@ARTICLE{Ribarova_Zdenka_Ke_2017, author={Ribarova, Zdenka}, number={No LXVI}, journal={Rocznik Slawistyczny}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={The use of Church Slavonic texts as resources for the study of the history of Macedonian language requires a serious deep level analysis in order to defi ne the structure of the Church Slavonic language system on all its level. The structure of the literary language can be differentiated in several types of features: specifi c literary features unknown in the dialectal language; hybrid features, i.e. features based on dialectal grounds but developed in Old Slavonic in a specifi c way; dialectal features of various origins, differentiated chronologically or locally. The Macedonian Recension of the Church Slavonic language from its gradual beginning during the 11th century, especially in the second half, reaches its full development in the 12th century, when there is a consolidation of the basic norms of the Macedonian Church Slavonic literacy. The consolidation of these norms is connected and in continuity with the Old Slavonic Glagolitic period in the work of the Ohrid literary center. The paper presents representative examples that characterize the language of the Macedonian Old Church Slavonic literacy on orthographic, phonological, morpho-syntactic and lexical level.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Ke kořenům makedonského písemnictví}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/106988/PDF-MASTER/RSlaw%2066-2017%204Ribarova.pdf}, keywords={Macedonian Recension of the Church Slavonic language, Ohridliterary center, orthographic, phonological, morpho-syntactic and lexical features}, }