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In 1997, supplying Plant Pathogenic Microorganism Collection, microflora of diseased root crops from field and storage was analyzed. Samples from Districts Inspectors of PIOR from area of Poland were received, and 139 isolates of fungi from 369 samples of sugar and forage beat, forage cabbage, forage carrot and potatoes were obtained. The most often fungi from genus Fusarium occurred, and 23.5% of isolates from beet, 14.2% from cabbage, 29.5% from carrot and 48,2% from potatoes were received. The second dominant was species Alternaria a/terna ta, isolated from diseased plants in 28.9%, 50%, I 8.5% and 20% respectively. Among saprophytic fungi, species Penicillium and Aspergillus were represented in 9,7% of obtained isolates. Received results suggested that Fusarium spp. and Alternaria a/tema/a could be potentially dangerous for root crops as a pathogens or weak pathogens.
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Kamilla Wiśniewska
Kamila Kubicka
Dorota Remlein-Starosta
Maria Rataj-Guranowska
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An effective procedure for producing transformed Centaurium erythraea plants from synthetic seeds is described. Explants were encapsulated in 3% sodium alginate with 3% sucrose. Encapsulated hairy roots were cultured on half-strength Murashige and Skoog (1/2 MS) or Woody Plant (WPM) agar-solidified regeneration media supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) or without the cytokinin. The use of WPM with 0.5 mg/L of BAP gave the best shoot formation frequency (86%) and mean number of shoots (15) per root segment. Shoots rooted with 97% frequency on 1/2 MS without growth regulators. Encapsulated shoot buds were cultured on onethird- strength MS agar medium (1/3 MS) supplemented with indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) (0.05 mg/L). The plantlet conversion frequency was 32%. The encapsulated hairy roots and shoot buds were stored for 4, 6 or 14 weeks at 4°C. Synthetic seeds encapsulated with 3% sodium alginate with 3% sucrose stored at 4°C remained viable for 6 weeks but their developmental parameters significantly decreased. Adding nutrient medium and growth regulator to the alginate matrix increased plantlet recovery from both non-stored and stored synthetic seeds: synthetic seeds retained their viability and ability to form plantlets even after 14 weeks of storage. Regenerated transformed plantlets of C. erythraea were acclimatized in the greenhouse.

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Ewelina Piątczak
Halina Wysokińska
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In this paper, pole placement-based design and analysis of a free piston Stirling engine (FPSE) is presented and compared to the well-defined Beale number design technique. First, dynamic and thermodynamic equations governing the engine system are extracted. Then, linear dynamics of the free piston Stirling engine are studied using dynamic systems theory tools such as root locus. Accordingly, the effects of variations of design parameters such as mass of pistons, stiffness of springs, and frictional damping on the locations of dominant closed-loop poles are investigated. The design procedure is thus conducted to place the dominant poles of the dynamic system at desired locations on the s-plane so that the unstable dynamics, which is the required criterion for energy generation, is achieved. Next, the closed-loop poles are selected based on a desired frequency so that a periodical system is found. Consequently, the design parameters, including mass and spring stiffness for both power and displacer pistons, are obtained. Finally, the engine power is calculated through the proposed control-based analysis and the result is compared to those of the experimental work and the Beale number approach. The outcomes of this work clearly reveal the effectiveness of the control-based design technique of FPSEs compared to the well-known approaches such as Beale number.

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Shahryar Zare
Alireza Tavakolpour-Saleh
Amir Omidvar
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The article presents a part of the research on the Russian and Polish lexical units containing the глуп-/głup- root. The noun, verb and adverb forms have been analysed from the point of view of their meanings and the functional, stylistic and derivational properties. That is why the research material includes the contemporary units such as colloquialisms and lexemes of the restricted usage (archaisms and linguistic variants) which occur in both languages. The lexical units have been selected from the contemporary and historical explanatory and etymological dictionaries as well as from the former and dialectal lexis.
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Maciej Walczak

  1. University of Silesia
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Resistance genes in response to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) infection suppress one or more of several critical steps in nematode parasitism and their reproduction rate. The reaction of seven commercial tomato genotypes to M. javanica infection was investigated under greenhouse conditions. Current results classified these genotypes as: three resistant (Jampakt, Malika and Nema Guard), one moderately resistant (Fayrouz), and three susceptible (Castle Rock, Super Marmande and Super Strain B). Except Nema Guard, nematode infection significantly reduced plant height, fresh and dry weights of shoots of the other tomato genotypes. Leaf area was significantly reduced for all examined tomato genotypes except Malika and Nema Guard. Total chlorophyll was reduced in all tested tomato genotypes except Jampakt. Infection parameters of M. javanica and their population were significantly reduced on all nematode-resistant tomato genotypes compared to the susceptible genotypes. Also, the maturation rate of M. javanica was suppressed in the resistant genotypes compared to the susceptible genotypes. These results were confirmed by histological study that illustrated a delay in nematode development and their maturation. Total phenolic content significantly increased in nematode infected roots of both resistant and susceptible genotypes except Malika. Among non-infected roots, Malika showed the highest level of total phenols while after M. javanica infection, Nema Guard revealed the highest level of total phenols. Among infected roots, the highest level of total phenols was recorded in Castle Rock. These results suggested that using nematode-resistant tomato genotypes could provide an efficient and nonpolluting method to control root-knot nematodes.

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Mohamed Youssef Banora
Omar Abd Alhakim Almaghrabi
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The main issue of this article are eco-bridges, pedestrian-friendly imaginary sites (enclave) of greenery in urban tissues. Discussed cases include the implementations of projects such as: the High Line in New York and the Garden Bridge in London. The main theme of the article is to compare the green bridges in the urban tissue embedded with “living root bridges”. The author of the article highlights the potential limits for “living root bridges” in the urban tissue, resulting from the climate, time of their creation and limits of urban space. She also notes the strong tendency to create green areas in the “concrete” urban structure, but also the use of artificial materials in tissue of “living root bridges”.

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Aneta Sarga
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Adults of Si tona humeralis Steph. damage leaves of alfalfa, causing bay-shaped leaf holes characteristic for the Sitona spp. The larvae damage root nodules, taproots and open the infection paths for pathogenic fungi which occur in soil and on the root surface which results in the withering of plants.
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Marta Pisarek
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The lich‑ root as well as its marginal semantic lines are described here. The description is based upon folk and mythological images and also upon etymologic data, including the meaning of this root and its derivatives in Slavonic languages (chiefly in Russian and Ruthenian). The semantics is labelled as excess (superfluity), insufficiency (lack), harmfulness (damage), dash (Dutch courage) as well as being presented with the semantic signs and forms reflected in words. Presented is the possible semantic mechanism for the development and transition from the initial meanings to newer ones. We explain the logic of the association root in question with the old images of lot and moderation. Future research prospects for the lich‑ root as well as its semantic and morphological derivation are shown. This includes not only literary variants but equally dialectal and regional ones.
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Piotr Czerwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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We compared the biochemical profiles of Physalis ixocarpa hairy roots transformed with Agrobacterium rhizogenes ATCC and A4 strains with non-transformed root cultures. The studied clones of A4- and ATCC-induced hairy roots differed significantly; the latter showed greater growth potential and greater ability to produce secondary metabolites (tropane alkaloids) and to biotransform hydroquinone to arbutin. We compared glucose content, alanine and aspartate aminotransferase activity, and L-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity. We analyzed markers of prooxidant/antioxidant homeostasis: catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, oxidase, glutathione peroxidase and transferase activity, and the levels of ascorbate, glutathione, tocopherol and lipid peroxidation. We found that transformation induced strain-specific regulation, including regulation based on redox signals, determining the rate of allocation of carbon and nitrogen resources to secondary metabolism pathways. Our results provide evidence that A. rhizogenes strain-specific modification of primary metabolites contributed to regulation of secondary metabolism and could determine the ability of P. ixocarpa hairy root clones to produce tropane alkaloids and to convert exogenously applied hydroquinone to pharmaceutically valuable arbutin. Of the studied parameters, glucose content, L-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity and alanine aminotransferases activity may be indicators of the secondary metabolite-producing potential of different P. ixocarpa hairy root clones.

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Katarzyna Bergier
Elżbieta Kuźniak
Marzena Wielanek
Aleksandra Królicka
Maria Skłodowska
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We examined whether allelochemical stress leads to increased lipoxygenase activity in roots of sweet maize (Zea mays L. ssp. saccharata), pea (Pisum sativum L.) and radish (Raphanus sativum L. var. radicula). The lipoxygenase activity of soluble and membrane-bound fractions was assessed in roots after exposure to ferulic and p-coumaric acids. Lipid peroxidation and membrane injury were determined as indicators of stress. Increased lipoxygenase activity of both studied fractions was followed by lipid peroxidation and plasma membrane injury. The results suggest the key role of lipoxygenase in plasma membrane injury during allelochemical stress caused by administration of hydroxycinnamic acids.

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Joanna Gmerek
Barbara Politycka
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In this article I will try to describe the lesson learnt by the corporations from the grass root movements in the cities. In the proposed analysis I will refer to the conception of recuperation and a soul of capitalism – by Luc Boltanski and Ève Chiapello. Besides it I will refer to the works of these authors who analyse the beginnings and the activism of the city grass-root movements in a context of critique of capitalism and neoliberal system.

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Jan Śpiewak
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Actinomycetes are considered to be the biggest producer of bioactive compounds which are expected to have antifungal activity for controlling many fungi such as Rhizoctonia solani. The objective of this study was to obtain potential soybean rhizosphere actinomycetes as a biocontrol agent for R. solani which cause damping-off disease both in vitro and in vivo, including their ability to produce siderophore, chitinase, and HCN. Out of 26 isolates, 18 (56%) showed diverse antifungal activities against R. solani with percentages of inhibition radial growth (PIRG) from 18.9 to 64.8%, as evaluated by a dual culture method. Ten isolates with the strongest antifungal activity were numbered for further characterization. All the tested isolates were not antagonistic towards Bradyrhizobium japonicum. These isolates were able to suppress damping-off disease caused by R. solani in the greenhouse experiment. Isolate ASR53 showed the highest disease suppression, 68% and 91% in sterile and non-sterile soil, respectively. Based on 16S rRNA sequence analysis this isolate belonged to Streptomyces violaceorubidus LMG 20319 (similarity 98.8%) according to GenBank data base available at Furthermore, isolate ASR53 had significantly longer roots and shoots, as well as greater fresh and dry weights of seedlings than the control. Crude extract derived from ASR53 isolates contained 10 dominant compounds that were biologically active against fungal pathogens. Thus, this study suggests that the application of potential actinomycetes of the soybean rhizosphere can act as a promising biocontrol agent against damping-off disease caused by R. solani.

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Umi Fatmawati
Anja Meryandini
Abdjad Asih Nawangsih
Aris Tri Wahyudi
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This publication begins a series of works devoted to the analysis of the semantic derivation of selected Proto-Slavic roots in Macedonian and Polish. The aim of this work is to capture the parallels and differences in the evolution of the two confronted – though rather distant – languages. We obtain Macedonian and Polish visualizations of the world.

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Kazimiera Maria Solecka
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The article is a review of te book by Urszula Topolska. The disseration’s methodological approach comprises an examination of response, based on the aesthetics of response and utilising institutional analysis.
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Violetta Julkowska
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The author supports the thesis that the semantic derivation presents the basic mechanism enriching our lexical resources.
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Boryś W., 2005, Słownik etymologiczny języka polskiego, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie.
Murgoski Z., 2011, Tolkoven rečnik na sovremeniot makedonski jazik, vtoro prošireno i preraboteno izdanie, Skopje.
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Zuzanna Topolińska

  1. Macedońska Akademia Nauk i Sztuk, Centrum Badawcze Lingwistyki Arealnej im. Božidara Vidoeskiego, Skopje
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The purpose of the studies carried out in the years 1996-1998 was to establish the composition of bacteria and fungi communities in the soil of spring wheat and winter wheat. Besides, the studies provided the information on quantitative and qualitative composition of amino acids as well as the amount of water soluble sugars in roots exudates of these cereals. The microbiological analysis of I g of dry weight of soil coming from the rhizosphere of spring wheat revealed the mean number of 4.94 x I O' bacteria colonies and 45.08 x 1 O 3 fungi colonies. In the case ofwinter wheat, in Ig of dry weight of the rhizosphere soil 5.07 x 10 'bacteria colonies and 28.59 x l O 3 fungi colonies (mean of three year studies) were found. Besides, winter wheat, through the proper composition of root exudates, created positive nutritional conditions for the growth of microorganisms showing antagonistic effect towards pathogenic fungi. The rhizosphere soil of winter wheat contained 1.5 times more antagonistic bacteria and more than twice antagonistic fungi as compared to spring wheat.
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Danuta Pięta
Elżbieta Patkowska
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The aim of the field experiments was to evaluate the effect of herbicide Proponit 720 EC used commercially (which content in I I - 720 g of propisochlor) for grass- and dicotyledonous weed control in winter wheat, winter barley, sugar beet, pea, potato and maize. The field trials were conducted over period 1995-1998 in experimental stations, which belong to the institute of Plant Protection. Proponit 720 EC effectively controls Apera spica-venti and Echinochloa crus-gal/i. In winter cereals dicotyledonous weed control was satisfactory but at other tested crops better weed control was obtained while Proponit 720 EC application with other herbicide. The yield of crops was increased after Proponit 720 application. Proponit 720 EC was not enough safe for sugar beet but was selective for other tested crops.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krystyna Miklaszewska
Kazimierz Adamczewski
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Three Polish, four other European and three tropical isolates of the nematophagous fungus Verticillium chlamydosporium were screened for their ability to colonise the surface of barley roots, produce chlamydospores and infect eggs of Meloidogyne incognita in laboratory tests. PCR-fingerprinting of different Polish isolates and YclO was used to detect differences between isolates. Among the European isolates, the Polish isolate which came from a field fertilised with manure produced the greatest number of viable chlamydospores, the largest proportion of infected eggs of Meloidogyne incognita and the most prolific root colonisation. Among the tropical isolates, an isolate A produced the largest number of chlamydospores and an isolate B was the most prolific root coloniser and parasitised most of M. incognita eggs.
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Authors and Affiliations

Danuta Sosnowska
Tim H. Mauchline
Joanna M. Bourne
Brian R. Kerry
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In many regions of the world, including Egypt, water shortages threaten food production. An irrigation deficient strategy in dry areas has been widely investigated as a valuable and sustainable approach to production. In this study, the dry matter and grain yield of wheat was decreased by reducing the amount of irrigation water as well as the volume of the root system. As a result of this, there was an increase the soil moisture stress. This negatively affected the absorption of water and nutrients in the root zone of wheat plants, which ultimately had an effect on the dry matter and grain yield of wheat. The values of dry matter and grain yield of wheat increased with the ʻSakha 94ʼ variety compared to the ʻSakha 93ʼ class. It is possible that this was due to the increase in the genetic characteristic of the root size with the ʻSakha 94ʼ variety compared to the ʻSakha 93ʼ class, as this increase led to the absorption of water and nutrients from a larger volume of root spread. Despite being able to increase the water productivity of wheat by decreasing the amount of added irrigation water, the two highest grain yield values were achieved when adding 100% and 80% of irrigation requirements ( IR) needed to irrigate the wheat and no signif-icant differences between the yield values at 100% and 80% of IR were found. Therefore, in accordance with this study, the recommended irrigation for wheat is at 80% IR which will provide 20% IR. When comparing the water productivity of two wheat varieties in study, it becomes clear that ʻSakha 94ʼ was superior to ʻSakha 93ʼ when adding the same amount of irrigation water, and this resulted in increased wheat productivity for ʻSakha 94ʼ. The SALTMED results confirmed good accuracy (R2: 0.92 to 0.98) in simulating soil moisture, roots volume, water application efficiency, dry matter, and grain yield for two varieties of wheat under deficit irrigation conditions. Whilst using sprinkler irrigation system under sandy soils in Egypt.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ramadan E. Abdelraouf
Mohamed A. El-Shawadfy
Osama M. Dewedar
Mahmoud Hozayn

  1. National Research Center, Department of Field Irrigation and Water Relations, 33 EL Bohouth St., Dokki, Giza, 12622, Egypt
  2. National Research Center, Field Crops Research Department, Giza, Egypt
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Although the Council‘s declaration Nostra aetate has been absorbed by the magisterium, there are new challenges suggesting its acknowledgement and further development. The document’s significance resides in its foundation on Romans 9-11 and in the fact that it has been promulgated at all, in spite of enormous resistance in the years ahead. No. 528 from the Catechism of the Catholic Church rises up out of various official statements with respect to this topic: The three wise men from Jesus’ Epiphany are typical representatives of the pagan religions who have to turn to the Jews in order to receive “from them the messianic promise”. This insight corrects a romanticizing pluralism of religions as it becomes manifest in the terminology of the three “Abrahamic religions”. A further development of Nostra aetate should include two aspects: Overcoming the narrowing down of Judaism and Christianity as a “religion” without refeRence to realities like “the land”, and, secondly, deepening the theological understanding of the referral of Christianity towards Judaism, particularly in connection with the term “People of God”.
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Rudolf Kutschera
Achim Buckenmaier
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It is shown how a stability test, alternative to the classical Routh test, can profitably be applied to check the presence of polynomial roots inside half-planes or even sectors of the complex plane. This result is obtained by exploiting the peculiar symmetries of the root locus in which the basic recursion of the test can be embedded. As is expected, the suggested approach proves useful for testing the stability of fractional-order systems. A pair of examples show how the method operates. It is believed that the suggested geometric approach can also be of some didactic value in introducing basic control-system tools to engineering students.
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Authors and Affiliations

Daniele Casagrande
Wiesław Krajewski
Umberto Viaro

  1. Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Udine, via delle Scienze 206, 33100 Udine, Italy
  2. Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Newelska 6, 01–447 Warsaw, Poland
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A hydroponic trial was conducted to study the effect of chloride salinity in simulated effluent on Cd accumulation by tobacco. Leaf surface area (LSA) and root surface area (RSA) measurements were incorporated as possible determinants of Cd uptake rate by plants. Results showed that individual plant differences in Cd content were normalized when including RSA to express Cd uptake rates by plants but not including LSA. A biotic ligand model (BLM) fitted to predict Cd uptake, estimated active and almost linear uptake of the free Cd2+ ion by tobacco plants, while virtually no changes in the chloride complex (CdCl+) uptake were predicted, presumably due to a rapid saturation of the hypothetical root sorption sites at the concentrations used in this trial. Nicotiana tabacum var. K326 is evidenced to be a species potentially suitable for biological wastewater treatment using rhizofiltration at concentrations commonly found in salt-affected wastewater, with high Cd accumulation (185 to 280 mg/kgd.m.) regardless of water salinity and tolerance up to 80 mmol/L NaCl.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ulrico Javier Lopez-Chuken
Icela Dagmar Barceló-Quintal
Evangelina Ramirez-Lara
Maria Elena Cantu-Cardenas
Juan Francisco Villarreal-Chiu
Julio Cesar Beltran-Rocha
Claudio Guajardo-Barbosa
Carlos Jesus Castillo-Zacarias
1 3
Sergio Gomez-Salazar
Eulogio Orozco-Guareno

  1. Autonomus University of Nuevo Leon, (Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León), Biotechnology and Nanotoxicology Research Center (CIBYN), Mexico
  2. Basic Science and Engineering Division, Metropolitan Autonomus University – Azcapotzalco Unit, Mexico
  3. Monterrey Technological Institute of Higher Studies (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey) Mexico
  4. Exact Sciences and Engineering University Center (CUCEI).University of Guadalajara, Mexico

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