@ARTICLE{Perek-Nowak_M._Archaeometallurgical_2016, author={Perek-Nowak, M. and Kozana, J. and Piękoś, M. and Garbacz-Klempka, A. and Kowalski, Ł. and Gackowski, J. and Szczepańska, G.}, number={No 3}, journal={Archives of Foundry Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={This preliminary study characterizes the bronze metalworking on a defensive settlement of the Lusatian culture in former Kamieniec (Chełmno land, Poland) as it is reflected through casting workshop recovered during recent excavations. Among ready products, the ones giving evidence of local metallurgy (e.g. casting moulds and main runners) were also identified. With the shrinkage cavities and dendritic microstructures revealed, the artifacts prove the implementing a casting method by the Lusatian culture metalworkers. The elemental composition indicates application of two main types of bronzes: Cu-Sn and Cu-Pb. Aside these main alloying additions, some natural impurities such as silver, arsenic, antimony and nickel were found which may be attributed to the origin of the ore and casting technology. The collection from Kamieniec was described in terms of its structure and composition. The investigations were made by means of the energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (ED-XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with an energy dispersive Xray analysis system (EDS) and optical microscopy (OM). In order to fingerprint either local or non-local profile of the alloys, the ED-XRF data-set was statistically evaluated using a factor analysis (FA).}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Archaeometallurgical Investigations of the Early Iron Age Casting Workshop at Kamieniec. A Preliminary Study}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/101888/PDF/afe-2016-0044.pdf}, doi={10.1515/afe-2016-0044}, keywords={Non-destructive testing, Investment casting, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, Archaeometallurgy, Lusatian culture}, }