@ARTICLE{Zaborowski_Tadeusz_Ecoenergetic_2018, author={Zaborowski, Tadeusz and Shvartsburg, Leonid and Ivanova, Natalja and Ryabov, Sergej}, volume={vol. 9}, number={No 4}, journal={Management and Production Engineering Review}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Association for Production Management}, abstract={The article discusses the relationship between energy quality technologies cutting and their environmental friendliness. Based on the energy analysis shows that energy consumption in the individual technological process is connected with the cutting power and power loss, which form the environmental indicators of the cutting process and reduce its energy efficiency. In addition, it is shown that at implementation of technological processes on the equipment, electrical systems are AC systems the implementation of the cutting process occurs when excessive consumption of currents. The article presents the results of studies on the energy efficiency of cutting processes, definition of the complex influence of cutting processes on the environment and humans, the formation of ways of improving environmental and energy performance quality of these processes.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Ecoenergetic cutting techniques}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/104014/PDF/7-Zaborowski.pdf}, keywords={Technology, machining, quality, Energy, ecology, interaction, safety}, }