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Nitritation, the first stage of ammonia removal process is known to be limiting for total process performance. Ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) which perform this process are obligatory activated sludge habitants, a mixture consisting of Bacteria, Protozoa and Metazoa used for biological wastewater treatment. Due to this fact they are an interesting bacterial group, from both the technological and ecological point of view. AOB changeability and biodiversity analyses both in wastewater treatment plants and lab-scale reactors are performed on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequences using PCR-DGGE (Polymerase Chain Reaction – Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis) as a molecular biology tool. AOB researches are usually led with nested PCR. Because the application of nested PCR is laborious and time consuming, we have attempted to check the possibility of using only first PCR round to obtain DGGE fingerprinting of microbial communities. In this work we are comparing the nested and non-nested PCR-DGGE monitoring of an AOB community and presenting advantages and disadvantages of both methods used. The experiment revealed that PCR technique is a very sensitive tool for the amplification of even a minute amount of DNA sample. But in the case of nested-PCR, the sensitivity is higher and the template amount could be even smaller. The nested PCR-DGGE seems to be a better tool for AOB community monitoring and complexity research in activated sludge, despite shorter fragments of DNA amplification which seems to be a disadvantage in the case of bacteria identification. It is recommended that the sort of analysis approach should be chosen according to the aim of the study: nested-PCR-DGGE for community complexity analysis, while PCR-DGGE for identification of the dominant bacteria.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Ziembińska-Buczyńska
Jarosław Wiszniowski
Sławomir Ciesielski
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Bacterial speck of tomato caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato appeared to be recently the most important disease on tomato in Poland. The genetic relationships among four Polish strains of race 0 P. syringae pv. tomato of different origin, isolated from tomato plants, were examined by RAPD and PCR-RFLP techniques. Amplification of bacterial DNA using 33 primers with RAPD technique showed, that similarity of strains expressed by the Nei-Li coefficient was very high (above 0.8). Next, the restriction analysis of amplified region ITS with the use of 5 endonucleases revealed, that profiles obtained from electrophoretic separation of DNA fragments were also very similar. On the basis of those analyses it was concluded that all strains tested constituted a closely related group. However, they showed various level of virulence as was demonstrated on the inoculated leaves of tomato plants growing in the greenhouse.

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Authors and Affiliations

Elżbieta U. Kozik
Joanna Puławska
Piotr Sobiczewski
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Salmonella contamination in poultry feed is one of the main issues in poultry industry and public health. The aim of the present study was molecular detection and typing of Salmonella serotypes isolated from poultry feeds. Moreover, we determined the antibiotic resistance pattern and the ability of biofilm formation in the serotypes. To this end, eighty feed samples were collected from aviculture depots. Salmonella serotypes were identified by culture and PCR methods. For serological identification, a slide agglutination test was used. BOXAIR and rep-PCR methods were applied to evaluate the diversity of serotypes. The disc diffusion method was performed to evaluate the antibiotic susceptibility of serotypes to sixteen antibiotics. Biofilm formation was also assessed by the microtiter-plate test. From a total of 80 feed samples, 30 samples were contaminated with Salmonella spp., which were divided into 5 different serotypes belonging to B, C, and D serogroups. BOXAIR-PCR (D value [DI] 0.985) and rep-PCR (DI 0.991) fingerprinting of isolates revealed 23 and 19 reproducible fingerprint patterns, respectively. A higher antibiotic resistance was observed to ampicillin and doxycycline (100% each), followed by chloramphenicol (83.33%) and tetracycline (73.33%). Multidrug resistance (MDR) was detected in all Salmonella serotypes. Half of the serotypes possessed the ability of biofilm formation with varied adhesion strengths. These results revealed the high and unexpected prevalence of Salmonella serotypes in poultry feed with MDR and biofilm formation ability. BOXAIR and rep-PCR revealed a high diversity of Salmonella serotypes in feeds and subsequently indicated variation in the source of Salmonella spp. The unknown sources harboring high diversity of Salmonella serotypes indicated poor control, which could cause problems for feed manufacturing.
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Authors and Affiliations

G. Shahbazi
J. Shayegh
C. Ghazaei
M.H.M. Ghazani
S. Hanifian

  1. Department of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary and Agriculture, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
  2. Department of Microbiology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
  3. Department of Food Science and Technology, Biotechnology Research Center,Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
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Dermatophytes from Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton genera are divided into geophilic, zoophilic and anthropophilic species which cause skin infection in humans and wide group of animals, mainly mammals. Main species causing dermatophytosis in dogs and cats are Microsporum and Trichophyton. Conventional mycological diagnostic technique includes Saburaud Dextrose Agar (SAD) and others medium cultures, 10% KOH mount and direct microscopy of hairs and scraping. Molecular diagnostic become more frequent in veterinary practice due to shortening of waiting time. In this study we based on two PCR methods. The nested PCR amplified CHS1 gene for dermatophytes detection, and multiplex PCR coding ITS1 and ITS2 fragments for species identification of detected derpatophytes. Most frequently detected species was Microsporum canis, mainly in young cats. Geophilic Microsporum gypseum and anthropophilic Trichophyton rubrum was found primarily in dogs. Molecular methods in dermatophytosis identification are rapid in contrast to routinely, long lasting culture.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dawid Jańczak
Piotr Górecki
Aleksandra Kornelia Maj

  1. Animallab Veterinary Laboratory, Środkowa 2/4, 03-430 Warsaw, Poland
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Potato white mold caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is an important plant disease occurring in many potato-producing areas throughout the world. In this study, a specific diagnostic method was used to detect and quantify S. sclerotiorum ascospores, and its forecasting ability was assessed in potato fields during flowering periods of 2011 to 2014 in Bahar County, Hamedan Province. Using GenEMBL database, a primer pair, HZSCREV and HZSCFOR, was designed and optimized for the pathogen. After testing the sensitivity of primers, DNA was extracted from samples of outdoor Burkard traps from potato fields. A linear association was observed between pathogen DNA and the number of ascospores using the quantitative PCR (qPCR) technique in the presence of SYBR dye. The qPCR could successfully detect DNA amounts representing two S. sclerotiorum ascospores and was not sensitive to a variety of tested fungi such as Botrytis cinerea, Alternaria brassicae, Fusarium solani. In contrast to the amount of rainfall, a direct relationship was found between ascospore numbers and the incidence of potato white mold from 2011 to 2014.
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Authors and Affiliations

Seyedmohammadreza Ojaghian
Ali Mirzaei
Wang Ling
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Water samples were collected from irrigation ditches and drainage canals surrounding fields in southern Greater Poland. Initially, the samples were subjected to low and highspeed centrifugation and obtained pellets were used to perform biological assays. Viral identification involved biological, electron microscopic as well as molecular methods. The occurrence of Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) was demonstrated in 12 of the 17 examined water sources. The molecular analysis results showed TMV and ToMV co-infections in the analysed water samples. To our knowledge, this is the first report of tobamoviruses being found in environmental water in Poland.
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Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Jeżewska
Aleksandra Zarzyńska-Nowak
Katarzyna Trzmiel
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The present study was conducted to characterize the infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) circulating in clinically diseased broiler chicken flocks with previous vaccination history during 2015-2016 in Egypt. IBDVs were isolated from 48 out of 63 of the investigated bursae from 10 flocks onto embryonated chicken eggs (ECEs) and verified by reverse transcriptase-poly- merase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Histopathologically, bursae lesions revealed some lymphocytes depletion as well as the presence of vesicles in the lining epithelium. The hyper variable region (HVR) of VP2 and VP1 genes of the 10 isolates (1 isolate/flock) were partially sequenced and subjected to comparative alignment and phyologenetic analysis. Phylogenetically, IBDV isolates were clustered into two distinct genetic lineages: variants of classical virulent (cv) and very viru- lent (vv) IBDV strains based on VP1 and VP2 amino acid (aa) sequences. Alignment analysis of HVR-VP2 aa sequences has demonstrated that the vvIBDV isolates have the conserved residues of the vvIBDV pathotype (A222, I242, and I256), while, the cvIBDV isolates have the same aa sequences of the classical attenuated vaccine strain (D78). Expected single point mutation occurred at position 253 (H253N). All previously characterized isolates were re-subjected to molecular analysis with VP1 protein due to its correlation with virulence and pathogenicity of IBDVs. vvIBDV isolates have the conserved tripeptide (TDN), while, the cvIBDV isolates have aa substitutions at conserved tripeptide including NEG at 145-147 amino acid. The present study has demonstrated that variants of classical virulent and very virulent IBDV circulated among vaccinated flocks in Egypt during 2015-2016.

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Authors and Affiliations

M.S. Abou El-Fetouh
F.M. Abdallah
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Zoonoses are frequently associated with wild animals. Research on reptiles either living in their natural habitat or kept as pet animals has shown that these animals frequently serve as the asymptomatic hosts of bacterial zoonotic agents, including Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli. Studies have shown the potential of reptiles to transmit these pathogens to humans and other animals. Epidemiological research on the herpetofauna of various regions has demonstrated the high potential of reptiles as a reservoir of Salmonella spp. In the present study, Salmonella spp. were not isolated or identified from the snake-eyed lizard. Out of 150 cloacal swab samples of snake-eyed lizard 25 (16.7%) E. coli were isolated and out of these 4 (2.7%) were identified to be E. coli O157:H7 by PCR. The results suggest that Ophisops elegans could be involved in the transmission of E. coli, rather than Salmonella spp. This study demonstrates for the first time that the snake-eyed lizard acts as a cloacal carrier of E. coli O157:H7 and presents data that may aid in preventing the transmission of this strain to humans.
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Authors and Affiliations

S. Tarhane
E. Bozkurt
F. Büyük

  1. Veterinary Department, Eldivan Vocational School of Health Services, Çankırı Karatekin University, 18100, Çankırı, Turkey
  2. Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafkas University, 36100, Kars, Turkey
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Genotypic differentiation among 10 isolates of Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands and 24 isolates of Phytophthora citricola Sawada from 12 different plant species grown in Polish ornamental nurseries was determined. DNA was extracted from pure pathogen cultures and amplified by the PCR technique using ISSR and RAPD primers. 9 primers were used to amplify P. cinnamomi and 8 to amplify P. citricola DNA. The analyzed amplification products were between 300 and 2300 bp. The genotypical differentiation was from 17 to 35% in P. cinnamomi and from 10 to 60% in P. citricola. Isolates from host plants of the same family showed, with some exceptions, similar levels of differentiation.

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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Wiejacha
Aleksandra Trzewik
Leszek B. Orlikowski
Grażyna Szkuta
Teresa Orlikowska
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Canine babesiosis is a tickborne, protozoal, haemoparasitic disease. Babesia organisms are frequently classified as either large (B. canis) or small (B. gibsoni). The aim of this study was an attempt to detect B. gibsoni DNA in blood samples taken from dogs suspected of suffering from tick-borne diseases. 216 samples were tested using PCR, of which, in 99 of them B. canis DNA was detected, whereas in 3 of them B. gibsoni was detected. Positive PCR results for B. gibsoni were confirmed using a Qube MDx real-time analyzer. The results indicate that infections with this B. gibsoni should be taken into account and included in the differential diagnosis of vector-borne diseases in dogs in Poland, and that the accurate identification of the species of parasite causing the infection is crucial for developing the correct treatment regimen and prognosis.

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O. Teodorowski
M. Kalinowski
M. Skrzypczak
K. Witt
J. Madany
S. Winiarczyk
Ł. Adaszek
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Many viruses are involved in concomitant infections, which are prevalent in nature. In mixed infections, one or both infectious agents may be increased, reduced, or both may be increased while the other is suppressed. Canine distemper virus (CDV) and Canine parvovirus- 2 (CPV-2) are important causes of gastroenteritis in dogs. Detection of these viruses is challenging since the symptoms are very similar. CDV is a member of the morbillivirus genus in the Paramyxoviridae family, and CPV-2 is a member of the Protoparvovirus genus in the Parvoviridae family; and both predominantly affect puppies and induce gastrointestinal symptoms in dogs. The purpose of this study was to contribute to the differential diagnosis of dogs with gastrointestinal symptoms. A PCR technique with specific primers was used to identify CDV and CPV-2 infections in gastroenteric dogs, and clinical changes in the infected dogs were monitored. The VP2 structural gene of CPV and the nucleocapsid gene of CDV were partially amplified in the study. PCR amplified the partial fragments of the CDV nucleocapsid (287 bp) and CPV-2 VP2 proteins (583 bp) from feces. In total, 3 out of 36 stool samples were positive for CDV and CPV-2 in the same dogs. Gasterointestinal symptoms also supported the diagnosis of concomitant infection with CDV and CPV-2 in these dogs. Dehydration and diarrhea in dogs can be signs of various diseases, such as viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections. After the elimination of non-viral pathogens, CDV and CPV-2 should also be simultaneously investigated to establish what is causing these symptoms. This study demonstrates the potential utility of correct diagnosis for the control of viral infection in dogs, but more research with a broader use of PCR-based detections is needed to assess its impact on differential diagnosis for concomitant infections.
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H.S. Saltık

  1. Department of Virology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Burdur Mehmet Akif, 15030, Burdur, Turkey
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A total of 94 pectolytic and 60 nonpectolytic Pseudomonas isolates were obtained from 250 samples of rotted vegetable specimens representing various economically important vegetables. The isolates were identified on the basis of standard biochemical tests. Pseudomonas fluorescens biovar V and II and Pseudomonas putida were the most abundant species among pectolytic isolates and Pseudomonas fluorescens biovar I among nonpectolytic ones. Only 3 Pseudomonas viridiflava isolates were identified and all of them were obtained from potato. Isolates of pectolytic phenotype were scattered among nonpectolytic ones irrespective of their taxonomical status. Isolates identified biochemically, as Pseudomonas marginalis were also present in nonpectolytic group. PCR method is unsuitable for identification and differentiation of bacteria belonging to pectolytic fluorescens Pseudomonas group due to great diversity of species. However, the results of PCR amplification of the genes encoding pectate lyase suggest that genes responsible for production of this enzyme may also be present in isolates of nonpectolytic phenotype.
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Lena Żołbowska
Henryk Pospieszny
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Antibiotics are a group of substances potentially harmful to the environment. They can play a role in bacterial resistance transfer among pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria. In this experiment three representatives of medically important chemotherapeutics, confirmed to be present in high concentrations in wastewater treatment plants with HPLC analysis were used: erythromycin, sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. Erythromycin concentration in activated sludge was not higher than 20 ng L−1. N-acetylo-sulfamethoxazole concentration was 3349 ± 719 in winter and 2933 ± 429 ng L−1 in summer. Trimethoprim was present in wastewater at concentrations 400 ± 22 and 364 ± 60 ng L−1, respectively in winter and summer. Due to a wide variety of PCR-detectable resistance mechanisms towards these substances, the most common found in literature was chosen. For erythromycin: erm and mef genes, for sulfamethoxazole: sul1, sul2, sul3 genes, in the case of trimethoprim resistance dhfrA1 and dhfr14 were used in this study. The presence of resistance genes were analyzed in pure strains isolated from activated sludge and in the activated sludge sample itself. The research revealed that the value of minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) did not correspond with the expected presence of more than one resistance mechanisms. Most of the isolates possessed only one of the genes responsible for a particular chemotherapeutic resistance. It was confirmed that it is possible to monitor the presence of resistance genes directly in activated sludge using PCR. Due to the limited isolates number used in the experiment these results should be regarded as preliminary.

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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Ziembińska-Buczyńska
Ewa Felis
Justyna Folkert
Anna Meresta
Dominika Stawicka
Anna Gnida
Joanna Surmacz-Górska
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Wheat dwarf virus (WDV) has been one of the most common viruses on cereal crops in Poland in the last years. This single stranded DNA virus is transmitted by the leafhopper spec, Psammotettix alienus (Dahlb.) in a persistent manner. It induces yellowing and streaking of leaves, dwarfing or even death of infected plants. The presence of barley- and wheat-specific forms of WDV (WDV-B and WDV-W) and their vector were previously reported in the country, however the literature data did not include any information on the infectivity of the vector in Poland. A duplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) procedure was developed and optimized for simultaneous detection and differentiation of both forms in the vector. Two sets of primers amplify 734 bp and 483 bp specific fragments for WDV-W and WDV-B, respectively. The results were verified by a sequencing method. The studies were carried out on insect samples collected in autumn from four different locations in Greater Poland. The results confirmed the presence of WDV-W in the tested samples. They also suggested the concomitant of both forms of the virus in the vector. Additional studies to determine virus-vector relationships should be undertaken.
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Katarzyna Trzmiel
Tomasz Klejdysz
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Nanodiagonastic methods in plant pathology are used for enhancing detection and identification of different plant pathogens and toxigenic fungi. Improvement of the specificity and efficiency of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) by using some nanoparticles is emerging as a new area of research. In the current research, silver, zinc, and gold nanoparticles were used to increase the yield of DNA for two plant pathogenic fungi including soil-borne fungus Rhizoctonia solani and toxigenic fungus Alternaria alternata. Gold nanoparticles combined with zinc and silver nanoparticles enhanced both DNA yield and PCR products compared to DNA extraction methods with ALB buffer, sodium dodecyl sulfate, ALBfree from protinase K, ZnNPs and AgNPs. Also, by using ZnNPs and AgNPs the DNA yield was enhanced and the sensitivity of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR products was increased. Application of nanomaterials in the PCR reaction could increase or decrease the PCR product according to the type of applied nanometal and the type of DNA template. Additions of AuNPs to PCR mix increased both sensitivity and specificity for PCR products of the tested fungi. Thus, the use of these highly stable, commercially available and inexpensive inorganic nano reagents open new opportunities for improving the specificity and sensitivity of PCR amplicon, which is the most important standard method in molecular plant pathology and mycotoxicology.
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Fahad A. Al-Dhabaan
Heba Yousef
Tahsin Shoala
Jumana Shaheen
Yousra El Sawi
Tasneem Farag
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Gaeumannomyces graminis is an etiologic agent of take-all, economically important disease of cereals worldwide. A polymerase chain reaction with variety-specific primers was successfully used for detection of G. graminis var. tritici in plant tissue. Obtained results showed that this diagnostic method is a very sensitive and useful tool for detection of the pathogen even before disease symptoms arise. DNA polymorphism revealed by RAPD-PCR with three arbitrary primers was suitable for assessing genetic variation among Ggt isolates originating from wheat and rye.

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Lidia Irzykowska
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Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss) constitutes a diverse group of bacterial strains that cause canker of stone fruits, blight of cereals and red streak of sugarcane. The purpose of this study was to determine how diverse Iranian strains of Pss are when they come from different hosts. We compared a total of 32 Pss strains isolated from stone fruits, barley, wheat and sugarcane from different geographical regions of Iran based on their phenotypic and molecular properties. Strains showed some variation regarding carbon and nitrogen utilization. Pss strains were similar in their protein banding patterns. Additional bands were found in sugarcane strains. Most strains showed one indigenous plasmid DNA and a few had two and some none. The genes of syrB and syrD encoding syringomycin synthesis and secretion, respectively, were amplified using specific primers in polymerase chain reaction. Syringomycin, producing strains amplified two DNA fragments of 752 and 446 bp representing syrB and syrD genes, respectively. Primer specificity was shown for Pss using various genera. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that Pss strains from different hosts and geographical regions show diversity in phenotypic and molecular characters. It is thought that phenotypic variation is due to adaptation to specific hosts and niches for survival and pathogenicity.

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Maryam Khezri
Mojtaba Mohammadi
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Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV; family Bromoviridae, genus Cucumovirus) is the most cosmopolitan plant virus occurring worldwide. In the present study, leaf samples showing deformations, mosaics, and chlorotic spots symptoms were collected from naturally infected Basella alba, Telfairia occidentalis and Talinum fruticosum in a home yard garden in Ibadan, Nigeria. Total nucleic acid was extracted from leaves and used as template for cDNA synthesis. RT-PCR was carried out using CMV-specific primers targeting RNA-1 segment. Samples were also tested by RT-PCR using Potyvirus and Begomovirus genusspecific primers. DNA fragments with the expected sizes of ~500 bp were amplified by using CMV-specific primers; however, the expected amplicons were not produced using specific primers used for the detection of potyviruses and begomoviruses. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences obtained for the isolates studied contained 503–511 nt and 144 aa, respectively. The isolates shared 81.9–85.3% nucleotide and 74.3–77.8% amino acid sequence identities with each other. The results of BLASTN analyses showed the highest identities of the isolates (80–93%) with CMV strains from Japan, USA and South Korea. Alignment of deduced partial protein revealed multiple amino acid substitutions within the three isolates and high identities with CMV subgroup I. Phylogenetic analyses putatively categorized the isolates in close association with subgroup IB isolates. The three isolates clustered together into a separate subclade, indicating possible new CMV strains. The results provide the first molecular evidence for CMV infections of T. fruticosum and B. alba in Nigeria and seem to show the possible presence of new strain(s). These findings also add three new hosts to the list of natural host range of the virus in Nigeria.

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Adedapo Olutola Adediji
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Perinatal calf mortality in dairy herds has been reported worldwide. The etiology of stillbirth is multifactorial, and can be caused by various species of bacteria and environmental factors. Among them some potential pathogens from the Mollicutes class such as Mycoplasma (M.) spp. and Ureaplasma (U.) diversum can be isolated from the bovine genital tract and other organs of the suspected cattle. The aim of this study was to evaluate if the bacteria belonging to the Molli- cutes class i.e. M. bovis, M. bovigenitalium, M. canadense, M. canis, M. arginini, M. bovirhinis, M. dispar, M. alkalescens and U. diversum could have an impact on perinatal calf mortality in selected Polish dairy farms. The material was: 121 stillborn calves (SB), 21 live born calves (C) and 131 cows (dams) from 30 Polish Holstein-Friesian herds. Samples were examined from all the SB calves’ and six control euthanized calves’ abomasal contents and lung samples collected during necropsy, and from the dams’ serum and placenta. In dams the serological ELISA, and in calves and placenta samples molecular PCR/denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, methods were used. Screening of dams’ sera for antibodies to M. bovis (ELISA) showed seven dams positive for M. bovis, whereas none of the nine examined Mollicutes microorganisms were detected in the placenta and calves.

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Authors and Affiliations

E. Szacawa
P. Jawor
K. Dudek
D. Bednarek
T. Stefaniak
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The full-length cDNA of LeTIR1 gene was isolated from tomato with EST-based in silico cloning followed by RACE amplification. LeTIR1 contained an open reading frame (ORF) 1872 bp long, encoding 624 amino acid residues. The predicted protein LeTIR1 had one F-box motif and eleven leucine-rich repeats (LRRs), all of which are highly conserved in TIR1 proteins of other plant species. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the LeTIR1 protein shared high similarity with other known TIR1 proteins. Both sequence and phylogenetic analysis suggested that LeTIR1 is a TIR1 homologue and encodes an F-box protein in tomato. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR indicated that LeTIR1 was expressed constitutively in all organs tested, with higher expression in stem than root, leaf, flower and fruit. Its expression level was positively correlated with the auxin distribution in stem or axillary shoot, and was induced by spraying exogenous IAA.

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Yu Qiao
Xiao-Ming Feng
Chun-Xiang You
Ze-Zhou Liu
Shuang-Shuang Wang
Yu-Jin Hao
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Field and laboratory protocols that originally led to the success of published studies have previously been only briefly laid out in the methods sections of scientific publications. For the sake of repeatability, we regard the details of the methodology that allowed broad−range DNA studies on deep−sea isopods too valuable to be neglected. Here, a com− prehensive summary of protocols for the retrieval of the samples, fixation on board research vessels, PCR amplification and cycle sequencing of altogether six loci (three mitochondrial and three nuclear) is provided. These were adapted from previous protocols and developed especially for asellote Isopoda from deep−sea samples but have been successfully used in some other peracarids as well. In total, about 2300 specimens of isopods, 100 amphipods and 300 tanaids were sequenced mainly for COI and 16S and partly for the other markers. Although we did not set up an experimental design, we were able to analyze amplification and sequencing success of different methods on 16S and compare success rates for COI and 16S. The primer pair 16S SF/SR was generally reliable and led to better results than universal primers in all studied Janiroidea, except Munnopsidae and Dendrotionidae. The widely applied universal primers for the barcoding region of COI are problematic to use in deep−sea isopods with a success rate of 45–79% varying with family. To improve this, we recommend the development of taxon−specific primers.
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Torben Riehl
Nils Brenke
Saskia Brix
Amy Driskell
Stefanie Kaiser
Angelika Brandt
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Improvements in water quality requires the removal of nitrogen compounds from wastewater. The most promising and cost-effective methods for this purpose are biological ones based on activated sludge microorganisms such as nitrifiers, denitrifiers, and anammox bacteria. Due to the most of the nitrogen removal bacteria are uncultivable in a laboratory, the application of the molecular tools is required to investigate microorganisms involved in the nitrogen removal. In case of this study for the analysis of relative genes abundance of nitrogen removal bacteria, quantitative PCR (qPCR) based on bacterial DNA and qPCR preceded by reverse transcription (RT-qPCR) based on bacterial mRNA as a template, were used with specific bacterial functional genes ( amoA, nrxA, nirS, nirK, hzo). Samples from four anammox sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) were analyzed, while the nitrogen removal process and bacteria growth were supported by biomass immobilization and nanoparticles addition. There were statistically significant differences between results obtained in the case of mRNA and DNA (p<0.05). Statistically significant positive correlations were found between results obtained with those two approaches. In case of mRNA analysis, positive results were obtained only for hzo, amoA and partly for nirS genes, despite additional purification and removal of inhibitors from samples prior to reaction.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Banach-Wiśniewska
Filip Gamoń
Aleksandra Ziembińska-Buczyńska

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Power and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Biotechnology Department, Gliwice, Poland
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Numerous plant species around the world suffer from the presence of viruses, which especially in economically important crops, cause irretrievable damage and/or extensive losses. Many biotechnological approaches have been developed, such as meristem culture, chemotherapy, thermotherapy or cryotherapy, to eliminate viruses from infected plants. These have been used alone or in combination. In this work, meristem culture, thermotherapy and cryotherapy were compared for Apple mosaic virus elimination from hazelnut local cultivar “Palaz”. The virus-free plant was also confirmed by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) after each treatment and, the best results were obtained by cryotherapy. A one step freezing technique, droplet vitrification, was used for cryotherapy, and the best regeneration percentage was 52%. After cryotherapy, virus-free seedlings of hazelnut local cultivar “Palaz” were confirmed as being virus-free after three subcultured periods.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ergun Kaya

  1. Molecular Biology and Genetics, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Mugla, Turkey

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