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PAHs belong to a group of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The article is a survey of literature concerning the PAH content in uncooked as well as processed and cooked food. PAHs/POPs are very common cancerogenic and mutagenie pollutants. They can reach food through the consecutive links of the food chain. Hence they create a serious health hazard. The quoted literature indicates that these pollutants are very common in uncooked as we! processed and cooked food. PAHs occurring in plant matter are usually adsorbed on the surface of the leaves or roots. In some cases they also uptake to plants. Plant contamination is caused mainly by air deposition. As far as processed and cooked food is concerned the PAH content depends on its preparation. Extremely intense PAH contamination is in smoked fish and meat as well as products prepared over open name (e.g. barbecue). Cereal and vegetables are the main PAH sources in a human diet.
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Authors and Affiliations

Patryk Oleszczuk
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The paper presents the results of studies on the changes in the PAHs concentration during pre-filtration and ultrafiltration (UF) processes. In the study, biologically treated wastewater (after denitrification and nitrification processes), discharged from the biological treatment plant and used in coke plant, was used. A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used in order to qualify and quantify the PAHs. Sixteen PAHs listed by EPA were determined. The wastewater samples were collected three fold and initially characterized for the concentration of nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, COD, TOC and pH. In the first step, wastewater was filtrated on the sand bed. Total concentration of 16 PAHs in the treated wastewater before initial filtration was in the range of 44.8‒53.5 mg/L. During the process the decrease in the concentration of the most studied hydrocarbons was observed. Concentration of PAHs after initial filtration ranged from 21.9 to 38.3 μg/L. After the initial filtration process the wastewater flew to the ultrafiltration module and then was separated on the membrane (type ZW-10). The total concentration of 16 PAHs in the process of ultrafiltration was in the range of 8.9‒19.3 mg/L. The efficiency of removal of PAHs from coke wastewater in the process of ultrafiltration equaled 66.6%. Taking into account the initial filtration, the total degree of removal of PAHs reached 85%. The obtained results indicate the possibility of using the ultrafiltration process with the initial filtration as additional process in the coke wastewater treatment.

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Authors and Affiliations

Marzena Smol
Maria Włodarczyk-Makuła
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Composts made of municipal solid waste could be widely used in reclamation of soil-less mechanically transformed grounds. Even though its usefulness, bearing in mind its origin, it is necessary to consider the compost composition in order to avoid posing a threat to environment due to the possible emission of toxic substances which could be present in compost. Especially, organic waste should be monitored, because being present in composts it might be leached and pose a risk to groundwater and plants. In this work the leaching tests were carried out to state the solubility of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water. The both tests results show low solubility of PAHs, max. 10.4% in lysimetrie test and 3.9% in one-step leaching test.
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Tomasz Ciesielczuk
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This work presents results of the release of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from granules composed of fly ashes, which are the product of hard and coal combustion and sewage sludge. 3 types of granulates by a weight ratio of ash to sludge 3:7 and 1: 1 were used. The research of PAH leaching was conducted within a simulated period of 24 months, with the examination of PAH washing out every three months. The highest amounts of PAH (297 - 330 μg/kg dw.) were obtained_from granulates containing 7 parts by weights of sewage sludge (3 times higher in comparison with the granulate containing ash and sludge in ratio of I: 1 ). The maximum PAH release from all the examined granulates took place in the 9th month of the research. Benzo(k)fluoranthene revealed the highest fraction (67.4-76.0%) of all examined compounds.
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Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
Urszula Karwaczyńska
Tomasz Ciesielczuk
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The objective of this research was to estimate the content of 16 PAHs (US EPA list) in plants (com and willow) cultivated in sewage sludge-amended soil. An ultrasonic method and dichloromethane have been used to extract total PAHs content. The solid phase extraction was performed to purify sample extracts. HPLC and UV detection were employed to separate and quantify the studied PAHs. On the basis of the obtained results a bioconcentration factor was calculated. The contents of 16 PAH in plants ranged from 5.83 to 33.8 μg/kg d.m., with a dominant share of low molecular weight PAHs. The application of sewage sludge caused an increase in the PAH content in plants in relation to the dose applied. However, even the highest doses of sewage sludge did not led to the increase of PAI-ls content in plants above the level which may be hazardous for human health. The bioconccntration factors were on the level notted by others authors and ranged from 0.04 to 0.38 for the sum of 16 PAH.
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Authors and Affiliations

Patryk Oleszczuk
Stanisław Baran
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The objective of this research was to estimate bioavailable forms of choosen PAHs in sewage sludgeamended light soil. To estimate amount of bioavailable forms of PAHs the soil has been extracted with 25% tetrahydrofuran solution in water. Ultrasonic method and dichloromethane have been used to extract total content of PAHs. Influence of sludge dose on bioavailable PAHs content has been evaluated. Bioavailability of PAHs has been related to organic matter content in sewage sludge. High correlation between log Kow and level ofbioavailable forms of PAH's in soil has been noticed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Baran
Patryk Oleszczuk
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The work presents examination results of the common determination of PAHs and PCBs in industrial sludge and supernatants. Sewage sludge was taken from the wastewater treatment plant, and supernatants were obtained by their centrifuging. The prepared samples of sewage sludge and supernatants were subjected to extraction with applying the mixture of organic solvents. Cyclohexane and dichloromethane were used for constant samples, and methanol, cyclohexane and dichloromethane - for liquid. Extracts, after separation from samples of sewage sludge and supernatants, were cleared on the silica gel in vacuum conditions and concentrated in the stream of nitrogen. In such prepared extracts there was conducted the qualitative-quantitative analysis of 16 PAHs using the GC-MS system. Next, the samples were evaporated and poured with water and methanol until the clear solution was obtained. Extracts were cleared on octadecyl C18 columns, and then concentrated in the nitrogen stream. In these extracts PCBs was also determined with the application of the gas chromatograph with mass spectrometer. The range of concentrations 16 PAHs in sewage sludge equalled 10-16 mg/kgd.w. Summary average concentration 16 PAHs in supernatants was reached 17 μg/L. Average recovery of PAHs introduced to sewage sludge in the form of reference mixture was 78% (with consideration of naphthalene). In the case of supernatants, the average value of recovery reached 60%. Average PCBs concentration in supernatants equalled 10 ng/L. For sewage sludge the sum of marked PCBs was an average 1.23 μg/kgd.w.. In the case of particular PCBs the percentage recovery of the reference mixture for supernatants was 86%, while for sewage sludge it was 55%.

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Bartłomiej Macherzyński
Anna Nowacka
Maria Włodarczyk-Makuła
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The aim of the study was to assess the degree of soil contamination by PAHs in the area of charcoal kiln basis, located in the East Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. The concentrations of PAH in soil samples derived from various sampling locations pointed to a strong or a very strong contamination of the ecosystem by these compounds (8,95 μgxg·'-283,53 ugxg'). PAH concentrations in the soil differed significantly between the sampling locations. Analysis of samples from different soil layers (to 30 cm) pointed to a threat of washing out into groundwater. The highest concentrations of PAH corresponded to soil samples collected near kilns (distance of 1.5 m), and were in the range of 17.81 ugxg' - 435.54 ugxg'. PAH content in soil gradually decreased with increasing distance from the kilns to values < I μgxg-'. The analysis of the data from three sampling periods (June-August) pointed to higher concentrations of PAHs in soil collected in the middle of the burning season, what was probably due to their more intense emission and a relatively small amount of precipitation.
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Ewa Lisowska
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The aim of the present study was to determine the content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in relation to the intensity and type of soil management. Two types of soil were selected for the present studies, i.e.: Haplic Phaeozem developed from loess and Eutric Fluvisol originating from silty formations. Five objects were chosen in cach of the soils included in the present study, i.e.: apple orchards, hop gardens, arabic fields, grassland and natural forest ecosystems. Samples were collected from the depth of 0-1 O, I 0- 20 and below 35 cm. In the study material obtained, the content of 16 PAHs was determined by means of the HPLC-UV method. The content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons clearly depended both on the soil type and soil management method. Only in the case of two objects (hop garden and grassland plot) both the Haplic Phaeozem and the Eutric Fluvisol were characterized by the highest PAH content. The influence of soil management method on both the PAH sum and the content of individual compounds was more clearly marked in the Haplic Phaeozem than in the Eutric Fluvisol. PAH migration deeper into the soil profile similarly to their content depended on the soil type and soil management method. However, both in the Eutric Fluvisol and in the Haplic Phaeozem, an increase in naphthalene share was observed with a decrease in depth. Nevertheless, the effect of pollutant leaching deeper into the soil profile was more clearly marked in the case of Eutric Fluvisol.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jacek Pranagal
Patryk Oleszczuk
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The aim of this study was to examine the pollution level of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and selected chloroorganic pesticides (HCH isomers, DDT and its metabolites, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, endosulfan I and II, and methoxychlor) in surface sediments from selected fjords, tidal plains and lakes from the North Svalbard area. The sediments were collected from 34 sampling stations in July 2005. Only endosulfan I and methoxychlor, among selected chloroorganic pesticides, were measured in concentrations near detection limit (LoD) in fourteen sediment samples. The sum of seven PCB congeners varied from < 0.9 to 5.6 ng g-1 d.w. in sediments from fjords and tidal plains and from < 0.1 to 14.6 ng g-1 d.w. in sediments from lakes. The concentrations of analysed PAH compounds in surface sediments from lakes were over ten times higher (Ʃ16PAHs to 429 ng g-1 d.w.) than in sediments from fjords and tidal plains (Ʃ16PAHs to 36 ng g-1 d.w.).

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Grażyna Sapota
Barbara Wojtasik
Dorota Burska
Kamil Nowiński
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The furan resin offers advantages such as high intensity, low viscosity, good humidity resistance and is suitable for cast different casting

alloys: steel, cast iron and non-ferrous metal casting. For hardening furan resins are used different hardeners (acid catalysts). The acid

catalysts have significant effects on the properties of the cured binder (e,g. binding strength and thermal stability) [1 - 3]. Investigations of

the gases emission in the test foundry plant were performed according to the original method developed in the Faculty of Foundry

Engineering, AGH UST. The analysis is carried out by the gas chromatography method with the application of the flame-ionising detector


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M. Holtzer
R. Dańko
S. Żymankowska-Kumon
A. Bobrowski
A. Kmita
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The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the energy efficiency of the phytoremediation process, supported using energy crops. The scope of conducted work includes the preparation of a field experiment. During the evaluation, 2 factors were into consideration – total energy demand and total energy benefit. The case study, used as an origin of data, consists a 3-years field study, conducted with the use of 2 energy crops – Phalaris arundinacea L. and Brassica napus L. The area subjected to the experiment was polluted with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and herbicides, classified as phenoxy acids (2, 4 D). The experimental design consisted of 4 groups of fields, divided according to the used plant species and type of treatment. For each energy crop, 2 types of fertilization strategies were used. Therefore the 1st and 3rd sets of fields were not treated with any soil amendment while the 2nd and 4th sets were fertilized with compost. The obtained data allowed to observe that the cultivation of P. arundinacea L. and B. napus L. allowed a positive energy balance of the process to be achieved. However, it should be noted, that the B. napus L. growth in the first vegetation season was not sufficient to fully compensate a total energy demand. Such a goal, in the mentioned case, was possible after the 2nd vegetation season. The collected results show also that the best energetic potential combined with the most effective soil remediation were obtained on the fields with the cultivation of P. arundinacea L. fertilized with compost. The number of biofuels, collected from the 1 ha of such fields, can reach a value equal even to12.76 Mg of coal equivalent.

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Dariusz Włóka
Marzena Smol
Małgorzata Kacprzak
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Problem of dynamics sorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was examined in the soil in 2000 for 16 PAH compounds recommended by EPA. They were examined using computer methods of concerning their sorption by the soil. PAHs and their soil sorption wise examined using computes methods. Samples were collected in the distance of 1.5 m from the shoulder of the roads with intensive traffic, i.e. Warszawska Street and Brzeska Street in the town of Siedlce. The analysis was performed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with reversed phases. In the investigation granulometrie composition of the matrix was taken into consideration.
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Mariusz Kluska
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Nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (nitro-PAHs) may be formed during combustion of Diesel and gasoline rud and may be produced in gas-phase reactions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with oxides of nitrogen. These compounds can form a significant fraction olthc mainly direct-acting mutagenie compounds present in extracts of ambient air particles. Using own analytical method of nitro-PAHs determination, concentrations or total PAHs, nitro- and dinitro-PAHs in urban and non-urban area of three cites of Upper Silesia in Poland were measured. The dependence between concentration of PAHs and nitro-pAHs in urban and non-urban area as well as their distribution depending on roadway distance were searched. The study showed a significant influence of road transport on the levels ofnitro-PAHs concentration.
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Marzena Zaciera
Wojciech Mniszek
Jolanta Kurek
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In the present paper changes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) content were evaluated during composting of sewage sludge stabilized with coal fly ash. The content of PAHs in sewage sludge used for composting was I 0385 μg/kg (±830). In fly ash only three PAHs were determined (phenanthrene - 0.9 μg/kg, anthraccnc - 1.9 μg/kg and chrysenc - 2.7 μg/kg). Addition of fly ash to composted sewagesludge had various - dependent on its share - effect on PAHs mineralization. Relatively best degradation (66.3%) was noted when sewage sludge was mixed with fly ash in amount 20% (w/w). In composted sewage sludge and sludge with 30% addition of fly ash a decrease of PAH content was also observed (38 and 32.4% respectively). Relatively "best" mineralization was noted for 3-ring PAHs. Estimated half-lives of all investigated compounds depended on individual PAHs properties and ranged from 59 to 1164 days.
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Authors and Affiliations

Patryk Oleszczuk
Stanisław Baran
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The research covered two lakes: Karczemne and Domowe Małe, which served as receivers for rainwater and municipal or industrial sewage. The sediment cores were obtained using a Kajak tube sampler. Analyses of HM, PAH and PCB were done by the AAS, ICP-AES and GC MS methods. OM, SiO2, TH, Ca, Mg, CO2, Fe, Al, Mn, TN and TP were measured. The research showed that the sediments of Lake Karczemne, into which the untreated municipal sewage was discharged, are characterized by a high content of P. It was found that the sediments accumulate toxins, OM and pollutants characteristic for various industries. Karczemne Lake which collected municipal and industrial wastewater, contained a high content of Pb, Cu and PAH in the sediments, and Domowe Małe Lake, receiving stormwater, contained high concentrations of PAH. Research has shown that one of the most important tools for selecting an appropriate method of lake restoration is the analysis of the spatial distribution of pollutants in the bottom sediments. Thanks to such an analysis of the composition of the bottom sediments and the correlation between the components of the sediments and their sorption properties, the restoration of the Karczemne Lake using the Ripl method was planned and the possibility of restoration of the Domowe Małe Lake in this way was eliminated.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jolanta Katarzyna Grochowska
Renata Tandyrak
Renata Augustyniak
Michał Łopata
Dariusz Popielarczyk
Tomasz Templin

  1. University Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
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Ambient concentrations of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), adsorbed on particles of PM2.5, were measured at 4 points located in Silesia and Małopolska Regions during 2004 through 2005 period. The fine dust was collected on filters at locations representing conditions of urban background, communication artery and industrial area. Distinctive differences between heating and summer season PAH concentrations were observed. The highest PM2.5 related PAH concentrations were observed in Krakow, within the effect of industrial and traffic sources, equally in summer and heating seasons. For selected cities, relations between the particular PM2.5 related PAHs were determined. The results show that contamination of the investigated PM2.5 with PAHs is considerable and comparable with that in other areas of similar degree of urbanization and industrialization.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Ćwiklak
Wioletta Rogula
Halina Pyta
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The research on the content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil and grass ( Lolium perenne L.) was carried out on samples collected in the city of Białystok, in north-eastern Poland. The test samples came from green belts in the vicinity of communication routes, differentiated in terms of the surrounding buildings and infrastructure and characterized by a different car traffic intensity. The highest total concentration of all sixteen PAHs in soil and grass samples was found near a large intersection at Nicholas Copernicus Street, one of the most important communication routes connecting two parts of the city. In the aboveground parts of the studied grass samples, benzo[a]pyrene was the most abundant, its content ranging from 53.8 μg/kg DM up to 91.7 μg/kg DM. On the other hand, in soil samples, much higher benzo[a]pyrene content was found, and the dominance of this compound was observed in almost every measurement location. Based on the obtained results, it was found that car traffic is a significant source of PAH emissions to the urban soil environment and urban greenery. The squares and green belts located along communication routes and intersections are the most exposed to pollution.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marzena Ewa Smolewska
Małgorzata Krasowska
Jolanta Piekut
Maciej Smolewski
Ewelina Bagińska

  1. Faculty Chemical Laboratory, Bialystok University of Technology, 45E Wiejska Str., 15-351 Białystok, Poland
  2. Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering and Environmental Management, Bialystok University of Technology, 45E Wiejska Str., 15-351 Białystok, Poland
  3. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Bialystok University of Technology, 45E Wiejska Str., 15-351 Białystok, Poland
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The Bay of Cartagena (Colombia) is a site of commercial interest owing to its privileged location for maritime opera-tions; however, the discharge of wastewaters from industrial activities and domestic sewage are affecting the water quality, and consequently, the biodiversity of coastal ecosystems. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are found in sedi-ments and water of main ports, causing severe damage to the ecosystem. Thus, alternatives for the treatment of the Bay of Cartagena’s water and sediments are needed. In this paper, we performed the exergetic analysis of removing PAHs from water and sediments in the Bay of Cartagena using an adsorption-based treatment process with chitosan microbeads and magnetic nanoparticles (CM-TiO2/Fe3O4). The outcomes of exergy of utilities, irreversibilities and exergy losses were calculated us-ing process data and exergy of substances. The Aspen plus V10 software provided the physical exergies, while chemical exergies were gathered from the literature. Overall exergy efficiency of 0.3% was determined for the seawater and sediment treatment facility. A sensitivity analysis was performed to identify the impact and viability of different design alternatives.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maileth Cantillo-Figueroa
Kariana A. Moreno-Sader
Angel D. Gonzalez-Delgado

  1. University of Cartagena, Ave. del Consulado #Calle 30 No. 48 152, Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia
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The aim of the investigation was to determine the impact of the presence of Zn in concentrations of sludges applied in agriculture (exceeding concentrations determined in sludges drained from the treatment plant) 011 the disappearance of PAHs in sewage sludge stored under aerobic conditions. The studies were carried out using dewatered and biochemically stabilized sludges. The changes in the concentration of PAHs were studied in four series: in sludge samples taken after filter press, in sludge with the addition of a standard PAH mixture. in sludge with Zn added, in sludge with the addition of both the standard PAH mixture and Zn. The standard PAH mixture used in the studies contained 16 compounds in benzene - dichloromethane (I: ł) solution with a concentration of 32000 ug/cm' of 16 PAHs. Zn was added to the sludge samples as a solution of chloride zrnc. the final amount was below 2500 mg Zn/kg d.m. (taking into consideration the initial concentrations) The sludge samples were incubated for 90 days at 20°C with limitless access of oxygen. The determination of PAHs in sludge samples was done in duplicates at the beginning of the experiment (the initial concentration) and then six times at I 5-day intervals (after 15. 30. 45. 60. 75 and 90 days). A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to qualify and quantify the PAHs. I 6 PAI-ls listed by EPA were identified
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Authors and Affiliations

Maria Włodarczyk-Makuła
Marta Janosz-Rajczyk
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Thirteen fractions of ambient dust were investigated in Zabrze, a typical urban area in the central part of Upper Silesia (Poland), during a heating season. Fifteen PAH and Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, As, Se, Cd, Pb contents of each fraction were determined. The dust was sampled with use of a cascade impactor and chemically analyzed with an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (PANalytical Epsilon 5) and a gas chromatograph with a flame ionisation detector (Perkin Elmer Clarus 500). The concentrations of PM1 and the PM1-related PAH and elements were much higher than the ones of the coarse dust (PM2.5-10) and the substances contained in it. The concentrations of total PAH and carcinogenic PAH were very high (the concentrations of PM1-, PM2.5-, and PM10-related BaP were 16.08, 19.19, 19.32 ng m-3, respectively). The municipal emission, resulted mainly from hard coal combustion processes, appeared to be the main factor affecting the air quality in Zabrze in winter.

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Authors and Affiliations

Wioletta Rogula-Kozłowska
Barbara Kozielska
Krzysztof Klejnowski
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The subject of this work was the investigation of zeolite as a sorbent of toxic gases. In Nizny Hrabovec in the Slovak republic, two layers of zeolite with the active component clinoptilolite can be found. The study presented here investigated the ability of this natural zeolite to reduce polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and NO emissions from engine exhaust. Exhaust gases from combustion engines include toxic components such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are a component of hydrocarbons causing harmful influence on life forms. The experiments focused on the potential reduction of these toxic gases based on the sorption and catalytic properties of natural zeolite. Also observed was the influence of chemical adjustment including incorporation of certain metal elements. Chemical analysis by mutually independent technologies served to observe the sorption of PAH with carcinogenic properties on the natural zeolite tested. The experiments showed that chemical modification improved the sorption and catalytic properties of natural zeolite. The PAH were analysed in an extract of the contaminated, thermally-activated natural zeolite and modified zeolite after washing with ammonium chloride, cobalt chloride and copper sulphate. The study also presents results of NO measurements obtained by testing the filter-sorptive automobile system.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jozef Mačala
Iveta Pandová
Taťána Gondová
Katarína Dubayová

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