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Anaerobic digestion residue represents a nutrient rich resource which, if applied back on land, can reduce the use of mineral fertilizers and improve soil fertility. However, dewatering and further thermal processing of digestate may be recommended in certain situations. Limited applicability of digestate as fertilizer may appear, especially in winter, during the vegetation period or in areas where advanced eutrophication of arable land and water bodies is developing. The use of digestate may be also governed by different laws depending on whether it is treated as fertilizer, sewage sludge or waste. The aim of this paper is to present the effects of thermal treatment of solid fraction of digestate by drying followed by pyrolysis and gasification. Pyrolysis was carried out at the temperature of about 500°C. During this process the composition of flammable gases was checked and their calorific value was assessed. Then, a comparative analysis of energy parameters of the digestate and the carbonizate was performed. Gasification of digestate was carried out at the temperature of about 850°C with use of CO2 as the gasifi cation agent. Gasification produced gas with higher calorific value than pyrolysis, but carbonizate from pyrolysis had good properties to be used as a solid fuel

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Authors and Affiliations

Dariusz Wiśniewski
Janusz Gołaszewski
Andrzej Białowiec
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The aim of the present study was to investigate blood parameters and subsequent fertility in cows with or without increased postpartum polymorphonuclear neutrophil activity. The study was conducted with 15 Brown Swiss cows between 1-3 lactations. Polymorphonuclear neutrophil activities were assessed at 10±4 days before and after parturition. The cows which maintained their phagocytic and oxidative burst activites compared to the prepartum period were classified as control (CON), and cows which increased phagocytic and oxidative burst activites were defined as increased cellular immune response (ICIR) cows. Energy, protein metabolism markers, hepatic enzymes, blood mineral levels and body condition scores were measured at -10±4, 3±2, 10±4 days relative to parturition. Pregnancy rates, the number of inseminations, and calving to pregnancy intervals were evaluated. The mean non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) and beta -hydroxybutyric acid (BHB) concentrations were lower in ICIR cows. Mean serum calcium (Ca) concentrations were in subclinical hypocalcemia level at day 3±2, 10±4 days postpartum in CON cows. Postpartum immune cell functions and NEFA, BHB concentrations were negatively cor- related. The calving to pregnancy interval were longer in the control cows. However, total preg- nancy rates and the number of insemination in both groups were similar. In conclusion, postpar- tum polymorphonuclear neutrophil activity is affected by periparturient metabolic status. Postpartum energy metabolites negatively affected the postpartum cellular immune response. The increased postpartum polymorphonuclear neutrophil activity at early postpartum period is positively related with subsequent fertility in dairy cows.

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M.O. Yazlik
H.E. Çolakoğlu
U. Kaya
Ş. Küplülü
M.R. Vural
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This study analyses and compares the fertility behaviour and childbearing plans of Polish migrant fam-ilies in Ireland and those of their counterparts – families in Poland. The study has a comparative and explanatory character and applies both quantitative and qualitative methods. The analysis is based on the author’s own data collected from an online survey of Polish family units in Ireland in 2014 and compared with secondary data on families in Poland retrieved from the 2011 Gender and Generation Survey (GGS). My research reveals fertility postponement and fewer families with children among mi-grant families; nonetheless, migrant parents have more children than their counterparts in Poland. The results highlight the significance of socio-economic and institutional contexts. The study also reveals a dichotomisation of fertility strategies within the migrant population, with distinct differences in the number of children, transition age to parenthood, and further fertility intentions between migrants who became parents in Poland and those who did so after the move. The results also provide insights into the childbearing motivations and fertility patterns of recent Polish migrants and contribute to the dis-cussion of migrants’ fertility in general.

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Łukasz Klimek
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The effect of density on individual and population fertility, and selected morphometric characters (height, number of: ramifications, generative branches, inflorescences and leaves) of Echinochloa o-us-gaili plants was studied in a glasshouse. A decrease in individual fertility was observed in all density variants examined, but it did not result in a decrease in population fertility per unit of area. In response to worse developmental conditions there appeared plants characterized by reduced height and simplified external conformation.
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Magdalena Kucewicz
Czesław Hołdyński
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The article presents the research into hygienizing process of chicken manure using calcium peroxide (CaO2) as an environmentally friendly biological deactivation agent. The influence of the addition of CaO2 to chicken manure on the bioavailability of phosphorus was also analyzed. The process of biological deactivation using CaO2, CaO and Ca(OH)2 agents was analyzed applying the disk diffusion method. To optimize the effect of the hygienizing parameters, (CaO2 concentration, pH, temperature and time) on the reduction of Enterobacteriaceae count the Taguchi method was applied. The content of bioavailable phosphorus was measured with the Egner-Riehm method and determined with spectrophotometry. The reduction in bacterial count followed an increase in the concentration of CaO2 in a sample. The optimal experimental conditions (CaO2=10.5 wt.%, pH=9.5, T=40°C, t=180 h) enabled a significant decrease in the Enterobacteriaceae count, from 107 cfu/g to 102 cfu/g. Analysis of the samples with Egner-Riehm method showed that the phosphorus content decreased with the addition of biocide CaO2: from 26.6 mg/l (for 3.5 wt.%) to 3.5 mg/l (for 10.5 wt.%). These values were slightly higher than the content of phosphorus deactivated with Ca(OH)2 i.e., from 11.25 mg/l (for 3.5 wt.%) to 4.49 mg/l (for 10.5 wt.%). The application of CaO2 for hygienizing chicken manure enables effective reduction of Enterobacteriaceae count to an acceptable level (below 1000 cfu/g). In comparison with the traditional techniques of hygienization, the application of CaO2 has a positive effect on the recovery of bioavailable phosphorus.

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Authors and Affiliations

Angelika Więckol-Ryk
Barbara Białecka
Maciej Thomas

  1. Central Mining Institute, Department of Risk Assessment and Industrial Safety, Poland
  2. Central Mining Institute, Department of Water Protection, Poland
  3. Chemiqua Water & Wastewater Company, Poland
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There is an increased interest in using automatic milking systems (AMS) to indirectly assess the welfare of dairy cows, but knowledge on analyzing the association between lameness, milk yield characteristics, and reproductive performance in cows is still insufficient. The main aims of this study were to evaluate the influence of lameness on several AMS variables and reproduc- tive performance indicators during the early stage of lactation and estrus in Lithuanian Black and White dairy cows, as well as to assess the associations between lameness, productivity and repro- ductive efficiency. A total of 418 milking cows (50.3±1.2 d postpartum) without any apparent reproductive disorder were monitored for hoof health status. Cows were assigned to two groups on the basis of visual locomotion scoring: “non-lame“cows (group 1; 74.20%) and cows presen- ting “lameness“ (lame cows) (group 2; 25.80%).

Productive and milking performances of dairy cows were recorded from 50 to 100 days in milk (DIM) and 1 day after the first estrus. The lameness was predominantly localized on the hind feet (79.60%) and less frequently - on the front feet (20.40%; p<0.001). Furthermore, the lameness had a tendency to decrease milk production (4.24%; p<0.05) and increase the diffe- rence in milk yield between rear and front quarters of the udder (1.20%; p<0.05). The frequency of milking (5.19%) was lower in lame cows (p<0.05). The lame cows during estrus showed a more pronounced decrement in milk yield and milking frequency (p<0.05), and also higher milk progesterone concentration values (1.55-1.76 time’s; p<0.001), and an increasing number of inseminations (11.69%; p<0.05) were observed. The results highlighted that analysis of data from AMS programs can be a successful tool for reducing risk factors related to the effective management of reproductive performance and hoof health of dairy cows.

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Authors and Affiliations

G. Urbonavicius
R. Antanaitis
V. Zilaitis
S. Tusas
L. Kajokiene
J. Zymantiene
U. Spancerniene
A. Gavelis
V. Juskiene
V. Juozaitiene
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The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of cystic ovarian follicles (COFs) occurring after puerperium on fertility and the effect of their treatment with progesterone releasing device on reproductive performance in dairy cows. The study was carried out in 3 herds of Polish Holstein-Friesian cows under herd health program. COFs were diagnosed by ultrasound above 60 days p.p. They were defined as follicular structures with a diameter > 2.5 cm in the absence of a corpus luteum at two repeated examinations at the 14-days interval. On the day of COF diagnosis blood samples were collected to measure progesterone (P4) concentration. On the basis of the wall thickness measurement and progesterone concentration at the first examination, the COFs were differentiated into follicular and luteal cysts. The experimental group consisted of 23 animals with COF. The cows were treated with PRID Delta (Ceva Animal Health, Poland), containing 1.55 g of progesterone, for 7 days. The cows without oestrus signs within 14 days after treatment were re-examinated. If COF persisted, the cows were treated again with PRID Delta. The treatment was repeated maximum three times. Fifteen cows with ovarian cysts were left untreated and served as a control group. The cows with COF were matched to healthy cows without COF. The cows with COF had worse fertility performances compared to cows without COF. There were significant (p<0.05) differences in conception rates, number of services per conception and days open between these groups. Compared with non-treated cows with COF, in cows with COF treated with PRID Delta conceptions rates and number of services per conception were similar, but the days open were significantly (p<0.05) lower in cows treated than in non-treated (183.3 days vs. 277.6 days). There were no differences in reproductive performances between the follicular and luteal cysts in treated and non-treated cows. In conclusion, the results of our study confirm the negative impact of COF after puerperium on fertility in dairy cows. Furthermore the results indicate the usefulness of PRID Delta for the treatment of COF occurring after the puerperium regardless of cysts type.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Rudowska
W. Barański
S. Zduńczyk
D. Tobolski
T. Janowski
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The most common problems in veterinary practice in bitches are bacterial infections of the reproductive tract associated with fertility problems. Research to determine the correlation between the health status of female dogs and bacterial flora of the genital tract has been ongoing for years, but the results obtained by different authors are often contradictory, and do not always concern breeding bitches. Our study identified the most common aerobic bacteria in the genital tract of numerous breeding bitches population. A total of 275 breeding dogs in anestrous phase of the estrous cycle were included in this study. 198 were qualified to the first group with no genital tract infections and no reproductive disorders. 68 bitches were qualified to the second group with complications such as: infertility, abortion, foetus resorptions and newborn mortality. The type of bacterial isolates was almost the same in the healthy bitches and the group with fertility problems. The most common bacteria obtained from the vaginal tract of the tested dogs were Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Mycoplasma canis and Escherichia coli. There were no significant differences in bacterial prevalence in the group with reproductive problems versus healthy dogs; however, we found a statistically significant difference between both groups when the numbers of bacterial strains were compared. The number of one-strain bitches was statistically higher in the problematic group than in the non-problematic one. Bacterial culturing of vaginal swab specimens from breeding bitches without clinical signs of genital disease is of little value. Furthermore, it should always be preceded by an examination (clinical, cytological or vaginoscopy etc.). The request or requirement to perform vaginal cultures that is made by some breeders, while common, is not diagnostic for any pathologic condition and the results of these cultures should never be used to determine if antibiotic therapy is indicated.
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1. Bjurström L (1993) Aerobic bacteria occurring in the vagina of bitches with reproductive disorders. Acta Vet Scand 34: 29-34.
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Authors and Affiliations

D. Jagódka
E. Kaczorek-Łukowska
R. Graczyk
P. Socha

  1. AURA Veterinary Clinic, Dębowa 31, 86-065 Lochowo, Poland
  2. Department of Microbiology and Clinical Immunology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Oczapowskiego 13, 10-719, Olsztyn, Poland
  3. Department of Biology and Animal Environment, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Mazowiecka 28, 85-084 Bydgoszcz, Poland
  4. Department of Animal Reproduction with Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Oczapowskiego 14, 10-719 Olsztyn, Poland
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In order to assess the possibility of using waste from agri-food processing for fertilization, residues in the form of apple pomace, carrot root, onion husks and dried nettle were selected for the tests. The research material came from food plants located in north-eastern Poland. In selected waste, the pH value, dry matter content, organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and carbon were determined. It was found that apple pomace, carrot root and onion husk were acidic and dried nettle was alkaline. The nitrogen content in the tested waste ranged from 0.61 to 2.29%, phosphorus from 0.07 to 0.55%, and potassium from 0.19 to 3.72%. Based on the results obtained, it was found that the examined post-production residues are characterized by good fertilizer properties. However, it should be remembered that fertilizers or soil improvers must meet a number of requirements and above all, they must be safe for the environment.
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Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Krasowska
Małgorzata Kowczyk-Sadowy

  1. Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering and Environmental Management, Bialystok University of Technology, 45E Wiejska Str., 15-351 Białystok, Poland
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In 1997-1998 the effect of manure. straw and mustard on fungi parasitization of eggs of beet cyst nematode in three years sugar beet rotation was investigated. The highest eggs parasitization by fungi was observed inside cysts from plots with spring barley cultivation and sugar beet as a forecrop. Straw fertilizer favored more fungi parasitization than manure. Three species of nematophagous fungi were isolated from eggs: Cylindrocarpon desiructans. Paeci/omyces lilacinus and verticillium chlamydosporium
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Danuta Sosnowska
Heliodor Banaszak
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Global climate change is a fact that affects all components of the environment. The main aim of this research was to conduct the retrospective monitoring of soils in the Trans-Ural Steppe Zone (Russia) and the analysis in changing of key climatic parameters for the periods 1937–1982 and 1982–2019. We investigated average temperatures and precipitation (monthly and annual) using archived data from a nearby weather station, as well as data from NASA and weather forecast websites. We identified a decrease of soil fertility and an increase in alkalinisation processes over the past 37 years for the studied area. Comparison of these periods showed an increasing the average monthly and annual air temperatures (on 1.4°C) and a decrease in the amount of precipitation in the summer (on 4.4 mm) period. We found that a more arid climate accelerates the rate of soil salinization due to the active evaporation of groundwater. Nevertheless, in some areas there were found the soil desalinization due to the change in the hydrologic regime and lowering of the groundwater level. In general, the climate changing in the studied region is consistent with global warming trend. Increased average annual temperature and reduced precipitation in summer period contribute to aridization of the region. Such conditions will more restrict soil fertility due to development of salinization and desertification processes.
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Azamat Suleymanov
1 2
Ilyusya Gabbasova
Ruslan Suleymanov
1 3
Mikhail Komissarov
Timur Garipov
Ludmila Sidorova
Fliza Nazyrova

  1. Ufa Institute of Biology, Ufa Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Soil Science, Pr. Oktyabrya 69, 450054, Ufa, Russia
  2. Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Department of Environmental Protection and Prudent Exploitation of Natural Resources, Kosmonavtov St 1, 450064, Ufa, Russia
  3. Bashkir State University, Department of Geodesy, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, Ufa, Russia
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The circular economy (CE) has been a European Union (EU) priority since 2014, when first official document on the CE was published. Currently, the EU is on the road to the transformation from a linear economy model to the CE model. In 2019, a new strategy was announced – the European Green Deal, the main goal of which is to mobilize the industrial sector for the CE implementation. The CE assumes that the generated waste should be treated as a secondary raw material. The paper presents an analysis of the possibility of using selected groups of waste for the production of fertilizers. Moreover, an identification of strengths and weaknesses, as well as market opportunities and threats related to the use of selected groups of waste as a valuable raw material for the production of fertilizers was conducted. The scope of the work includes characteristics of municipal waste (household waste, food waste, green waste, municipal sewage sludge, digestate), industrial waste (sewage sludge, ashes from biomass combustion, digestate) and agricultural waste (animal waste, plant waste), and a SWO T (strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis. The fertilizer use from waste is determined by the content of nutrients (phosphorus – P, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, calcium ) and the presence of heavy metals unfavorable for plants (zinc, lead, mercury). Due to the possibility of contamination, including heavy metals, before introducing waste into the soil, it should be subjected to a detailed chemical analysis and treatment. The use of waste for the production of fertilizers allows for the reduction of the EU’s dependence on the import of nutrients from outside Europe, and is in line with the CE.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marzena Smol
Dominika Szołdrowska

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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The objective of this work was investigation of the growth dynamics of proteolytic bacteria and the enzymatic activity in soil for the cultivation of maize (Zea mays L.), as well as the maize yield under application of some selected organic fertilizers. Intensity and the direction of the developed changes in the soil depended on the type of applied organic fertilizer, the size of its dose introduced into the soil and on the developmental phase of the grown plant (maize). On the basis of obtained results it was found that all tested organic substances stimulated the activity of proteases. Yields ofmaize as raw material for silages obtained from soil fertilized with sewage sludge were similar to those obtained after the application of pig slurry and they exceeded maize yields harvested from other ferti I ization objects.
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Authors and Affiliations

Alicja Niewiadomska
Hanna Sulewska
Agnieszka Wolna-Maruwka
Justyna Klama
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The current survey was carried out to evaluate the effect of different nitrogen levels (0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.9 g ∙ pot–1 nitrogen as urea 46%) on tomato fruit worm Helicoverpa armigera on six common tomato cultivars (e.g., Kingston, Riogrand, Earlyurbana, Redston, Superstrain-B and Primoearly) under laboratory conditions [25 ± 1°C, 60 ± 5% RH, 16 : 8 (L : D) h]. The mortality, developmental period of immature stages as well as the longevity and fecundity of adult stages were recorded. Data were analyzed based on the age-stage, two-sex lifetable theory. The longest (24.21 ± 0.59 days) larval developmental period was recorded in Earlyurbana variety with zero nitrogen level and the shortest (15.44 ± 0.36 days) in Superstrain-B variety with the highest nitrogen level. Consequently, the net reproductive rate (R0) ranged from 35.7 ± 7.06 to 62.16 ± 18.9 offspring/female/individual in Redston variety with zero nitrogen level and in Superstrain-B variety with the highest nitrogen level, respectively. The lowest and highest values of the intrinsic rate (r) and finite rate of increase (l) were estimated for Redston variety with zero level of nitrogen (0.0712 ± 0.0065 and 1.0732 ± 0.0069 day–1) and Superstrain-B variety with the highest nitrogen fertilizer (0.1507 ± 0.0057 and 1.1629 ± 0.0066 day–1), respectively. The results demonstrated that nitrogen fertilizer influenced nearly all the life parameters of the pest which depended on the cultivars. Finally, it could be concluded that Kingston and Superstrain-B were suitable and Earlyurbana and Redston were unsuitable host plant cultivars for H. armigera.

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Authors and Affiliations

Fereshteh Salehi
Gholamhossein Gharekhani
Jalal Shirazi
Nahid Vaez
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The role of the tea commodity in the economy of Indonesia is quite strategic. Various types of microorganisms in nature have been known to increase the benefit of the root function, suppress disease, and accelerate plant growth. This study aimed to determine the potential of indigenous bacteria (Azoto II-1, Acinetobacter sp., bacteria Endo-5, bacteria Endo-65 and Endo-76) on the growth of tea plants and their potential in increasing resistance to blister blight disease. The test of microbes’ potential effect on growth and blister blight was conducted in Gambung, West Java in an experimental field using a randomized block design (RBD) with six treatments and each treatment was replicated four times. The composition of the treatments was: A) Endo-5; B) Endo-65; C) Endo-76; D) Azoto II-1; E) Acinetobacter sp.; and F) control (without microbes). Bacterial suspension was applied directly to the soil at a dose of 2 l · ha−1. The bacterial suspension was applied six times at 1 week intervals. The results of field observations indicated that the intensity of blister blight decreased in all treatments but did not significantly differ from the control. Meanwhile, the results of Acinetobacter sp. treatment in tea shoots was 17.26% higher than the control.

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Authors and Affiliations

Fani Fauziah
Mieke Rochimi Setiawati
Eko Pranoto
Dwi Ningsih Susilowati
Yati Rachmiati
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Excessive use of chemical fertilizers, in agriculture, has negative impacts on water, soil and affects the environment and health. In recent decades, researchers have been interested in the natural benefits of natural microorganisms and how they could be a good alternative to the use of chemical fertilizers. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of soil inoculation with strains of mycorrhizae and beneficial bacteria on soil properties and productivity of table grapes. Field trials were conducted on a commercial table grape production farm ( Vitis vinifiera cv. Mousca), located in northeastern Morocco. Twelve-yearold plants were used. Control plants were not inoculated (T1). The prototype plants were inoculated with 1.2 × 104 of Glomus iranicum var. tenuihypharum/100 g (T2), a mixture of 1/2 concentration of Glomus iranicum var. tenuihypharum and 1/2 concentration of Pseudomonas putida (T3) and 1 × 108 CFU ∙ g–1 of Pseudomonas putida (T4). The inoculations were realized twice; the first inoculation was completed on July 19, 2019 while the second inoculation on February 21, 2020. Soil analyses were carried out, both physicochemical (pH, electrical conductivity (EC), salinity, % of dry matter) and microbiological properties (total flora, fungi and actinobacteria). Plant growth (length of the plant, number and diameter of sticks, number of clusters per tree, number of nodes per stick, distance between nodes and bud burst), yield and fruit quality (number of berries per cluster, cluster weight, cluster length and width, pH, Brix degrees, acidity, EC and % dry matter) were measured. Results showed slight trends regarding the effects of treatments on the physicochemical and microbiological properties of the soil, plant growth and fruit quality. The number of clusters was significantly higher in Glomus (T2) Pseudomonas (T4) and Glomus than in control treatments.
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Aguín O., Mansilla J.P., Vilariño A., Sainz M.J. 2004. Effects of mycorrhizal inoculation on root morphology and nursery production of three grapevine rootstocks. American Journal of Ecology and Viticulture 55 (1): 108−111. Available on: [Accessed: 15 May 2021]
Aktar W., Sengupta D., Chowdhury A. 2009. Impact of pesticides use in agriculture: their benefits and hazards. Interdisciplinary Toxicology 2: 1−12. DOI: v10102-009-0001-7
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Baslam M., Esteban R., García-Plazaola J.I., Goicoechea N. 2013. Effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) for inducing the accumulation of major carotenoids, chlorophylls and tocopherol in green and red leaf lettuces. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 97: 3119−3128. DOI:
Birhane E., Sterck F.J., Fetene M., Bongers F., Kuyper T.W. 2012. Les champignons mycorhiziens arbusculaires améliorent la photosynthèse, l’efficacité d’utilisation de l’eau et la croissance des semis d’encens dans des conditions de disponibilité en eau pulsée. Oecologia 169: 895−904.
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Authors and Affiliations

Salah Ed-dine Samri
Kamal Aberkani
Mourad Said
Khadija Haboubi
Hassan Ghazal

  1. Biology and Geology, Plolydisciplinary Faculty of Nador, University Mohammed Fisrt, Selonane, Morocco
  2. Environment, National School of Applied Sciences, University Abdelmalek Essaadi, Al Hoceima, Morocco
  3. Bioinformatics, National Center for Scientific and Technical Research, Rabat, Morocco
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Electrolyzed fertilizer solution (EFS) was produced by passing an irrigation solution through an electrolization chamber in order to suppress fungal disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4 (Foc4) infecting banana plantlets. In the laboratory, EFS was prepared by electrolyzing solutions containing different amounts of potassium chloride and potassium nitrate. The results indicated a significant reduction in the conidial densities of Foc4 which was from 10 6 spores · ml –1 to a maximum of 10 1.3 spores · ml –1 and depended on the concentration of components in the input flow. Eventually the EFS produced from the lowest one was chosen to treat banana plantlets. Greenhouse experiments gave contradictory results of inoculated plantlets irrigated with or without EFS. The untreated banana plantlets virtually showed symptoms of infection such as discoloration of cross-cut corms, rapid wilting and dying within 60 days, while the treated ones kept their shapes and grew normally. The drastic fall in the microbial population in the rhizosphere of treated plants confirmed the activity of oxidation agents which is the major mechanism of disease suppression. The results suggest that further studies of EFS in the field as a potential technique in fighting Panama wilt in the banana industry are necessary.
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Authors and Affiliations

Vu Anh Nguyen
Ha Van Nguyen
Phai Duy Do
Hung Ngoc Tran

  1. Department of Environmental Physico-Chemistry, Institute of Environmental Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Viet Nam
  2. Department of Technology Application and Transfer, Institute of Environmental Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Viet Nam
  3. Central Analytical Laboratory, Soils and Fertilizers Research Institute, Hanoi, Viet Nam
  4. Department of Biotechnology, Fruit and Vegetable Research Institute, Hanoi, Viet Nam
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Suitable doses and forms of mineral fertilizers play a significant role in soil-less reclamation of mining wastes. It concerns especially nitrogen, because in this case its mineral and organic forms play a definite role. The relationship between each form is affected by a petrographic and mineral composition, weathering processes of waste material on the waste heaps, and also chemical composition and relationship between the main components, such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. Very important are also tree and shrub species introduced on the heaps, as different species can be characterized by individual nutrient requirements. The investigations showed that the period of first 2-3 years determines the success of interventions in biological reclamation. This refers mostly to nitrogen. Phosphoric fertilization plays an important role in later period, while potassium fertilization is not necessary, because waste material contains considerable quantities of total, and also of exchangeable and dissolvable in water potassium.
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Zygmunt Strzyszcz
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As a rule, nitrates are present in all natural water bodies. Their increased concentrations are connected with the discharge of insufficiently treated wastewater from industrial and communal enterprises, agricultural and livestock complexes. Recent scientific publications concerning treatment methods for nitrates removal from natural water and wastewater were analyzed in order to create effective and low-waste technology for obtaining high quality water. It has been established that the ion exchange method is quite effective for removing nitrates from water. In the paper, the processes of ion exchange removal of nitrates from water on low-axis anionite in DOWEX Marathon WBA in Сl- form were investigated. During the sorption of nitrates with a concentration of 186, 205, 223 and 2200 mg/dm3, it was established that the full exchangeable dynamic capacity was 1.075, 1.103, and 1.195, 1.698 g-eq/dm3, respectively. To regenerate anionite, solutions of ammonia as well as potassium chloride, ammonium chloride and potassium carbonate were used in this work. The choice of potassium and ammonium compounds is due to the prospect of further use of regeneration solutions for the production of liquid fertilizers.
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Authors and Affiliations

Inna Trus
Mukola Gomelya
Vita Halysh
Mariia Tverdokhlib
Iryna Makarenko
Tetiana Pylypenko
Yevhen Chuprinov
Daniel Benatov
Hennadii Zaitsev

  1. National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv, Ukraine
  2. State University of Economics and Technology: Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
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The rapid, high increase in production costs and prices of mineral fertilizers leads to a reduction in their use by farmers, while fertilizer manufacturers consider the use of alternative raw materials and reducing the energy consumption of fertilizer production processes. Given these circumstances, special attention is warranted for suspension fertilizers. The manufacturing of suspension fertilizers is simplified and less energy intensive in comparison with solid fertilizers. This is achieved by omitting certain production stages such as granulation, drying, sifting, which usually contribute to more than half of the production costs. This paper presents the production procedure of suspension fertilizers tailored for cabbage cultivation, utilizing alternative raw materials such as sewage sludge ash and poultry litter ash. The final products are thoroughly characterized. The obtained fertilizers were rich in main nutrients (ranging from 23.38% to 30.60% NPK) as along with secondary nutrients and micronutrients. Moreover, they adhere to the stipulated standards concerning heavy metal content as outlined in the European Fertilizer Regulation. A distribution analysis has showed that suspension fertilizers contain nutrients in both liquid and solid phases. This arrangement facilitates their easy availability for plants and subsequent release upon dissolution in soil conditions. To assess process consistency, the production of the most promising fertilizer was upscaled. A preliminary technological and economic analysis was also conducted. The method of producing suspension fertilizers using alternative raw materials is a simple waste management solution offering nutrient recycling with the principles of circular economy. This approach not only encourages nutrient recycling but also curtails reliance on imported raw materials.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Gorazda
Halyna Kominko
Anna K. Nowak
Adam Wiśniak

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Poland
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The perspective direction in the biological regulation of insect pest populations is the combined use of different products of organic origin including fungal biological control agents. Therefore, the present study was aimed to evaluate the efficacy of products of natural origin (Aminogreen 24, Nitrogreen, Foliamin and Naturalis − strain ATCC 74040 of entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana) and one synthetic insecticide − standard (deltamethrin + thiacloprid), applied alone and in a mixture in the control of Acyrthosiphon pisum in forage pea. The study was conducted in a field experiment during the period 2017 − 2020. Infestation by leaf aphids was estimated by calculating the cumulative insect- -days ( CID). It was found that the combination of Aminogreen 24 + Naturalis had the most pronounced decrease in CID among products over the years from 2017 to 2020 and the average for the period. The greatest, significant reduction in the number of aphids occurred on day 5 (F8.5 = 15.244; p < 0.033) and day 7 (F8.5 = 33.087; p < 0.037) after treatment. On the 14th day, the decrease in CID (57.4% decrease) statistically exceeded the Proteus 110 OD standard (55.3% decrease) (F8.5 = 49.841; p < 0.049). Good protection against A. pisum was also found with Naturalis and Nitrogreen + Naturalis. There was an additive effect between Naturalis and Aminogreen 24 throughout the entire study period. The ratio of chlorophyll a (Chl a) to chlorophyll b (Chl b) and the ratio of green pigments (Chl a + + Chl b) to carotenoids determined that plants treated with Aminogreen 24 + Naturalis and Naturalis had the best physiological state. The combination of Aminogreen 24 and Naturalis gave the largest, significant, increase in stem height, followed by Nitrogreen + Naturalis. The use of Naturalis, alone and in a combination with Aminogreen 24 and Nitrogreen can be a successful alternative to conventional chemical control.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ivelina Nikolova

  1. Institute of Forage Crops, Agricultural Academy, Pleven, Bulgaria
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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a second prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) treatment during Ovsynch on luteal regression and fertility in dairy cows, compared with standard Ovsynch. The study was conducted on 111 Holstein Friesian multiparous cows on commercial dairy farm. The cows in the experimental group (n=48) received two treatments of PGF2α 24 hours apart during Ovsynch. The cows in the control group (n=63) were synchronized with standard Ovsynch. To assess the progesterone (P4) concentration blood samples were collected at the day of PGF2α treatment and at the 2nd GnRH treatment. Pregnancy was evaluated by ultrasound examination 37-40 days after timed artificial insemination (TAI) by ultrasound. Cows diagnosed pregnant were re-examined between days 70-80 after TAI. The percentage of cows with complete corpus luteum (CL) regression (P4<0.5 ng/ml at the time of the 2nd GnRH treatment) was 89.6 % after two PGF2α treatments and 88.9 % after one PGF2α treatment. There were no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) in the pregnancies per artificial insemination (P/AI) between the experimental and control group (P/AI). However, the pregnancy loss rate was lower in cows receiving two PGF2α treatments than in the control animals (0.0 % vs. 6.4 %; p<0.05). In conclusion, the second PGF2α treatment during Ovsynch protocol had no significant effect on CL regression and P/AI in dairy cows. The pregnancy losses until days 75-80 after TAI were significantly lower after two PGF2α treatments than after one PGF2α treatment.

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Nowicki
W. Barański
D. Tobolski
S. Zduńczyk
T. Janowski
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the fertility response of dairy cows with anovulation type I on repeated low doses of GnRH agonist buserelin. The study was conducted on 83 anovulatory and 60 cyclic Polish Holstein Friesian cows. Anovulation type I was defined as small ovaries with follicles of ≤ 5 mm in diameter and without corpus luteum on two examinations in a 7-10 day interval between 50–60 days after parturition. Cows from the experimental group (n=58) received 0.4 μg of buserelin i.m. once a day for 5 consecutive days. Cows from the negative control group (n = 25) received saline. Sixty cyclic cows receiving no treatment served as positive controls. Intervals from calving to estrus and from calving to conception, pregnancy rate 30-35 days and 260 days after AI, and pregnancy loss were calculated. The anovulatory cows had a substantially prolonged calving to conception interval, decreased pregnancy rate and increased pregnancy loss and culling rate compared to cyclic herd mates. The average calving to conception interval was significantly (p<0.05) shorter in treated cows compared to non-treated anovulatory cows (153.7 days vs 209.3 days). In conclusion, repeated low doses of GnRH analogue buserelin led to a significant shortening of calving to conception interval. More clinical trials are needed to determine the practical usefulness of this method for the treatment of anovulation type I in dairy cows.
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Authors and Affiliations

W. Barański
A. Nowicki
S. Zduńczyk
Z. Polak

  1. Department of Animal Reproduction with Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury, Oczapowskiego 14, 10-719 Olsztyn, Poland

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