@ARTICLE{Oberemok_Volodymyr_V._The_2017, author={Oberemok, Volodymyr V. and Laikova, Kateryna V. and Zaitsev, Aleksei S. and Temirova, Zenure Z. and Gal’chinsky, Nikita V. and Nyadar, Palmah M. and Shumskykh, Maksym N. and Zubarev, Ilya V.}, volume={vol. 57}, number={No 4}, journal={Journal of Plant Protection Research}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Committee of Plant Protection PAS}, publisher={Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute}, title={The need for the application of modern chemical insecticides and environmental consequences of their use: a mini review}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/103870/PDF-MASTER/JPPR_57(4)_13_Oberemok.pdf}, doi={10.1515/jppr-2017-0044}, }