@ARTICLE{Walkusz_Wojciech_Spatial_2016, author={Walkusz, Wojciech and Paulic, Joclyn E. and Wong, Sally and Kwaśniewski, Sławomir and Papst, Michael H. and Reist, James D.}, volume={Vol. 58}, number={Iss. 2}, journal={Oceanologia}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={Instytut Oceanologii PAN}, publisher={Komitet Badań Morza PAN}, title={Spatial distribution and diet of larval snailfishes (Liparis fabricii, Liparis gibbus, Liparis tunicatus) in the Canadian Beaufort Sea}, type={Original Research Articles}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/100156/mainfile.pdf}, }