@ARTICLE{Maznev_E._Force_2016, author={Maznev, E. and Malashchenko, V. and Borys, A.}, volume={vol. 16}, number={No 2}, journal={Teka Commission of Motorization and Power Industry in Agriculture}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={The Lublin Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The article brightens scientific problem concerning the new ball coupling, which can be used in different branches of engineering. A comparative analysis of the results of research known freewheel. The design features a ball coupling on the basis of which it is easy to create a torque limiter evenly tightening bolted connections of various machines and mechanisms. Prepositional necessary analytical fallow that describe the basic values of the forces off the torque limiter, which have become a benchmark for the development of a new design, which received a patent of Ukraine for utility models. Shows a schematic design of torque limiter, which is based on the known developed ball coupling s full description of its constituent parts and principle of operation. Based design features selected design scheme, which allowed for a mathematical model for the analysis of the power unit. Analytically describes the amount of force that acts on working balls at the beginning of the release of their engagement with the groove of the driven coupling half, i.e. an analytical expression effort off the clutch. On the basis of the formulas A quantitative analysis of the impact force of the spring by the amount of torque limiter for different angles of inclination grooves of the coupling halves. Made confirmation of the classical position that the dependence of torque limiter the wire diameter of the spring is the value is not linear. On the basis of current research findings and made practical recommendations for the implementation of the results of research opportunities in industry engineering.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Force turning off the torque limiter}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/108358/PDF-MASTER/3_Maznev.pdf}, keywords={torque limiter, friction, a ball coupling}, }