@ARTICLE{Li_Li_Some_2018, author={Li, Li and Zhang, Runtong and Wang, Jun and Shang, Xiaopu}, volume={vol. 28}, number={No 4}, pages={551-583}, journal={Archives of Control Sciences}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Committee of Automatic Control and Robotics PAS}, abstract={The recently proposed q-rung orthopair fuzzy set (q-ROFS) characterized by a membership degree and a non-membership degree is powerful tool for handling uncertainty and vagueness. This paper proposes the concept of q-rung orthopair linguistic set (q-ROLS) by combining the linguistic term sets with q-ROFSs. Thereafter, we investigate multi-attribute group decision making (MAGDM) with q-rung orthopair linguistic information. To aggregate q-rung orthopair linguistic numbers ( q-ROLNs), we extend the Heronian mean (HM) to q-ROLSs and propose a family of q-rung orthopair linguistic Heronian mean operators, such as the q-rung orthopair linguistic Heronian mean (q-ROLHM) operator, the q-rung orthopair linguistic weighted Heronian mean (q-ROLWHM) operator, the q-rung orthopair linguistic geometric Heronian mean (q-ROLGHM) operator and the q-rung orthopair linguistic weighted geometric Heronian mean (q-ROLWGHM) operator. Some desirable properties and special cases of the proposed operators are discussed. Further, we develop a novel approach to MAGDM within q-rung orthopair linguistic context based on the proposed operators. A numerical instance is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiorities of the proposed method.}, title={Some q-rung orthopair linguistic Heronian mean operators with their application to multi-attribute group decision making}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/109502/PDF/ACS-2018-4-3.pdf}, doi={10.24425/acs.2018.125483}, keywords={q-rung orthopair fuzzy set, q-rung orthopair linguistic set, Heronian mean, q-rung orthopair linguistic Heronian mean, multi-attribute group decision making}, }