@ARTICLE{Dorula_J._Impact_2018, author={Dorula, J. and Siodmok, B. and Jezierski, J. and Romelczyk, R.}, volume={vol.18}, number={No 3}, journal={Archives of Foundry Engineering}, pages={167-172}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Foundry technologists use their own style of gating system designing. Most of their patterns are caused by experience. The designs differ from plant to plant and give better or worse results. This shows that the theory of gating systems is not brought into general use sufficiently and therefore not applied in practise very often. Hence, this paper describes the theory and practical development of one part of gating systems - sprue base for automated horizontal moulding lines used for iron castings. Different geometries of sprue bases with gating system and casting were drawn in Solid Edge ST9. The metal flow through the gating systems was then simulated with use of MAGMA Express, and the results were achieved. The quality of flow was considered in a few categories: splashes, air entrapment, vortex generation and air contact. The economical aspect (weight of runner) was also taken under consideration. After quantitative evaluation, the best shape was chosen and optimised in other simulations with special attention on its impact on filling velocity and mould erosion. This design (a sprue base with notch placed in drag and cope) is recommended to be used in mass production iron foundries to reduce oxide creation in liquid metal and especially to still metal stream to improve filtration.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Impact of Sprue Base in Gating System on Quality of Filling – the Compromise Between Theory and Practice}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/107833/PDF/AFE%203_2018_28.pdf}, keywords={Casting defects, simulation, gating system, filtration, Bi-films}, }