@ARTICLE{Dobosz_Marek_Interferometric_2017, author={Dobosz, Marek and Woźniak, Adam and Kożuchowski, Mariusz and Ściuba, Marek and Iwasińska-Kowalska, Olga}, volume={vol. 24}, number={No 2}, journal={Metrology and Measurement Systems}, pages={241–254}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Metrology and Scientific Instrumentation}, abstract={Many precision devices, especially measuring devices, must maintain their technical parameters in variable ambient conditions, particularly at varying temperatures. Examples of such devices may be super precise balances that must keep stability and accuracy of the readings in varying ambient temperatures. Due to that fact, there is a problem of measuring the impact of temperature changes, mainly on geometrical dimensions of fundamental constructional elements of these devices. In the paper a new system for measuring micro-displacements of chosen points of a constructional element of balance with a resolution of single nanometres and accuracy at a level of fractions of micrometres has been proposed.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Interferometric Set-Up for Measuring Thermal Deformations of Precision Construction Elements}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/107363/PDF/141.pdf}, doi={10.1515/mms-2017-0026}, keywords={interferometric measurements, thermal deformations, precise balance}, }