms. Validation has shown that the maximum achievable accuracy of the EGG models is approximately 2 cm for the ETRF2000 reference system and approximately 8 cm for ETRF89. In turn, fitting with the use of different mathematical methods results in an improvement of the standard deviation of residues to the level of 1.3–1.4 cm. The conclusions include an evaluation of considerations for and against the use of models based only on EGG realizations and, on the other hand, fitted to the points of Polish vertical network. Its usefulness is strictly connected with needs of the definition of up to date quasi-geoid model for the new realization of heights system in Poland, based on EVRF2007 frame.

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Authors and Affiliations

Dorota Marjańska
Tomasz Olszak
Dominik Piętka
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The purpose of this study is to investigate a structure’s response to blast loading when composite columns are used instead of conventional reinforced concrete (RC) cross sections and when a conventional structure is retrofitted with braces. The study includes conducting dynamic analyses on three different structures: a conventional reference RC structure, a modified structure utilizing composite columns, and a modified structure retrofitted with steel braces. The two modified structures were designed in order to investigate their performance when subjected to blast loading compared to the conventional design. During the dynamic analyses, the structures were exposed to simulated blast loads of multiple intensities using the finite-element modelling software, SeismoStruct. To evaluate their performance, the responses of the modified structures were analyzed and compared with the response of the conventional structure. It was concluded that both the structure with composite columns and the steel brace structure experienced less damage than the conventional model. The best performance was obtained through the steel brace structure.

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Y.E. Ibrahim
M. Almustafa
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Tension-strut systems consist of thin cables and membranes capable of carrying only tensile forces and compressed struts cooperating with them. They make very effective use of strength properties of materials. They are lightweight and common in large span structures such as bridges and stadium roofs. However, they may also be advantageous in reinforcing and repairing historical buildings as they conform to conservation law in force. This paper presents a few examples of such applications of tension-strut system. Stabilization of historic brick and stone vaults with buttresses and iron bowstrings often turns out inadequate to resist thrust forces transmitted from the vault to the walls which cause cracks and deformations of the vault. Properly designed tension-strut structure can resist the thrust forces calculated in a theoretical way. Moreover, it can be hidden in the attic of building. Old timber roof structures are usually deformed and excessively deflected. Skilfully assembled tensionstrut systems enable straightening and geometrical adjustment of a roof structure. Although similar threats and structural damages occur in most buildings which are a few hundred years old, individual design solutions are required in each case. Historical investigation and detailed measurement of geometry and deflections have to be made before choosing the apprioprate method of reinforcing the old structure.

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Stanisław Jurczakiewicz
Stanisław Karczmarczyk
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Diverse strategies for identifying and finding the damages in structures have been continuously engaging to originators within the field. Due to the direct connection between the firmness, characteristic frequency, and mode shapes within the structure, the modular parameters may well be utilized for recognizing and finding the damages in structures. In current consider, a modern damage marker named Damage Localization Index (DLI) is applied, utilizing the mode shapes and their derivative. A finite element model of a frame with twenty and thirty components has been utilized, separately. The numerical model is confirmed based on experimental information. The indicator has been explored for the damaged components of a frame with one bay. The results have been compared with those of the well-known index CDF. To demonstrate the capability and exactness of the proposed method, the damages with low seriousness at different areas of the structures are explored. The results are investigated in noisy condition, considering 3% and 5% noise on modal data. The outcomes show the high level of accuracy of the proposed method for identifying the location of the damaged elements in frames.
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Mina Roodgar Nashta
Reza Taghipour
Mohsen Bozorgnasab
Hessam Mirgolbabaei

  1. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Mazandaran, Iran
  2. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Minnesota, Duluth, Minnesota, United States of America
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The paper presents the issue of unbraced and semi-rigid steel frames stability with special attention paid to the determination problem of columns buckling length Lcr in these frames. The paper discusses ways of buckling length determination in frames columns with the use of well known, European and American standard procedures, as well as numerical method of stability analysis based on the Finite Element Method (FEM). The presented procedures and analysis methods in calculations of certain steel frames with semi-rigid joints were used. On the basis of obtained results, it has been shown that in many practical cases, the simplified standard procedures of columns buckling length determination can give the results burdened with errors. These errors can have a significant influence on accuracy of columns resistance calculations. The issues presented in the paper are very important from the practical point of view, and according to the author, they can be used in the practical design of unbraced steel frames.
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Przemysław Krystosik

  1. Koszalin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Environmental and Geodetic Sciences, Śniadeckich 2, 75-453 Koszalin, Poland,
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Vertical transport of wall-panels is a part of the prefabrication process of wood-framed buildings. The total dead weight of a wall is suspended on several lifting slings, pointwise clasping the top plate of the wall. This indicates, that all the weight of a wall is cumulated in sheathing-to-framing fasteners, usually staples. This article presents experimental investigations and analytical models evaluated for the description of light wood-framed walls in the process of lifting. Three different models cover the analytical approach: a model of a simple beam on elastic supports (BSS), a model of assembled beams (ACBS), three-dimensional (3D) spatial FE model of the wall (WFEM). Board-to-beam joint material parameters are determined on the base of experimental results. These connections are converted into two variants in the form of spring elements for 2D analysis, and beam elements for 3D analysis.
The numerical results exhibit that the proposed models may correctly represent behavior of a real wall in lifting, applying elastic materials parameters.
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Jarosław Malesza
Czesław Miedziałowski

  1. Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Wiejska 45A, 15-351 Bialystok, Poland
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The article presents the reviewed and summarised research activities of Polish research groups on reference frames and reference networks in a period of 2019–2022. It contains the results on the implementation of latest resolutions on reference systems of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics and the International Astronomical Union focusing on changes in the consecutive issues of the Astronomical Almanac of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw. It further presents the status of the implementation of the European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 (ETRS89) in Poland, monitoring the terrestrial reference frame, including research on global terrestrial reference frames, GNSS data analysis within the EUREF Permanent Network, research on GNSS receiver antenna phase centres, research on impact of non-tidal loading effects on position solutions, and on station velocities. Then the activities concerning the realization of ITRS and ETRS89 in Poland are discussed, including operational work of GNSS IGS/EPN stations as well as operational work of the laser ranging station of the International Laser Ranging Service, with special emphasis on the Polish active GNSS network for the realization of ETRS89 and maintenance of the vertical control network. Extensive research activities are observed in the field of implementation of the International Terrestrial Gravity Reference Frame in Poland, maintenance and modernization of gravity control network in Poland but also in Sweden, establishment of gravity control network in Ireland based on absolute gravity survey as well as maintenance of the national magnetic control network in Poland which is traditionally performed on a regular basis.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Kryński
Tomasz Liwosz

  1. Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
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Steel frame wind bracing systems are usually made of hot rolled profiles connected to frame elements directly or through a gusset plate. The behaviour of angle bracing members is generally complex since controlled by tension or compression, bending and torsion. The common practice is to transform the problem of complex behaviour into the buckling strength of a truss member. This paper deals with an analytical formulation of the force-deformation characteristic of a single angle brace subjected to compression. A strut model takes into consideration the effect of brace end connections and softening effect of its force-deformation characteristic. Two different boundary conditions, typical for engineering practice, are dealt with. Experimental program of testing the behaviour of angle brace in portal sub-frame specimens is described. Results of experimental investigations are presented. They are used for the validation of developed model. Conclusions are formulated with reference to the application of validated brace model in the analysis of braced steel frameworks.

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A.M. Barszcz
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In this paper, a frame structure based on the locally resonant (LR) mechanism of phononic crystals (PCs) is designed on account of the wide application of frame structures in high-rise buildings, and the band structures, displacement fields of eigenmodes, and transmission power spectrums of corresponding finite structure are calculated by finite element (FE) method. Numerical results and further analysis demonstrate that a full band gap with low starting frequency can be opened by the frame structure formed by periodically combining soft and hard materials, and the starting frequency can be further lowered with the adjustment of corresponding geometric parameters, which provides a theoretical basis for the studies on vibration insulation and noise reduction of high-rise buildings.

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Yukun Wang
Denghui Qian
Jinghong Wu
Feiyang He
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In this paper I interpret Ernst Friedrich’s album War against War, which was published in 1924 and presents photographs of First World War damages. I recall Jacques Rancière’s “distribution of the sensible”, Judith Butler’s “framing” and José Medina’s “hermeneutical death” theories. The aim of the paper is to propose an interpretation of Friedrich’s project in reference to contemporary theories of social philosophy. The interpretation makes it possible to show a political dimension to War against War and its contemporary meaning. In my interpretation, War against War is presented on the one hand as a tool to show the logic of nationalistic discourse, on the other as a way of doing justice to war veterans. In the conclusion I pose an open question about the contemporary reader’s responsibility towards the victims shown in the photographs.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marta Maliszewska

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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In this article, we propose a new stopping criterion for turbo codes. This criterion is based on the behaviour of the probabilistic values alpha 'α' calculated in the forward recursion during turbo decoding. We called this criterion Sum-α. The simulation results show that the Bit Error Rates BER are very close to those of the Cross-Entropy CE criterion with the same average number of iterations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aissa Ouardi

  1. Laboratory Technology of Communication, Department of Electronics, University of Saida Dr. Moulay Tahar, Saida, Algeria

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