@ARTICLE{Bhatkar_Tejas_Wedge_2018, author={Bhatkar, Tejas and Usmani, Altaf and Mandal, Anirban and Nanda, Atal}, volume={vol. 63}, number={No 4}, journal={Archives of Mining Sciences}, pages={963-974}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Committee of Mining PAS}, abstract={This article presents a case study of a large wedge failure. It took place during excavation of the last bench of storage cavern with an approximate dimension of 80 m long having a depth of 8 m. The adopted intervention followed a structured approach, which included immediate rock support, geotechnical and geological investigations in the failure zone and design modifications. Back analyses of the failure zone were also carried out to assess design parameters with observed geological conditions. Re assessment in the failure zone was carried out using modified design parameters, which included shorter benches, rock support installation schemes such as longer rock bolts, reinforced ribs of shotcrete and reduced construction advances. Geotechnical monitoring in and around failure zone were carried out for recording any alarming movements in the rock mass. Initially, geotechnical monitoring was carried out in the recently excavated zone of the cavern on a daily basis. Based on continuous monitoring data for at least one week, the frequency of subsequent monitoring can be decided. In most cases the deformation of rock mass was considerably less than the alarming values which were calculated based on detailed design for different rock classes. The paper discusses the failure, investigation, cause, assessment and remedial measures to complete the construction of cavern.}, type={Article}, title={Wedge Failure Analysis and Remedial Measures in Large Unlined Rock Cavern: a Case Study}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/109031/PDF/Archiwum-63-4-12-Mandal.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ams.2018.124987}, keywords={Wedge Failure, Unlined Rock Cavern, Design and Analysis, Geological Investigations}, }