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The influence of Lindane on net phytoplankton (mainly diatoms) in samples of waters from the Antarctic was investigated for 24 hours from the introduction of ɣ HCH 0,02 and 2 ppm into the environment. Changes in intensity of 14C incorporation in the light and in rate of release of 14C by the cells in the dark during consecutive light/dark periods were measured. The effect of two different Lindane concentrations in diatoms occurred 16 hours after introduction of the compound into the environment and was independent of concentration. The effect was manifested by delayed induction of photosynthesis following the dark period and also by changes in dynamic equilibrium between carbon assimilation and dissimilation. The presence of Lindane clearly stimulated 14C incorporation in the light and also enhanced the participation of 14C incorporation in overall CO2 exchange in the dark.

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Grażyna Bystrzejewska
Aleksy Łukowski
Ryszard Ligowski
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Eight samples of the ice algae were collected from the annual ice in Tikhaia Bay, Hooker Island, Franz Josef Land. Species composition included 58 diatoms (and some Navicula, Nitzschia and other Pennatophyceae unidentified species), 2 dinoflagellates, 2 chrysophyceans, 1 chlorophycean, 1 cyanophycean and possible dinoflagellate and chrysophycean cysts. The maximum quantity was 132300 cells/l. In 4 samples Aulacoseira granulatu prevailed, in other samples Nitzschia frigida, N. cylindrus, Rhizoclonium sp. and dinoflagellate cysts dominated. Xanthiopyxis polaris found by Gran (1904) in Arctic sea ice and referred to the diatoms is, possibly, the dinoflagellate cyst. On the whole, the ice community consisted of benthic and planktonic-benthic species of mainly marine and brackishwater-marine pennate diatoms, their resting stages, freshwater unicellular algae and marine chlorophycean.

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Yuri B. Okolodkov
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Phytoplankton samples were collected at 62 stations in the European Arctic Seas and the Faroe — Shetland Islands area. Over 30 species of dinoflagellates were found. 22 species are illustrated by original drawings. The data on synonyms, size or size variability on the distribution and environmental factors (temperature and salinity) are given.

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Yuri B. Okolodkov
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In contrast to Antarctica, the Arctic was for a long time deprived of an adequate system of multilateral international scientific cooperation. That gap was filled in 1990 by the foundation of a non-governmental International Arctic Science Committee (IASC). In this article, the origin, structure, operation and perspectives of that Committee are presented.

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Jacek Machowski
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53 soil samples collected in the Bellsund Region in Western Spitsbergen were examined. An acid-resistant strain difficult to identify was isolated and recognized as Mycobacterium friburgensis. 54.7% of isolated strains were acid-resistant and growing at 25˚C only. They were microorganisms at borderline of Mycobacteria and Actinomycetes. Other microorganisms isolated in the studied soil samples were bacilli (55.7%) and coccaceae (15.4%).

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Mieczysław Janowiec
Zofia Andrzejczyk
Anna Jezierska-Anczuków
Zbigniew Jóźwik
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Attempt of correlation of raised marine beaches and glacial episodes in West Spitsbergen is presented for the Middle and the Late Quaternary. A model of predominating Barents Sea shelf ice sheet during the Saalian and of co-existing distinct local ice domes during the Vistulian is postulated on the basis of varying land uplift. Glacial episodes in Spitsbergen are referred to the ones in continental Europe and North America. Rough prognosis of climatic trends is introduced.

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Leszek Lindner
Leszek Marks
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Relief of Svalbard is an effect of varied morphogenetic, exogenic and endogenic processes. Tectonic and glacioisostatic movements of the Earth crust have occurred many a time in this region. Glacial, marine and periglacial features are particularly common. During the Late Quaternary the western Nordenskiöld Land underwent several sea transgressions, followed by glacier advances. Basing on erratics of crystalline rocks transported by sea ice, past sea levels have been established up to 250 m a.s.l. Marine terraces above 60 m a.s.l. date back to the Late Pleistocene, the lower ones are of the Holocene age.

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Andrzej Musiał
Bogdan Horodyski
Krzysztof Kossobudzki
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Geological and geomorphological studies in Kaffiöyra and Hermansenöya (Oscar II Land, northwestern Spitsbergen), completed with radiocarbon datings, indicated that the Early Vistulian (Weichselian) Glaciation of presumable regional significance, occupied the whole area. Marine transgression during and after deglaciation reached at least to 65 m a.s.l. Glacioisostatic uplift and marine regression in Kaffiöyra resulted in development of older raised beaches at 52-65 m a.s.l. During the Late Vistulian, Kaffiöyra was occupied partly by outlet glaciers (Aavatsmark, Elise and Andreas), while the Dahl Glacier covered Hermansenöya. Extents of these glaciers were much greater than during the Little Ice Age. Marine transgression during deglaciation reached to 46-48 m a.s.l. at about 12-11.5 ka B.P. During glacioisostatic emergence at 11.5-9 ka B.P., ten younger raised marine beaches were formed in Kaffiöyra. Traces of a probable glacial episode at 3-2.5 ka B.P. were noted in forefields of the Aavatsmark and the Elise glaciers only. In forefields of all glaciers in Kaffiöyra there are deposits and landforms formed during glacial advances of the Little Ice Age and the following continuous retreat. The Aavatsmark Glacier was the only one to indicate surge type readvances at that time.

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Władysław Niewiarowski
Mieczysław F. Pazdur
Mieczysław Sinkiewicz
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The list contains original papers by Polish authors or co-authors concerning Antarctic or sub-Antarctic plants. The list is supplemented by papers on bacteria and those on general indicators of the amount of plants (chlorophyll content and primary productivity). Antarctic investigations of Polish botanists were carried out mainly during the expeditions to Polish Antarctic Station "H. Arctowski" (King George Island, South Shetlands; 62° 09'S, 58° 28'W) founded 1977 as well as during Polish oceanic expeditions of the BIOMASS project (1981, 1983-1984, 1986-1987) and studies of the ice-edge zone (1988-1989) carried out in the Atlantic sector of Southern Ocean on board of the r/v "Profesor Siedlecki". All these expeditions were organized by the Department of Polar Research, Institute of Ecology, Polish Academy of Sciences headed by Prof. Dr. S. Rakusa-Suszczewski.

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Maria Olech
Ryszard Ligowski
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In 1989/90, in the region of SSSI 8 situated on King George Island 21 bird species were observed, 12 species were breeding. Dominants were 3 Pygoscelis species (19229 pairs). Five species of pinnipedians were noticed. Mirounga leonina was most abundant in January (623 individuals), Arctocephalus gazella — in February and March (890 individuals), Hydrurga leptonyx in October (39 individuals). The abundance of Leptonychotes weddelli was low and rather stable. As a result of mild winter during the study period such birds as Sterna vittata and Pygoscelis adeliae stayed near their breeding places. The scarcity of Lobodon carcinophagus was probably also a result of this mild winter.

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Grzegorz Lesiński
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During austral summer phytoplankton is the main component of food of E. superba postlarval stages. Diatomeae: Thalassiosira spp., Nitzschia spp. and tiny Pennatae constitue 98% of all consumed food particles. 91% of algae consumed were of 8—40 μm, and their mean size is 21.4 μm. The mean amount of algae found in of Euphausia superba was about 1700 per individual. The differences in species composition and the size of algae eaten by juvenes, preadult and adult individuals decrease the food competition between particular age groups of E. superba.

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Krystyna Maciejewska
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This paper reports on 29 species of lichenicolous fungi collected in the Hornsund region and Sørkapp Land area, Spitsbergen. New to science are Hystrix gen. nov., Slellifraga gen. nov., Dactylospora cladoniicola sp. nov., Hystrix peltigericola sp. nov., Stellifraga cladoniicola sp. nov. and Zwackhiomyces macrosporus sp. nov. A further 15 species are new to Svalbard.

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Vagn Alstrup
Maria Olech
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Materials used in this work were collected during BIOM ASS - SIBEX project in the Drake Passage and the Bransfield Strait (1983/1984) in three water layers: 0 - 100 m, 100 — 300 m and 300—500 m. Four species of Chaetognatha were found: Eukrohnia hamata and Sagitta gazellae in both water regions; Sagitta planctonis occurred mainly in the Drake Passage whereas Sagitta marri was noted in the Bransfield Strait and adjacent parts of the Bellingshausen and Scotia seas. Chaetognatha were most numerous in the Drake Passage and generally in the layer 100 — 300 m. Vertical distribution of Chaetognatha was clearly influenced hydrological conditions.

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Luiza Bielecka
Maria I. Żmijewska
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The list of shallow—water molluscs: chitons (2 species), gastropods (33 species) and bivalves (36 species) of Isfjorden is presented. Distribution, frequency and domination structure are discussed and zoogeographical analysis is presented.

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Olgierd Różycki
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During the Polish Antarctic Geodynamical Expeditions in 1979-91, deep seismic sounding measurements were performed in the transition zone between the Drake and South Shetland Microplates and the Antarctic Plate in West Antarctica. For the Bransfield Strait area, the seismic records of five land stations in South Shetland Islands and two stations at the Antarctic Peninsula were used. The interpretation yielded two—dimensional models of the crust and lithosphere down to 80 km depth. In the uppermost crust, the unconsolidated and poorly consolidated young sediments with velocities of 1.9 — 2.9 km/s cover the layers 4.0—4.2 and 5.6—5.9 km/s. The crustal structure beneath the trough of Bransfield Strait is highly anomalous. The presence of a high velocity body, with longitudinal seismic wave velocities vp > 7.0 km/s, was detected in the 6 — 30 km depth range. This inhomogeneity was interpreted as an intrusion, coinciding with the Deception—Bridgeman volcanic line. For the uppermost crust, a qualitative comparison was made between the results from the reflection profiles (GUN) and deep seismic sounding profiles (DSS). In the study area, the Moho boundary depth ranges from 10 km beneath the South Shetland Trench to 40 km under the Antarctic Peninsula. In the transition zone from the Drake Passage to the South Shetland Islands, a seismic boundary in the lower lithosphere occurs at a depth ranging from 35 to 80 km. The dip of both the Moho and this boundary is approximately 25°, and indicates the direction of subduction of the Drake Plate lithosphere under the Antarctic Plate. The results obtained were compared with earlier results of seismic, gravity and magnetic surveys in West Antarctica. A scheme of geotectonic division and a geodynamical model of the zone of subduction of the Drake Plate under the Antarctic Plate is compared with subduction zones in other areas of the circum-Pacific belt.

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Marek Grad
Aleksander Guterch
Tomasz Janik
Piotr Środa
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Mineral composition of bedrock is the main factor determining salt mineralization in the weathering zone of Seymour (Marambio) Island (maritime — Antarctic continent climatic boundary). Supply of salts by sea water spray can accelerate weathering process, modify chemical formula of salt minerals and give ephemeral efflorescences of easy soluble chlorides and partially longer lasting gypsum on the surface. Microbiologically mediated oxidation of sulphides and followed acid sulphate drainage formed K and Na jarosite, basic amorphous aluminium sulphate, gypsum, aluminium bearing ferrihydrite and ankerite in weathering zone of Paleogene sediments. Intense alteration of well-lithified, calcareous sandstones of unit 1 of the López de Bertodano Formation (Cretaceous) on old erosion surface led localy to surface mineralization comparable with that found in Antarctic Continent. Stones laying on the soil surface are covered by thin red film of ferrihydrite above the soil level and by light green crust of aragonite coloured by glauconite pigment on the underground side. Most of the Cretaceous sediment does not contain sulphides nor alteration susceptible silicates thus ephemeral sea salts efflorescences observed on its surface are more prominent than in another places.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Tatur
Andrzej Barczuk
Rodolfo del Valle
Ronald Sletten
Ewa Kicińska

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