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During a month from 28 June till 27 July 1987 measurements were made of variations in the chemical composition of shallow water basins occurring on the north side of the Ebbaelva gap section at the southwestern foot of Lovehovden. The waters have variable mineral contents and ion composition. The resulting data indicate a marked effect of various kinds of water feeding the basin, including water derived from the melting of snow and that released due to permafrost degradation, depending on bedrock and the intensity of biogenic processes which operate in areas of basin occurrence.

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Anna Stankowska
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The results of the first (since 1939) hydrochemical investigations of Gliwice Channel have been presented. The polluted K.lodnica River affects bad water quality of the canal. For example the concentrations of chlorides (Cl), sulfates (S04), sodium (Na), potassium (K), conductivity and dissolved substances quality of water is out of standards. In the case of BOD and COD the water quality is changed from out of classes to II class. pH and oxygen concentration are in I class. Although no salinity waters flow into the canal, the water quality get improved slightly only. The decrease of pollutants concentration is related to theirs dispersion. In the case of water quality the self-purification processes are of secondary importance.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Kostecki
Jerzy Kozłowski
Bartłomiej Zych
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The quality and quantity of crustacea groups the hydrochemistry of water and bottom sediments conditions, in the six selected anthropogenic hollow ponds in the central part of Silesian vojcvodship are presented taking into consideration. On strongly deformed area of the Silesian region one can find water reservoirs acljojning each other but differing the hydrochernical components. The nearness of spoil banks and slag damps affects hydrochemistry of water. In the inspected hollow ponds 20 taksons of Cladocera and 14 taksons of Copepoda were indentified. In the benthos zone these were determined 18 taksons of Cladocera and 14 taksons of Copepoda. In the pelagial zone 19 tak sons of Cladocera and I O tak sons of Copeopda. Were identified the number of taksons in the investigated hollow ponds does not depended on dissolved mineral mailer concentrations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Antoni Deryło
Maciej Kostecki
Danuta Kowalczyk
Piotr Szilman
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This study includes hydrologie characteristics of the Potok Toszecki basin area and the results of chemical analysis of water quality of the Potok Toszecki. These investigations were carried out in following periods: from March 1993 till May 1994 and from January 1997 till June 1998. The results of investigations on the chemical parameters of water quality were compared with analysis, carried out in 1976. Under the results of this investigations water quality of the Potok Toszecki - a watercourse, which flows to the Pławniowice Reservoir - was defined and essential factors, connected with character of the basin area have been shown. Classification of several parameters was achieved under the official decree of the ministry of environmental protection from November 5th 1991. On the basis of this classification it was found, that the main risk for the Pławniowice Reservoir are biogenie substances and suspension, inflowing to the Reservoir together with the water of the Potok Toszecki. Improvement of the existing situation will be possible only if firm waste-water managements action will be taken.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Kostecki
Jerzy Kozłowski
Agata Domurad
Bartłomiej Zych
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This study presents the results of investigations, carried out on the Czamiawka River from December 2003 to June 2004. The results indicate the changes of physicochemical parameters of water quality. High concentration of ammonium nitrogen, COD and orthophosphates are probably caused by discharge of municipal waste-water. A drop of ammonium nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen concentration along the river course is probably caused by inflow of water without these components. High salinity and very high concentration of suspended solids below the "Makoszowy" coal-mine is caused by discharge of coalmine water and carbon dust from coal washer. All of the discussed parameters of water quality (except for pH-index and nitrate nitrogen) are beyond official classification. In comparison to previous analyses a slight improvement of water quality can be observed, especially in the top length. In the estuary water quality deteriorates. Although the Czarniawka River is small, it is one of the most important Kłodnica River contamination sources. Improvement of the existing situation will be possible only if firm waste-water management action will be taken, especially in the "Makoszowy" coal-mine area.
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Authors and Affiliations

Witold Nocoń
Maciej Kostecki
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This study includes the results of investigations carried out on the Bytomka River which were made from September 2003 to January 2004. The results emphasized the changes of physico-chemical parameters of water quality. Low concentration of dissolved oxygen and high concentration of ammonium nitrogen and COD are probably caused by the discharge of municipal waste-water. High salinity is caused by coal-mines water from the river basin area. All of the discussed parameters of water quality (except for pH-index and nitrate nitrogen) are beyond official classification. Although in the river basin area there are currently activities which protect the environment, no changes of water quality have been observed except for the salinity which is growing up all the time. Improvement of the existing situation will be possible only if firm waste-water managements action is taken.
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Authors and Affiliations

Witold Nocoń
Maciej Kostecki
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Four water masses were distinguished in the upper water layer between Elephant Island and the South Orkneys. Measurements of temperature, salinity, concentrations of dissolved oxygen and silicates were used for the analysis of the hydrological situation and to recognise the origin of water masses. For additional information, nitrates and chlorophyll concentrations were used. Drake Passage and Bransfield Strait waters occupied the western part of the investigated area, from surface to 150 m depth. Below, the Circumpolar Warm Deep Waters (CWDW) were found. The region east of 53.5°W was occupied by winter Weddell Sea water. Above this, a 45 m thin layer of summer modification of Weddell Sea Surface Water was found between 49°W and the South Orkneys. The highestchlorophyll α concentrations were found in this modified water.

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Ryszard Tokarczyk
Maciej Lipski
Felix F. Perez
Ricardo P. Reboredo
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The aquifers in the M’léta Plain are crucial for supplying drinking water and supporting industrial and agricultural water needs. However, they are facing a pollution risk and environmental degradation. The present study aims to assess the groundwater quality in the M’léta Plain, focusing on its physicochemical properties, statistics of the aquifer, pollution risks, and factors influencing the water mineralisation process. The analysis of 16 samples reveals that the water contains high levels of sulphates and chlorides, often accompanied by sodium, calcium, or magnesium. This suggests two distinct water types or facies: one characterised by sodium chloride or calcium chloride, and the other with calcic or sodic sulphate waters, sometimes including magnesium sulphate. These facies may be attributed to the influence of different formations at the outcrop. Statistical analyses reveal a strong correlation between electrical conductivity and the majority of chemical elements, indicating the impact of freshwater interacting with the underlying rock formations on mineralisation. Some results also show undersaturation of certain minerals. Furthermore, the study evaluates the water's suitability for irrigation in the M’léta Plain in accordance with Richards’ classification.
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Mohammed Khelifa
Abdelhamid Khedidja
Hamidi Mansour
Reghais Azzeddine

  1. University of Batna 2, Laboratory of Mobilization and Resources Management, 53, Road to Constantine, Fésdis, Batna, Algeria
  2. University of Oran 2, Laboratory of Georesources, Environment and Natural Hazards, BP 1524, Campus Pole Belgaid, Oran, Algeria
  3. University of Jijel, Laboratory of Geological Engineering, BP 98, Ouled Aissa, Jijel, Algeria
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In 1999, in comparison to 1979, oxygen conditions in the Przemsza River improved. The maximal concentrations of BOD decreased about 20 times, whereas minimal concentrations from 3 to 10 times. On the basic changes of COD it was found that the quantity of recalcitrant pollutants is the same as 10 years ago, the salinity of water is also the same. The volume of ammonia and nitrites has decreased. The probable cause of decrease of nitrates was the reduction of fertilisers levels in the basin area of the Przemsza River. The suspended solids concentrations in the water are abatemanted. The water quality of the river gets worse along the river, coupe especially near the towns of Mysłowice and Jelen.
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Authors and Affiliations

Antoni Deryło
Maciej Kostecki
Piotr Szilman
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Results of the study presented in this article and earlier have been the first ones since the Gliwice Canal was put into service in 1939. Until now there have been no investigations concernig (the Canal state in the area of hydro-chemical study), sanitary state or level of sediment contamination. The aim of this study was therefore to obtain information about the current pollution. The level of aquatic environment in some reaches of Gliwice Channel. This article presents the results of investigations carried out in order to assess of water quality in the Canal relating to nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. The following nutrients were determined in water samples ammonia, nitrite and nitrate nitrogen as well as organic dissolved and organic suspended nitrogen. In addition concentrations of orthophosphates, polyphosphates and organic phosphorus were analyzed. The analyses were carried out in water samples taken in six samplings from January till June 2000. Water samples were drawn at 7 sampling points. Samples of bottom sediments were taken at 21 sample points. Basing on the results of analyses the water quality of Gliwice Canal has been determined. A classification of chemical parameters was carried out under the provision in force. Basing on this classification we can state that water in the Canal is does not quality for any class system. We can also affirm that the water quality on the whole length of Gliwice Canal has improved only slightly even though waters of lower pollution levels supply the Canal.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Kostecki
Jerzy Kozlowski
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In the period from March to October 1998 hydrochemical researches on a dam-reservoir Przeczyce were carried out. This resevoir is an effect of the partition of Czarna Przemsza valley, by ground barrier. Surface area of the reservoir is 570 ha, and its total cubic content is 20.75 mln m3 of water. Researches proved that in effect of systematic conveyance of pollutans by the Czarna Przemsza River, water quality in the reservoir is in eutrophy state. Raised concentration of orto-phosphates in output originating from washing out of drainage basin soils (the Schindler coefficient is 64), and from domestic sewage causes, notwithstanding relatively low concentration of nitrates, a threat for the reservoir. Disadvantageous nitrogen-phosphorus proportion, which amounts 56 od a tributary stream, 20 in the reservoir, and 14 in a autflow, is conducive to eutrophication of the reservoir. This proportion indicates that in Przeczyce dam-reservoir phosphorus is the agent limiting use of nitrogen in the process of primary production. Balance of nitrogen and phosphorus, and especially that a load of phosphates leaded to the reservoir counterbalances itself with a load of water diversion. This evidences the loss of the reservoir ability to lay surplus nutrients, especially phosphorus, in bottom sediments, and consequentlyattests to the near moment of starting the process of anrichment from the inside of ecosystem. In the next, last part of this paper, results hydrobiologically (macrobentos) investigations will describe.
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Authors and Affiliations

Antoni Deryło
Maciej Kostecki
Piotr Szilman
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Knowledge of the quantity and quality of groundwater is a prerequisite to encourage investment in the development of a region and to consider the sedentarisation of populations. This work synthesises and analyses data concerning the chemical quality of the available water acquired in the Foum el Gueiss catchment area in the Aures massif. Two families of waters are observed, on the one hand, calcium and magnesian chlorated-sulphate waters and on the other hand, calcium and magnesium bicarbonate waters. Multivariate statistical treatments (Principal Component Analysis – PCA and Discriminant Analysis – DA) highlight a gradient of minerality of the waters from upstream to downstream, mainly attributed to the impact of climate, and pollution of agricultural origin rather localised in the lower zones. These differences in chemical composition make it possible to differentiate spring, well and borehole waters. The main confusion is between wells and boreholes, which is understandable because they are adjacent groundwater, rather in the lower part of the catchment area. The confusion matrix on the dataset shows a complete discrimination with a 100% success rate. There is a real difference between spring water and other samples, while the difference between wells and boreholes is smaller. The confusion matrix for the cross-validation (50%).
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Authors and Affiliations

Somia Lakhdari
1 2
Slimane Kachi
Vincent Valles
Laurent Barbiero
Belgacem Houha
Suzanne Yameogo
Meryem Jabrane
Naouel Dali

  1. University 8 May 1945, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences and Earth Sciences and Universe, Department Ecology and Environment, P.O. Box 401, Guelma, 24000, Algeria
  2. Abbes Laghrour University, Department of Ecology and Environment, Khenchela 40004, Algeria
  3. Avignon University, National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, Mediterranean Environment and Modeling of Agro-Hydrosystems, Avignon, France
  4. The National Center for Scientific Research, Toulouse University, Midi-Pyrénées Observatory, UMR 5563, Géoscience Environement Toulouse, Toulouse, France
  5. Ouagadougou University Professor Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
  6. Mohammed V University, Faculty of Sciences, Geoscience, Water and Environment Laboratory, Rabat, Morocco

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