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Article deals with a fractional and chemical composition of sediments from the sediment reservoir in Ilyash village, Ferghana region, Uzbekistan (Syr Darya river basin) and analyses their feasibility. As a key factor in the study of this process was considered the fractional and agrochemical composition of sediments moving with water in the sediment reservoir, and the change of their share in the water along the length of the reservoir. The main composition of the sediments in reservoir consists of fractions >0.25 and 0.25–0.01 mm, with the average fraction of 69% in the inlet and 60% in the outlet. The river sediments are rich in minerals important for the irrigated cropland. Based on the results we conclude that it is possible to regulate the number of chemical compounds in the water by controlling the exploitation regime of reservoir and the sedimentation process in it.
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ARIFJANOV A.M., FATXULLOEV A., KALETOVA T. 2019a. Movement of the suspended flow in the open irrigation channels. Acta Horticulturae et Regiotecturae. Vol. 22(2) p. 81–84. DOI 10.2478/ahr-2019-0015.
ARIFJANOV A., OTAXONOV M., SAMIEV L., AKMALOV S. 2019b. Hydraulic calculation of horizontal open drainages. E3S Web of Conferences, XXII International Scientific Conference “Construction the Formation of Living Environment” (FORM-2019). Vol. 97. DOI 10.1051/e3sconf/20199705039.
ARIFJANOV A., SAMIEV L., AKMALOV S. 2019c. Dependence of fractional structure of river sediments on chemical composition. Interna- tional Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. Vol. 9(1) p. 2646–2649. DOI 10.35940/ijitee.l2944.119119.
ARIFJANOV A.M., APAKXOJAEVA T.U., HUSKA D. 2018. Sediment move- ment mode in rivers of Uzbekistan – environmental aspects. Acta Horticulturae et Regiotecturae. Vol. 21(1) p. 10–12. DOI 10.2478/ahr-2018-0003.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tatiana Kaletova
1 2
Aybek Arifjanov
Luqmon Samiev
Farrukh Babajanov

  1. Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 94976 Nitra, Slovak Republic
  2. Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Uzbekistan
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The aim of the study was to determine the contamination transport condition with sediment in the Widawa River, which inflows to the Odra River below Wrocław city. The transport simulations have been performed by means of HEC-RAS model, which was calibrated. Study and geochemical analyses indicate that pollutions are cumulated mainly in sediment of grain size, less than 0,20 mm. It was stated that the main sources of contaminations occurring in the Widawa River bottoms are: superficial run-off, municipal and industrial wastes. Sediment bed quality from the Widawa River in selected cross-sections has been analyzed. Samples of suspended load were collected and divided into eight fractions, for which the phosphorus concentration P was calculated. Deposit particles less than 0,20 mm contained most phosphorus, i.e. 73% (3,52 ppm), and particles greater than 0,20 mm about 27% (1,30 ppm) for the whole sample volume. Relationship between the phosphorus concentration P and the sediment grain size was determined. Analysis showed that the initiation of contamination-sediment suspension in the Widawa River is well described by Engelund criterion. Simulations of the migration of pollutions together with deposits in the Widawa River showed that during average flow discharge, the transport intensity of pollution was equal 2 mg/s, and sediments 6 kg/s. In the present work the water quality of the Widawa River has been also presented.

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Robert Kasperek
Marian Mokwa
Mirosław Wiatkowski
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The heavy metal release experiments were conducted in the laboratory to examine the effects of 3 factors - pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and temperature on the metal release from sediments taken from the Huangpu River. The metal concentrations in the dry sediments ranged from 0.030 to 0.296 mg g-1 for Cr, 0.021 to 0.097 mg g-1 for Ni, 0.014 to 0.219 mg g-1 for Cu, 0.035 mg to 0.521 mg g-1 for Zn, 0.0002 to 0.001 mg g-1 for Cd and 0.023 to 0.089 mg g-1 for Pb. Most of the metals found in the sediments were in the form of residual fraction, the exchangeable fraction consisted of only a small portion of total metals. The average dissolved metal concentrations in the overlying water during the 13-day period under different conditions were ranging from 0.82 to 1.93 μg L-1 for Cr, 1.08 to 4.19 μg L-1 for Ni, 40.79 to 82.28 μg L-1 for Cu, 20.30 to 29.96 μg L-1 for Zn, 1.57 to 4.07 μg L-1 for Cd, and 22.26 to 75.50 μg L-1 for Pb, respectively. Statistical interpretation of the data indicated that pH (7, 8, 9), dissolved oxygen DO (1.0 and 5.0 mg L-1) and temperature (4, 16, 25°C) had no significant effects on the heavy metal release under the studied conditions. Cu and Pb had the highest release flux, while Cd, Pb and Cu had higher mobility. The main factors controlling the metals release might be the inherent characters of metals and sediments.

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Yuanxing Huang
Daofang Zhang
Zhihua Xu
Shijue Yuan
Yuanheng Li
Lian Wang
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Sediments of two dam reservoirs in SE Poland, Zalew Zemborzycki (ZZ) and Brody Iłżeckie (BI) were studied. The sediments from both reservoirs were sampled in the transects perpendicular to the shoreline, at the river inflow and the frontal dam. The total concentration of Mn, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu, Cr and Ni was determined by ICP-EAS method after the sample digestion in the mixture of concentrated HNO3 and HClO4 acids. The statistical analyses: value intervals, mean values, variation coefficient, the median and the skewed distribution were performed. To estimate differences between the means for transects, Tukey’s test was applied with least significant difference (LSD) determination. The maps of the metal spatial distribution were drawn and sediment quality according to the geochemical and ecotoxicological criteria evaluated. Differences between the reservoirs in terms of heavy metals concentration in bottom sediments, and regularities in their spatial distribution were found. In the ZZ sediments the concentration was at the level of geochemical background (Zn, Cr), slightly (Cd, Cu, Ni) or moderately (Pb) contaminated sediments. The metal concentration in the sediments of the BI was up to eight times higher as compared to the ZZ. Moreover, sediments from the BI reservoir showed a greater variability of metal concentration than those from ZZ, which resulted from the dredging operation performed in the part of the reservoir. Metal concentration in sediments of the dredged part was ca. 2–5 times lower than in the undredged one, which indicates that after the dredging operation, accumulation of these metals was slight. The concentrations of Zn, Pb and Cd from the undredged part of BI were at the level of contaminated sediments and exceeded the probable effects level (PEL). In the ZZ, the greatest accumulation of metals occurred in the upper part of the reservoir and at the frontal dam, and the lowest in the middle part of the reservoir. In BI, the lower outflow of water in this reservoir caused a lower metal concentration in the sediments at the frontal dam, as compared with the other sediments in the undredged part of the reservoir. The results indicate that in small and shallow reservoirs, areas of accumulation of heavy metals depend on such factors as a parent river current, reservoir depth, water waving, reservoir shape (narrowing, coves/bays), and type of water outflow.

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Authors and Affiliations

Halina Smal
Sławomir Ligęza
Anna Wójcikowska-Kapusta
Stanisław Baran
Danuta Urban
Radomir Obroślak
Artur Pawłowski
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Several conclusions and recommendations concerning sediment trap geometry, the technique of their deployment and interpretation of measurements results are described in this paper. Only cylindrical sediment traps are able to cope with the diverse and dynamic environment of glaciated fjords. The relation between different trap parameters shows the optimal proportion of cylinder diameter as being between 6 and 10 cm and ratio length/diameter not less than 7/1. During the peak of the melting season in Kongsfjorden (Spitsbergen) the rate of sedimentation of total matter reaches over 900 g m–2 d–1 and the velocity of brackish water current can reach 80 cm s–1 on the surface. Owing to the high productivity of Arctic fiords and large concentration of suspended mineral matter it is possible to collect of large samples in a short time, therefore prevention of sediment traps by swimmers is not necessary.

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Marek Zajączkowski
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Cd and Pb concentrations were measured in water, sediment and plant organs collected from selective sites located along the Bogdanka river (Poznań, Poland) in the 2012 growing season. The aim of the investigations was to monitor changes in heavy metal (HM) concentrations in different media over the periods, as well as to evaluate potential of two littoral plants, Phragmites australis and Typha angustifolia, for phytoremediation under natural conditions. Investigations revealed differences in HM concentrations in water and sediments. Higher values were observed in sediments than in water. The decrease in concentrations of both HMs in sediments was noted in two of the three selected water reservoirs during growing seasons, which suggests the possibility of their adsorption and accumulation by aquatic plants. Both investigated plant species accumulated ample amount of Cd and Pb in underground and aboveground plant tissues, however T. angustifolia revealed higher Cd translocation potential than P. australis. The latter revealed higher Pb accumulation in two lakes. Moreover, the translocation ratio was usually higher in spring, especially for Pb, in both plant species. Increasing level of pollution load index in sediment along the Bogdanka watercourse indicates accumulation of measured HMs.

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Jolanta Kanclerz
Klaudia Borowiak
Marta Lisiak
Mirosław Mleczek
Kinga Drzewiecka
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Filtration process is one of the basic and essential processes in technological systems for treatment of municipal, community and industrial wastewater treatment. Filtration process is a subject of numerous published research and theoretical elaborations. This publication concerns theoretical analysis with basic character, and is a verification of theoretical analysis and physical equations describing process of filtration aided with empirical formulas.

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Tadeusz Piecuch
Jacek Piekarski
Grażyna Malatyńska
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Study on water and bottom sediment quality of the Kozłowa Góra drinking water reservoir in Silesian province was carried out. Heavy metal concentrations in water body and bottom sediment of the reservoir were determined. Water quality assessment was perform by comparing concentration of heavy metals to standards for I class water quality. The degree of sediment contamination was carried out by calculating cumulation coefficient: sediment/water and sediment/ geochemical background. Present water and sediment contamination in the reservoir was compared with the state 20 years ago, which was a period of intensive metallurgical industry development in this region. At the same time, heavy metals speciation in sediment for those of high rate accumulation: Zn, Pb and Cd was determined. The results of heavy metal speciation in sediment provided a basis to secondary water pollution assessment, due to migration of these metals to water body.
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Stefania Ryborz-Masłowska
Katarzyna Moraczewska-Majkut
Józefa Krajewska
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The sorption isotherm and sorption kinetics of NH4+ by the Fen River reservoir sediment were investigated for a better understanding of the NH4+ sorption characteristics and parameters. The results showed that Q (adsorption content) increased with the increase of Ceq (equilibrium concentration), sorption isotherms could be described by Freundlich equation (R2 from 0.97 to 0.99). Cation exchange capacity (CEC) had a significant correlation with the parameters K and n (R2 was 0.85 and 0.95, respectively). The ENC0 (Ceq as Q was zero) of S1, S2, S3 and S4 was 1.25, 0.57, 1.15 and 1.14 mg L-1, respectively, and they were less than the NH4+ concentrations in reservoir water. The sediments released NH4+ to the Fen River reservoir water and acted as a pollution source, in the form of complex and heterogeneous adsorbents. The NH4+ adsorption kinetic process was composed of ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ reaction patterns and could be fitted using both Elovich equation and Pseudo second-equation. More than one-step may be involved in the NH4+ sorption processes, and interior diffusion was not dominant ion action.

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Hongyan Suna
Xiaoyun Wanga
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A 6 km long stretch of the coast of Calypsostranda between Skilvika and Josephbukta, situated on the western side of Recherchefjorden, was investigated. It is made of an accumulative marine terrace at a height of 2–8 m a.s.l. (terrace 1) and width of 40–180 m, divided by a cliffed section in the frontal moraines of Renardbreen. From the character and intensity of changes, the area was divided into 6 zones. The aim was to analyse the dynamics of changes within coastal zone from 1936 to 2007 and to characterise the influence of various morphogenetic factors (marine, fluvial, cryospheric). The important element of this study has been to determine sources and directions of sediment transport. The dynamics of changes of coastal zone in the Calypsostranda region was established from archival maps and precise GPS measurements for the periods: 1936–1960, 1960–1990, 1990–2000, 2000–2005, 2005–2006, 2006–2007. Comparing the extension of shoreline between 1936 and 2007 showed that there was more erosion than accumulation. Nearly 110 000 m 2 of the area of terrace 1 decreased, whereas about 77 000 m 2 appeared. The net balance for 1936–2007 was about −32 700 m 2 , on average over the whole length of the shoreline, it re − treated by 5.7 m (0.08 m a −1 ). The cease of sediment delivery in the extramarginal sandur fans area of Renardbreen caused intensification of marine processes, that made the shore − line retreat by over 100 m. Continuing sediment delivery from the Scottelva catchment, with contribution of material from erosion of the north end of the shoreline studies, caused the aggradation of coastal zone by over 60 m near its mouth.
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Piotr Zagórski
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Agricultural drainage has become a priority in agriculture and the economic development of the state. Algeria has launched several agro-economic projects pertaining to natural resources and human potential for development in agricultur-al areas. Our aim is to model the morphological evolution of open drainage channels, under the influence of sedimentary transport processes. The application of the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) software is to examine two-phase mathematical models. In our case it is the flow and the sedimentary charge along a trapezoidal earth channel of a wetland north east of Algeria. The results of these models were validated by actual data obtained during the observation period from 2017 to 2018, for various rainy events. The solid transport and sedimentation velocity equa-tions of Engelund and Hansen and Van Rijn respectively used by this model, give Nash performance criteria equal to 0.95 and determination coefficient R2 equal to 0.91. On the other hand, the laying of a coarse gravel layer of median diameter of the grains d50% = 60 mm on the bottom of the channels reduces the rate of sedimentation by about 32% over an 11-year pe-riod. This satisfying objective study of the modelling allows to obtain an approach to the renovation and a plan for new design of drainage systems, that participates to the sustainable development in the agricultural field.

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Foued Sennaoui
Tamara Benabdesselam
Abdallah Saihia
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A sediment trap with bamboo materials can be utilized as one alternative of eco-friendly technology to reduce the ero-sion that occurred on agricultural land. This study aims to determine the most efficient form of that sediment trap in the field. Location study is in the Tulungrejo Village, Batu, Indonesia, which has andosol soil type and 35 cases of a landslide in 2013. Three forms of sediment traps were used (square, trapezoidal, and stratified type) with the purpose to find the most effective form. It is obtained that the most effective sediment trap is a stratified form with the 31.91% effectiveness or able to withstand sediment of 25.02 kg, while the adequate number is two pieces with the ability to withstand the most consider-able sediment of (91.70%). Therefore this stratified form of sediment traps is effective in erosion prevention on agriculturalland in the study area. For further development, it is required to test out the variations of the contents in a broader area with a more varied level of the slope.

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Riyanto Haribowo
Ussy Andawayanti
Rahmah Dara Lufira
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This paper deals with the results of chemical pre-treatment of effluents from Chip Washing by coagulation. Three different, most frequently used coagulants i.e. calcium hydroxide, aluminium sulphate and ferric chloride were applied. Influence of single and simultaneous dosage of the reagents was investigated. Fully randomized block systems were applied in the factorial variance analysis and final approximation analytic-empiric mathematical equations with application of the central point method were formulated.
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Jacek Piekarski
Tadeusz Piecuch
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This work determined the solid-water distribution coefficient Kd, the Freundlich constant KF and the organic carbon normalized coefficient K0c of ibuprofen in natural, aquifer sediments. They are characterized as silt sediments with different clay and sand fraction contents varied in specific surface areas. Content of organic carbon and pH are on the same level. For determining sorption coefficients values of ibuprofen in sediments, its concentration was measured in the aqueous and calculated in the solid phase. Batch tests were conducted following OECD Guideline 106. The resulting Kd values ranged between 1.14 and 2.29 L/kg, ~ between 0.25 and 5.48 and Koc between 1.22 and 2.53 for ibuprofen in sediments SI and S2, respectively. These experiments proved that the presence of clay minerals beside organic carbon and pH might be relevant in sorption of ibuprofen in sediments. A comparison of experimentally determined Koc with modelled Koc calculated on the base of octanol-water partitioning coefficient K0w shows that the prediction of sorption behaviour cannot be based only on Kow· This is probably due to the fact that these approaches well describe hydrophobic interactions, but fail to predict sorption of polar and ionic compounds.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Styszko
Katarzyna Sosonowska
Piotr Wojtanowicz
Janusz Gołaś
Jerzy Górecki
Mariusz Macherzyński
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The contents of total P and its bioavailable forms. as well as of Fe, Al, Mn, Ca, and OM in the bottom sediments of the Solina-Myczkowce (S-E Poland) cascade of reservoirs, are presented. Notwithstanding a relatively low calcium content, it is the apatite fraction that accounts for the largest share of total phosphorus in the shallower parts of the Solina and Myczkowce Reservoirs. In turn, while contents of iron and aluminium (and manganese in the Solina Reservoir) are high, the fraction containing non-apatite inorganic phosphorus accounts for the smallest portion of the total phosphorus in the bottom sediments of both reservoirs. Bottom sediments of the Solina Reservoir are also characterised by significant correlations between total phosphorus content and aluminium content. Otherwise, significant correlations are reported for only some of the stations at each of the reservoirs.
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Lilianna Bartoszek
Janusz A. Tomaszek
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Plastics are materials with many properties that make them extremely popular in everyday life and various industries. Studies show that plastic debris is global pollution and widespread in virtually all ecosystems. This study aimed to assess the coastal sediments of Ełckie Lake in terms of the presence of microplastics. Samples of sediments (n = 37) from the coastal zone of Ełckie Lake were drawn from different areas, including urban, rural, and tourist locations, and beaches. After the coastal sediment samples taking, they were subjected to density separation, filtration, and visual evaluation using the Olympus BX63 fluorescent microscope. Particles were classified according to the category of visible characteristics of microplastics including size, shape and colour. The results of the study showed the presence of microplastics in 84% of the examined coastal sediment samples of Ełckie Lake. Fibres, flakes, granules, and foils (films) had found in 58%, 45%, 32%, and 13% of the samples that contained microplastic, respectively. The majority of the detected microplastic was 0.5–1 mm in size and black was the dominant colour. Spatial variability was perceived in microplastic concentrations, giving premises to the assumption of dependence between local human activity and the content of particles.
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Authors and Affiliations

Weronika Rogowska
Elżbieta Skorbiłowicz
Mirosław Skorbiłowicz
Łukasz Trybułowski

  1. Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Department of Technology in Environmental Engineering, Wiejska 45E, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
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Ninety eight polychaete species were found in the shallow sublittoral of Admiralty Bay. The most abundant were Leitoscoloplos kerguelensis, Tauberia gracilis, Ophelina syringopyge, Rhodine intermedia, Tharyx cincinnatus, Aricidea (Acesta) strelzovi, Apistobranchus sp., Cirrophorus brevicirratus and Microspio moorei. Mean abundance of polychaetes was estimated at 120 ind./ 0.1m2. As a result of cluster analysis several polychaete assemblages were distinguished. The highly specific assemblage with two characteristic species, Scoloplos marginatus and Travisia kerguelensis, from shallow areas with sandy bottom situated far from glaciers; a distincly specific assemblage with Apistobranchus sp. from poorly sorted sediments in the bottom areas situated on the slopes at the base of steep rubble shores; the richest and most diverse, highly specific polychaete assemblage from the central basin of the bay with Tauberia gracilis as the most characteristic species, as well as two assemblages from the bottom areas neighbouring glaciers and influenced by the intensive enrichment of very small grain-sized sediments with Ophelina cylindricaudata and Tharyx cincinnatus. Clear assemblages’ arrangement was observed along the gradient: sand, silty sand, silt towards clay silt. Other important factors, supporting the proposed classification of assemblages and their character, include the sorting coefficient of the sediment (So) as well as the slope of the bottom. The between-habitat diversity of polychaete fauna is strongly connected with the phenomena occurring in the neighbouring terrestrial coastal areas.

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Jacek Siciński
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On the ground of results obtained by the seismoacoustic profiling carried out in 1985 and primary examination of core samples the following main seismoacoustic units are distinguished and characterized: unit A — bedrock, unit B — till and/or compacted glaciomarine deposit, unit C — glaciomarine ice-front deposit, unit D — glaciomarine mud. These results enabled to present the distribution of seismoacoustic units along the fiord and its extension on the shelf, as well as to determine a relation of bottom structures to Late Vistulian(?) deglaciation and the action of Holocene tributary glaciers, probably during the Little Ice Age. The position of marginal structures corresponding to local retreat stages of the glacier front is also presented.

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Włodzimierz Kowalewski
Stanisław Rudowski
S. Maciej Zalewski
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To investigate and assess the effects of land use and its changes on concentrations of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Fe) in the tributary of drinking water reservoir catchment, soils of different land use types (forest, arable land, meadows and pastures, residential areas), suspended sediment and bottom sediment were collected. Heavy metals were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). The metal distribution pattern was observed, where Zn and Cd could be considered as main metal contaminants. The variation in the concentration level of Zn and Cd in studied soils showed the impact of pollution from anthropogenic activities. Also some seasonal variations were visible among the suspended sediment and bottom sediment samples which could be associated with land agricultural practices or meteorological conditions. The sediment fingerprints approach used for determining sources of the suspension in the catchment showed (Kruskal-Wallis H test, p<0.05), that only Mn and Ni were not able to be distinguished among the potential sediment sources. A multiple linear regression model described the relationship between suspended sediment and 4 types of soil samples. The results related suspended composition mostly to the samples from the residential land use. Considering the contemporary trend of observed changes in land use resulting in conversion of agricultural areas into residential and service structures these changes can be essential for the contamination of aquatic environment. This situation is a warning sign due to the rapid industrialization, urbanization and intensive agriculture in this region what can significantly affect the drinking water quality.

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Gabriela Zemełka
Małgorzata Kryłów
Ewa Szalińska van Overdijk
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70 Mg/day of fine grained waste gneiss in slurry condition, together with 700 m3/day or water from the wet bencfication plant flow from the Miklcuśka gneiss quarry (Croatia) into the Kamcnjaća stream. The stream flows between two gneiss quarries, originating in the northern catchment area or which approximately 15 km2 is predominantly covered by forest. The quality ofwater in the Kamcnjaća permanent stream should be protected from any contamination due to the activities in the Miklcuśka quarry. The paper describes the aspects of sustainable technical, environmental and economical protection ofthe water quality in Karncnjaća regarding gneiss mining.
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Mladen Zelenika
Bozo Soldo
Damir Stuhee
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The study deals with the assessment of the solid transport in the wadi Mouillah watershed (Tafna, Algeria). Sediment transport is a complex phenomenon. The quantity of sediment transported is very important, and it fills in the reservoirs. The scale is out of proportion in semiarid areas. Algeria is one of the most affected countries by this phenomenon. A simple method, based on average discharges, easy to implement, has been developed for estimating the sediment yield using dou-ble correlation method (a first one between liquid discharge – solid concentration and a second one between solid flow – concentration). It is based on hydrometric data (liquid flow, concentrations and sediment discharges) with applications analysis on seasonal and annual scales for data’s of Sidi Belkheir station at the outlet of the wadi Mouillah watershed (North-West of Algeria). The obtained results by the application of this method are very encouraging because of the quite significant correlation coefficients found (≥59% for the first correlation and ≥88% for the second correlation). The water-shed of Mouillah produces between 43 730 and 56 410 Mg·y–1 as suspended sediment load against 48.56∙103 to 53.3∙103 m3·y–1 of liquid intake.

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Authors and Affiliations

Fadila Belarbi
Hamid Boulchelkia
Boualem Remini

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