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Sewage and sewage sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plant were analyzed for 16 EPA-PAH. The measurements were conducted to investigate the effect of different treatment stages on PAH content in wastewater and sewage sludge. PAH loads in influent, mechanically and biologically treated sewage, as well as in raw, digested and dewatered sludge were calculated. Mechanical and biological treatment was found to remove 85% of PAH from the influent. Despite of this a daily PAH load introduced into environment was high, and reached 37% of the PAH load in the influent. In sewage it was equal to 46 g PAH-lid, with carcinogenic PAH content of 12%. In waste sludge (filter pressed sludge and sand from sand trap) PAH total load reached 68 gid with 17% of carcinogenic PAH.
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Maria Włodarczyk-Makuła
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The paper presents the results of analyzes of gases emitted during exposure to high temperature foundry molding sands, where binders are

organic resins. As a research tool has been used special gas chromatograph designed to identify odorous compounds including the group of


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J. Faber
K. Perszewska
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Root-knot nematodes, genus Meloidogyne, are among the most plant damaging pathogens worldwide. The action of natural products against plant pathogens has been investigated to assess their effectiveness in the control of diseases. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the phytochemistry potential of the Ficus species for the control of Meloidogyne javanica. In vitro inhibitory activity assays were performed with crude ethanolic extracts of leaves and branches from 10 Ficus species. Among these, Ficus carica extracts exhibited strong paralysis activity against second stage juveniles (J2) (EC50 = 134.90 μg ∙ ml–1), after 72 hours. In addition, high efficacy was observed in egg-hatching inhibition at different embryonic stages. Microscopy analysis revealed severe morphological alterations in the nematode tissues at the J2 stage, as well as immotility of juveniles released from eggs in the presence of F. carica extracts. The efficacy of the treatments for the other species was very low. These differences were supported by the variation in the compound classes, mainly for alkaloids and metabolite profiles by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) when F. carica was compared with the other species. The results indicated that F. carica is a promising source for the isolation and identification of molecules capable of acting in the control of M. javanica.

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Janaína Roberta Alves
Jéssica Nunes de Assis
Caio Campos Araújo Pádua
Huarlen Márcio Balbino
Lucas Leal Lima
Angélica de Souza Gouveia
Camilo Elber Vital
Dalila Sêni Buonicontro
Leandro Grassi de Freitas
João Paulo Viana Leite
Humberto Josué de Oliveira Ramos
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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are significant pollutants found in petroleum products. There is ample literature on the biodegradation of PAHs containing less than five rings, but little has been done on those with more than five rings. Coronene (CRN), a seven-ring-containing PAH, has only been shown to be degraded by one bacterial strain. In this study, a bacterial strain 10SCRN4D was isolated through enrichment in the presence of CRN and 10% NaCl (w/v). Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene identified the strain as Halomonas caseinilytica. The strain was able to degrade CRN in media containing 16.5–165 μM CRN with a doubling time of 9–16 hours and grew in a wide range of salinity (0.5–10%, w/v) and temperature (30–50°C) with optimum conditions of pH 7, salinity 0.5%–10% (w/v), and temperature 37°C. Over 20 days, almost 35% of 16.5 μM CRN was degraded, reaching 76% degradation after 80 days as measured by gas chromatography. The strain was also able to degrade smaller molecular weight PAHs such as benzo[a]pyrene, pyrene, and phenanthrene. This is the first report of Halomonas caseinilytica degrading CRN as the sole carbon source in high salinity, and thus highlights the potential of this strain in bioremediation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ajibola H. Okeyode
Assad Al-Thukair
Basheer Chanbasha
2 3
Mazen K. Nazal
Emmanuel Afuecheta
5 6
Musa M. Musa
2 7
Shahad Algarni
Alexis Nzila
1 3

  1. Department of Bioengineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Dhahran, Saudi Arabia,
  2. Department of Chemistry, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
  3. Interdisciplinary Research Center for Membranes and Water Security, King Fahd University ofPetroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
  4. Applied Research Center for Environment and Marine Studies, Research Institute, King Fahd Universityof Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
  5. Departments of Mathematics, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran 31261, SaudiArabia
  6. Interdisciplinary Research Center for Finance and Digital Economy, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
  7. Interdisciplinary Research Center for Refining and Advanced Chemicals, King Fahd University ofPetroleum and Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
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Bisnik Cave is an important site of Middle Palaeolithic, with the longest sequence of Neanderthal settlement phases in Central Europe. In the previous studies of the Bisnik sediments, different elements of palaeoenvironment in the periods of Neanderthal occupation have been recognised, except of palaeovegetation, which could not be derived because of lack of preserved plant micro- or macrofossils. The current work is an attempt to reconstruct palaeovegetation in vicinity of the Bisnik Cave, using analysis of composition of plant-derived n-alkanes, preserved in sediments. In our study, we analyzed one sample from each of the sediment's layers 11 - 19c (early Late Pleistocene and late Middle Pleistocene). Abundant n-alkanes (mostly n-C27, n-C29 and n-C31) were found in all the sampled layers except for the layers 12, 16 and 19d, showing no alkanes at all. There is clear diversification of n-alkanes composition and cpr (carbon preference index) values between layers. Analysis of this composition, allows us to claim that the layers 11 and 14 were accumulated when the cave's vicinity was covered by dense coniferous forests, hence upon warm climate. The layers 19, 19a lower, 19b and 19c, presumably originated during cold periods when open woodlands or grasslands dominated. The other analyzed layers could be counected with intermediate vegetation in form of open woodland. However, not all of the achieved results stay in compliance with the actual stratigraphy, established basing on lithological data and palaeoecology offossil fauna, and we hope that explanation of this discrepancy would be possible after more extensive studies of molecular fossils are done.

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Maciej T. Krajcarz
Marek R. Gola
Krzysztof J. Cyrek
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Multiresidue matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD) technique with capillary gas chromatographic detection for determination and quantification of ten commonly used organophosphorus pesticides (chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos-rnethyl. diazinon, dimethoate, fenitrothion, formothion, malathion, parathion, phosalone, pirimiphos-rnethyl) in fruits and vegetables is described. The method gave high recoveries for all spiked samples in 80-120% range. The limits of detection were from 0.01 w 0.1 mg/kg for che compounds studied and were much lower chan maximum residue levels (MRLs) allowed. The procedure was applied to the deterrninatien of ten organophosphorus pesticides in samples collected during che routine crop monitoring.
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Bożena Morzycka
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The influence of physicochemical parameters of halloysite-carbon composites on the adsorption of skin disinfectants was investigated. The dispersive surface free energy and acid-base properties of halloysite-carbon composites were determined using inverse gas chromatography. The free adsorption energy was higher for all halloysite-carbon composites compared to the unmodified halloysite, which acted as a less electron-donating adsorbent. In contrast, the composite obtained using halloysite nanotubes (HNT) and ground microcrystalline cellulose as the carbon precursor exhibited the highest free adsorption energy and the Kb/Ka ratio. These results suggest that the free adsorption energy can be an additional factor influencing the adsorption process. We demonstrated that the composite with the highest free adsorption energy is effective for removing triclosan, chloroxylenol and chlorophene from water. The acid-base properties of halloysite-carbon composites enhance the adsorption of these compounds due to their acidic character. The composite with the highest Kb/Ka ratio removes adsorbates from aqueous solutions with the greatest efficiency. Parameters such as free dispersion energy, electron-donating, or electron-accepting properties of the adsorbent help explain why these composites exhibit high adsorption capabilities.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Słomkiewicz
Beata Szczepanik
Laura Frydel
Maria Włodarczyk-Makuła

  1. Jan Kochanowski University Kielce, Poland
  2. Institute of Chemistry, Jan Kochanowski University, Poland
  3. University of Science and Technology Stanisław Staszic in Krakow, Faculty of Energy and Fuels Department of Fuel Technology, Poland
  4. Faculty of Infrastructure and Environment, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland
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This paper aims at presenting the possibilities of applying gas chromatography for the determination of pharmaceutical residues in different matrices. Section one of the study underscores the environmental advantages of employing GC for such analyses. Section two presents the innovative methods for determining pharmaceuticals in the environment. The last section discusses the results of the analysis of the GC and GC-MS market in Poland.

According to the literature data, the described methods were applied for the analysis of real samples: wastewaters, surface waters, soil samples. The samples were collected from the Pomerania region and the Gulf of Gdańsk. The pharmaceuticals were determined in various environmental samples. The highest concentrations were found in raw wastewater, medium – in a treated wastewater, and the lowest – in surface water. The most frequently detected pharmaceuticals were: ibuprofen, paracetamol, diclofenac and naproxen, all belonging to NSAIDs.

Furthermore, the results of the study of the Polish GC market indicate that a very limited number of entities are currently using chromatographic techniques, and pharmaceutical residues tests are exceptions, mainly due to the lack of the legal requirements in this field and the lack of own laboratories.

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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Kuśmierek
Paulina Idźkiewicz
Andrzej Świątkowski
Lidia Dąbek
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Five cosmetics wastewater samples were treated by Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) assisted by coagulation. Different aluminum based coagulants were used: (Al2(SO4)3, Al 1019, Al 3010, Al 3030, Al 3035, PAX 16 and PAX 19). The raw wastewater COD values were in the range 285-2124 mg/l. The efficiency of DAF depended on different coagulants and production profi le of factory. COD removal was varied from 11.1 to 77.7%. The efficiency of coagulants was similar during treatment of particular sample. The best results were obtained with Al2(SO4)3 and for sample 5 - lotions and shampoos production. The wastewater from UV fi lter creams production (sample 4) was resistant to treatment by DAF regardless of used coagulant. HS-SPME-GC-MS analysis can be a confirmation of DAF effectiveness

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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Paweł Bogacki
Piotr Marcinowski
Jeremi Naumczyk
Piotr Wiliński
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Many species of Trichoderma produce secondary metabolites such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that reduce plant diseases and promote their growth. In this work we evaluated the antagonistic effects of VOCs released by eight strains of two Trichoderma species against Pyrenophora teres Drechsler, the causal agent of barley net blotch. Antagonism was estimated based on the percentage of mycelial growth inhibition according to the confronted cultures method. VOCs extraction and identification were performed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, through different methodologies for VOCs emitted by antagonists and pathogens alone or when confronted. VOCs produced by all Trichoderma strains inhibited mycelial growth of the pathogen in a range of 3 to 32%, showing weak and unpigmented mycelia with vacuolization. In addition, P. teres stimulated the release of VOCs by both Trichoderma species. The major groups of VOCs detected were sesquiterpenes, followed by diterpenes, terpenoids and eight-carbon compounds. This is the first report about characterization of volatiles emitted by Trichoderma in the presence of P. teres.
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Authors and Affiliations

Paulina Moya
Juan Roberto Girotti
Andrea Vanesa Toledo
Sisterna Marina Noemi
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The properties, superior calorific value (SCV) and the compressibility factor (z), of 77 natural gas (NG) samples are calculated from two different calibration approaches of gas chromatography, based on ISO 6974-2. The method A uses an analytical curve with seven points that the best adjust is confirmed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA); it is required when the composition of the natural gas varies. The method B uses a single point calibration, with an allowed tolerance between the calibration gas mixture and sample mole fraction, so it is used to analyze constant natural gas streams. From natural gas composition analyzed by both methods, exceeding the method B allowed tolerance; SCV, z and its uncertainties are calculated and compared. The results show that all samples that comply with Brazilian legislation can be analyzed by method B, because there are no metrological differences in terms of SCV and z, even though the allowed tolerance has been exceeded. This simplified methodology minimizes operator exposure, besides saving about US$ 50,000.00 per chromatograph.

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Elcio de Oliveira
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The subject of this work was the investigation of zeolite as a sorbent of toxic gases. In Nizny Hrabovec in the Slovak republic, two layers of zeolite with the active component clinoptilolite can be found. The study presented here investigated the ability of this natural zeolite to reduce polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and NO emissions from engine exhaust. Exhaust gases from combustion engines include toxic components such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are a component of hydrocarbons causing harmful influence on life forms. The experiments focused on the potential reduction of these toxic gases based on the sorption and catalytic properties of natural zeolite. Also observed was the influence of chemical adjustment including incorporation of certain metal elements. Chemical analysis by mutually independent technologies served to observe the sorption of PAH with carcinogenic properties on the natural zeolite tested. The experiments showed that chemical modification improved the sorption and catalytic properties of natural zeolite. The PAH were analysed in an extract of the contaminated, thermally-activated natural zeolite and modified zeolite after washing with ammonium chloride, cobalt chloride and copper sulphate. The study also presents results of NO measurements obtained by testing the filter-sorptive automobile system.

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Jozef Mačala
Iveta Pandová
Taťána Gondová
Katarína Dubayová
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Anestrus is essential to an unsuccessful pregnancy in dairy cows. One of the many factors that influences anestrus is the inactive ovary. To characterize in detail the plasma metabolic pro- file, anestrus cows suffering from inactive ovaries were compared with those with natural estrus. The Holstein cows 60 to 90 day postpartum in an intensive dairy farm were assigned into inactive ovaries groups (IO, n=20) and natural estrus group (CON, n=22) according to estrus signs and rectal palpation of ovaries. Plasma samples from two groups of cows were collected from the tail vein to screen differential metabolites using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) techniques and multivariate statistical analysis and pathways. The results showed that 106 compounds were screened by GC/MS and 14 compounds in the IO group were decreased by analyzing important variables in the projection values and p values of MSA.Through pathway analysis, 14 compounds, mainly associated with carbohydrate metabolism and amino acid meta- bolism, were identified to results in IO, which may seriously affect follicular growth. Metabolo- mics profiling, together with MSA and pathway analysis, showed that follicular growth and development in dairy cows is related to carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism by a single or multiple pathway(s).

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Authors and Affiliations

C. Zhao
P. Hu
Y.L. Bai
C. Xia
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The use of essential oils as an eco-friendly tool in pest management stems from their natural origin and the presence of bioactive compounds that exhibit pesticidal properties, offering a sustainable alternative to synthetic chemical pesticides. This study explores the toxicity of Lavandula multifida (lavender) essential oil (EO), as a botanical pesticide against two widespread and destructive Noctuidae pests, Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) and Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel). GC-MS was employed to characterize 23 compounds in the EO, with 1,3,3-trimethyl-2-oxabicyclo [2.2.2] octane (eucalyptol) (39.84%), being the primary component. The leaf dipping technique was utilized to assess the toxicity of the EO to both insects. At 96 hours post-treatment, the LC50 of lavender EO to S. littoralis and A. ipsilon larvae were 2.350 and 2.991 mg · ml–1, respectively. Concerning its biological effect, both concentrations of the EO (LC15 and LC50) significantly shortened the duration of the larval (to 15.24 and 14.23 days) and pupal (to 11.19 and 10.55 days) stages of S. littoralis. Biochemical assays revealed that the LC50 of lavender EO significantly inhibited α-esterase activity in S. littoralis at 72- and 96 hours post-treatment (0.031 and 0.063 mmol · min–1 · mg–1), and A. ipsilon at 96 hours post-treatment (0.129 mmol · min–1 · mg–1 protein). Given its significant toxicological, biological, and biochemical effects on S. littoralis, it is suggested that lavender EO could be considered for use in integrated pest management strategies while ensuring its safe application to protect non-target organisms.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mona Awad
Moataz A.M. Moustafa
Nawal Abdulaziz Alfuhaid
Alia Amer
Fatma S. Ahmed

  1. Economic Entomology and Pesticides Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, 6 ElGamma Street, 12613 Giza, Egypt
  2. Biology Department, College of Science and Humanities, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulziz University, 11942 Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia
  3. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Department, Horticulture Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Agricultural Rese, 12556 Giza, Egypt
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The chemical composition of commercial thyme oils, freshly hydrodistilled EO (essetntial oil) from dried thyme herb and thymol, the main thyme oil constituent, were analyzed in the aspect of possible cytotoxic effect against MCF-7 breast cancer and normal L929 mouse fibroblast cell lines. Based on the GC-MS analysis, it was found that the commercial essential oils revealed similarities in their chemical composition. The content of main components such as thymol, linalool and α-pinene was almost equal. Interestingly, the EO obtained by hydrodistillation from Thymi herba showed considerable differences in the percentage content of some main constituents. The reason for the differences may be caused by the intraspecific chemical variability of T. vulgaris L. Four types of tested EOs can be classified as a ‘thymol’ chemotype, with thymol as the predominant compound. The thymol alone and the freshly hydrodistilled EO demonstrated the highest cytotoxic effect against used cell lines. The difference in IC50 values suggests more sensitive L929 cells are more sensitive in both the CCK-8 assay (except EOs Kawon) and the NRU assay.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aurelia Fijałkowska
Aneta Wesołowska
Rafał Rakoczy
Magdalena Jedrzejczak-Silicka

  1. West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Laboratory of Cytogenetics, Klemensa Janickiego 29, 71-270 Szczecin, Poland
  2. West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Institute of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection Process, Piastow 42, 71-065 Szczecin, Poland

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