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In the presented work, relations between activity of dehydrogenase and the content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in light soil fertilised with sewage sludge was studied. Sewage sludge was introduced to the soil in the following doses: 30 Mg/ha, 75 Mg/ha, 150 Mg/ha, 300 Mg/ha and 600 Mg/ha. The content of PAI-ls in sewage sludge-amended soil was proportional to sewage sludge dose. Soil fertilisation with sewage sludge stimulated the activity of the dehydrogenase enzymes. With passing of time, a gradual decrease in the activity of dehydrogenase was observed. The coefficients of correlation between activity of the enzyme and PAH content showed that an addition of sewage sludge (with PAI-I content of 5712 μg/kg) had a stimulating effect on dehydrogenase activity in doses of 75 and 150 Mg/ha.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Baran
Elżbieta J. Bielińska
Patryk Oleszczuk
Ewa Baranowska
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This study presents the spatial variability and dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC), soil organic matter (SOM) and soil pH contents at the Wonji Shoa Sugar Estate (WSSE), Ethiopia. Soil samples were collected immediately after the sug-arcane was harvested and then analysed for SOC, SOM and pH content using standard procedures. The analysis resultsshowed that the pH value varied between 6.7–8.4 (neutral to moderately alkaline) and 7.3–8.5 (neutral to strongly alkaline) for the top and bottom soil profiles, respectively. The SOM content is in the range of 1.1–6.7% and 0.74–3.3% for the upper and lower soil layers, respectively. Nearly 45% of the samples demonstrated a SOM content below the desirable threshold (<2.1%) in the bottom layer and, hence, inadequate. Moreover, most of the topsoil layer (95%) has an SOM content exceed-ing the desirable limit and hence is categorized within the normal range. Interestingly, the SOC content showed a spatial variability in both the surface and sub-surface soil layers. A lower SOC and SOM content was found for the sub-soil in the south and southwestern part of the plantation. A further decline in the SOC and SOM content may face the estate if the cur-rent waterlogging condition continues in the future for a long period. Overall, the study result emphasizes the need to min-imize the pre-harvest burning of sugarcane and action is needed to change the irrigation method to green harvesting to fa-cilitate the SOC retention in the soil and minimize the greenhouse emission effect on the environment, hence improving soil quality in the long-term.

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Megersa Olumana Dinka
Meseret Dawit
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The aim of this study was the application of the geo-accumulation index and geostatistical methods to the assessment of forest soil contamination with heavy metals in the Babia Góra National Park (BGNP). For the study, 59 sample plots were selected to reflect all soil units (soil subtypes) in the studied area and take into account various forms of terrain. The content of organic carbon and total nitrogen, pH, hydrolytic acidity, the base cations and heavy metals content were determined in the soil samples. The geo-accumulation index (Igeo) was calculated, enabling estimation of the degree of soil pollution. The tested soils are characterized by strong contamination with heavy metals, especially with lead. The concentration of heavy metals in the surface horizons of the tested soils exceeds allowable concentration. The content of heavy metals was related to the content of soil organic matter, soil acidity and altitude. Higher altitudes are dominated by coniferous tree stands, which are accompanied by acidic, poorly decomposed organic horizons. Our study has confirmed the impact of pollutants transported from industrial areas on the amount of heavy metals in soils of the BGNP.

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Stanisław Łyszczarz
Ewa Błońska
Jarosław Lasota

  1. University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Ecology and Silviculture, Poland
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This paper mainly concentrates and discusses on sugarcane crop, the variety of cane seeds available for sowing; various cane diseases and its early detection using different approaches. Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) techniques are used to analyze agricultural data like temperature, soil quality, yield prediction, selling price forecasts, etc. and avoid crop damage from a variety of sources, including diseases. In the proposed work, with particular reference to eight specific sugarcane crop diseases and including healthy crop database, the neural network algorithms are tested and verified in terms quality metrics like accuracy, F1 score, recall and precision.
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K J Kavitha
K Krishna Prasad

  1. GM Institute of Technology, VTU
  2. Srinivas University, Mangalore
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The article presents results of quality class determination and regulatory and monetary valuation of agricultural land in the steppe soils irrigation zone using the Karmanov’s methodology of soil and climatic quality class determination and au-thor's methodology of ecological, agro-ameliorative and climatic soils quality class determination. Based on the results of spatial modeling, a series of maps was created and characteristics of ecological, agro-ameliorative and relief and climatic components of soils quality class were presented based on the example of the Kherson Region, Ukraine. According to the results soil and climatic quality class determination, it is established that the value of the class varies from 25 to 46 points; the regulatory and monetary value of agricultural land varies from USD 490 per 1 ha for dark chestnut and chestnut al-kaline soils up to USD1,360 per ha for ordinary chernozem. According to the results of ecological, agro-ameliorative and climatic soils quality class determination, it is established that the value of the class varies from 6 to 59 points; the regulato-ry and monetary value of agricultural land varies from USD145 per 1 ha for degraded and highly saline chestnut soils up to USD2,060 per ha for irrigated southern chernozem. The suggested methodology of soil quality class calculation can have multiple purposes. It is intended to be used for different physiographic conditions of land use to develop adaptive soils pro-tection measures at different territorial levels of agricultural production management with the overall objective of ensuring sustainable land use.
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Authors and Affiliations

Vitalii Pichura
Larisa Potravka
Nataliia Dudiak
Alexander Stroganov
Olha Dyudyaeva

  1. Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, Stritens'ka str. 23, Kherson, 73006, Ukraine

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