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The aim of this study is to analyse the spatio-temporal evolution of hydro-rainfall variables in the Agnéby watershed in a disturbed climatic context. Rainfall data from the stations of Arrah, Bongouanou, M’Batto, Akoupé, Céchi, Agboville, Adzopé, Sikensi, Abidjan Airport and Dabou as well as hydrometric data from the stations of Agboville, Offoliguié, M’Bessé and Guessiguié were used. The methodological approach is based on the application of independence and trend tests and spatio-temporal analysis of daily rainfall maxima, duration of consecutive rainfall events, number of rainfall events above a threshold and daily flow maxima. The hypothesis of independence justified the relevance of the choice of variables. The trend test showed the dynamic upward evolution of extreme rainfall and the decrease in the duration of consecutive rainy episodes, in the number of rainy episodes and in the flows feeding the main watercourse. Moreover, spatial analysis of daily maximum rainfall amounts above 120 mm, consecutive maximum rainfall amounts above 160 mm and Gumbel rainfall amounts above 190 mm indicated heavy rainfall in the southern part of the watershed. However, a decrease in rainfall is recorded in the areas covered by the stations of Arrah, Bongouanou, M’Batto, Ce chi and Akoupé. An increase in the flood flow calculated from the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) between 76.60 m3∙s–1 and 225.70 m3∙s–1 is presented in the main river. The spatio-temporal variation in annual rainfall heights showed a high rainfall in the southern part of the watershed with a decrease in rainfall over the decades (1976–1985 and 1996–2005) followed by an increase over the decades (1986–1995 and 2006–2015). Despite the general decrease in rainfall, extreme rainfall has become frequent, causing flooding in the watershed.
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AHOUSSI K.E., KOFFI Y.B., KOUASSI A.M., SORO G., SORO N., BIEMI J. 2013. Etude de la variabilité hydroclimatique et de ses conséquences sur les ressources en eau du Sud forestier et agricole de la Côte d’Ivoire : Cas de la région d’Abidjan-Agboville [Study of hydroclimatic variability and its consequences on water resources in the forested and agricultural south of Côte d'Ivoire:The case of the Abidjan-Agboville region]. International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience. Vol. 1. No. 6 p. 30–50.
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Authors and Affiliations

N’Da Jean Claude Konin
Yao Alexis N’go
Gneneyougo Emile Soro
Bi Tié Albert Goula

  1. Université Nangui Abrogoua, Unité de Formation et de Recherche en Sciences et Gestion de l’Environnement, Laboratoire Géosciences et Environnement, 02 BP 801 Abidjan, Ivory Coast
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Rainfall is one of the main components of the hydrologic cycle; thus, the availability of accurate rainfall data is fundamental for designing and operating water resources systems and infrastructure. This study aims to develop an empirical model of rainfall intensity ( It,p) as a function of its probability ( p) and duration ( t). In 1999–2020, data on the hourly duration of rainfall were collected from automatic rainfall recorder (ARR) gauges. The empirical model has been developed using a statistical approach based on duration ( t) and probability ( p), and subsequently they have been validated with those obtained from ARR data. The resulting model demonstrates good performance compared with other empirical formulas (Sherman and Ishiguro) as indicated by the percent bias ( PBIAS) values (2.35–3.17), ratio of the RMSE (root mean square error) between simulated and observed values to the standard deviation of the observations ( RSR, 0.028–0.031), Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency ( NSE, 0.905–0.996), and index of agreement (d, 0.96–0.98) which classified in the rating of “very good” in model performance. The reliability of the estimated intensity based on the empirical model shows a tendency to decrease as duration ( t) increases, and a good accuracy mainly for the rainfall intensity for shorter periods (1-, 2-, and 3-hours), whereas low accuracy for long rainfall periods. The study found that the empirical model exhibits a reliable estimate for rainfall intensity with small recurrence intervals ( Tr) 2-, 5-, 10-, and a 20-year interval and for a shorter duration ( t). Validation results confirm that the rainfall intensity model shows good performance; thus, it could be used as a reliable instrument to estimate rainfall intensity in the study area.
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Authors and Affiliations

Donny Harisuseno
Linda Prasetyorini
Jadfan S. Fidari
Dian Chandrasasi

  1. University of Brawijaya, Faculty of Engineering, Water Resources Engineering Department, MT. Haryono Street No. 167, 65145, Malang, Indonesia
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Precipitation is a component of the hydrological cycle, knowing its spatial distribution is vital for the management of hydrographic basins, the territory and the development of fundamental activities for society. That is why the present study shows the spatial variability of rainfall in Cartagena de Indias city with a network of rain gauges, made up of nine pieces of equipment, separated from each other by 0.9–27 km. After a year of recording (2019), using historical series of data, it was found that the maximum rainfall occurs in the trimester between September and November, with interpolated maps made by the Ordinary Kriging (OK) method it was found that the maximum rainfall is focused on the north, centre and west of the territory, instead, the maximum intensities are presented in the centre and west, the minimums for both variables are presented to the east and south. The 70 and 90% of the rain events have a duration of less than 30 min and 1 h, respectively. Three-parameter exponential function was fitted to the paired correlation distances, and presented correlations lower than 0.8, 0.5 and 0.2 from distances of 1, 3 and 7 km, respectively, in 30 min rain integration. It was also found that with a pluviometric network conformed by at least six pieces of equipment and separated by a 5 km distance from each other in the urban area, a correlation of 0.5 and compliance with the WMO recommendations would be obtained.
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Javier A. Mouthon-Bello
Edgar Quiñones-Bolaños
Jairo E. Ortiz-Corrales
Natalia Mouthon-Barraza
Maria D.J. Hernández-Fuentes
Andrea C. Caraballo-Meza

  1. Universidad de Cartagena, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Consulate Ave 30, No. 48-152, 130014, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
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The paper presents the results of analysis of duration of precipitation sequences and the amounts of precipitation in in-dividual sequences in Legnica. The study was aimed at an analysis of potential trends and regularities in atmospheric pre-cipitations over the period of 1966–2015. On their basis a prediction attempt was made for trends in subsequent years. The analysis was made by fitting data to suitable distributions – the Weibull distribution for diurnal sums in sequences and the Pascal distribution for sequence durations, and then by analysing the variation of the particular indices such the mean value,variance and quartiles. The analysis was performed for five six-week periods in a year, from spring to late autumn, ana-lysed in consecutive five-year periods. The trends of the analysed indices, observed over the fifty-year period, are not sta-tistically significant, which indicates stability of precipitation conditions over the last half-century.

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Teresa Jakubczyk
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Research on the chemistry of atmospheric precipitation in the Hornsund region of Svalbard has been extended by analysis of the organic contents. In rainfall samples collected in September 2003, the organics were separated by solid phase extraction (SPE), eluted and analysed on gas chromatograph coupled to a mass selective detector (GC/MS). Rainfall pH was in the range 4.72–5.45, the low values suggesting possible pollution. Concentrations of inorganic ions, expressed as total dissolved salts (TDS), were 5.40–13.18 mg L–1. Non-sea-salt (nss) sulphates were in the range 5–11 μeq L–1. In all samples, long-chain alkanes with chain length up to C36, and their methyl derivatives were detected. Among aromatic compounds biphenyl, dibenzofuran and its methyl derivatives were found. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were represented by naphthalene, phenanthrene, fluorene, acenaphthene, fluoranthene and pyrene. There were no PAHs with higher numbers of rings. The synoptic meteorological conditions in September 2003 indicate that all organic and inorganic pollutants were of local origin.

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Wiesława Ewa Krawczyk
Urszula Skręt
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Climate, land use, and land cover change can propagate alteration to the watershed environment. The interaction be-tween natural and human activities probably accelerates the change, a phenomenon that will generate serious environmental problems. This study aims to evaluate the change in the hydrological regime due to natural and human-induced processes. The study was conducted in Brantas watershed, Indonesia, which is the largest watershed in East Java. This area is populat-ed by more than 8 million inhabitants and is the most urbanized area in the region. An analysis of rainfall time series use to shows the change in natural phenomena. Two land-use maps at different time intervals were used to compare the rapid de-velopment of urbanization, and the discharge from two outlets of the sub-watersheds was employed to assess hydrological changes. The indicator of hydrological alteration (IHA) method was used to perform the analysis. The daily discharge data are from 1996 to 2017. The research results show an increase in flow (monthly, 1-day, 3-day, 7-day, 30-day, and 90-day flows) in the two sub-watersheds (Ploso and Kertosono) from the pre-period (1996–2006) to the post-period (2007–2017).

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Indarto Indarto
Hendra Andiananta Pradana
Sri Wahyuningsih
Muhammad K. Umam
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Climate change causes various events, such as El Niño , and we experience their larger frequency. This study based on a quantitative approach uses observation data from the Umbu Mehang Kunda Meteorological Station and the Ocean Niño Index ( ONI). As a result, East Sumba, which has an arid climate, has more challenges in dealing with drought and water deficits during El Niño. This study identifies rainfall when the El Niño phenomenon takes place in East Sumba through data contributing to the ONI value and dry day series from 1982 to 2019. The analysis was carried out by reviewing these data descriptively and supported by previous literature studies. The research found that there was a decrease in the accumulative total rainfall in El Niño years. The annual rainfall in the last six El Niño events is lower than the annual rainfall in the first six El Niño events. The dry day series is dominated by an extreme drought (>60 days) which generally occurs from July to October. This drought clearly has a major impact on livelihoods and causes difficulties in agriculture as well as access to freshwater. This results in crop failure, food shortages, and decreased income. The phenomenon triggers price inflation in the market and potential increase in poverty, hunger, and pushes the country further away from the first and second Sustainable Development Goals. This phenomenon and problems related to it need to be dealt with by multistakeholders.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mahawan Karuniasa
Priyaji Agung Pambudi

  1. University of Indonesia, School of Environmental Science, Salemba Raya Street No. 4, Central Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, 10430, Indonesia
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The results from a hydrological monitoring program of Breelva basin (Spitsbergen, Svalbard) have been analysed to improve the understanding of the Werenskiöld Glacier system’s functioning in the High Arctic. Hydrographs of a 44 km 2 river basin (27 km 2 of which was covered by a glacier) were analysed for the period 2007–2012. Seasonal discharge fluctuations were linked to glacier ablation and meteorological parameters, including atmospheric circulation types. A dichotomy was found in the discharge peaks generation during the hydrologically active season, with the main role played by snow and ice melt events during its first part and the rainfall regime dominating its second part. Foehn type strong winds played a significant role in the generation of ablation type floods ( e.g. in August 2011). A simple classification of the runoff regime was applied to the examined six−year period, resulting in the identification of its three types: the ablation type (dominant in 2007 and 2009), the rainfall type (in the years 2011–2012), and the mixed type (during 2008 and 2010). According to publications the river flow season in Spitsbergen begins in June and end with freeze−up in September or at the beginning of October. Recently, this season for Breelva tend to be extended with the mid−May onset and end in the second part of October. A multiannual trend was noted that reflects a growing importance of rainfalls, especially in September. Rainfall waters play a more distinct role in outflow from the Breelva catchment recently.
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Authors and Affiliations

Elżbieta Majchrowska
Jacek Jania
Dariusz Ignatiuk
Henryk Marszałek
Mirosław Wąsik
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Rain gardens are one of the best measures for rainfall runoff and pollutant abatement in sponge city construction. The rain garden system was designed and developed for the problem of severely impeded urban water circulation. The rain gardens monitored the rainfall runoff abatement and pollutant removal capacity for 46 sessions from January 2018 to December 2019. Based on these data, the impact of rain gardens on runoff abatement rate and pollutant removal rate was studied. The results obtained indicated that the rain garden on the runoff abatement rate reached 82.5%, except with extreme rainfall, all fields of rainfall can be effectively abated. The removal rate of suspended solid particles was the highest, followed by total nitrogen and total phosphorus, the total removal rate in 66.35% above. The rain garden is still in the “youth stage”, and all aspects of the operation effect are good.
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Authors and Affiliations

Weijia Liu
Qingbao Pei
Wenbiao Dong
Pengfan Chen

  1. East China University of Technology, Nanchang, China
  2. Nanchang Institute of Technology Poyang Lake Basin Water Engineering Safety and Efficient Utilization National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory, Nanchang, China
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The outdoor pot experiments on the influence of weeds' growth stage and climate conditions on herbicides' effect were carried out in the Danish Institute of Agriculture Science in 2000-2001. The experiment concerning growth stage took into consideration three phases of Galium aparine: l, 2 and 3 whorls. The influence of temperature was performed using climate simulator running at three temperatures: 8/2°C, l 6.5/8°C, 24/16°C. The rain was applied using rain simulator 1, 3 and 6 hours after herbicides' treatment. Herbicides: Grody! 75 WG (amidosulfuron 750 g*kg-1), Aurora Super 61,5 WG (mecoprop 600 g=kg' + carfentrazone-ethyl 15 g*kt1), Lintur 70 WG (dicamba 65.9 g=kg', triasulfuron 4.1 g=kg') and Chwastox Trio 540 SL (dicamba 40 g*r1, MCPA 200 g"l', mecoprop 300 g*r') were applied in four doses: full recommended, 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 of full dose on G. aparine. Grody! 75 WG and Aurora Super 61,5 WG were the most efficient to the youngest plants of G. aparine. Differences in susceptibility among three growth stages (1, 2, 3 whorls) to Grody! 75 WG were higher than to Aurora Super 61,5 WG. Effectiveness of tested herbicides tended to increase as temperature rose. The addition of adjuvant improved activity of herbicide Lintur 70 WG that showed satisfactory weed control even at four time reduced dose independently from temperature. The rain treatment 1, 3 and 6 hours after spraying caused reduction of Aurora Super 61,5 WG activity at 1/4 and 1/8 doses. The half dose gave a good result only when rain was applied 6 hours after treatment. Herbicide Grody! 75 WG was efficient after rain application (1, 3, 6 HAT) only at full dose.
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Authors and Affiliations

Renata Kieloch
Krzysztof Domaradzki
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From May to July in the years 1995-2000 studies on the numbers of density ofCarabidae on two fields with different cultivation systems (intensive and conventional) were performed. Including other elements like kind of a crop and weather conditions during the investigations it was possible to compile a summary numerical index ofmain factors having the influence on the occurrence of Carabidae and being in a very good correlation with the number of these insects in agroecosystems.
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Tadeusz Pałosz
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Re-delimitation of rainfall regions plays an important role in determining the rainfall pattern of an area. This study aims to reconstruct the delimitation of rainfall regions for the western region of Peninsular Malaysia. This study involved only the collection of rainfall data at 133 stations from 1960 to 2010. These data were obtained from the Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Malaysia. The analysis methods applied include kriging, contouring and topology using a geographical information system. The results showed that the new delimitation of the western region has been formed with an area reduction of 10% compared to the original western region found by Dale. This is due to some areas in the western region have not received rainfall between 2540 and 2794 mm. The area that getting the rainfall between 2540 and 2794 mm is 46,413.6 km2, in contrast to the sized of Dale’s western region of 51,596.2 km2. The area that frequently getting rainfall of between 2540 and 2794 during 1960s to 2010 are Parit Buntar, Taiping, Kuala Kangsar, Ipoh, Teluk Intan, Tanjong Malim, Batang Kali, Cameron Highlands, Subang, Petaling Jaya, Klang, Kajang and Bangi. The new delimitation formed through this study can be used as a guide by the agencies that manage water resources in Perak, Selangor and Negeri Sembilan in planning a more efficient water supply system.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mohmadisa Hashim
Nasir Nayan
Zahid Mat Said
Dewi Liesnoor Setyowati
Yazid Saleh
Hanifah Mahat
See L. Koh

  1. Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Geography and Environment, 35900, Tanjong Malim, Malaysia
  2. Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang City, Indonesia
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Atmospheric precipitation is the major input to the soil water balance. Its amount, intensity, and temporal distribution have an indubitable influence on soil moisture. The aim of the study (conducted in the years 2010–2013) was to evaluate soil water balance in an apple orchard as determined by daily rainfall. The amount and intensity of rainfall and daily evapotranspiration were measured using an automatic weather station. Changes in soil water content was carried out using capacitance probes placed at a depth of 20, 40 and 60 cm. The most common were single events of rainfall of up to 0.2 mm, while 1.3–3.6 mm rains delivered the greatest amount of water. A significant correlation was found between the amount of daily rainfall and changes in water content of individual soil layers. The 15–45 cm and 15–65 cm layers accumulated the greatest amount of high rainfall. The study showed a significant influence of the initial soil moisture on changes in the water content of the analysed layers of the soil profile. The lower its initial moisture content was, the more rainwater it was able to accumulate.
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Authors and Affiliations

Waldemar Treder
Krzysztof Klamkowski
Anna Tryngiel-Gać
Katarzyna Wójcik

  1. The National Institute of Horticultural Research, ul. Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3, 96-100 Skierniewice, Poland
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Scarcity of fresh water resources is the major constraint for agricultural development in Iran as in many other regions with arid and semi-arid climate. With the pressure on fresh water resources, the use of un-conventional water resources including brackish, saline and sewage water has received greater attentions in recent years. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of farmers' practices using saline groundwater on wheat yield and soil salinity in a Mediterranean cli-mate of Fars province in southern Iran. The study was carried out in several commercial wheat production regions for two years. Chemical analysis of irrigation waters, volume of applied irrigation water, electrical conductivity of soil saturation extract (ECe) and yield were measured in each field. General information on agronomic practices was also collected using a questionnaire. Results demonstrate that waters with salinities higher than what has been classified as “suitable for irriga-tion” are being used for the production of wheat crop. Analysis of wheat yield response to saline irrigation water showed that for water salinities up to 10.7 mS∙cm–1 (threshold value) variation in yield was relatively minor, above which wheat yield decreased at a greater rate. Root zone salinity profiles showed the effect of winter rainfall in reducing soil salinity. It is concluded that although acceptable yields are obtained with some of the highly brackish waters, over application of these waters would threaten the sustainability of crop production in the region.

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Seyed A.M. Cheraghi
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This study is aimed at evaluating the applicability of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model technique for river discharge forecasting. Feed-forward multilayer perceptron neural network trained with back-propagation algorithm was employed for model development. Hydro-meteorological data for the Imo River watershed, that was collected from the Anambra-Imo River Basin Development Authority, Owerri – Imo State, South-East, Nigeria, was used to train, validate and test the model. Coefficients of determination results are 0.91, 0.91 and 0.93 for training, validation and testing periodsrespectively. River discharge forecasts were fitted against actual discharge data for one to five lead days. Model results gave R2 values of 0.95, 0.95, 0.92, 0.96 and 0.94 for first, second, third, fourth, and fifth lead days of forecasts, respectively. It was generally observed that the R2 values decreased with increase in lead days for the model. Generally, this tech-nique proved to be effective in river discharge modelling for flood forecasting for shorter lead-day times, especially in areas with limited data sets.

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Authors and Affiliations

Arinze A. Obasi
Kingsley N. Ogbu
Louis C. Orakwe
Isiguzo E. Ahaneku

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