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The paper presents the results of studies on the influence of the 2010 Vistula flood on the humification process in the bottom sediments of the Goczałkowice Reservoir in southern Poland. Due to its location in the vicinity of farmlands, forests and urbanized areas, the Goczałkowice Reservoir is characterized by amplified and intense humification processes within its sediments. The studies were focused on the determining the influence of the flood wave containing organic and inorganic suspensions on these processes. Humic acids were analyzed using two spectroscopic methods: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). Application of these methods allowed to determine the values of free radicals and of the g-factor, which are indicators of oxidation, aromatization and maturation of humic acids during the humification process, as well as the value of the 1650/1720 ratio, reflecting the dissociation of the COOH group to COO− and the formation of complexes of transitional metals with humic acids during the humification process.

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Authors and Affiliations

Karolina Czerwieńska
Waldemar Szendera
Waldemar Chmielewski
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Soils of Russian European North were investigated in terms of stability and quality of organic matter as well as in terms of soils organic matter elemental composi-tion. Therefore, soil humic acids (HAs), extracted from soils of different natural zones of Russian North-East were studied to characterize the degree of soil organic matter stabilization along a zonal gradient. HAs were extracted from soil of different zonal environments of the Komi Republic: south, middle and north taiga as well as south tundra. Data on elemental composition of humic acids and fulvic acids (FAs) extracted from different soil types were obtained to assess humus formation mechanisms in the soils of taiga and tundra of the European North-East of Russia. The specificity of HAs elemental composition are discussed in relation to environmental conditions. The higher moisture degree of taiga soils results in the higher H/C ratio in humic substances. This reflects the reduced microbiologic activity in Albeluvisols sods and subsequent conser-vation of carbohydrate and amino acid fragments in HAs. HAs of tundra soils, shows the H/C values decreasing within the depth of the soils, which reflects increasing of aromatic compounds in HA structure of mineral soil horizons. FAs were more oxidized and contains less carbon while compared with the HAs. Humic acids, extracted from soil of different polar and boreal environments differ in terms of elemental composition winch reflects the climatic and hydrological regimes of humification.
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Authors and Affiliations

Evgeny Abakumov
Evgeny Lodygin
Vasily Beznosikov
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On the basis of elemental composition, optical properties in the visible region, infrared spectra and thermal analysis (TG, DTG, DTA), humic acids of tundra soils in Spitsbergen are found to be more similar to fulvic acids than to humic acids of soils from other soil-climatic zones. The authors claim that it results from climatic conditions (low temperature, considerable humidity, alternation of freezing and thawing) and specific biochemical composition of tundra plants (predominance of plants devoid of lignin) which constitute substratum of the studied humic acids.

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Authors and Affiliations

Helena Dziadowiec
Sławomir Gonet
Witold Plichta
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The study of the effectiveness of the removal of anionic natural organic matter (fulvic acids-FA and humic acids-HA) and inorganic anions (F-, Br-, NO3-) in MIEX®DOC process was performed. The influence of physico-chemical parameters of feed water on the process performance was investigated. The ion exchange process was carried out using strongly basic, macroporous polystyrene resin MIEX® by Orica Watercare. The synthetic feed waters differ in composition, i.e. concentration of FA and HA (ca. 6 and 12 mg/L), anions content (F-, Br-, NO3-) and of various alkalinity (ca. 20 and 120 mg/L as CaCO3) were used. The study confirmed the possibility of application of MIEX®DOC process for removal of anionic contaminants from water. It also showed the significant impact of feed water parameters on the process effectiveness. Moreover, the strong dependence of anions (F-, Br-, NO3-) removal, FA and HA concentration on the resin dose was revealed.

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M. Rajca
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The leachate problem is important and difficult to solve in Poland and in the world. The composition and their properties leachates depend on the age of the landfill, type of waste, climatic conditions and the mode of operation of the landfill. A significant part of landfilled waste is subject to so-called humification. This process stabilizes organic substances in the landfill and creates humic substances that penetrate into the leachate. The leaks contain many toxic impurities, such as PAHs, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and other substances hazardous to human health and life, which can be sorbed by humic substances. Leachates from three municipal landfills, differing in the characteristics of the stored waste, were studied. Fulvic acids (FAs) were extracted on the basis of affinity for specific solvents along with the use of sorption. The obtained acids were subjected to a qualitative analysis of the content of micro-impurities, essential elements forming the structure of the fulvic acid molecule, and their infrared spectra were tested. It has been noticed that with the age of waste deposited, the content of elemental carbon increases, and the amount of oxygen and hydrogen decreases. The degree of purity of fulvic acids was influenced by the time of waste storage, and the sulfur content depended on their characteristics. With the time of waste storage, the characteristics of the acids obtained were approaching humic acids, and the intensity of absorption bands clearly increased. The spectra obtained correlate well with those of fulvic acids available in the literature, and the findings provide scientific confirmation of the need for further research on the characteristics of fulvic acids.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Orliński
Anna M. Anielak

  1. Department of Environmental Engineering, Institute of Water Supply and Environmental Protection, Cracow University of Technology, Poland
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Humic substances (HS) are hydrophobic parts of dissolved organic matter, which are hard to degrade using biological processes. When exposed to disinfection processes, the HS present in wastewater could lead to the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs), which are harmful and dangerous to health. Thus, a chemical coagulation process is commonly used for HS removal. This work used a cylindrical galvanic cell (CGC) with an iron anode and a copper cathode, where the dissolution of the anode served as an alternative source of metal ions for HS coagulation. The galvanic cell current for CGC stabilized at around 0.6 mA, and the voltage fluctuated, ca. 0.5 V for all solutions. The peaks observed on cyclic voltammograms could be associated only with oxidation and dissolution of iron; no other process was identified. After the process, the structures and molecular composition of the anode surface suggest the loss of Fe mass and the formation of iron oxides due to corrosion. The initial pH of the tested solution influenced the total Fe concentration in the solution as well as colour and turbidity. The quantitative removal of HS by electrolysis and membrane filtration processes at initial pHi = 6.0 yielded 72% and 90%, respectively, after 6 and 10 min. The mechanism of sorption on the flocs of hydroxides as a primary factor in HA removal was suggested.
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Authors and Affiliations

Bartosz Libecki
Tomasz Mikołajczyk
Bogusław Pierożyński
Mateusz Kuczyński

  1. University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Departmentof Chemistry, Łódzki Square 4, 10-727 Olsztyn, Poland
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Humic substances are polydisperse mixtures of structurally complex matters with different molecular weights. The complexity of molecular composition of humic substances is reflected through their physical and chemical properties and results in diverse interactions both with inorganic components and living organisms. The correlation of the molecular composition of humic and fulvic acids and their molecular weight distribution were analyzed by means of CP/MAS 13C NMR spectroscopy and size exclusion chromatography. Humic acids are a dynamic system containing macromolecular, oligomeric and low-molecular components. Fulvic acids are a monodisperse mixture of relatively low-molecular (up to 2 kDa) organic compounds. A significant correlation between the content of high and medium weight molecular fractions with labile fragments and low molecular weight fractions with hydrophobous fragments of humic acids has been revealed.

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Authors and Affiliations

Evgeny Lodygin
Roman Vasilevich
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Data on the molecular structure of humic substances (HSs) of zonal soils for the southern, middle, northern taiga and southern tundra of northeastern European Russia have been obtained. This was accomplished using solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) technique. The soils under study vary in the point of genesis and degree of hydromorphism. The impact of environmental factors (temperature and humidity) on qualitative and quantitative composition of humic (HAs) and fulvic acids (FAs) has been determined. Excess moisture significantly affects HS accumulation and HS molecular structure: hydromorphic taiga soils accumulate HSs enriched by unoxidized aliphatic fragments, tundra soils – the ones enriched by carbohydrate fragments. Various conditions of soil genesis predefine the specific character of structural and functional parameters of HSs in the southern taiga to southern tundra soils, as is expressed through the increased portion of labile carbohydrate and amino acid fragments and methoxyl groups within the structure of HSs. The tundra humification is characterized by levelling-off of structural and functional parameters of major classes of specific organic compounds of soils – HAs and FAs.

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Authors and Affiliations

Evgeny Lodygin
Roman Vasilevich
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Humic acids (HAs) are components of natural organic matter found in soil and are considered responsible for its fertility. They can be extracted from sources such as peat and lignite on an industrial scale. In order to increase the efficiency and reduce the duration of the alkaline extraction step, microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) was used in this study. Statistical analysis was implemented to describe the influence of microwave power, temperature, and time on the yield of HA extraction. Experimental points were created on the basis of the matrix, according to the Box-Behnken design. Statistical analysis showed the importance of linear correlations between the process parameters and the response. The last part of the presented study was to create the polynomial model and response surface plots, attached in poster form, which describe the result as a function of parameters of the MAE process.
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Authors and Affiliations

Kinga M. Marecka
Dominik Nieweś
Magdalena Braun-Giwerska
Marta Huculak-Mączka

  1. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Department of Chemical Process Engineering and Technology, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a biological humic preparation – “HUMIN PLUS”, made from natural raw materials – environmentally friendly lake sapropel on the biological development of agricultural crops. The study consisted in obtaining information and assessing the effect of a biological product on the dynamics of seedlings development, planting density, as well as crop productivity. To assess the preparation, as well as to identify the effect on the stages of plant ontogenesis, the physicochemical parameters were studied, including the content of humates, and trace elements in the sapropel extract. To interpret the effect of the growth regulator on the seed germination energy, an adaptive-neural inference system was used. To establish the nature of the action of preparation on the development biology of plant, in the conditions of Kazakhstan, a series of experiments were carried out at different stages of ontogenesis of agricultural crops. It was found that the action of the “HUMIN PLUS” preparation significantly increases the content of essential and nonessential amino acids. The findings have established that the sapropel extract “HUMIN PLUS” affects the biological activity of plants, accelerating the seed germination and increasing the productivity of agricultural crops in Kazakhstan.
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Authors and Affiliations

Raikhan J. Abutova
Marat K. Kozhakhmetov

  1. Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Department of Technology and Safety of Food Products, 050010, 8 Abai Ave., Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

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