@ARTICLE{Kwaśniewski_Krzysztof_The_2018, author={Kwaśniewski, Krzysztof and Grzesiak, Paweł and Kapłan, Radosław}, number={Nr 107}, journal={Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, pages={5-18}, address={More info at Journal site: https://min-pan.krakow.pl/wydawnictwo/czasopisma/zeszyty-naukowe-instytutu-surowcami-mineralnymi-i-energia-pan/ https://min-pan.krakow.pl/wydawnictwo/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2018/02/Wskazowki-ZN-ang-2018.pdf}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, abstract={This publication presents an assessment of the economic efficiency of a hypothetical installation for the gasification of the municipal and industrial waste for the production of syngas used subsequently for the production of energy or chemical products. The first part of the work presents an example of a technological system for the energo-chemical processing of coal mud and municipal waste, based on the gasification process using a fluidized bed reactor. A hypothetical installation consists of two main blocks: a fuel preparation unit and a gasification unit. In the fuel preparation installation, reception operations take place, storage, and then grinding, mixing, drying and transporting fuel to the gasification unit. In the gasification installation, fuel gasification, oxygen production, cooling and purification of raw process gas and ash treatment are carried out. The following key assumptions regarding the gasification process, as well as the capital expenditures and operating costs related to the process, were estimated. Consequently, based on the method of discounted cash flows, the unit cost of generating energy contained in the synthesis gas (cost of energy, COE) was determined and the results were interpreted. In order to obtain an acceptable efficiency of the gasification process for waste fuels for the production of alternative fuel (process gas), it is necessary to supplement the mixture of waste coal and coal mud with the RDF. In this case, the unit cost of fuel measured by the PLN/GJ index is lower than in the case of hard coal and comparable with brown coal. The use of coal mud for the production of process gas in an economically efficient way is possible only in the case of changes in the legal system allowing for charging fees for the utilization of industrial waste – coal mud.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The economic assessment of the municipal and industrial waste gasification process}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/107929/PDF/kwasniewski-i-inni.pdf}, doi={10.24425/123722}, keywords={efficiency, COE, energy technologies, municipal waste gasification}, }