@ARTICLE{Banaszak_Jacek_Influence_2018, author={Banaszak, Jacek and Pawłowski, Andrzej}, volume={vol. 39}, number={No 3}, journal={Chemical and Process Engineering}, pages={263–270}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Chemical and Process Engineering}, abstract={In this paper the influence of high power airborne ultrasound on drying biological material (Lobo apple) properties is considered. Apple samples were dried convectively at 75 ◦C and air flow of 2 m/s with and without ultrasound assist at 200W. During experiments, sun-drenched and not sun-drenched part of fruits were considered separately to show, how the maturity of the product influences dry material properties. Dried apple crisps in a size of small bars were subjected to compression tests during which acoustic emission (AE) was used. Analysis of AE and strength test results shows that correlations between received acoustic signals and sensory attributes (crispness, brittleness) of dried apples can be found. It was noted that ultrasound improved fruit brittleness in comparison with pure convective processes, where fruit maturity determines a kind of destruction and behaviour of dried apple crisps.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Influence of ultrasound assist during hot air drying on properties of dried apple crisps}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/107189/PDF/art02.pdf}, keywords={ultrasound drying, compression test, acoustic emission, apple, material properties}, }