@ARTICLE{Tatarchenko_G._Features_2016, author={Tatarchenko, G. and Biloshitska, N. and Vodolazskyy, O.}, volume={vol. 16}, number={No 2}, journal={Teka Commission of Motorization and Power Industry in Agriculture}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={The Lublin Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The influence of external factors, temperature and flow velocity on the corrosion processes St3 in model solutions petrochemical plant recycled water with high salinity and hardness without open systems and in the presence of the inhibiting composition. It was found that an increase in temperature leads to a linear increase in corrosion rates, and the change in circulating water flow rate leads to the extreme nature of corrosion processes; optimal conditions are determined. Recommended use of cathodic inhibitors or mixed type inhibitor, in particular, the composition "SVOD-BI" (means for controlling the biological corrosion), which can significantly reduce the effect of temperature and flow on the corrosion rate St3, promotes the growth and strengthening of the oxide film in the presence of oxygen, increases the degree of protection of steel and preventing the formation of at its surface carbonate-calcium deposits.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Features of influence of some factors corrosion of carbon steel in circulating water}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/108366/PDF-MASTER/11_Biloshitska.pdf}, keywords={corrosion of water circulation systems, carbon steel, temperature, flow rate, cathodic inhibitors, calcium carbonate deposits}, }