@ARTICLE{Duży_Stanisław_Effectiveness_2018, author={Duży, Stanisław and Głuch, Piotr and Michalik, Grzegorz and Ratajczak, Adam}, number={Nr 103}, journal={Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, pages={103-116}, address={More info at Journal site: https://min-pan.krakow.pl/wydawnictwo/czasopisma/zeszyty-naukowe-instytutu-surowcami-mineralnymi-i-energia-pan/ https://min-pan.krakow.pl/wydawnictwo/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2018/02/Wskazowki-ZN-ang-2018.pdf}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, abstract={The efficient protection (support reinforcement) of a wall and heading crossing ensures continuity of the production cycle, and that is a quick moving of the scraper conveyor to the wall. Using low or high bolting as a support reinforcement element in wall and heading crossings allows for the elimination of traditional methods of maintaining longwall-gate crossings, and therefore allows for the efficient use high performance modern wall complexes. The paper presents the long underground experience, of the Knurów–Szczygłowice mine of efficient support wall and heading crossing maintenance, which was bolted to the rock mass with the usage of two pairs of bolts, showing full technical and economical usefulness of this support reinforcement method. The article also highlights work safety and the increasingly common usage of endoscopies when specifying the range of crack areas which directly effects the proper choice in number, load-capacity and length of the used bolts. The underground studies the measurements of the reach of the zones of fracturing and roof stratification (using endoscopes and wire type stratification meters) and the laboratory tests (using the test stand) have allowed to determine the safety factor for maintenance of the longwall gangway crossing, directly resulting in the necessity to install additional reinforcement. The value of the safety factor Sbsc-ch greater than 1 is advantageous and safe, and the value less than or equal to 1 can lead to a significant deterioration of the conditions of maintenance of a wall and heading crossing which was bolted.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Effectiveness of bolting for wall and heading crossings in light of the Knurów–Szczygłowice Coal Mine experience}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/107917/Duzy-i-inni.pdf}, doi={10.24425/123710}, keywords={roof bolting, fracture zone, underground measurements, work safety}, }