@ARTICLE{Biswas_Animesh_Development_2018, author={Biswas, Animesh and Sarkar, Arun}, volume={vol. 28}, number={No 4}, pages={527–549}, journal={Archives of Control Sciences}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Committee of Automatic Control and Robotics PAS}, abstract={The purpose of this article is to develop a multicriteria group decision making (MCGDM) method in dual hesitant fuzzy (DHF) environment by evaluating the weights of the decision makers from the decision matrices using two newly defined prioritized aggregation operators based on score function to remove the inconsistencies in choosing the best alternative. Prioritized weighted averaging operator and prioritized weighted geometric operator based on Einstein operations are described first for aggregating DHF information. Some of their desirable properties are also investigated in details. A method for finding the rank of alternatives in MCGDM problems with DHF information based on priority levels of decision makers is developed. An illustrative example concerning MCGDM problem is considered to establish the application potentiality of the proposed approach. The method is efficient enough to solve different real life MCGDM problems having DHF information.}, title={Development of dual hesitant fuzzy prioritized operators based on Einstein operations with their application to multi-criteria group decision making}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/109501/PDF/ACS-2018-4-2.pdf}, doi={10.24425/acs.2018.125482}, keywords={multi-criteria group decision-making, aggregation operator, dual hesitant fuzzy numbers, Einstein operations, prioritized weighted averaging operator, prioritized weighted geometric operator}, }