@ARTICLE{Grześ_Paweł_Picosecond_2018, author={Grześ, Paweł and Michalska, Maria and Świderski, Jacek}, volume={vol. 25}, number={No 4}, journal={Metrology and Measurement Systems}, pages={649–658}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Metrology and Scientific Instrumentation}, abstract={A mode-locked Tm3+-doped fibre laser and amplifier operating at a central wavelength of 1994.3 nm is demonstrated. A thulium oscillator is passively mode-locked by a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror to generate an average power of 17 mW at a fundamental repetition rate of 81 MHz in a short linear cavity. This 2-µm laser train is amplified to an average power to 20.26 W by two double-clad thulium-doped allfibre amplifiers. The pulse energy, duration and peak power is 250 nJ, 23 ps and 9.57 kW, respectively. This represents one of the highest values of average power at ∼ 2-µm-wavelength for picosecond thulium-doped fibre lasers and amplifiers. The performance of the laser system is described in details.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Picosecond mode-locked tm-doped fibre laser and amplifier system providing over 20 W of average output power at 1994 nm}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/108929/PDF/art_01.pdf}, doi={10.24425/mms.2018.124879}, keywords={pulsed fibre lasers and amplifiers, mid-infrared, mode-locked lasers, thulium-doped fibres}, }