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The objective of the study was to compare the impact of three systems of multiannual fertilization applied in two long-term field experiments on the content of phenolic compounds in the soil. In the study, both natural (manure, slurry) and mineral (NPK) fertilizers were used, along with combined, organic-and-mineral fertilization. Experiment I was established in 1972 on grey brown podzolic soil; experiment II, in 1973 on brown soil. In both experiments crops were cultivated in a 7-year rotation, with a 75% share of cereals. The experimental samples were taken from the top layer of soil after 36 (experiment I) and 35 (experiment II) years following the establishment of the experiments. It was demonstrated that the presence of phenolic compounds in the soils was significantly dependent on the contents of organic C and total N, type of soil and the type and dose of used fertilizers. In grey brown podzolic soil, the content of total phenolic compounds was at a lower level than the content found in brown soil. Multiannual fertilization contributed to an increase in the content of total phenolic compounds in relation to the values obtained in control objects, which was particularly reflected in the soil originating from objects fertilized with slurry applied at a dose being equivalent to manure in terms of the amount of introduced organic carbon. The percentage of water-soluble phenols in the total content of these compounds in grey brown podzolic soil was at the level of 18.4%, while in brown soil it amounted to 29.1%.

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Authors and Affiliations

Wiera Sądej
Andrzej Cezary Żołnowski
Olga Marczuk
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Allelopathy is a complex phenomenon which depends on allelochemical concentrations. So, two pot experiments were carried out to investigate the allelopathic effect of alcoholic fresh shoot extract of Eruca sativa (foliar spray) and E. sativa shoot powder (mixed with soil) on Pisum sativum plants and two associated weeds, Phalaris minor and Beta vulgaris. The experiments were conducted in the greenhouse of the National Research Centre, Giza, Egypt during two successive winter seasons (2016–2017 and 2017–2018). Ten treatments were applied in this study. Four treatments were applied before sowing, that E. sativa shoot powder was mixed with the soil at rates of 15, 30, 45 and 60 g ⋅ pot–1. The other four treatments of E. sativa alcoholic fresh shoot extract were sprayed twice on both plants and weeds at 5, 10, 15 and 20% (w/v) concentrations. Additionally, two untreated treatments, healthy (P. sativum only) and unweeded (untreated infested P. sativum plants with weeds) were applied for comparison. The results indicated that both alcoholic extracts and powder reduced growth of both weeds. Moreover, there was a direct relationship between concentration and weed reduction. Eruca sativa alcoholic extracts increased yield parameters of P. sativum plants. The maximum yield attributes were recorded by spraying of E. sativa alcoholic extract at 20%. On the other hand, it was clearly noticed that the high powder rates affected negatively P. sativum yield parameters. But the lowest powder rate (15 g ⋅ pot–1) stimulated P. sativum yield parameters as compared to unweeded treatment. Chemical analysis of E. sativa shoot powder ensured that the abundant amount of glucosinolates (9.6 μmol ⋅ g–1) and phenolic compounds (46.5 mg ⋅ g–1) may be responsible for its allelopathic effect. In conclusion, spraying of alcoholic fresh shoot extract of E. sativa at 20% (w/v) and mixing E. sativa shoot powder at 15 g · pot–1can be applied as natural bioherbicides for controlling weeds.

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Authors and Affiliations

Mona Adel El-Wakeel
Salah El-Din Abd El-Ghany Ahmed
Ebrahim Roushdi El-Desoki
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Sorghum produces allelopathic compounds, including total phenolic compounds and sorgoleone, which exhibit a phytotoxic effect on weeds. The field study, carried out in 2016-2017, was designed as an one-factor experiment, in the randomized block design, in four replications, with Sucrosorgo 506, Rona 1, KWS Freya, KWS Juno, and KWS Sammos, to assess the impact of allelochemicals on weeds. Weed infestation was determined at the beginning of July. Individual weed species were collected from two random places in each plot and weighed. The aim of the laboratory study was to evaluate the total content of phenolic compounds, and sorgoleone in the early stages of plant development (5, 10, and 15 days after emergence) in varieties Rona 1, KWS Freya, KWS Juno, KWS Sammos, Farmsorgo 180, GK Aron, PR 845F, Sucrosorgo 506 and PR849F. The total content of phenolic compounds was determined using the colorimetric method, and the sorgoleone HPLC technique on a Flexar chromatographic set. The highest value of sorgoleone was observed in 15-day-old seedlings of KWS Juno, the lowest in 5-day-old seedlings of Sucrosorgo 506, the highest levels of total phenolic compounds in 5-day-old seedlings of PR 845F, the lowest in 15-day-old seedlings of Farmsorgo 180. The results do not fully confirm the beneficial effect of allelopathic compounds on reducing weed infestation, however, it is important to emphasize the diversity of cultivars used. The statistically insignificant results indicated that most varieties of sorghum plants do not exhibit a significant decrease in yield.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hubert Waligóra
Sylwiana Nowicka
Robert Idziak
Piotr Ochodzki
Piotr Szulc
Leszek Majchrzak

  1. Faculty of Agriculture, Horticulture and Bioengineering, Department of Agronomy, Poznań University of Life Sciences,Poznań, Poland
  2. Department of Applied Biology, Institute of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization – National Research Insitute in Radzikowo,Radzikowo, Poland
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The leaves of wheat infected by powdery mildew Erisiphe graminis var. tritici manifested repellent action against cereal aphids Rhopalosiphum padi and Sitobion avenae. Food (leaves) for aphids enriched in chemical components present in diseased leaves caused weaker reproduction of S. avenae and mortal i ty of R. pad i. It could be caused by post-infection increase of the level of monophenols and flavanoids in the leaves of wheat infected by powdery mildew (E. graminis var. tritici). These compounds increasing IAA-oxidase activity in plants can have a harmful influence on the cereal aphids.
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Małgorzata Leśniewska-Woda
Jerzy Giebel
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We used DPPH scavenging assays to study the antioxidant activity of three native Polish species of blackberry leaves (Rubus kuleszae Ziel., R. fabrimontanus (Sprib.) Sprib. and R. capitulatus Utsch.). All the studied extracts (methanolic, water, methanolic-water) showed high DPPH free radical scavenging activity (IC50 450.0-186.0 μg/ml). The most effective of the studied species was Rubus kuleszae. Total content of phenolic compounds (70.50-136.04 mg GAE/g) and phenolic acids (14.70-38.26 mg CAE/g) was determined spectrophotometrically. Antioxidant activity correlated positively with total content of phenolic compounds and phenolic acids.

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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Gawron-Gzella
Marlena Dudek-Makuch
Irena Matławska
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Phenol degradation efficiency or Pscndontonas putida PCM2 l 53 free cel ls was experimentally studied. Bacterial cells were acclimatized to phenol what relied on gradually increasing the phenol concentration in the medium. The highest phenol degradation rate was calculated as approximately 15.2 mgdmŁh'. Investigated strain degraded the phenol at the concentration or 400 111g-d111·-' in 24 h. The result or toxicity analysis showed that acclimatized cells orP putida PCM2 l 53 arc able to survive even al as high concentration or phenol as 3000'. The obtained result suggests that the analyzed strain can be used lor cflcciivc treating of high strength phenolic wastewater. Due to resistance of the strain to high phenol concentration it may be applied in biorcmcdiation of exceedingly contaminated sites, especially where dilution or pollutants cannot be implemented.
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Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Przybyłek
Sławomir Ciesielski
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Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to detect and analyze phenolic compounds in the surface waters of four urban lakes in Xi’an – Hancheng Lake, Xingqing Lake, Nanhu Lake, and Taohuatan Lake. A total of 5 phenolic compounds were detected from the water samples, with a concentration range of ND-100.32 ng/L, of which bisphenol A (BPA) and nonyl phenol (NP) were the main types of phenolic compounds pollution in the four lakes. Pearson correlation analysis was used to analyze the concentration of phenolic compounds in the lake waters of Xi’an City and the water quality indicators COD, TP, NH3-N, DO, and pH during the same period. It was found that there was a significant positive relationship between the concentration of BPA and COD, the concentration of estradiol (17-beta-E2), estrone (E1) and TP and TN, the concentration of octylphenol (4-t-OP) and pH. The ecological risk assessment (ERA) shows that the concentration of BPA, 4-t-OP and NP in the lakes is at a medium risk level( is between 0.1–1), and that of E1 is at a high risk level (is greater than 1). Female cells (breast cancer cells) and male germ cells (testis cells) of mice were used as research objects to explore BPA and NP Toxic effect on mouse germ cells. BPA and NP at a concentration of 10-8 mol/L were found to have the most value-inducing effect on MCF-7 breast cancer cells positive for estrogen receptor. Obviously, both BPA and NP can induce the proliferation of testicular Sertoli cells
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Authors and Affiliations

Min Wang
Yutong Zhang
Jingxin Sun
Chen Huang
Hongqin Zhai

  1. Xi’an University of Technology, China
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The entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) are characterized as fungi with various functions and numerous mechanisms of action. The ability to establish themselves as beneficial endophytes provides a sound ground for their exploitation in crop production and protection. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the entomopathogenic strains of Beauveria bassiana and Mertarhizium anisopliae for their potential to colonize cucumber plants under natural environmental conditions in non-sterile substrate. Seed submersion in conidial suspension resulted in systemic colonization of cucumber plants 28 days post-inoculation. Scanning electron microscope micrographs demonstrated that conidia of both fungal genera have adhered, germinated and directly penetrated seed epidermal cells 24 hr post-submersion. Treated with EPF cucumber seeds resulted seedlings tissues of which contained a significantly higher amount of total phenolic compounds and unchanged amounts of chlorophylls. There was a significant negative effect of endophytic colonization on the Aphis gossypii population size after 5 days of exposure as well as a positive effect on cucumber growth and development 7 weeks post-inoculation. We suggest that reduction of A. gossypii population on mature Cucumis sativus plants is caused via an endophyte-triggered improvement of plant’s physiological parameters such as enhanced plant growth with subsequent increase in plant resistance through augmented production of phenolic compounds.
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Authors and Affiliations

Roshan S. Shaalan
1 2
Elvis Gerges
Wassim Habib
Ludmilla Ibrahim

  1. Department of Plant Protection, University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria
  2. Department of Plant Protection, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon
  3. Department of Plant Protection, Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute, Lebanon
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The paper presents data on the total phenolic and flavonoid content in Deschampsia antarctica È. Desv. plants collected from natural habitats, plants cultured in vitro, regenerated plants, and plants cultivated in a growth chamber. It was found that the shoots (aerial parts) had higher phenolic and flavonoid contents compared to the roots. The largest amount of these substances was found in wild plants from Great Yalour Island. The content of phenolics and flavonoids in plants cultured in vitro was generally comparable to that in plants collected from natural habitats except for some clones. HPLC analysis revealed five main metabolites present in similar ratios in the studied samples of wild and in vitro plants. Minor substances varied slightly in different extracts, however their presence did not depend on plant growth conditions. No significant qualitative differences in HPLC profiles were found between the wild and in vitro plants. The studied samples did not contain quercetin, kaempferol and luteolin, whereas orientin was found in all studied samples of D. antarctica.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maryana Twardovska
Iryna Konvalyuk
Kateryna Lystvan
Igor Andreev
Ivan Parnikoza
1 3
Viktor Kunakh

  1. Department of Cell Population Genetics, Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,150 Acad. Zabolotnogo Str., 03143, Kyiv, Ukraine
  2. Department of Genetic Engineering, Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic, Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 148 Acad. Zabolotnogo Str., 03143, Kyiv, Ukraine
  3. State Institution National Antarctic Scientific Center, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 16 Shevchenko Ave., 01601, Kyiv, Ukraine
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This study is the evaluation of the coagulation efficiency of the aluminum sulfate on the removal of catechol and pyrogallol. The study has focused on the impact of inorganic components of hardness Algerian waters. Jar-test trials were conducted on the two phenolic compounds dissolved in distilled water only, which was later enriched with minerals. Several reaction parameters varied, including the effect of pH and the influence of the salt content, and this approach yielded a better understanding of interaction between phenolic compounds and calcium/magnesium salts. The results indicate that the process efficiency depends on the number and position of OH in molecules. The main mechanisms would be either a physical adsorption, an exchange of ligand, or complexation on the floc surface of aluminum hydroxide. Moreover, the addition of inorganic salts appears to improve removal efficiency of tested phenolic compounds and have an effect on the optimal pH range for coagulation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Lynda Hecini
Hassen Boukerker
Wahida Kherifi
Abdelkarim Mellah
Samia Achour

  1. Scientific and Technical Research Center for Arid Areas (CRSTRA), M.B. 1682 Biskra 07000, Algeria
  2. University of Biskra, Laboratory in Underground and Surface Hydraulics (LARHYSS), Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering and Hydraulics, Biskra, Algeria
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The goal of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of aqueous extracts from five traditional Egyptian medicinal plants in preventing Sphaerotheca fuliginea’s powdery mildew disease, which affects cucumber plants. Aqueous extracts from each of the examined plants suppressed the pathogen’s conidia germination in vitro. In trials using detached leaves and greenhouses, these extracts lessened the severity of the disease. Compared to other plant extracts, Curcuma longa rhizome extract showed the greatest potency against the pathogen. The aqueous extract of Curcuma longa showed the largest improvement in disease suppression compared to the control in the greenhouse experiment. The results showed that total phenol and associated defense enzyme levels (POD and PPO) were elevated by plant extracts from all studied plants. These findings might suggest that total phenol and associated defense enzymes strengthen the cucumber’s resistance to the disease. The C. longa extract had more total phenol than the extracts from the other plants. The phenolic components in the C. longa rhizome extract were varied, and these variations were detected and quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The content of curcumin (3220.8 μg · g –1 dry weight) was the highest. In comparison to the control, the foliar application of the C. longa extract considerably increased the cucumber fruit yield and its constituent parts. This is the first time, to my knowledge, that the C. longa rhizome extract has been utilized to improve cucumber plants’ production and its constituent parts. The pathogen appeared as small colonies with fewer mycelia and immature conidia in the treated cucumber leaves with 20% of C. longa rhizome extract according to an examination by SEM. Overall, the results indicated that the extract of C. longa rhizome, was a promising, effective, and environmentally friendly management measure against powdery mildew disease of cucumbers, and thus could be used in the production of organically grown vegetables.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zakaria Awad Baka

  1. Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, University of Damietta, New Damietta, Egypt
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Since silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are used as nanofungicides and nanopesticides in agriculture, the toxicity of AgNPs as well as AgNO3 must be determined. Besides this, we evaluated the combined effects of salicylic acid (SA) and nitric oxide (NO) on responses of Phlomis tuberosa plants to Ag-induced stress. The results of growth parameters together with measurement of malondialdehyde (MDA) indicated that exposure to 1000 mg L–1 of AgNPs or AgNO3 exerted more toxicity, which was closely associated with the over– accumulation of ROS and the reduction of photochemical functioning. However, SNP (NO) and SA addition successfully alleviated adverse impact of AgNPs on Phlomis seedlings. Maximum amelioration of Ag-induced stress was found by combined treatments of SA+NO. Phlomis plants primed with SA+NO exhibited higher synthesis of chlorophyll b and carotenoid pigments to ameliorate AgNP-induced adverse effects on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. SA+NO led to high levels of proline under both AgNPs and AgNO3 treatments. A further increase in antioxidants (phenolic compounds) was observed in NO-primed plants under AgNPs- induced stress, which was attendant with the high level of CAT and APX activities. Increase in total Ag translocation into shoot organs and cell survival were also enhanced by SA+NO under AgNPs stress. We concluded that SA+NO mitigated the inhibitory effects of AgNPs stress on the photosynthetic apparatus by increasing the phenolic compounds and carotenoids as well as by regulating accumulation of Ag, ROS and antioxidants. The present findings provide important knowledge to design strategies that minimize the negative impact of AgNPs and AgNO3 on crops.
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Authors and Affiliations

Elham Ghasemifar
Ghader Habibi
Golamreza Bakhshi-Khaniki

  1. Department of Biology, Payame Noor University (PNU), PO BOX 19395-3697 Tehran, Iran
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Phenoxy acids significantly increased the number of Sitobion avenae F. and Rhopalosiphum padi L.on wheat treated with Aminopielik D and Illoxan 36 EC. This herbicidal effect could be caused directly by derivatives ofphenoxy acid or indirectly by altered metabolism of wheat plant.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Giebel
Małgorzata Woda-Leśniewska
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Rumex thyrsiflorus Fingerh. is mentioned as a European folk medicinal plant. This species has also been traditionally used as an edible plant in Eastern Europe because of its nutritional value. During the study, qualitative and quantitative sex-related differences of phenolic constituents in methanolic leaf extracts of R. thyrsiflorus were evaluated. The presence of the same substances (nine phenolic acids before, and six phenolic acids after acid hydrolysis, nine flavonoids, and a catechin) was estimated in both female and male specimens, using the HPLC-DAD method. A statistically significant higher content of eleven constituents in female plant extracts (acids: chlorogenic, p-coumaric, cryptochlorogenic, gallic, protocatechuic, neochlorogenic, vanillic; flavonoids: quercitrin, rhamnetin, rutoside; and catechin) was shown. This is the first report concerning the relation between the sex and the content of biologically active phenolic secondary metabolites in leaf extracts of R. thyrsiflorus. Female plants of R. thyrsiflorus could be useful for pharmaceutical purposes as a preferential source of bioactive phenolic acids, flavonoids and especially catechin.

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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Dziedzic
Agnieszka Szopa
Piotr Waligórski
Halina Ekiert
Halina Ślesak
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Experiment was conducted twice: in spring of 1999 and 2000. Two greenhouse cucumber varieties (Aramis and Corona) with different susceptibility to spider mires were employed to compare the harmfulness of the two-spotted spider mite and the carmine spider mite. Effects of the rwo-spotted spider mite and the carmine spider mite feeding either on the fruit production or on the content of some organic compounds were measured. Moreover, development of spatially separated populations of the two-spotted spider mite and the carmine spider mite was analysed. Two abiotic parameters were taken into account: temperature and sunlight duration. Increment of the carmine spider mite population density was faster during the season of higher temperature and sunlight duration (spring of 2000). Differences in the development of rwo-spotted spider mite were not observed. The increase of fruit weight was closely correlated with increase of densiry of spider mires. The feeding of relatively low populations of the carmine spider mite (up to 5-7 mobile stages per leaf) stimulated the weight increase of fruits collected from Aramis and Corona varieties. The feeding of rwo-spotted spider mite and the carmine spider mire affected the distribution of organic compounds produced in plants. In quire severely infested leaves (2-3 damage level of De Ponti scale) rota! amount of sugars and phenolic compounds increased as compared ro control leaves.
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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Bichra
Anna Tomczyk

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