@ARTICLE{Mrowiec-Białoń_Julita_Review_2018, author={Mrowiec-Białoń, Julita and Ciemięga, Agnieszka and Maresz, Katarzyna and Szymańska, Katarzyna and Pudło, Wojciech and Jarzębski, Andrzej B.}, volume={vol. 39}, number={No 4}, journal={Chemical and Process Engineering}, pages={367–375}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Chemical and Process Engineering}, abstract={Preparation and properties of hierarchically structured porous silica monoliths have been discussed from the viewpoint of their application as continuous microreactors for liquid-phase synthesis of fine chemical in multi kilogram scales. The results of recent topical papers published by two research teams of Institute of Chemical Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences (ICE) and Department of Chemical Engineering and Process Design, Chemical Faculty, Silesian University of Technology (SUT) have been analyzed to specify the governing traits of microreactors. It was concluded that even enhancement factor of 100 in activity, seen in enzyme catalyzed reactions, can be explained by a proportional reduction of its physical constraints, i.e. huge enhancement of external mass transfer and micromixing. It is induced by very chaotic flows of liquid in tens of thousands of waving connected channels of ca. 25–50 mm in diameter, present in the skeleton. The scale of enhancement in the case of less active catalysts was smaller, but still large enough to consider the most practical applications.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Review on hierarchically microstructured monolithic reactors for high yield continuous production of fine chemicals}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/107198/PDF/art3_CPE-39-4_INTERNET.pdf}, keywords={microreactors, in-flow synthesis, process intensification, nanostructured materials}, }