@ARTICLE{Uberman_Ryszard_Problems_2017, author={Uberman, Ryszard and Uberman, Robert}, number={Nr 100}, journal={Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, pages={265–278}, address={More info at Journal site: https://min-pan.krakow.pl/wydawnictwo/czasopisma/zeszyty-naukowe-instytutu-surowcami-mineralnymi-i-energia-pan/ https://min-pan.krakow.pl/wydawnictwo/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2018/02/Wskazowki-ZN-ang-2018.pdf}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, abstract={The article discusses problems related to rules and regulations determining compensations for the mining usufruct of mineral deposits covered by the so called “state mining ownership”. Specific acts of law framing agreements on mining usufruct between government and mining enterprises were analyzed. Rules and algorithms applied to calculate an appropriate compensation are evaluated leading to several conclusions, including the one about lack of a direct legal grounding for them. Such a situation creates disputes and may be risky for all involved. It was also indicated that, in parallel, the State lets another class of mineral deposits, namely the ones owned as a result of real estate ownership and the related Civil Code regulations confirmed by the mining law. In such cases, a mining entrepreneur gets usufruct of a real estate, but only the one with mineral rights. Subsequently a comparison of the rules and algorithms established for determining compensation for mining usufruct and for usufruct of real-estates comprising rights for mineral assets was performed. Arguments for a far going harmonization between these two were put forward. This implies that a starting point for determining any compensation has to be a valuation of a relevant mineral deposit market value as opposed to any universal, however complicated, prescribed algebraic formula. Such a process is complicated and demands competences in geology, mining and finance. Consequently, regulations set in the Polish Mineral Asset Valuation Code shall be applied to both a running a valuation process and indicating competent persons. As a result, recommendations leading to correlate rules applied in both cases are put forward including the adoption of mineral asset valuation as a fundament to determine the level of compensation for the mining usufruct. The closing section contains recommendations regarding necessary changes in the legal framework.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Problems for establishing compensation for mining usufruct}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/109376/PDF-MASTER/uberman-uberman.pdf}, keywords={mining usufruct, mineral asset valuation, compensation for mining usufruct}, }