@ARTICLE{Kwaśniewski_P._Determination_2018, author={Kwaśniewski, P. and Najman, K. and Wołczyński, W. and Bydałek, A.W. and Schlafka, P.}, volume={vol.18}, number={No 1}, journal={Archives of Foundry Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={This article discusses issues related to continuous casting of brass. The tested material was CuZn39Pb2 brass with the use of continuous casting and different parameters of the process. The position consists of a melting furnace with a graphite refining pot of about 4000 cm3 chuting capacity, a graphite crystallizer of 9,5 mm nominal diameter, a primary and secondary cooling system and an extracting system as well. The analysis was carried out in terms of technological parameters of the process and type of charge. Highlighted: feedrate ingot, number of stops, and technological temperatures. The surface quality of the obtained ingots and the structure were analyzed. The most favorable conditions were indicated and technological recommendations indicated. They have been distinguished for ingots for plasticity and other technologies. Favorable casting conditions are low feed and low temperature. Due to the presence of impurities coming from the charge it is disadvantageous to have Ni greater than 0.053% by mass, and Fe more than 0.075% by mass. It is recommended to maintain a high zinc content in the melt which is associated with non-overheating of the metal during casting and earlier melting.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Determination of the Technological Parameters Process for Continuously Cast Brass Ingot}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/103364/PDF/AFE%201_2018_02.pdf}, keywords={Brass, recycling, Continuous casting}, }