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The diversity of cyanobacterial assemblages from various microhabitats in the Arctic area of Petuniabukta, Billefjorden, central Svalbard, was described. The present article contains the introductory common review of the cyanobacterial diversity and ecological data concerning main habitats, while the characteristics of individual taxonomic groups will be presented in following specific studies. Eight distinct main habitats were recognized, which differed in their species composition and especially the dominant species. More than 80 morphospecies were registered during our investigation, but only about 1/3 of them could be assigned to known and described taxa. The others require additional analyses based on modern taxonomic methods (the polyphasic approach ). The composition of cyanobacterial micro flora was comparable with assemblages in coastal Antarctica. The diversity of unicellular and colonial morphotypes (36 taxa) was higher tha n other groups. The number of filamentous species without heterocytes and akinetes, with 30 species, and heterocytous types, with only 20 species, were similar in both of these ecosystems. These numbers will be surely changed in the future, but the overall proportion of different groups will likely stay the same. In contrast to the limited species diversity, simple filamentous aheterocytous species were dominant and formed massive populations. Fewheterocy tous taxa, mostly grouped within the genus Nostoc ( N. commune –complex), were dominant in tundra soils.
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Jiří Komárek
Lubomír Kováčik
Josef Elster
Ondřej Komárek
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How can we best describe the living space of given species? Are geographical criteria sufficient, or do we need more dimensions to specify an ecological niche? What can we learn from such analyses?
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Marcin K. Dyderski

  1. Institute of Dendrology in Kórnik, Polish Academy of Sciences
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The work concerns an important in our times problem related to different areas as ecology, economy and proper use of energy resources: reduction of NOx by rebuming process. The main goal of the work was to develop the technology of NOx reduction during zone combustion of coal and mine gas with process optimal conditions determination in power boilers in aspect of environmental protection. In the work was presented: investigation of numeric model of zone combustion of coal and mine gas; aplied combustion research of the boiler OCG-64 produce on RAFAKO.
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Barbara Białecka
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The bionomy and ecology of Amphorophora idaei (Bőrn.) on raspberry was studied under insectary conditions and in two rasberry farm plantations in 1997–2002. In 2001 and 2002 the development and fecundity of A. idaei under controlled conditions were also observed.

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Beata Borowiak-Sobkowiak
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Water bears (Tardigrada) are known as one of the most extremophile animals in the world. They inhabit environments from the deepest parts of the oceans up to the highest mountains. One of the most extreme and still poorly studied habitats which tardigrades inhabit are cryoconite holes. We analysed the relation between area, depth, elevation and tardigrades densities in cryoconite holes on four glaciers on Spitsbergen. The mean (±SD) of cryoconite area was 1287.21±2400.8 cm2, while the depth was on average 10.8±11.2 cm, the elevation 172.6±109.66 m a.s.l., and tardigrade density 24.9±33.0 individuals per gram of wet material (n = 38). The densities of tardigrades on Hans Glacier reached values of up to 168 ind. cm3, 104 ind. g-1 wet weight, and 275 ind. g-1 dry weight. The densities of tardigrades of the three glaciers in Billefjorden were up to 82 ind. cm2, 326 ind. g-1 wet weight and 624 ind. g-1 dry weight. Surprisingly, although the model included area, depth and elevation as independent variables, it cannot explain Tardigrada density in cryoconite holes. We propose that due to the rapid melting of the glacier surface in the Arctic, the constant flushing of cryoconite sediments, and inter-hole water-sediment mixing, the functioning of these ecosystems is disrupted. We conclude that cryoconite holes are dynamic ecosystems for microinvertebrates in the Arctic.
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Krzysztof Zawierucha
Tobias R. Vonnahme
Miloslav Devetter
Małgorzata Kolicka
Marta Ostrowska
Sebastian Chmielewski
Jakub Z. Kosicki
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Filamentous types from the order Oscillatoriales, particularly the species Phormidium autumnale , have widely diverse morphotypes, which dominate in Arctic aquatic microbial mats and wet soils. We cultivated 25 strains of Ph . autumnale from Svalbard and compared them with available strains from surrounding regions. The comparison of strains, based on 16S rDNA and 16S−23S rDNA intergenic spacer sequences, revealed the similarity of strains from Ellesmere Island, the Canadian Arctic and Abisko, Sweden with strains from Svalbard. The rate of colonization of Ph. atumnale from aquatic habitats is relatively high and we suggest geese as a main transmission vector from surrounding lands. Strains of Ph. autumnale were positioned in the phylogenetic tree according to their occurrence in similar habitats. An apparent clustering factor is the duration of availability of water in lakes and long−lasting streams in contrast to rapid and repeated desiccation in soil and on wetted rock in the spray zone of waterfalls. Strains that grow in very cold waters just above the melting point of snow or ice form a distinct genetic group. The strains investigated in this study show morphological similarity in the shape of the trichomes of the studied specimens. Overall, the cell diameter, except for terminal cells, of our strains varied between 3 and 10 μm. Comparison of 16S rDNA sequences of the genus Ph. autumnale with the previously published definition of the species Microcoleus vaginatus revealed the identity of these two species.
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Authors and Affiliations

Otakar Strunecký
Jiří Komárek
Josef Elster
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The article discusses the relationship between energy quality technologies cutting and their environmental friendliness. Based on the energy analysis shows that energy consumption in the individual technological process is connected with the cutting power and power loss, which form the environmental indicators of the cutting process and reduce its energy efficiency. In addition, it is shown that at implementation of technological processes on the equipment, electrical systems are AC systems the implementation of the cutting process occurs when excessive consumption of currents. The article presents the results of studies on the energy efficiency of cutting processes, definition of the complex influence of cutting processes on the environment and humans, the formation of ways of improving environmental and energy performance quality of these processes.

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Tadeusz Zaborowski
Leonid Shvartsburg
Natalja Ivanova
Sergej Ryabov
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The article provides a general overview of environmental protection and conservation practice in the Antarctic Treaty area, with special reference to the stipulations of the 1991 Protocol on Environmental Protection and its Annexes.

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Jacek Machowski
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The observations carried out on Haswell Island on 20—24 January 1979 showed the occurrence of 7 species of nesting birds: Pygoscelis adeliae — about 36000 individuals including about 11300 young. Stercorarius skua maccormicki— 76 adults and 15 young, Daption capensis — 220+/- 10 nests, Fulmarlus glacialoides — 3150 +/- 200 nests, Thalassoica antarctica — 250 +/- 10 nests, Oceanites oceanicus — about 500 nests and Pagodroma nivea — about 10 nests. The time of hatching and moulting was found to be 15—20 days earlier, and the percentage of two-egg clutches in nests of Procellariidae was lower as compared with the literature data. More of the two-egg clutches were found for Stercorarius skua maccormicki. The krill dominated in the food of studied species of Procellariidae. Biometrical data for eggs of the majority of studied bird species were gathered.

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Wojciech Starck
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Morphological description of seeds is a required step for analysis of biodiversity in natural populations and may give clues to adaptive strategies in species evolution. A cardioid is the curve described by a point of one circumference rolling around another circumference of equal radius. Models based on adjustment of seed shape with cardioid curves have been described for Arabidopsis thaliana and the model legumes Lotus japonicus and Medicago truncatula. In this work the model is applied to analyze seed morphology in populations of two subspecies of Capparis spinosa growing in Tunisia. Adjustment of seed images to cardioid curves, followed by statistical analysis of similarity in the complete images as well as in each of four quadrants, allows an accurate description of seed shape. The results show differences in morphology between subspecies. Seeds of subsp. rupestris present higher diversity of shape than seeds of subsp. spinosa. This may indicate primitiveness of C. subsp. rupestris seeds, associated with nonspecialization. The results are discussed in relation to the ecological strategies of both subspecies in their evolution.

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Ezzeddine Saadaoui
José Javier Martín Gómez
Emilio Cervantes
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Diatom assemblages from small pools and creeks on the Ecology Glacier

forefield have been investigated. It is the first study in the Admiralty Bay region after

the thorough taxonomic revision of the non-marine Antarctic diatom flora. A total of

122 diatom taxa, belonging to 35 genera were identified. More than 55% of all observed

species have a restricted Antarctic distribution. Another 15% have a marine origin.

Nitzschia gracilis Hantzsch, N. homburgiensis Lange-Bertalot and Planothidium rostrolanceolatum

Van de Vijver et al. dominated the flora. Based on a DCA analysis,

samples were subdivided in three groups reflecting ecological differences. Several samples

(group 1) showed a mixed freshwater/marine diatom composition and are typical for

coastal pools. Two other groups were separated based on the amount of limnoterrestrial

taxa indicating the temporary character of some of the pools.

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Natalia Kochman-Kędziora
Teresa Noga
Maria Olech
Bart Van De Vijver
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Fascinated with Mexico continually since childhood, J.M.G. Le Clézio publishes the, inspired by the countr y, novel Ourania in 2006. The author’s concern for the survival of the Mexican world has not escaped his critics. It is worth noting, however, that the writer’s emphasis on the role of the oral tradition in the Amerindian culture and their ecological attitudes are evident. The culture of the spoken language (along with the belief in the magic of words) is contrasted with the western culture of the written language (stressing the emptiness of words). The analysis of this issue and the study of the formal procedures by which Le Clézio moves from the spoken to the written language may give us a sense of the suggestive voice of the Mexican peoples along with their ecological attitudes. It seems that J.M.G. Le Clézio, who protects tribal societies who know how to use the world in a moderate way, promotes, among others, their respect for the natural environment.
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Natalia Nielipowicz
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The paper is devoted to some problems connected with last modification of EU directive on energy efficiency, viz.: free choice of the measure concerning the improvement of energy efficiency, i.e. final or primary energy consumption, corresponding energy savings or energy-consumption index; however without cumulative consumption or cumulative savings of primary energy. In EU directive it has been stressed the importance of measurements systems (reliable measurement information); but has not been recommended any advanced validation of measurements results, nor energy auditing or algorithms of calculating the energy savings due to improvement of energy efficiency concerning large industrial plants. Evaluation of complex buildings should be realized by means of the system method (input-output analysis). The separate problem is devoted to application of thermo-ecological approach in the analysis of complete results of improving the energy efficiency. Human activity is connected with the depletion of nonrenewable resources, including primary energy, due to not only production of consumer goods but also the necessity of compensating the unfavourable effects of harmful emissions from energy-technological processes. Therefore the index of energy-ecological efficiency has been proposed as the most competent evaluation of improvement energy efficiency of production processes and systems.

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Andrzej Ziębik
Wojciech Stanek
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This study aims to assess the quality of lagoon water used as a dumping ground for shrimp farming waste. The research uses the descriptive method. The research was conducted at the Shrimp Cultivation Site in the Banaran Kulon Progo Village, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The research focuses on physicochemical parameters, including temperature, pH, total suspended solid ( TSS), dissolved oxygen ( DO), ammonium (NH 4-N), nitrate (NO 3-N), and phosphate. The sampling technique is based on SNI 6989.57:2008. Sampling was carried out 48 times in 3 lagoons during rainy and dry seasons. Dialysis data was descriptively classified with the help of Storage and Retrieval of Water Quality Data System (STORET) and water quality was generally classified as C (moderately polluted) and D (heavily polluted) categories in dry and rainy seasons. The results showed that in the rainy season the highest pH, nitrate and phosphate levels of 8.3, and 6.1 and 20.8 mg∙dm –3, were up to 15% less than in the dry season in the same point. Thus, it can be concluded that these values from the STORET in the dry season are larger than those in the rainy season. The study results are expected to become a basis for the evaluation of the quality of shrimp farming wastewater so that environmental health can be controlled and the risk of waste pollution reduced.
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Authors and Affiliations

Retno Susetyaningsih
Suntoro Suntoro
Totok Gunawan
1 3
Maria T. Sri Budiastuti

  1. Universitas Sebelas Maret, Graduate School, Doctoral Program of Environmental Science, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia
  2. Universitas Sebelas Maret, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science, Surakarta, Indonesia
  3. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Geography, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  4. Universitas Sebelas Maret, Faculty of Agriculture, Surakarta, Indonesia
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The above-presented methodology for spatial classification of roads in relation to their acoustic annoyance can be used in preparing acoustic maps of towns. The classification of roads with the view of the level of acoustic hazard enables, just in the initial phase of acoustic map preparation, to identify the areas potentially endangered with excessive noise. These areas need taking immediate corrective actions, aimed at reducing the noise level. An important problem, when analyzing the propagation of noise in a highly urbanized area, is the selection of locations in which the measurements of emission of the noise source are performed with the aim to determine its acoustic parameters for calibration of the assumed methodology. Solving this problem makes it possible to use uniform methods of computation. The development of the proposed method and supplementing the layers with next ones, containing information about the range of influence of vibration generated by roadway transport routes, or information on the effects of mining on the roads and building structures, using the proposed methodology, will enable to make an unambiguous categorization of transport routes in the aspect of their vibro-acoustic impact on the environment.
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Janusz Kompała
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The concept of green infrastructure is currently being applied in management of the environmental space of cities, regions and even countries. In Poland this concept is known, as evidenced by increasing number of papers on the subject. The purpose of the article is to determine, whether and to what extent the concept is used in the spatial structure planning of Polish cities. The research was focused on analysing Studies of Conditions and Directions of Spatial Development prepared lately in three Polish cities: Gdańsk, Łódź and Wrocław.
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Barbara Szulczewska

  1. Institute of Urban and Regional Development
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The period from arrival of the Wilson's petrel to its breeding grounds to the onset of breeding covered 33 days (November 5 — December 8). The egg-laying period averaged 56 days; the frequency distribution of egg laying in different colonies was close to normal. Incubation took 44 days, on the average, and chicks stayed in nests 59 days. The weight of chicks at hatching was 7.5 g, and the maximum weight was 80 g, that is, 205"o of adult weight. Growth rate of chicks depended on weather conditions, especially on the amount of snowfall, blocking the access to the neast. This caused many-day starvation of chicks and their weight could drop by 46"',.. The diet of chicks and adults consisted of the krill in 96% mostly of Euphausia superba High nesting losses were caused by rainfall and snowfall. Of 129 nesting attempts, 61.2% failed in the stage of eggs and 27.9% in the stage of chicks. Mortality was related to the age and weight of chicks. It has been found that the prolonged egg-laying period, rapid growth rate of chicks in their first days, and their high weight represent adaptations to the climate of Antarctica.

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Aleksander Wasilewski
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In the summer of 2022, an environmental disaster unfolded on the Oder River. Though the disaster was caused by humans, it was the river’s natural ecosystem that paid the heaviest price.
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Łukasz Sługocki
Robert Czerniawski

  1. University of Szczecin
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Managing human consumption has a major impact on the functioning of societies, and – even more importantly – on the condition of our planet. What does the future hold?

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Jan Marcin Węsławski
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Plastic is present everywhere. What happens to it and what impact does it have on the world around us?
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Wojciech Pol
Karolina Mierzyńska

  1. Faculty of Biology, University of Białystok
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In a study on the click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) of selected plant communities of the Lasy Janowskie Reserve, 21 species of these beetles were recorded – 10 each in riparian forests and a sub-Atlantic mesic coniferous forest, 11 in a continental mixed coniferous forest, and 6 in wet grassland communities. The numbers of species in the communities was similar to numbers recorded in other, comparable areas of Poland, with the exception of the wet grasslands. Forest species that can also occur outside of forests – Athous subfuscus and Dalopius marginatus – were dominant. The biodiversity of the click beetle fauna in the communities was at an average level. An ecological and zoogeographical analysis was carried out as well.
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Krzysztof Pawlęga
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Population studies on Arion lusitanicus, a slug species introduced into Poland, were carried out over the last decade. The slug occurs commonly in some areas and spreads out relatively quickly. It has an annual life cycle with eggs, and immature individuals overwinter. In the end of July A. lusitanicus begins copulation and three weeks later it lays eggs from which the first offspring hatch within a month. The copulation process and egg laying last until late fall. One A. lusitanicus can lay over 400 eggs. During the growing season there are two peaks of population density. This species feeds on plant material such as leaves, stems, bulbs, but also consumes animal material. The basic plant material are arable crops particularly vegetables and some species of agricultural crops, some fruit trees, ornamental plants, herbs and weeds. A. lusitanicus displays apparent food specialization and prefers certain cultivated and wild growing plants. A. lusitanicus shows large reproduction potential, wide food and ecologic tolerance, and is regarded as a serious pests occurring in home gardens.

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Jan Kozłowski
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Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) infesting many plants but Mentha viridis L., and Mentha piperita L., were low in number of infestation. Therefore the objective of this study was to identify the resistance of M. viridis and M. piperita plants against T. urticae by studying the external shape and internal contents of those plants. For morphological studies, dried leaves were covered with gold utilizing an Edwards Scan coat six sputter-coater. For histological studies, arrangements of Soft Tissue technique were used. For phytochemical studies, the plants were cut, dried and then high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used. While feeding the mites were collected from the area between oily glands, trichomes and respiratory stomata in both mint species. The most important leaf structures in aromatic plants are the oily glands found on the external part of the leaves (both upper and lower epidermis). The number of oil glands in M. viridis leaves was greater than in M. piperita; the trichomes on the epidermis of M. viridis were greater in number than in M. piperita; the spongy mesophyll in M. viridis was much thicker than in M. piperita. The essential oils in the leaves of both mint species contained 71 compounds representing 99.61% of the total oil constituents identified from M. viridis before infestation, and 90.95% after infestation, and about 99.65% from M. piperita before infestation, and 99.98% after infestation.

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Sally Farouk Allam
Basem Abdel-Nasser Soudy
Ahmed Salah Hassan
Mahmoud Mohamed Ramadan
Doha Abo Baker

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